Request Header => api_key api_version correlation_id client_id 
  api_key => INT16
  api_version => INT16
  correlation_id => INT32
  client_id => NULLABLE_STRING
Field Description
api_keyThe id of the request type.
api_versionThe version of the API.
correlation_idA user-supplied integer value that will be passed back with the response
client_idA user specified identifier for the client making the request.
Response Header => correlation_id 
  correlation_id => INT32
Field Description
correlation_idThe user-supplied value passed in with the request
Produce API (Key: 0):

Produce Request (Version: 0) => acks timeout [topic_data] 
  acks => INT16
  timeout => INT32
  topic_data => topic [data] 
    topic => STRING
    data => partition record_set 
      partition => INT32
      record_set => RECORDS
Field Description
acksThe number of acknowledgments the producer requires the leader to have received before considering a request complete. Allowed values: 0 for no acknowledgments, 1 for only the leader and -1 for the full ISR.
timeoutThe time to await a response in ms.

Produce Request (Version: 1) => acks timeout [topic_data] 
  acks => INT16
  timeout => INT32
  topic_data => topic [data] 
    topic => STRING
    data => partition record_set 
      partition => INT32
      record_set => RECORDS
Field Description
acksThe number of acknowledgments the producer requires the leader to have received before considering a request complete. Allowed values: 0 for no acknowledgments, 1 for only the leader and -1 for the full ISR.
timeoutThe time to await a response in ms.

Produce Request (Version: 2) => acks timeout [topic_data] 
  acks => INT16
  timeout => INT32
  topic_data => topic [data] 
    topic => STRING
    data => partition record_set 
      partition => INT32
      record_set => RECORDS
Field Description
acksThe number of acknowledgments the producer requires the leader to have received before considering a request complete. Allowed values: 0 for no acknowledgments, 1 for only the leader and -1 for the full ISR.
timeoutThe time to await a response in ms.

Produce Request (Version: 3) => transactional_id acks timeout [topic_data] 
  transactional_id => NULLABLE_STRING
  acks => INT16
  timeout => INT32
  topic_data => topic [data] 
    topic => STRING
    data => partition record_set 
      partition => INT32
      record_set => RECORDS
Field Description
transactional_idThe transactional ID of the producer. This is used to authorize transaction produce requests. This can be null for non-transactional producers.
acksThe number of acknowledgments the producer requires the leader to have received before considering a request complete. Allowed values: 0 for no acknowledgments, 1 for only the leader and -1 for the full ISR.
timeoutThe time to await a response in ms.


Produce Response (Version: 0) => [responses] 
  responses => topic [partition_responses] 
    topic => STRING
    partition_responses => partition error_code base_offset 
      partition => INT32
      error_code => INT16
      base_offset => INT64
Field Description

Produce Response (Version: 1) => [responses] throttle_time_ms 
  responses => topic [partition_responses] 
    topic => STRING
    partition_responses => partition error_code base_offset 
      partition => INT32
      error_code => INT16
      base_offset => INT64
  throttle_time_ms => INT32
Field Description
throttle_time_msDuration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to quota violation. (Zero if the request did not violate any quota.)

Produce Response (Version: 2) => [responses] throttle_time_ms 
  responses => topic [partition_responses] 
    topic => STRING
    partition_responses => partition error_code base_offset log_append_time 
      partition => INT32
      error_code => INT16
      base_offset => INT64
      log_append_time => INT64
  throttle_time_ms => INT32
Field Description
log_append_timeThe timestamp returned by broker after appending the messages. If CreateTime is used for the topic, the timestamp will be -1. If LogAppendTime is used for the topic, the timestamp will be the broker local time when the messages are appended.
throttle_time_msDuration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to quota violation. (Zero if the request did not violate any quota.)

Produce Response (Version: 3) => [responses] throttle_time_ms 
  responses => topic [partition_responses] 
    topic => STRING
    partition_responses => partition error_code base_offset log_append_time 
      partition => INT32
      error_code => INT16
      base_offset => INT64
      log_append_time => INT64
  throttle_time_ms => INT32
Field Description
log_append_timeThe timestamp returned by broker after appending the messages. If CreateTime is used for the topic, the timestamp will be -1. If LogAppendTime is used for the topic, the timestamp will be the broker local time when the messages are appended.
throttle_time_msDuration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to quota violation. (Zero if the request did not violate any quota.)

Fetch API (Key: 1):

Fetch Request (Version: 0) => replica_id max_wait_time min_bytes [topics] 
  replica_id => INT32
  max_wait_time => INT32
  min_bytes => INT32
  topics => topic [partitions] 
    topic => STRING
    partitions => partition fetch_offset max_bytes 
      partition => INT32
      fetch_offset => INT64
      max_bytes => INT32
Field Description
replica_idBroker id of the follower. For normal consumers, use -1.
max_wait_timeMaximum time in ms to wait for the response.
min_bytesMinimum bytes to accumulate in the response.
topicsTopics to fetch.
topicTopic to fetch.
partitionsPartitions to fetch.
partitionTopic partition id.
fetch_offsetMessage offset.
max_bytesMaximum bytes to fetch.

Fetch Request (Version: 1) => replica_id max_wait_time min_bytes [topics] 
  replica_id => INT32
  max_wait_time => INT32
  min_bytes => INT32
  topics => topic [partitions] 
    topic => STRING
    partitions => partition fetch_offset max_bytes 
      partition => INT32
      fetch_offset => INT64
      max_bytes => INT32
Field Description
replica_idBroker id of the follower. For normal consumers, use -1.
max_wait_timeMaximum time in ms to wait for the response.
min_bytesMinimum bytes to accumulate in the response.
topicsTopics to fetch.
topicTopic to fetch.
partitionsPartitions to fetch.
partitionTopic partition id.
fetch_offsetMessage offset.
max_bytesMaximum bytes to fetch.

Fetch Request (Version: 2) => replica_id max_wait_time min_bytes [topics] 
  replica_id => INT32
  max_wait_time => INT32
  min_bytes => INT32
  topics => topic [partitions] 
    topic => STRING
    partitions => partition fetch_offset max_bytes 
      partition => INT32
      fetch_offset => INT64
      max_bytes => INT32
Field Description
replica_idBroker id of the follower. For normal consumers, use -1.
max_wait_timeMaximum time in ms to wait for the response.
min_bytesMinimum bytes to accumulate in the response.
topicsTopics to fetch.
topicTopic to fetch.
partitionsPartitions to fetch.
partitionTopic partition id.
fetch_offsetMessage offset.
max_bytesMaximum bytes to fetch.

Fetch Request (Version: 3) => replica_id max_wait_time min_bytes max_bytes [topics] 
  replica_id => INT32
  max_wait_time => INT32
  min_bytes => INT32
  max_bytes => INT32
  topics => topic [partitions] 
    topic => STRING
    partitions => partition fetch_offset max_bytes 
      partition => INT32
      fetch_offset => INT64
      max_bytes => INT32
Field Description
replica_idBroker id of the follower. For normal consumers, use -1.
max_wait_timeMaximum time in ms to wait for the response.
min_bytesMinimum bytes to accumulate in the response.
max_bytesMaximum bytes to accumulate in the response. Note that this is not an absolute maximum, if the first message in the first non-empty partition of the fetch is larger than this value, the message will still be returned to ensure that progress can be made.
topicsTopics to fetch in the order provided.
topicTopic to fetch.
partitionsPartitions to fetch.
partitionTopic partition id.
fetch_offsetMessage offset.
max_bytesMaximum bytes to fetch.

Fetch Request (Version: 4) => replica_id max_wait_time min_bytes max_bytes isolation_level [topics] 
  replica_id => INT32
  max_wait_time => INT32
  min_bytes => INT32
  max_bytes => INT32
  isolation_level => INT8
  topics => topic [partitions] 
    topic => STRING
    partitions => partition fetch_offset max_bytes 
      partition => INT32
      fetch_offset => INT64
      max_bytes => INT32
Field Description
replica_idBroker id of the follower. For normal consumers, use -1.
max_wait_timeMaximum time in ms to wait for the response.
min_bytesMinimum bytes to accumulate in the response.
max_bytesMaximum bytes to accumulate in the response. Note that this is not an absolute maximum, if the first message in the first non-empty partition of the fetch is larger than this value, the message will still be returned to ensure that progress can be made.
isolation_levelThis setting controls the visibility of transactional records. Using READ_UNCOMMITTED (isolation_level = 0) makes all records visible. With READ_COMMITTED (isolation_level = 1), non-transactional and COMMITTED transactional records are visible. To be more concrete, READ_COMMITTED returns all data from offsets smaller than the current LSO (last stable offset), and enables the inclusion of the list of aborted transactions in the result, which allows consumers to discard ABORTED transactional records
topicsTopics to fetch in the order provided.
topicTopic to fetch.
partitionsPartitions to fetch.
partitionTopic partition id.
fetch_offsetMessage offset.
max_bytesMaximum bytes to fetch.

Fetch Request (Version: 5) => replica_id max_wait_time min_bytes max_bytes isolation_level [topics] 
  replica_id => INT32
  max_wait_time => INT32
  min_bytes => INT32
  max_bytes => INT32
  isolation_level => INT8
  topics => topic [partitions] 
    topic => STRING
    partitions => partition fetch_offset log_start_offset max_bytes 
      partition => INT32
      fetch_offset => INT64
      log_start_offset => INT64
      max_bytes => INT32
Field Description
replica_idBroker id of the follower. For normal consumers, use -1.
max_wait_timeMaximum time in ms to wait for the response.
min_bytesMinimum bytes to accumulate in the response.
max_bytesMaximum bytes to accumulate in the response. Note that this is not an absolute maximum, if the first message in the first non-empty partition of the fetch is larger than this value, the message will still be returned to ensure that progress can be made.
isolation_levelThis setting controls the visibility of transactional records. Using READ_UNCOMMITTED (isolation_level = 0) makes all records visible. With READ_COMMITTED (isolation_level = 1), non-transactional and COMMITTED transactional records are visible. To be more concrete, READ_COMMITTED returns all data from offsets smaller than the current LSO (last stable offset), and enables the inclusion of the list of aborted transactions in the result, which allows consumers to discard ABORTED transactional records
topicsTopics to fetch in the order provided.
topicTopic to fetch.
partitionsPartitions to fetch.
partitionTopic partition id.
fetch_offsetMessage offset.
log_start_offsetEarliest available offset of the follower replica. The field is only used when request is sent by follower.
max_bytesMaximum bytes to fetch.


Fetch Response (Version: 0) => [responses] 
  responses => topic [partition_responses] 
    topic => STRING
    partition_responses => partition_header record_set 
      partition_header => partition error_code high_watermark 
        partition => INT32
        error_code => INT16
        high_watermark => INT64
      record_set => RECORDS
Field Description
partitionTopic partition id.
high_watermarkLast committed offset.

Fetch Response (Version: 1) => throttle_time_ms [responses] 
  throttle_time_ms => INT32
  responses => topic [partition_responses] 
    topic => STRING
    partition_responses => partition_header record_set 
      partition_header => partition error_code high_watermark 
        partition => INT32
        error_code => INT16
        high_watermark => INT64
      record_set => RECORDS
Field Description
throttle_time_msDuration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to quota violation. (Zero if the request did not violate any quota.)
partitionTopic partition id.
high_watermarkLast committed offset.

Fetch Response (Version: 2) => throttle_time_ms [responses] 
  throttle_time_ms => INT32
  responses => topic [partition_responses] 
    topic => STRING
    partition_responses => partition_header record_set 
      partition_header => partition error_code high_watermark 
        partition => INT32
        error_code => INT16
        high_watermark => INT64
      record_set => RECORDS
Field Description
throttle_time_msDuration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to quota violation. (Zero if the request did not violate any quota.)
partitionTopic partition id.
high_watermarkLast committed offset.

Fetch Response (Version: 3) => throttle_time_ms [responses] 
  throttle_time_ms => INT32
  responses => topic [partition_responses] 
    topic => STRING
    partition_responses => partition_header record_set 
      partition_header => partition error_code high_watermark 
        partition => INT32
        error_code => INT16
        high_watermark => INT64
      record_set => RECORDS
Field Description
throttle_time_msDuration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to quota violation. (Zero if the request did not violate any quota.)
partitionTopic partition id.
high_watermarkLast committed offset.

Fetch Response (Version: 4) => throttle_time_ms [responses] 
  throttle_time_ms => INT32
  responses => topic [partition_responses] 
    topic => STRING
    partition_responses => partition_header record_set 
      partition_header => partition error_code high_watermark last_stable_offset [aborted_transactions] 
        partition => INT32
        error_code => INT16
        high_watermark => INT64
        last_stable_offset => INT64
        aborted_transactions => producer_id first_offset 
          producer_id => INT64
          first_offset => INT64
      record_set => RECORDS
Field Description
throttle_time_msDuration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to quota violation. (Zero if the request did not violate any quota.)
partitionTopic partition id.
high_watermarkLast committed offset.
last_stable_offsetThe last stable offset (or LSO) of the partition. This is the last offset such that the state of all transactional records prior to this offset have been decided (ABORTED or COMMITTED)
producer_idThe producer id associated with the aborted transactions
first_offsetThe first offset in the aborted transaction

Fetch Response (Version: 5) => throttle_time_ms [responses] 
  throttle_time_ms => INT32
  responses => topic [partition_responses] 
    topic => STRING
    partition_responses => partition_header record_set 
      partition_header => partition error_code high_watermark last_stable_offset log_start_offset [aborted_transactions] 
        partition => INT32
        error_code => INT16
        high_watermark => INT64
        last_stable_offset => INT64
        log_start_offset => INT64
        aborted_transactions => producer_id first_offset 
          producer_id => INT64
          first_offset => INT64
      record_set => RECORDS
Field Description
throttle_time_msDuration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to quota violation. (Zero if the request did not violate any quota.)
partitionTopic partition id.
high_watermarkLast committed offset.
last_stable_offsetThe last stable offset (or LSO) of the partition. This is the last offset such that the state of all transactional records prior to this offset have been decided (ABORTED or COMMITTED)
log_start_offsetEarliest available offset.
producer_idThe producer id associated with the aborted transactions
first_offsetThe first offset in the aborted transaction

Offsets API (Key: 2):

Offsets Request (Version: 0) => replica_id [topics] 
  replica_id => INT32
  topics => topic [partitions] 
    topic => STRING
    partitions => partition timestamp max_num_offsets 
      partition => INT32
      timestamp => INT64
      max_num_offsets => INT32
Field Description
replica_idBroker id of the follower. For normal consumers, use -1.
topicsTopics to list offsets.
topicTopic to list offset.
partitionsPartitions to list offset.
partitionTopic partition id.
max_num_offsetsMaximum offsets to return.

Offsets Request (Version: 1) => replica_id [topics] 
  replica_id => INT32
  topics => topic [partitions] 
    topic => STRING
    partitions => partition timestamp 
      partition => INT32
      timestamp => INT64
Field Description
replica_idBroker id of the follower. For normal consumers, use -1.
topicsTopics to list offsets.
topicTopic to list offset.
partitionsPartitions to list offset.
partitionTopic partition id.
timestampThe target timestamp for the partition.

Offsets Request (Version: 2) => replica_id isolation_level [topics] 
  replica_id => INT32
  isolation_level => INT8
  topics => topic [partitions] 
    topic => STRING
    partitions => partition timestamp 
      partition => INT32
      timestamp => INT64
Field Description
replica_idBroker id of the follower. For normal consumers, use -1.
isolation_levelThis setting controls the visibility of transactional records. Using READ_UNCOMMITTED (isolation_level = 0) makes all records visible. With READ_COMMITTED (isolation_level = 1), non-transactional and COMMITTED transactional records are visible. To be more concrete, READ_COMMITTED returns all data from offsets smaller than the current LSO (last stable offset), and enables the inclusion of the list of aborted transactions in the result, which allows consumers to discard ABORTED transactional records
topicsTopics to list offsets.
topicTopic to list offset.
partitionsPartitions to list offset.
partitionTopic partition id.
timestampThe target timestamp for the partition.


Offsets Response (Version: 0) => [responses] 
  responses => topic [partition_responses] 
    topic => STRING
    partition_responses => partition error_code [offsets] 
      partition => INT32
      error_code => INT16
      offsets => INT64
Field Description
partitionTopic partition id.
offsetsA list of offsets.

Offsets Response (Version: 1) => [responses] 
  responses => topic [partition_responses] 
    topic => STRING
    partition_responses => partition error_code timestamp offset 
      partition => INT32
      error_code => INT16
      timestamp => INT64
      offset => INT64
Field Description
partitionTopic partition id.
timestampThe timestamp associated with the returned offset
offsetoffset found

Offsets Response (Version: 2) => throttle_time_ms [responses] 
  throttle_time_ms => INT32
  responses => topic [partition_responses] 
    topic => STRING
    partition_responses => partition error_code timestamp offset 
      partition => INT32
      error_code => INT16
      timestamp => INT64
      offset => INT64
Field Description
throttle_time_msDuration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to quota violation. (Zero if the request did not violate any quota.)
partitionTopic partition id.
timestampThe timestamp associated with the returned offset
offsetoffset found

Metadata API (Key: 3):

Metadata Request (Version: 0) => [topics] 
  topics => STRING
Field Description
topicsAn array of topics to fetch metadata for. If no topics are specified fetch metadata for all topics.

Metadata Request (Version: 1) => [topics] 
  topics => STRING
Field Description
topicsAn array of topics to fetch metadata for. If the topics array is null fetch metadata for all topics.

Metadata Request (Version: 2) => [topics] 
  topics => STRING
Field Description
topicsAn array of topics to fetch metadata for. If the topics array is null fetch metadata for all topics.

Metadata Request (Version: 3) => [topics] 
  topics => STRING
Field Description
topicsAn array of topics to fetch metadata for. If the topics array is null fetch metadata for all topics.

Metadata Request (Version: 4) => [topics] allow_auto_topic_creation 
  topics => STRING
  allow_auto_topic_creation => BOOLEAN
Field Description
topicsAn array of topics to fetch metadata for. If the topics array is null fetch metadata for all topics.
allow_auto_topic_creationIf this and the broker config 'auto.create.topics.enable' are true, topics that don't exist will be created by the broker. Otherwise, no topics will be created by the broker.


Metadata Response (Version: 0) => [brokers] [topic_metadata] 
  brokers => node_id host port 
    node_id => INT32
    host => STRING
    port => INT32
  topic_metadata => topic_error_code topic [partition_metadata] 
    topic_error_code => INT16
    topic => STRING
    partition_metadata => partition_error_code partition_id leader [replicas] [isr] 
      partition_error_code => INT16
      partition_id => INT32
      leader => INT32
      replicas => INT32
      isr => INT32
Field Description
brokersHost and port information for all brokers.
node_idThe broker id.
hostThe hostname of the broker.
portThe port on which the broker accepts requests.
topic_error_codeThe error code for the given topic.
topicThe name of the topic
partition_metadataMetadata for each partition of the topic.
partition_error_codeThe error code for the partition, if any.
partition_idThe id of the partition.
leaderThe id of the broker acting as leader for this partition.
replicasThe set of all nodes that host this partition.
isrThe set of nodes that are in sync with the leader for this partition.

Metadata Response (Version: 1) => [brokers] controller_id [topic_metadata] 
  brokers => node_id host port rack 
    node_id => INT32
    host => STRING
    port => INT32
  controller_id => INT32
  topic_metadata => topic_error_code topic is_internal [partition_metadata] 
    topic_error_code => INT16
    topic => STRING
    is_internal => BOOLEAN
    partition_metadata => partition_error_code partition_id leader [replicas] [isr] 
      partition_error_code => INT16
      partition_id => INT32
      leader => INT32
      replicas => INT32
      isr => INT32
Field Description
brokersHost and port information for all brokers.
node_idThe broker id.
hostThe hostname of the broker.
portThe port on which the broker accepts requests.
rackThe rack of the broker.
controller_idThe broker id of the controller broker.
topic_error_codeThe error code for the given topic.
topicThe name of the topic
is_internalIndicates if the topic is considered a Kafka internal topic
partition_metadataMetadata for each partition of the topic.
partition_error_codeThe error code for the partition, if any.
partition_idThe id of the partition.
leaderThe id of the broker acting as leader for this partition.
replicasThe set of all nodes that host this partition.
isrThe set of nodes that are in sync with the leader for this partition.

Metadata Response (Version: 2) => [brokers] cluster_id controller_id [topic_metadata] 
  brokers => node_id host port rack 
    node_id => INT32
    host => STRING
    port => INT32
  cluster_id => NULLABLE_STRING
  controller_id => INT32
  topic_metadata => topic_error_code topic is_internal [partition_metadata] 
    topic_error_code => INT16
    topic => STRING
    is_internal => BOOLEAN
    partition_metadata => partition_error_code partition_id leader [replicas] [isr] 
      partition_error_code => INT16
      partition_id => INT32
      leader => INT32
      replicas => INT32
      isr => INT32
Field Description
brokersHost and port information for all brokers.
node_idThe broker id.
hostThe hostname of the broker.
portThe port on which the broker accepts requests.
rackThe rack of the broker.
cluster_idThe cluster id that this broker belongs to.
controller_idThe broker id of the controller broker.
topic_error_codeThe error code for the given topic.
topicThe name of the topic
is_internalIndicates if the topic is considered a Kafka internal topic
partition_metadataMetadata for each partition of the topic.
partition_error_codeThe error code for the partition, if any.
partition_idThe id of the partition.
leaderThe id of the broker acting as leader for this partition.
replicasThe set of all nodes that host this partition.
isrThe set of nodes that are in sync with the leader for this partition.

Metadata Response (Version: 3) => throttle_time_ms [brokers] cluster_id controller_id [topic_metadata] 
  throttle_time_ms => INT32
  brokers => node_id host port rack 
    node_id => INT32
    host => STRING
    port => INT32
  cluster_id => NULLABLE_STRING
  controller_id => INT32
  topic_metadata => topic_error_code topic is_internal [partition_metadata] 
    topic_error_code => INT16
    topic => STRING
    is_internal => BOOLEAN
    partition_metadata => partition_error_code partition_id leader [replicas] [isr] 
      partition_error_code => INT16
      partition_id => INT32
      leader => INT32
      replicas => INT32
      isr => INT32
Field Description
throttle_time_msDuration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to quota violation. (Zero if the request did not violate any quota.)
brokersHost and port information for all brokers.
node_idThe broker id.
hostThe hostname of the broker.
portThe port on which the broker accepts requests.
rackThe rack of the broker.
cluster_idThe cluster id that this broker belongs to.
controller_idThe broker id of the controller broker.
topic_error_codeThe error code for the given topic.
topicThe name of the topic
is_internalIndicates if the topic is considered a Kafka internal topic
partition_metadataMetadata for each partition of the topic.
partition_error_codeThe error code for the partition, if any.
partition_idThe id of the partition.
leaderThe id of the broker acting as leader for this partition.
replicasThe set of all nodes that host this partition.
isrThe set of nodes that are in sync with the leader for this partition.

Metadata Response (Version: 4) => throttle_time_ms [brokers] cluster_id controller_id [topic_metadata] 
  throttle_time_ms => INT32
  brokers => node_id host port rack 
    node_id => INT32
    host => STRING
    port => INT32
  cluster_id => NULLABLE_STRING
  controller_id => INT32
  topic_metadata => topic_error_code topic is_internal [partition_metadata] 
    topic_error_code => INT16
    topic => STRING
    is_internal => BOOLEAN
    partition_metadata => partition_error_code partition_id leader [replicas] [isr] 
      partition_error_code => INT16
      partition_id => INT32
      leader => INT32
      replicas => INT32
      isr => INT32
Field Description
throttle_time_msDuration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to quota violation. (Zero if the request did not violate any quota.)
brokersHost and port information for all brokers.
node_idThe broker id.
hostThe hostname of the broker.
portThe port on which the broker accepts requests.
rackThe rack of the broker.
cluster_idThe cluster id that this broker belongs to.
controller_idThe broker id of the controller broker.
topic_error_codeThe error code for the given topic.
topicThe name of the topic
is_internalIndicates if the topic is considered a Kafka internal topic
partition_metadataMetadata for each partition of the topic.
partition_error_codeThe error code for the partition, if any.
partition_idThe id of the partition.
leaderThe id of the broker acting as leader for this partition.
replicasThe set of all nodes that host this partition.
isrThe set of nodes that are in sync with the leader for this partition.

LeaderAndIsr API (Key: 4):

LeaderAndIsr Request (Version: 0) => controller_id controller_epoch [partition_states] [live_leaders] 
  controller_id => INT32
  controller_epoch => INT32
  partition_states => topic partition controller_epoch leader leader_epoch [isr] zk_version [replicas] 
    topic => STRING
    partition => INT32
    controller_epoch => INT32
    leader => INT32
    leader_epoch => INT32
    isr => INT32
    zk_version => INT32
    replicas => INT32
  live_leaders => id host port 
    id => INT32
    host => STRING
    port => INT32
Field Description
controller_idThe controller id.
controller_epochThe controller epoch.
topicTopic name.
partitionTopic partition id.
controller_epochThe controller epoch.
leaderThe broker id for the leader.
leader_epochThe leader epoch.
isrThe in sync replica ids.
zk_versionThe ZK version.
replicasThe replica ids.
idThe broker id.
hostThe hostname of the broker.
portThe port on which the broker accepts requests.


LeaderAndIsr Response (Version: 0) => error_code [partitions] 
  error_code => INT16
  partitions => topic partition error_code 
    topic => STRING
    partition => INT32
    error_code => INT16
Field Description
error_codeError code.
topicTopic name.
partitionTopic partition id.
error_codeError code.

StopReplica API (Key: 5):

StopReplica Request (Version: 0) => controller_id controller_epoch delete_partitions [partitions] 
  controller_id => INT32
  controller_epoch => INT32
  delete_partitions => BOOLEAN
  partitions => topic partition 
    topic => STRING
    partition => INT32
Field Description
controller_idThe controller id.
controller_epochThe controller epoch.
delete_partitionsBoolean which indicates if replica's partitions must be deleted.
topicTopic name.
partitionTopic partition id.


StopReplica Response (Version: 0) => error_code [partitions] 
  error_code => INT16
  partitions => topic partition error_code 
    topic => STRING
    partition => INT32
    error_code => INT16
Field Description
error_codeError code.
topicTopic name.
partitionTopic partition id.
error_codeError code.

UpdateMetadata API (Key: 6):

UpdateMetadata Request (Version: 0) => controller_id controller_epoch [partition_states] [live_brokers] 
  controller_id => INT32
  controller_epoch => INT32
  partition_states => topic partition controller_epoch leader leader_epoch [isr] zk_version [replicas] 
    topic => STRING
    partition => INT32
    controller_epoch => INT32
    leader => INT32
    leader_epoch => INT32
    isr => INT32
    zk_version => INT32
    replicas => INT32
  live_brokers => id host port 
    id => INT32
    host => STRING
    port => INT32
Field Description
controller_idThe controller id.
controller_epochThe controller epoch.
topicTopic name.
partitionTopic partition id.
controller_epochThe controller epoch.
leaderThe broker id for the leader.
leader_epochThe leader epoch.
isrThe in sync replica ids.
zk_versionThe ZK version.
replicasThe replica ids.
idThe broker id.
hostThe hostname of the broker.
portThe port on which the broker accepts requests.

UpdateMetadata Request (Version: 1) => controller_id controller_epoch [partition_states] [live_brokers] 
  controller_id => INT32
  controller_epoch => INT32
  partition_states => topic partition controller_epoch leader leader_epoch [isr] zk_version [replicas] 
    topic => STRING
    partition => INT32
    controller_epoch => INT32
    leader => INT32
    leader_epoch => INT32
    isr => INT32
    zk_version => INT32
    replicas => INT32
  live_brokers => id [end_points] 
    id => INT32
    end_points => port host security_protocol_type 
      port => INT32
      host => STRING
      security_protocol_type => INT16
Field Description
controller_idThe controller id.
controller_epochThe controller epoch.
topicTopic name.
partitionTopic partition id.
controller_epochThe controller epoch.
leaderThe broker id for the leader.
leader_epochThe leader epoch.
isrThe in sync replica ids.
zk_versionThe ZK version.
replicasThe replica ids.
idThe broker id.
portThe port on which the broker accepts requests.
hostThe hostname of the broker.
security_protocol_typeThe security protocol type.

UpdateMetadata Request (Version: 2) => controller_id controller_epoch [partition_states] [live_brokers] 
  controller_id => INT32
  controller_epoch => INT32
  partition_states => topic partition controller_epoch leader leader_epoch [isr] zk_version [replicas] 
    topic => STRING
    partition => INT32
    controller_epoch => INT32
    leader => INT32
    leader_epoch => INT32
    isr => INT32
    zk_version => INT32
    replicas => INT32
  live_brokers => id [end_points] rack 
    id => INT32
    end_points => port host security_protocol_type 
      port => INT32
      host => STRING
      security_protocol_type => INT16
Field Description
controller_idThe controller id.
controller_epochThe controller epoch.
topicTopic name.
partitionTopic partition id.
controller_epochThe controller epoch.
leaderThe broker id for the leader.
leader_epochThe leader epoch.
isrThe in sync replica ids.
zk_versionThe ZK version.
replicasThe replica ids.
idThe broker id.
portThe port on which the broker accepts requests.
hostThe hostname of the broker.
security_protocol_typeThe security protocol type.
rackThe rack

UpdateMetadata Request (Version: 3) => controller_id controller_epoch [partition_states] [live_brokers] 
  controller_id => INT32
  controller_epoch => INT32
  partition_states => topic partition controller_epoch leader leader_epoch [isr] zk_version [replicas] 
    topic => STRING
    partition => INT32
    controller_epoch => INT32
    leader => INT32
    leader_epoch => INT32
    isr => INT32
    zk_version => INT32
    replicas => INT32
  live_brokers => id [end_points] rack 
    id => INT32
    end_points => port host listener_name security_protocol_type 
      port => INT32
      host => STRING
      listener_name => STRING
      security_protocol_type => INT16
Field Description
controller_idThe controller id.
controller_epochThe controller epoch.
topicTopic name.
partitionTopic partition id.
controller_epochThe controller epoch.
leaderThe broker id for the leader.
leader_epochThe leader epoch.
isrThe in sync replica ids.
zk_versionThe ZK version.
replicasThe replica ids.
idThe broker id.
portThe port on which the broker accepts requests.
hostThe hostname of the broker.
listener_nameThe listener name.
security_protocol_typeThe security protocol type.
rackThe rack


UpdateMetadata Response (Version: 0) => error_code 
  error_code => INT16
Field Description
error_codeError code.

UpdateMetadata Response (Version: 1) => error_code 
  error_code => INT16
Field Description
error_codeError code.

UpdateMetadata Response (Version: 2) => error_code 
  error_code => INT16
Field Description
error_codeError code.

UpdateMetadata Response (Version: 3) => error_code 
  error_code => INT16
Field Description
error_codeError code.

ControlledShutdown API (Key: 7):

ControlledShutdown Request (Version: 1) => broker_id 
  broker_id => INT32
Field Description
broker_idThe id of the broker for which controlled shutdown has been requested.


ControlledShutdown Response (Version: 1) => error_code [partitions_remaining] 
  error_code => INT16
  partitions_remaining => topic partition 
    topic => STRING
    partition => INT32
Field Description
partitions_remainingThe partitions that the broker still leads.
partitionTopic partition id.

OffsetCommit API (Key: 8):

OffsetCommit Request (Version: 0) => group_id [topics] 
  group_id => STRING
  topics => topic [partitions] 
    topic => STRING
    partitions => partition offset metadata 
      partition => INT32
      offset => INT64
      metadata => NULLABLE_STRING
Field Description
group_idThe group id.
topicsTopics to commit offsets.
topicTopic to commit.
partitionsPartitions to commit offsets.
partitionTopic partition id.
offsetMessage offset to be committed.
metadataAny associated metadata the client wants to keep.

OffsetCommit Request (Version: 1) => group_id group_generation_id member_id [topics] 
  group_id => STRING
  group_generation_id => INT32
  member_id => STRING
  topics => topic [partitions] 
    topic => STRING
    partitions => partition offset timestamp metadata 
      partition => INT32
      offset => INT64
      timestamp => INT64
      metadata => NULLABLE_STRING
Field Description
group_idThe group id.
group_generation_idThe generation of the group.
member_idThe member id assigned by the group coordinator.
topicsTopics to commit offsets.
topicTopic to commit.
partitionsPartitions to commit offsets.
partitionTopic partition id.
offsetMessage offset to be committed.
timestampTimestamp of the commit
metadataAny associated metadata the client wants to keep.

OffsetCommit Request (Version: 2) => group_id group_generation_id member_id retention_time [topics] 
  group_id => STRING
  group_generation_id => INT32
  member_id => STRING
  retention_time => INT64
  topics => topic [partitions] 
    topic => STRING
    partitions => partition offset metadata 
      partition => INT32
      offset => INT64
      metadata => NULLABLE_STRING
Field Description
group_idThe group id.
group_generation_idThe generation of the consumer group.
member_idThe consumer id assigned by the group coordinator.
retention_timeTime period in ms to retain the offset.
topicsTopics to commit offsets.
topicTopic to commit.
partitionsPartitions to commit offsets.
partitionTopic partition id.
offsetMessage offset to be committed.
metadataAny associated metadata the client wants to keep.

OffsetCommit Request (Version: 3) => group_id group_generation_id member_id retention_time [topics] 
  group_id => STRING
  group_generation_id => INT32
  member_id => STRING
  retention_time => INT64
  topics => topic [partitions] 
    topic => STRING
    partitions => partition offset metadata 
      partition => INT32
      offset => INT64
      metadata => NULLABLE_STRING
Field Description
group_idThe group id.
group_generation_idThe generation of the consumer group.
member_idThe consumer id assigned by the group coordinator.
retention_timeTime period in ms to retain the offset.
topicsTopics to commit offsets.
topicTopic to commit.
partitionsPartitions to commit offsets.
partitionTopic partition id.
offsetMessage offset to be committed.
metadataAny associated metadata the client wants to keep.


OffsetCommit Response (Version: 0) => [responses] 
  responses => topic [partition_responses] 
    topic => STRING
    partition_responses => partition error_code 
      partition => INT32
      error_code => INT16
Field Description
partitionTopic partition id.

OffsetCommit Response (Version: 1) => [responses] 
  responses => topic [partition_responses] 
    topic => STRING
    partition_responses => partition error_code 
      partition => INT32
      error_code => INT16
Field Description
partitionTopic partition id.

OffsetCommit Response (Version: 2) => [responses] 
  responses => topic [partition_responses] 
    topic => STRING
    partition_responses => partition error_code 
      partition => INT32
      error_code => INT16
Field Description
partitionTopic partition id.

OffsetCommit Response (Version: 3) => throttle_time_ms [responses] 
  throttle_time_ms => INT32
  responses => topic [partition_responses] 
    topic => STRING
    partition_responses => partition error_code 
      partition => INT32
      error_code => INT16
Field Description
throttle_time_msDuration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to quota violation. (Zero if the request did not violate any quota.)
partitionTopic partition id.

OffsetFetch API (Key: 9):

OffsetFetch Request (Version: 0) => group_id [topics] 
  group_id => STRING
  topics => topic [partitions] 
    topic => STRING
    partitions => partition 
      partition => INT32
Field Description
group_idThe consumer group id.
topicsTopics to fetch offsets.
topicTopic to fetch offset.
partitionsPartitions to fetch offsets.
partitionTopic partition id.

OffsetFetch Request (Version: 1) => group_id [topics] 
  group_id => STRING
  topics => topic [partitions] 
    topic => STRING
    partitions => partition 
      partition => INT32
Field Description
group_idThe consumer group id.
topicsTopics to fetch offsets.
topicTopic to fetch offset.
partitionsPartitions to fetch offsets.
partitionTopic partition id.

OffsetFetch Request (Version: 2) => group_id [topics] 
  group_id => STRING
  topics => topic [partitions] 
    topic => STRING
    partitions => partition 
      partition => INT32
Field Description
group_idThe consumer group id.
topicsTopics to fetch offsets. If the topic array is null fetch offsets for all topics.
topicTopic to fetch offset.
partitionsPartitions to fetch offsets.
partitionTopic partition id.

OffsetFetch Request (Version: 3) => group_id [topics] 
  group_id => STRING
  topics => topic [partitions] 
    topic => STRING
    partitions => partition 
      partition => INT32
Field Description
group_idThe consumer group id.
topicsTopics to fetch offsets. If the topic array is null fetch offsets for all topics.
topicTopic to fetch offset.
partitionsPartitions to fetch offsets.
partitionTopic partition id.


OffsetFetch Response (Version: 0) => [responses] 
  responses => topic [partition_responses] 
    topic => STRING
    partition_responses => partition offset metadata error_code 
      partition => INT32
      offset => INT64
      metadata => NULLABLE_STRING
      error_code => INT16
Field Description
partitionTopic partition id.
offsetLast committed message offset.
metadataAny associated metadata the client wants to keep.

OffsetFetch Response (Version: 1) => [responses] 
  responses => topic [partition_responses] 
    topic => STRING
    partition_responses => partition offset metadata error_code 
      partition => INT32
      offset => INT64
      metadata => NULLABLE_STRING
      error_code => INT16
Field Description
partitionTopic partition id.
offsetLast committed message offset.
metadataAny associated metadata the client wants to keep.

OffsetFetch Response (Version: 2) => [responses] error_code 
  responses => topic [partition_responses] 
    topic => STRING
    partition_responses => partition offset metadata error_code 
      partition => INT32
      offset => INT64
      metadata => NULLABLE_STRING
      error_code => INT16
  error_code => INT16
Field Description
partitionTopic partition id.
offsetLast committed message offset.
metadataAny associated metadata the client wants to keep.

OffsetFetch Response (Version: 3) => throttle_time_ms [responses] error_code 
  throttle_time_ms => INT32
  responses => topic [partition_responses] 
    topic => STRING
    partition_responses => partition offset metadata error_code 
      partition => INT32
      offset => INT64
      metadata => NULLABLE_STRING
      error_code => INT16
  error_code => INT16
Field Description
throttle_time_msDuration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to quota violation. (Zero if the request did not violate any quota.)
partitionTopic partition id.
offsetLast committed message offset.
metadataAny associated metadata the client wants to keep.

FindCoordinator API (Key: 10):

FindCoordinator Request (Version: 0) => group_id 
  group_id => STRING
Field Description
group_idThe unique group id.

FindCoordinator Request (Version: 1) => coordinator_key coordinator_type 
  coordinator_key => STRING
  coordinator_type => INT8
Field Description
coordinator_keyId to use for finding the coordinator (for groups, this is the groupId, for transactional producers, this is the transactional id)
coordinator_typeThe type of coordinator to find (0 = group, 1 = transaction)


FindCoordinator Response (Version: 0) => error_code coordinator 
  error_code => INT16
  coordinator => node_id host port 
    node_id => INT32
    host => STRING
    port => INT32
Field Description
coordinatorHost and port information for the coordinator for a consumer group.
node_idThe broker id.
hostThe hostname of the broker.
portThe port on which the broker accepts requests.

FindCoordinator Response (Version: 1) => throttle_time_ms error_code error_message coordinator 
  throttle_time_ms => INT32
  error_code => INT16
  error_message => NULLABLE_STRING
  coordinator => node_id host port 
    node_id => INT32
    host => STRING
    port => INT32
Field Description
throttle_time_msDuration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to quota violation. (Zero if the request did not violate any quota.)
coordinatorHost and port information for the coordinator for a consumer group.
node_idThe broker id.
hostThe hostname of the broker.
portThe port on which the broker accepts requests.

JoinGroup API (Key: 11):

JoinGroup Request (Version: 0) => group_id session_timeout member_id protocol_type [group_protocols] 
  group_id => STRING
  session_timeout => INT32
  member_id => STRING
  protocol_type => STRING
  group_protocols => protocol_name protocol_metadata 
    protocol_name => STRING
    protocol_metadata => BYTES
Field Description
group_idThe group id.
session_timeoutThe coordinator considers the consumer dead if it receives no heartbeat after this timeout in ms.
member_idThe assigned consumer id or an empty string for a new consumer.
protocol_typeUnique name for class of protocols implemented by group
group_protocolsList of protocols that the member supports

JoinGroup Request (Version: 1) => group_id session_timeout rebalance_timeout member_id protocol_type [group_protocols] 
  group_id => STRING
  session_timeout => INT32
  rebalance_timeout => INT32
  member_id => STRING
  protocol_type => STRING
  group_protocols => protocol_name protocol_metadata 
    protocol_name => STRING
    protocol_metadata => BYTES
Field Description
group_idThe group id.
session_timeoutThe coordinator considers the consumer dead if it receives no heartbeat after this timeout in ms.
rebalance_timeoutThe maximum time that the coordinator will wait for each member to rejoin when rebalancing the group
member_idThe assigned consumer id or an empty string for a new consumer.
protocol_typeUnique name for class of protocols implemented by group
group_protocolsList of protocols that the member supports

JoinGroup Request (Version: 2) => group_id session_timeout rebalance_timeout member_id protocol_type [group_protocols] 
  group_id => STRING
  session_timeout => INT32
  rebalance_timeout => INT32
  member_id => STRING
  protocol_type => STRING
  group_protocols => protocol_name protocol_metadata 
    protocol_name => STRING
    protocol_metadata => BYTES
Field Description
group_idThe group id.
session_timeoutThe coordinator considers the consumer dead if it receives no heartbeat after this timeout in ms.
rebalance_timeoutThe maximum time that the coordinator will wait for each member to rejoin when rebalancing the group
member_idThe assigned consumer id or an empty string for a new consumer.
protocol_typeUnique name for class of protocols implemented by group
group_protocolsList of protocols that the member supports


JoinGroup Response (Version: 0) => error_code generation_id group_protocol leader_id member_id [members] 
  error_code => INT16
  generation_id => INT32
  group_protocol => STRING
  leader_id => STRING
  member_id => STRING
  members => member_id member_metadata 
    member_id => STRING
    member_metadata => BYTES
Field Description
generation_idThe generation of the consumer group.
group_protocolThe group protocol selected by the coordinator
leader_idThe leader of the group
member_idThe consumer id assigned by the group coordinator.

JoinGroup Response (Version: 1) => error_code generation_id group_protocol leader_id member_id [members] 
  error_code => INT16
  generation_id => INT32
  group_protocol => STRING
  leader_id => STRING
  member_id => STRING
  members => member_id member_metadata 
    member_id => STRING
    member_metadata => BYTES
Field Description
generation_idThe generation of the consumer group.
group_protocolThe group protocol selected by the coordinator
leader_idThe leader of the group
member_idThe consumer id assigned by the group coordinator.

JoinGroup Response (Version: 2) => throttle_time_ms error_code generation_id group_protocol leader_id member_id [members] 
  throttle_time_ms => INT32
  error_code => INT16
  generation_id => INT32
  group_protocol => STRING
  leader_id => STRING
  member_id => STRING
  members => member_id member_metadata 
    member_id => STRING
    member_metadata => BYTES
Field Description
throttle_time_msDuration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to quota violation. (Zero if the request did not violate any quota.)
generation_idThe generation of the consumer group.
group_protocolThe group protocol selected by the coordinator
leader_idThe leader of the group
member_idThe consumer id assigned by the group coordinator.

Heartbeat API (Key: 12):

Heartbeat Request (Version: 0) => group_id group_generation_id member_id 
  group_id => STRING
  group_generation_id => INT32
  member_id => STRING
Field Description
group_idThe group id.
group_generation_idThe generation of the group.
member_idThe member id assigned by the group coordinator.

Heartbeat Request (Version: 1) => group_id group_generation_id member_id 
  group_id => STRING
  group_generation_id => INT32
  member_id => STRING
Field Description
group_idThe group id.
group_generation_idThe generation of the group.
member_idThe member id assigned by the group coordinator.


Heartbeat Response (Version: 0) => error_code 
  error_code => INT16
Field Description

Heartbeat Response (Version: 1) => throttle_time_ms error_code 
  throttle_time_ms => INT32
  error_code => INT16
Field Description
throttle_time_msDuration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to quota violation. (Zero if the request did not violate any quota.)

LeaveGroup API (Key: 13):

LeaveGroup Request (Version: 0) => group_id member_id 
  group_id => STRING
  member_id => STRING
Field Description
group_idThe group id.
member_idThe member id assigned by the group coordinator.

LeaveGroup Request (Version: 1) => group_id member_id 
  group_id => STRING
  member_id => STRING
Field Description
group_idThe group id.
member_idThe member id assigned by the group coordinator.


LeaveGroup Response (Version: 0) => error_code 
  error_code => INT16
Field Description

LeaveGroup Response (Version: 1) => throttle_time_ms error_code 
  throttle_time_ms => INT32
  error_code => INT16
Field Description
throttle_time_msDuration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to quota violation. (Zero if the request did not violate any quota.)

SyncGroup API (Key: 14):

SyncGroup Request (Version: 0) => group_id generation_id member_id [group_assignment] 
  group_id => STRING
  generation_id => INT32
  member_id => STRING
  group_assignment => member_id member_assignment 
    member_id => STRING
    member_assignment => BYTES
Field Description

SyncGroup Request (Version: 1) => group_id generation_id member_id [group_assignment] 
  group_id => STRING
  generation_id => INT32
  member_id => STRING
  group_assignment => member_id member_assignment 
    member_id => STRING
    member_assignment => BYTES
Field Description


SyncGroup Response (Version: 0) => error_code member_assignment 
  error_code => INT16
  member_assignment => BYTES
Field Description

SyncGroup Response (Version: 1) => throttle_time_ms error_code member_assignment 
  throttle_time_ms => INT32
  error_code => INT16
  member_assignment => BYTES
Field Description
throttle_time_msDuration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to quota violation. (Zero if the request did not violate any quota.)

DescribeGroups API (Key: 15):

DescribeGroups Request (Version: 0) => [group_ids] 
  group_ids => STRING
Field Description
group_idsList of groupIds to request metadata for (an empty groupId array will return empty group metadata).

DescribeGroups Request (Version: 1) => [group_ids] 
  group_ids => STRING
Field Description
group_idsList of groupIds to request metadata for (an empty groupId array will return empty group metadata).


DescribeGroups Response (Version: 0) => [groups] 
  groups => error_code group_id state protocol_type protocol [members] 
    error_code => INT16
    group_id => STRING
    state => STRING
    protocol_type => STRING
    protocol => STRING
    members => member_id client_id client_host member_metadata member_assignment 
      member_id => STRING
      client_id => STRING
      client_host => STRING
      member_metadata => BYTES
      member_assignment => BYTES
Field Description
stateThe current state of the group (one of: Dead, Stable, AwaitingSync, PreparingRebalance, or empty if there is no active group)
protocol_typeThe current group protocol type (will be empty if there is no active group)
protocolThe current group protocol (only provided if the group is Stable)
membersCurrent group members (only provided if the group is not Dead)
member_idThe memberId assigned by the coordinator
client_idThe client id used in the member's latest join group request
client_hostThe client host used in the request session corresponding to the member's join group.
member_metadataThe metadata corresponding to the current group protocol in use (will only be present if the group is stable).
member_assignmentThe current assignment provided by the group leader (will only be present if the group is stable).

DescribeGroups Response (Version: 1) => throttle_time_ms [groups] 
  throttle_time_ms => INT32
  groups => error_code group_id state protocol_type protocol [members] 
    error_code => INT16
    group_id => STRING
    state => STRING
    protocol_type => STRING
    protocol => STRING
    members => member_id client_id client_host member_metadata member_assignment 
      member_id => STRING
      client_id => STRING
      client_host => STRING
      member_metadata => BYTES
      member_assignment => BYTES
Field Description
throttle_time_msDuration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to quota violation. (Zero if the request did not violate any quota.)
stateThe current state of the group (one of: Dead, Stable, AwaitingSync, PreparingRebalance, or empty if there is no active group)
protocol_typeThe current group protocol type (will be empty if there is no active group)
protocolThe current group protocol (only provided if the group is Stable)
membersCurrent group members (only provided if the group is not Dead)
member_idThe memberId assigned by the coordinator
client_idThe client id used in the member's latest join group request
client_hostThe client host used in the request session corresponding to the member's join group.
member_metadataThe metadata corresponding to the current group protocol in use (will only be present if the group is stable).
member_assignmentThe current assignment provided by the group leader (will only be present if the group is stable).

ListGroups API (Key: 16):

ListGroups Request (Version: 0) => 
Field Description

ListGroups Request (Version: 1) => 
Field Description


ListGroups Response (Version: 0) => error_code [groups] 
  error_code => INT16
  groups => group_id protocol_type 
    group_id => STRING
    protocol_type => STRING
Field Description

ListGroups Response (Version: 1) => throttle_time_ms error_code [groups] 
  throttle_time_ms => INT32
  error_code => INT16
  groups => group_id protocol_type 
    group_id => STRING
    protocol_type => STRING
Field Description
throttle_time_msDuration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to quota violation. (Zero if the request did not violate any quota.)

SaslHandshake API (Key: 17):

SaslHandshake Request (Version: 0) => mechanism 
  mechanism => STRING
Field Description
mechanismSASL Mechanism chosen by the client.


SaslHandshake Response (Version: 0) => error_code [enabled_mechanisms] 
  error_code => INT16
  enabled_mechanisms => STRING
Field Description
enabled_mechanismsArray of mechanisms enabled in the server.

ApiVersions API (Key: 18):

ApiVersions Request (Version: 0) => 
Field Description

ApiVersions Request (Version: 1) => 
Field Description


ApiVersions Response (Version: 0) => error_code [api_versions] 
  error_code => INT16
  api_versions => api_key min_version max_version 
    api_key => INT16
    min_version => INT16
    max_version => INT16
Field Description
error_codeError code.
api_versionsAPI versions supported by the broker.
api_keyAPI key.
min_versionMinimum supported version.
max_versionMaximum supported version.

ApiVersions Response (Version: 1) => error_code [api_versions] throttle_time_ms 
  error_code => INT16
  api_versions => api_key min_version max_version 
    api_key => INT16
    min_version => INT16
    max_version => INT16
  throttle_time_ms => INT32
Field Description
error_codeError code.
api_versionsAPI versions supported by the broker.
api_keyAPI key.
min_versionMinimum supported version.
max_versionMaximum supported version.
throttle_time_msDuration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to quota violation. (Zero if the request did not violate any quota.)

CreateTopics API (Key: 19):

CreateTopics Request (Version: 0) => [create_topic_requests] timeout 
  create_topic_requests => topic num_partitions replication_factor [replica_assignment] [config_entries] 
    topic => STRING
    num_partitions => INT32
    replication_factor => INT16
    replica_assignment => partition_id [replicas] 
      partition_id => INT32
      replicas => INT32
    config_entries => config_name config_value 
      config_name => STRING
      config_value => NULLABLE_STRING
  timeout => INT32
Field Description
create_topic_requestsAn array of single topic creation requests. Can not have multiple entries for the same topic.
topicName for newly created topic.
num_partitionsNumber of partitions to be created. -1 indicates unset.
replication_factorReplication factor for the topic. -1 indicates unset.
replica_assignmentReplica assignment among kafka brokers for this topic partitions. If this is set num_partitions and replication_factor must be unset.
replicasThe set of all nodes that should host this partition. The first replica in the list is the preferred leader.
config_entriesTopic level configuration for topic to be set.
config_nameConfiguration name
config_valueConfiguration value
timeoutThe time in ms to wait for a topic to be completely created on the controller node. Values <= 0 will trigger topic creation and return immediately

CreateTopics Request (Version: 1) => [create_topic_requests] timeout validate_only 
  create_topic_requests => topic num_partitions replication_factor [replica_assignment] [config_entries] 
    topic => STRING
    num_partitions => INT32
    replication_factor => INT16
    replica_assignment => partition_id [replicas] 
      partition_id => INT32
      replicas => INT32
    config_entries => config_name config_value 
      config_name => STRING
      config_value => NULLABLE_STRING
  timeout => INT32
  validate_only => BOOLEAN
Field Description
create_topic_requestsAn array of single topic creation requests. Can not have multiple entries for the same topic.
topicName for newly created topic.
num_partitionsNumber of partitions to be created. -1 indicates unset.
replication_factorReplication factor for the topic. -1 indicates unset.
replica_assignmentReplica assignment among kafka brokers for this topic partitions. If this is set num_partitions and replication_factor must be unset.
replicasThe set of all nodes that should host this partition. The first replica in the list is the preferred leader.
config_entriesTopic level configuration for topic to be set.
config_nameConfiguration name
config_valueConfiguration value
timeoutThe time in ms to wait for a topic to be completely created on the controller node. Values <= 0 will trigger topic creation and return immediately
validate_onlyIf this is true, the request will be validated, but the topic won't be created.

CreateTopics Request (Version: 2) => [create_topic_requests] timeout validate_only 
  create_topic_requests => topic num_partitions replication_factor [replica_assignment] [config_entries] 
    topic => STRING
    num_partitions => INT32
    replication_factor => INT16
    replica_assignment => partition_id [replicas] 
      partition_id => INT32
      replicas => INT32
    config_entries => config_name config_value 
      config_name => STRING
      config_value => NULLABLE_STRING
  timeout => INT32
  validate_only => BOOLEAN
Field Description
create_topic_requestsAn array of single topic creation requests. Can not have multiple entries for the same topic.
topicName for newly created topic.
num_partitionsNumber of partitions to be created. -1 indicates unset.
replication_factorReplication factor for the topic. -1 indicates unset.
replica_assignmentReplica assignment among kafka brokers for this topic partitions. If this is set num_partitions and replication_factor must be unset.
replicasThe set of all nodes that should host this partition. The first replica in the list is the preferred leader.
config_entriesTopic level configuration for topic to be set.
config_nameConfiguration name
config_valueConfiguration value
timeoutThe time in ms to wait for a topic to be completely created on the controller node. Values <= 0 will trigger topic creation and return immediately
validate_onlyIf this is true, the request will be validated, but the topic won't be created.


CreateTopics Response (Version: 0) => [topic_errors] 
  topic_errors => topic error_code 
    topic => STRING
    error_code => INT16
Field Description
topic_errorsAn array of per topic error codes.

CreateTopics Response (Version: 1) => [topic_errors] 
  topic_errors => topic error_code error_message 
    topic => STRING
    error_code => INT16
    error_message => NULLABLE_STRING
Field Description
topic_errorsAn array of per topic errors.

CreateTopics Response (Version: 2) => throttle_time_ms [topic_errors] 
  throttle_time_ms => INT32
  topic_errors => topic error_code error_message 
    topic => STRING
    error_code => INT16
    error_message => NULLABLE_STRING
Field Description
throttle_time_msDuration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to quota violation. (Zero if the request did not violate any quota.)
topic_errorsAn array of per topic errors.

DeleteTopics API (Key: 20):

DeleteTopics Request (Version: 0) => [topics] timeout 
  topics => STRING
  timeout => INT32
Field Description
topicsAn array of topics to be deleted.
timeoutThe time in ms to wait for a topic to be completely deleted on the controller node. Values <= 0 will trigger topic deletion and return immediately

DeleteTopics Request (Version: 1) => [topics] timeout 
  topics => STRING
  timeout => INT32
Field Description
topicsAn array of topics to be deleted.
timeoutThe time in ms to wait for a topic to be completely deleted on the controller node. Values <= 0 will trigger topic deletion and return immediately


DeleteTopics Response (Version: 0) => [topic_error_codes] 
  topic_error_codes => topic error_code 
    topic => STRING
    error_code => INT16
Field Description
topic_error_codesAn array of per topic error codes.

DeleteTopics Response (Version: 1) => throttle_time_ms [topic_error_codes] 
  throttle_time_ms => INT32
  topic_error_codes => topic error_code 
    topic => STRING
    error_code => INT16
Field Description
throttle_time_msDuration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to quota violation. (Zero if the request did not violate any quota.)
topic_error_codesAn array of per topic error codes.

DeleteRecords API (Key: 21):

DeleteRecords Request (Version: 0) => [topics] timeout 
  topics => topic [partitions] 
    topic => STRING
    partitions => partition offset 
      partition => INT32
      offset => INT64
  timeout => INT32
Field Description
topicTopic name.
partitionTopic partition id.
offsetThe offset before which the messages will be deleted.
timeoutThe maximum time to await a response in ms.


DeleteRecords Response (Version: 0) => throttle_time_ms [topics] 
  throttle_time_ms => INT32
  topics => topic [partitions] 
    topic => STRING
    partitions => partition low_watermark error_code 
      partition => INT32
      low_watermark => INT64
      error_code => INT16
Field Description
throttle_time_msDuration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to quota violation. (Zero if the request did not violate any quota.)
topicTopic name.
partitionTopic partition id.
low_watermarkSmallest available offset of all live replicas
error_codeThe error code for the given partition.

InitProducerId API (Key: 22):

InitProducerId Request (Version: 0) => transactional_id transaction_timeout_ms 
  transactional_id => NULLABLE_STRING
  transaction_timeout_ms => INT32
Field Description
transactional_idThe transactional id whose producer id we want to retrieve or generate.
transaction_timeout_msThe time in ms to wait for before aborting idle transactions sent by this producer.


InitProducerId Response (Version: 0) => throttle_time_ms error_code producer_id producer_epoch 
  throttle_time_ms => INT32
  error_code => INT16
  producer_id => INT64
  producer_epoch => INT16
Field Description
throttle_time_msDuration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to quota violation. (Zero if the request did not violate any quota.)
error_codeAn integer error code.
producer_idThe producer id for the input transactional id. If the input id was empty, then this is used only for ensuring idempotence of messages.
producer_epochThe epoch for the producer id. Will always be 0 if no transactional id was specified in the request.

OffsetForLeaderEpoch API (Key: 23):

OffsetForLeaderEpoch Request (Version: 0) => [topics] 
  topics => topic [partitions] 
    topic => STRING
    partitions => partition_id leader_epoch 
      partition_id => INT32
      leader_epoch => INT32
Field Description
topicsAn array of topics to get epochs for
topicThe topic
partitionsThe partition
partition_idThe partition_id
leader_epochThe epoch


OffsetForLeaderEpoch Response (Version: 0) => [topics] 
  topics => topic [partitions] 
    topic => STRING
    partitions => error_code partition_id end_offset 
      error_code => INT16
      partition_id => INT32
      end_offset => INT64
Field Description
topicsAn array of topics for which we have leader offsets for some requested Partition Leader Epoch
topicThe topic
partitionsThe partition
error_codeThe error code
partition_idThe partition id
end_offsetThe end offset

AddPartitionsToTxn API (Key: 24):

AddPartitionsToTxn Request (Version: 0) => transactional_id producer_id producer_epoch [topics] 
  transactional_id => STRING
  producer_id => INT64
  producer_epoch => INT16
  topics => topic [partitions] 
    topic => STRING
    partitions => INT32
Field Description
transactional_idThe transactional id corresponding to the transaction.
producer_idCurrent producer id in use by the transactional id.
producer_epochCurrent epoch associated with the producer id.
topicsThe partitions to add to the transaction.


AddPartitionsToTxn Response (Version: 0) => throttle_time_ms [errors] 
  throttle_time_ms => INT32
  errors => topic [partition_errors] 
    topic => STRING
    partition_errors => partition error_code 
      partition => INT32
      error_code => INT16
Field Description
throttle_time_msDuration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to quota violation. (Zero if the request did not violate any quota.)

AddOffsetsToTxn API (Key: 25):

AddOffsetsToTxn Request (Version: 0) => transactional_id producer_id producer_epoch consumer_group_id 
  transactional_id => STRING
  producer_id => INT64
  producer_epoch => INT16
  consumer_group_id => STRING
Field Description
transactional_idThe transactional id corresponding to the transaction.
producer_idCurrent producer id in use by the transactional id.
producer_epochCurrent epoch associated with the producer id.
consumer_group_idConsumer group id whose offsets should be included in the transaction.


AddOffsetsToTxn Response (Version: 0) => throttle_time_ms error_code 
  throttle_time_ms => INT32
  error_code => INT16
Field Description
throttle_time_msDuration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to quota violation. (Zero if the request did not violate any quota.)
error_codeAn integer error code.

EndTxn API (Key: 26):

EndTxn Request (Version: 0) => transactional_id producer_id producer_epoch transaction_result 
  transactional_id => STRING
  producer_id => INT64
  producer_epoch => INT16
  transaction_result => BOOLEAN
Field Description
transactional_idThe transactional id corresponding to the transaction.
producer_idCurrent producer id in use by the transactional id.
producer_epochCurrent epoch associated with the producer id.
transaction_resultThe result of the transaction (0 = ABORT, 1 = COMMIT)


EndTxn Response (Version: 0) => throttle_time_ms error_code 
  throttle_time_ms => INT32
  error_code => INT16
Field Description
throttle_time_msDuration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to quota violation. (Zero if the request did not violate any quota.)
error_codeAn integer error code.

WriteTxnMarkers API (Key: 27):

WriteTxnMarkers Request (Version: 0) => [transaction_markers] 
  transaction_markers => producer_id producer_epoch transaction_result [topics] coordinator_epoch 
    producer_id => INT64
    producer_epoch => INT16
    transaction_result => BOOLEAN
    topics => topic [partitions] 
      topic => STRING
      partitions => INT32
    coordinator_epoch => INT32
Field Description
transaction_markersThe transaction markers to be written.
producer_idCurrent producer id in use by the transactional id.
producer_epochCurrent epoch associated with the producer id.
transaction_resultThe result of the transaction to write to the partitions (false = ABORT, true = COMMIT).
topicsThe partitions to write markers for.
coordinator_epochEpoch associated with the transaction state partition hosted by this transaction coordinator


WriteTxnMarkers Response (Version: 0) => [transaction_markers] 
  transaction_markers => producer_id [topics] 
    producer_id => INT64
    topics => topic [partitions] 
      topic => STRING
      partitions => partition error_code 
        partition => INT32
        error_code => INT16
Field Description
transaction_markersErrors per partition from writing markers.
producer_idCurrent producer id in use by the transactional id.
topicsErrors per partition from writing markers.

TxnOffsetCommit API (Key: 28):

TxnOffsetCommit Request (Version: 0) => transactional_id consumer_group_id producer_id producer_epoch [topics] 
  transactional_id => STRING
  consumer_group_id => STRING
  producer_id => INT64
  producer_epoch => INT16
  topics => topic [partitions] 
    topic => STRING
    partitions => partition offset metadata 
      partition => INT32
      offset => INT64
      metadata => NULLABLE_STRING
Field Description
transactional_idThe transactional id corresponding to the transaction.
consumer_group_idId of the associated consumer group to commit offsets for.
producer_idCurrent producer id in use by the transactional id.
producer_epochCurrent epoch associated with the producer id.
topicsThe partitions to write markers for.


TxnOffsetCommit Response (Version: 0) => throttle_time_ms [topics] 
  throttle_time_ms => INT32
  topics => topic [partitions] 
    topic => STRING
    partitions => partition error_code 
      partition => INT32
      error_code => INT16
Field Description
throttle_time_msDuration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to quota violation. (Zero if the request did not violate any quota.)
topicsErrors per partition from writing markers.

DescribeAcls API (Key: 29):

DescribeAcls Request (Version: 0) => resource_type resource_name principal host operation permission_type 
  resource_type => INT8
  resource_name => NULLABLE_STRING
  principal => NULLABLE_STRING
  operation => INT8
  permission_type => INT8
Field Description
resource_typeThe filter resource type.
resource_nameThe filter resource name.
principalThe filter principal name.
hostThe filter ip address.
operationThe filter operation type.
permission_typeThe filter permission type.


DescribeAcls Response (Version: 0) => throttle_time_ms error_code error_message [resources] 
  throttle_time_ms => INT32
  error_code => INT16
  error_message => NULLABLE_STRING
  resources => resource_type resource_name [acls] 
    resource_type => INT8
    resource_name => STRING
    acls => principal host operation permission_type 
      principal => STRING
      host => STRING
      operation => INT8
      permission_type => INT8
Field Description
throttle_time_msDuration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to quota violation. (Zero if the request did not violate any quota.)
error_codeThe error code.
error_messageThe error message.
resourcesThe resources and their associated ACLs.
resource_typeThe resource type
resource_nameThe resource name
principalThe ACL principal
hostThe ACL host
operationThe ACL operation
permission_typeThe ACL permission type

CreateAcls API (Key: 30):

CreateAcls Request (Version: 0) => [creations] 
  creations => resource_type resource_name principal host operation permission_type 
    resource_type => INT8
    resource_name => STRING
    principal => STRING
    host => STRING
    operation => INT8
    permission_type => INT8
Field Description
resource_typeThe resource type.
resource_nameThe resource name.
principalThe principal.
hostThe ip address.
operationThe ACL operation
permission_typeThe ACL permission type


CreateAcls Response (Version: 0) => throttle_time_ms [creation_responses] 
  throttle_time_ms => INT32
  creation_responses => error_code error_message 
    error_code => INT16
    error_message => NULLABLE_STRING
Field Description
throttle_time_msDuration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to quota violation. (Zero if the request did not violate any quota.)
error_codeThe error code.
error_messageThe error message.

DeleteAcls API (Key: 31):

DeleteAcls Request (Version: 0) => [filters] 
  filters => resource_type resource_name principal host operation permission_type 
    resource_type => INT8
    resource_name => NULLABLE_STRING
    principal => NULLABLE_STRING
    operation => INT8
    permission_type => INT8
Field Description
resource_typeThe resource type filter.
resource_nameThe resource name filter.
principalThe principal filter.
hostThe ip address filter.
operationThe ACL operation filter.
permission_typeThe ACL permission type filter.


DeleteAcls Response (Version: 0) => throttle_time_ms [filter_responses] 
  throttle_time_ms => INT32
  filter_responses => error_code error_message [matching_acls] 
    error_code => INT16
    error_message => NULLABLE_STRING
    matching_acls => error_code error_message resource_type resource_name principal host operation permission_type 
      error_code => INT16
      error_message => NULLABLE_STRING
      resource_type => INT8
      resource_name => STRING
      principal => STRING
      host => STRING
      operation => INT8
      permission_type => INT8
Field Description
throttle_time_msDuration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to quota violation. (Zero if the request did not violate any quota.)
error_codeThe error code.
error_messageThe error message.
matching_aclsThe matching ACLs
error_codeThe error code.
error_messageThe error message.
resource_typeThe resource type.
resource_nameThe resource name.
principalThe principal.
hostThe ip address.
operationThe ACL operation
permission_typeThe ACL permission type

DescribeConfigs API (Key: 32):

DescribeConfigs Request (Version: 0) => [resources] 
  resources => resource_type resource_name [config_names] 
    resource_type => INT8
    resource_name => STRING
    config_names => STRING
Field Description
resourcesAn array of config resources to be returned.


DescribeConfigs Response (Version: 0) => throttle_time_ms [resources] 
  throttle_time_ms => INT32
  resources => error_code error_message resource_type resource_name [config_entries] 
    error_code => INT16
    error_message => NULLABLE_STRING
    resource_type => INT8
    resource_name => STRING
    config_entries => config_name config_value read_only is_default is_sensitive 
      config_name => STRING
      config_value => NULLABLE_STRING
      read_only => BOOLEAN
      is_default => BOOLEAN
      is_sensitive => BOOLEAN
Field Description
throttle_time_msDuration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to quota violation. (Zero if the request did not violate any quota.)

AlterConfigs API (Key: 33):

AlterConfigs Request (Version: 0) => [resources] validate_only 
  resources => resource_type resource_name [config_entries] 
    resource_type => INT8
    resource_name => STRING
    config_entries => config_name config_value 
      config_name => STRING
      config_value => NULLABLE_STRING
  validate_only => BOOLEAN
Field Description
resourcesAn array of resources to update with the provided configs.
config_nameConfiguration name
config_valueConfiguration value


AlterConfigs Response (Version: 0) => throttle_time_ms [resources] 
  throttle_time_ms => INT32
  resources => error_code error_message resource_type resource_name 
    error_code => INT16
    error_message => NULLABLE_STRING
    resource_type => INT8
    resource_name => STRING
Field Description
throttle_time_msDuration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to quota violation. (Zero if the request did not violate any quota.)