Attribute name Description
bytes-consumed-rateThe average number of bytes consumed per second
bytes-consumed-totalThe total number of bytes consumed
fetch-latency-avgThe average time taken for a fetch request.
fetch-latency-maxThe max time taken for any fetch request.
fetch-rateThe number of fetch requests per second.
fetch-size-avgThe average number of bytes fetched per request
fetch-size-maxThe maximum number of bytes fetched per request
fetch-throttle-time-avgThe average throttle time in ms
fetch-throttle-time-maxThe maximum throttle time in ms
fetch-totalThe total number of fetch requests.
records-consumed-rateThe average number of records consumed per second
records-consumed-totalThe total number of records consumed
records-lag-maxThe maximum lag in terms of number of records for any partition in this window
records-lead-minThe minimum lead in terms of number of records for any partition in this window
records-per-request-avgThe average number of records in each request
Attribute name Description
bytes-consumed-rateThe average number of bytes consumed per second for a topic
bytes-consumed-totalThe total number of bytes consumed for a topic
fetch-size-avgThe average number of bytes fetched per request for a topic
fetch-size-maxThe maximum number of bytes fetched per request for a topic
records-consumed-rateThe average number of records consumed per second for a topic
records-consumed-totalThe total number of records consumed for a topic
records-per-request-avgThe average number of records in each request for a topic
Attribute name Description
records-lagThe latest lag of the partition
records-lag-avgThe average lag of the partition
records-lag-maxThe max lag of the partition
records-leadThe latest lead of the partition
records-lead-avgThe average lead of the partition
records-lead-minThe min lead of the partition