Class Stores


public final class Stores
extends Object
Factory for creating state stores in Kafka Streams.

When using the high-level DSL, i.e., StreamsBuilder, users create StoreSuppliers that can be further customized via Materialized. For example, a topic read as KTable can be materialized into an in-memory store with custom key/value serdes and caching disabled:

 StreamsBuilder builder = new StreamsBuilder();
 KeyValueBytesStoreSupplier storeSupplier = Stores.inMemoryKeyValueStore("queryable-store-name");
 KTable<Long,String> table = builder.table(
When using the Processor API, i.e., Topology, users create StoreBuilders that can be attached to Processors. For example, you can create a windowed RocksDB store with custom changelog topic configuration like:

 Topology topology = new Topology();
 topology.addProcessor("processorName", ...);

 Map<String,String> topicConfig = new HashMap<>();
 StoreBuilder<WindowStore<Integer, Long>> storeBuilder = Stores
     Stores.persistentWindowStore("queryable-store-name", ...),

 topology.addStateStore(storeBuilder, "processorName");