Class ValidatorAccessTokenValidator

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ValidatorAccessTokenValidator extends Object implements AccessTokenValidator
ValidatorAccessTokenValidator is an implementation of AccessTokenValidator that is used by the broker to perform more extensive validation of the JWT access token that is received from the client, but ultimately from posting the client credentials to the OAuth/OIDC provider's token endpoint. The validation steps performed (primary by the jose4j library) are:
  1. Basic structural validation of the b64token value as defined in RFC 6750 Section 2.1
  2. Basic conversion of the token into an in-memory data structure
  3. Presence of scope, exp, subject, iss, and iat claims
  4. Signature matching validation against the kid and those provided by the OAuth/OIDC provider's JWKS
  • Constructor Details

    • ValidatorAccessTokenValidator

      public ValidatorAccessTokenValidator(Integer clockSkew, Set<String> expectedAudiences, String expectedIssuer, org.jose4j.keys.resolvers.VerificationKeyResolver verificationKeyResolver, String scopeClaimName, String subClaimName)
      Creates a new ValidatorAccessTokenValidator that will be used by the broker for more thorough validation of the JWT.
      clockSkew - The optional value (in seconds) to allow for differences between the time of the OAuth/OIDC identity provider and the broker. If null is provided, the broker and the OAUth/OIDC identity provider are assumed to have very close clock settings.
      expectedAudiences - The (optional) set the broker will use to verify that the JWT was issued for one of the expected audiences. The JWT will be inspected for the standard OAuth aud claim and if this value is set, the broker will match the value from JWT's aud claim to see if there is an exact match. If there is no match, the broker will reject the JWT and authentication will fail. May be null to not perform any check to verify the JWT's aud claim matches any fixed set of known/expected audiences.
      expectedIssuer - The (optional) value for the broker to use to verify that the JWT was created by the expected issuer. The JWT will be inspected for the standard OAuth iss claim and if this value is set, the broker will match it exactly against what is in the JWT's iss claim. If there is no match, the broker will reject the JWT and authentication will fail. May be null to not perform any check to verify the JWT's iss claim matches a specific issuer.
      verificationKeyResolver - jose4j-based VerificationKeyResolver that is used to validate the signature matches the contents of the header and payload
      scopeClaimName - Name of the scope claim to use; must be non-null
      subClaimName - Name of the subject claim to use; must be non-null
      See Also:
      • JwtConsumerBuilder
      • JwtConsumer
      • VerificationKeyResolver
  • Method Details