Class ForwardingAdmin

All Implemented Interfaces:
AutoCloseable, Admin

public class ForwardingAdmin extends Object implements Admin
ForwardingAdmin is the default value of forwarding.admin.class in MirrorMaker. Users who wish to customize the MirrorMaker behaviour for the creation of topics and access control lists can extend this class without needing to provide a whole implementation of Admin. The class must have a constructor with signature (Map<String, Object> config) for configuring a decorated KafkaAdminClient and any other clients needed for external resource management.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • close

      public void close(Duration timeout)
      Description copied from interface: Admin
      Close the Admin client and release all associated resources.

      The close operation has a grace period during which current operations will be allowed to complete, specified by the given duration. New operations will not be accepted during the grace period. Once the grace period is over, all operations that have not yet been completed will be aborted with a TimeoutException.

      Specified by:
      close in interface Admin
      timeout - The time to use for the wait time.
    • createTopics

      public CreateTopicsResult createTopics(Collection<NewTopic> newTopics, CreateTopicsOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: Admin
      Create a batch of new topics.

      This operation is not transactional so it may succeed for some topics while fail for others.

      It may take several seconds after CreateTopicsResult returns success for all the brokers to become aware that the topics have been created. During this time, Admin.listTopics() and Admin.describeTopics(Collection) may not return information about the new topics.

      This operation is supported by brokers with version or higher. The validateOnly option is supported from version

      Specified by:
      createTopics in interface Admin
      newTopics - The new topics to create.
      options - The options to use when creating the new topics.
      The CreateTopicsResult.
    • deleteTopics

      public DeleteTopicsResult deleteTopics(TopicCollection topics, DeleteTopicsOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: Admin
      Delete a batch of topics.

      This operation is not transactional so it may succeed for some topics while fail for others.

      It may take several seconds after the DeleteTopicsResult returns success for all the brokers to become aware that the topics are gone. During this time, Admin.listTopics() and Admin.describeTopics(Collection) may continue to return information about the deleted topics.

      If delete.topic.enable is false on the brokers, deleteTopics will mark the topics for deletion, but not actually delete them. The futures will return successfully in this case.

      When using topic IDs, this operation is supported by brokers with inter-broker protocol 2.8 or higher. When using topic names, this operation is supported by brokers with version or higher.

      Specified by:
      deleteTopics in interface Admin
      topics - The topics to delete.
      options - The options to use when deleting the topics.
      The DeleteTopicsResult.
    • listTopics

      public ListTopicsResult listTopics(ListTopicsOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: Admin
      List the topics available in the cluster.
      Specified by:
      listTopics in interface Admin
      options - The options to use when listing the topics.
      The ListTopicsResult.
    • describeTopics

      public DescribeTopicsResult describeTopics(TopicCollection topics, DescribeTopicsOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: Admin
      Describe some topics in the cluster. When using topic IDs, this operation is supported by brokers with version 3.1.0 or higher.
      Specified by:
      describeTopics in interface Admin
      topics - The topics to describe.
      options - The options to use when describing the topics.
      The DescribeTopicsResult.
    • describeCluster

      public DescribeClusterResult describeCluster(DescribeClusterOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: Admin
      Get information about the nodes in the cluster.
      Specified by:
      describeCluster in interface Admin
      options - The options to use when getting information about the cluster.
      The DescribeClusterResult.
    • describeAcls

      public DescribeAclsResult describeAcls(AclBindingFilter filter, DescribeAclsOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: Admin
      Lists access control lists (ACLs) according to the supplied filter.

      Note: it may take some time for changes made by createAcls or deleteAcls to be reflected in the output of describeAcls.

      This operation is supported by brokers with version or higher.

      Specified by:
      describeAcls in interface Admin
      filter - The filter to use.
      options - The options to use when listing the ACLs.
      The DescribeAclsResult.
    • createAcls

      public CreateAclsResult createAcls(Collection<AclBinding> acls, CreateAclsOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: Admin
      Creates access control lists (ACLs) which are bound to specific resources.

      This operation is not transactional so it may succeed for some ACLs while fail for others.

      If you attempt to add an ACL that duplicates an existing ACL, no error will be raised, but no changes will be made.

      This operation is supported by brokers with version or higher.

      Specified by:
      createAcls in interface Admin
      acls - The ACLs to create
      options - The options to use when creating the ACLs.
      The CreateAclsResult.
    • deleteAcls

      public DeleteAclsResult deleteAcls(Collection<AclBindingFilter> filters, DeleteAclsOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: Admin
      Deletes access control lists (ACLs) according to the supplied filters.

      This operation is not transactional so it may succeed for some ACLs while fail for others.

      This operation is supported by brokers with version or higher.

      Specified by:
      deleteAcls in interface Admin
      filters - The filters to use.
      options - The options to use when deleting the ACLs.
      The DeleteAclsResult.
    • describeConfigs

      public DescribeConfigsResult describeConfigs(Collection<ConfigResource> resources, DescribeConfigsOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: Admin
      Get the configuration for the specified resources.

      The returned configuration includes default values and the isDefault() method can be used to distinguish them from user supplied values.

      The value of config entries where isSensitive() is true is always null so that sensitive information is not disclosed.

      Config entries where isReadOnly() is true cannot be updated.

      This operation is supported by brokers with version or higher.

      Specified by:
      describeConfigs in interface Admin
      resources - The resources (topic and broker resource types are currently supported)
      options - The options to use when describing configs
      The DescribeConfigsResult
    • alterConfigs

      @Deprecated public AlterConfigsResult alterConfigs(Map<ConfigResource,Config> configs, AlterConfigsOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: Admin
      Update the configuration for the specified resources with the default options.

      Updates are not transactional so they may succeed for some resources while fail for others. The configs for a particular resource are updated atomically.

      This operation is supported by brokers with version or higher.

      Specified by:
      alterConfigs in interface Admin
      configs - The resources with their configs (topic is the only resource type with configs that can be updated currently)
      options - The options to use when describing configs
      The AlterConfigsResult
    • incrementalAlterConfigs

      public AlterConfigsResult incrementalAlterConfigs(Map<ConfigResource,Collection<AlterConfigOp>> configs, AlterConfigsOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: Admin
      Incrementally update the configuration for the specified resources.

      Updates are not transactional so they may succeed for some resources while fail for others. The configs for a particular resource are updated atomically.

      The following exceptions can be anticipated when calling get() on the futures obtained from the returned AlterConfigsResult:

      This operation is supported by brokers with version 2.3.0 or higher.

      Specified by:
      incrementalAlterConfigs in interface Admin
      configs - The resources with their configs
      options - The options to use when altering configs
      The AlterConfigsResult
    • alterReplicaLogDirs

      public AlterReplicaLogDirsResult alterReplicaLogDirs(Map<TopicPartitionReplica,String> replicaAssignment, AlterReplicaLogDirsOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: Admin
      Change the log directory for the specified replicas. If the replica does not exist on the broker, the result shows REPLICA_NOT_AVAILABLE for the given replica and the replica will be created in the given log directory on the broker when it is created later. If the replica already exists on the broker, the replica will be moved to the given log directory if it is not already there. For detailed result, inspect the returned AlterReplicaLogDirsResult instance.

      This operation is not transactional so it may succeed for some replicas while fail for others.

      This operation is supported by brokers with version 1.1.0 or higher.

      Specified by:
      alterReplicaLogDirs in interface Admin
      replicaAssignment - The replicas with their log directory absolute path
      options - The options to use when changing replica dir
      The AlterReplicaLogDirsResult
    • describeLogDirs

      public DescribeLogDirsResult describeLogDirs(Collection<Integer> brokers, DescribeLogDirsOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: Admin
      Query the information of all log directories on the given set of brokers

      This operation is supported by brokers with version 1.0.0 or higher.

      Specified by:
      describeLogDirs in interface Admin
      brokers - A list of brokers
      options - The options to use when querying log dir info
      The DescribeLogDirsResult
    • describeReplicaLogDirs

      Description copied from interface: Admin
      Query the replica log directory information for the specified replicas.

      This operation is supported by brokers with version 1.0.0 or higher.

      Specified by:
      describeReplicaLogDirs in interface Admin
      replicas - The replicas to query
      options - The options to use when querying replica log dir info
      The DescribeReplicaLogDirsResult
    • createPartitions

      public CreatePartitionsResult createPartitions(Map<String,NewPartitions> newPartitions, CreatePartitionsOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: Admin
      Increase the number of partitions of the topics given as the keys of newPartitions according to the corresponding values. If partitions are increased for a topic that has a key, the partition logic or ordering of the messages will be affected.

      This operation is not transactional so it may succeed for some topics while fail for others.

      It may take several seconds after this method returns success for all the brokers to become aware that the partitions have been created. During this time, Admin.describeTopics(Collection) may not return information about the new partitions.

      This operation is supported by brokers with version 1.0.0 or higher.

      The following exceptions can be anticipated when calling get() on the futures obtained from the values() method of the returned CreatePartitionsResult

      Specified by:
      createPartitions in interface Admin
      newPartitions - The topics which should have new partitions created, and corresponding parameters for the created partitions.
      options - The options to use when creating the new partitions.
      The CreatePartitionsResult.
    • deleteRecords

      public DeleteRecordsResult deleteRecords(Map<TopicPartition,RecordsToDelete> recordsToDelete, DeleteRecordsOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: Admin
      Delete records whose offset is smaller than the given offset of the corresponding partition.

      This operation is supported by brokers with version or higher.

      Specified by:
      deleteRecords in interface Admin
      recordsToDelete - The topic partitions and related offsets from which records deletion starts.
      options - The options to use when deleting records.
      The DeleteRecordsResult.
    • createDelegationToken

      public CreateDelegationTokenResult createDelegationToken(CreateDelegationTokenOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: Admin
      Create a Delegation Token.

      This operation is supported by brokers with version 1.1.0 or higher.

      The following exceptions can be anticipated when calling get() on the futures obtained from the delegationToken() method of the returned CreateDelegationTokenResult

      Specified by:
      createDelegationToken in interface Admin
      options - The options to use when creating delegation token.
      The DeleteRecordsResult.
    • renewDelegationToken

      public RenewDelegationTokenResult renewDelegationToken(byte[] hmac, RenewDelegationTokenOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: Admin
      Renew a Delegation Token.

      This operation is supported by brokers with version 1.1.0 or higher.

      The following exceptions can be anticipated when calling get() on the futures obtained from the expiryTimestamp() method of the returned RenewDelegationTokenResult

      Specified by:
      renewDelegationToken in interface Admin
      hmac - HMAC of the Delegation token
      options - The options to use when renewing delegation token.
      The RenewDelegationTokenResult.
    • expireDelegationToken

      public ExpireDelegationTokenResult expireDelegationToken(byte[] hmac, ExpireDelegationTokenOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: Admin
      Expire a Delegation Token.

      This operation is supported by brokers with version 1.1.0 or higher.

      The following exceptions can be anticipated when calling get() on the futures obtained from the expiryTimestamp() method of the returned ExpireDelegationTokenResult

      Specified by:
      expireDelegationToken in interface Admin
      hmac - HMAC of the Delegation token
      options - The options to use when expiring delegation token.
      The ExpireDelegationTokenResult.
    • describeDelegationToken

      public DescribeDelegationTokenResult describeDelegationToken(DescribeDelegationTokenOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: Admin
      Describe the Delegation Tokens.

      This operation is supported by brokers with version 1.1.0 or higher.

      The following exceptions can be anticipated when calling get() on the futures obtained from the delegationTokens() method of the returned DescribeDelegationTokenResult

      Specified by:
      describeDelegationToken in interface Admin
      options - The options to use when describing delegation tokens.
      The DescribeDelegationTokenResult.
    • describeConsumerGroups

      public DescribeConsumerGroupsResult describeConsumerGroups(Collection<String> groupIds, DescribeConsumerGroupsOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: Admin
      Describe some group IDs in the cluster.
      Specified by:
      describeConsumerGroups in interface Admin
      groupIds - The IDs of the groups to describe.
      options - The options to use when describing the groups.
      The DescribeConsumerGroupResult.
    • listConsumerGroups

      public ListConsumerGroupsResult listConsumerGroups(ListConsumerGroupsOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: Admin
      List the consumer groups available in the cluster.
      Specified by:
      listConsumerGroups in interface Admin
      options - The options to use when listing the consumer groups.
      The ListGroupsResult.
    • listConsumerGroupOffsets

      Description copied from interface: Admin
      List the consumer group offsets available in the cluster for the specified consumer groups.
      Specified by:
      listConsumerGroupOffsets in interface Admin
      groupSpecs - Map of consumer group ids to a spec that specifies the topic partitions of the group to list offsets for.
      options - The options to use when listing the consumer group offsets.
      The ListConsumerGroupOffsetsResult
    • deleteConsumerGroups

      public DeleteConsumerGroupsResult deleteConsumerGroups(Collection<String> groupIds, DeleteConsumerGroupsOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: Admin
      Delete consumer groups from the cluster.
      Specified by:
      deleteConsumerGroups in interface Admin
      options - The options to use when deleting a consumer group.
      The DeletConsumerGroupResult.
    • deleteConsumerGroupOffsets

      public DeleteConsumerGroupOffsetsResult deleteConsumerGroupOffsets(String groupId, Set<TopicPartition> partitions, DeleteConsumerGroupOffsetsOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: Admin
      Delete committed offsets for a set of partitions in a consumer group. This will succeed at the partition level only if the group is not actively subscribed to the corresponding topic.
      Specified by:
      deleteConsumerGroupOffsets in interface Admin
      options - The options to use when deleting offsets in a consumer group.
      The DeleteConsumerGroupOffsetsResult.
    • electLeaders

      public ElectLeadersResult electLeaders(ElectionType electionType, Set<TopicPartition> partitions, ElectLeadersOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: Admin
      Elect a replica as leader for the given partitions, or for all partitions if the argument to partitions is null.

      This operation is not transactional so it may succeed for some partitions while fail for others.

      It may take several seconds after this method returns success for all the brokers in the cluster to become aware that the partitions have new leaders. During this time, Admin.describeTopics(Collection) may not return information about the partitions' new leaders.

      This operation is supported by brokers with version 2.2.0 or later if preferred election is use; otherwise the brokers most be 2.4.0 or higher.

      The following exceptions can be anticipated when calling get() on the future obtained from the returned ElectLeadersResult:

      Specified by:
      electLeaders in interface Admin
      electionType - The type of election to conduct.
      partitions - The topics and partitions for which to conduct elections.
      options - The options to use when electing the leaders.
      The ElectLeadersResult.
    • alterPartitionReassignments

      Description copied from interface: Admin
      Change the reassignments for one or more partitions. Providing an empty Optional (e.g via Optional.empty()) will revert the reassignment for the associated partition.

      The following exceptions can be anticipated when calling get() on the futures obtained from the returned AlterPartitionReassignmentsResult:

      Specified by:
      alterPartitionReassignments in interface Admin
      reassignments - The reassignments to add, modify, or remove. See NewPartitionReassignment.
      options - The options to use.
      The result.
    • listPartitionReassignments

      public ListPartitionReassignmentsResult listPartitionReassignments(Optional<Set<TopicPartition>> partitions, ListPartitionReassignmentsOptions options)
      Specified by:
      listPartitionReassignments in interface Admin
      partitions - the partitions we want to get reassignment for, or an empty optional if we want to get the reassignments for all partitions in the cluster
      options - The options to use.
      The result.
    • removeMembersFromConsumerGroup

      public RemoveMembersFromConsumerGroupResult removeMembersFromConsumerGroup(String groupId, RemoveMembersFromConsumerGroupOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: Admin
      Remove members from the consumer group by given member identities.

      For possible error codes, refer to LeaveGroupResponse.

      Specified by:
      removeMembersFromConsumerGroup in interface Admin
      groupId - The ID of the group to remove member from.
      options - The options to carry removing members' information.
      The MembershipChangeResult.
    • alterConsumerGroupOffsets

      public AlterConsumerGroupOffsetsResult alterConsumerGroupOffsets(String groupId, Map<TopicPartition,OffsetAndMetadata> offsets, AlterConsumerGroupOffsetsOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: Admin

      Alters offsets for the specified group. In order to succeed, the group must be empty.

      This operation is not transactional so it may succeed for some partitions while fail for others.

      Specified by:
      alterConsumerGroupOffsets in interface Admin
      groupId - The group for which to alter offsets.
      offsets - A map of offsets by partition with associated metadata. Partitions not specified in the map are ignored.
      options - The options to use when altering the offsets.
      The AlterOffsetsResult.
    • listOffsets

      public ListOffsetsResult listOffsets(Map<TopicPartition,OffsetSpec> topicPartitionOffsets, ListOffsetsOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: Admin

      List offset for the specified partitions. This operation enables to find the beginning offset, end offset as well as the offset matching a timestamp in partitions.

      Specified by:
      listOffsets in interface Admin
      topicPartitionOffsets - The mapping from partition to the OffsetSpec to look up.
      options - The options to use when retrieving the offsets
      The ListOffsetsResult.
    • describeClientQuotas

      public DescribeClientQuotasResult describeClientQuotas(ClientQuotaFilter filter, DescribeClientQuotasOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: Admin
      Describes all entities matching the provided filter that have at least one client quota configuration value defined.

      The following exceptions can be anticipated when calling get() on the future from the returned DescribeClientQuotasResult:

      This operation is supported by brokers with version 2.6.0 or higher.

      Specified by:
      describeClientQuotas in interface Admin
      filter - the filter to apply to match entities
      options - the options to use
      the DescribeClientQuotasResult containing the result
    • alterClientQuotas

      Description copied from interface: Admin
      Alters client quota configurations with the specified alterations.

      Alterations for a single entity are atomic, but across entities is not guaranteed. The resulting per-entity error code should be evaluated to resolve the success or failure of all updates.

      The following exceptions can be anticipated when calling get() on the futures obtained from the returned AlterClientQuotasResult:

      • ClusterAuthorizationException If the authenticated user didn't have alter access to the cluster.
      • InvalidRequestException If the request details are invalid. e.g., a configuration key was specified more than once for an entity.
      • TimeoutException If the request timed out before the alterations could finish. It cannot be guaranteed whether the update succeed or not.

      This operation is supported by brokers with version 2.6.0 or higher.

      Specified by:
      alterClientQuotas in interface Admin
      entries - the alterations to perform
      the AlterClientQuotasResult containing the result
    • describeUserScramCredentials

      public DescribeUserScramCredentialsResult describeUserScramCredentials(List<String> users, DescribeUserScramCredentialsOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: Admin
      Describe SASL/SCRAM credentials.

      The following exceptions can be anticipated when calling get() on the futures from the returned DescribeUserScramCredentialsResult:

      This operation is supported by brokers with version 2.7.0 or higher.

      Specified by:
      describeUserScramCredentials in interface Admin
      users - the users for which credentials are to be described; all users' credentials are described if null or empty.
      options - The options to use when describing the credentials
      The DescribeUserScramCredentialsResult.
    • alterUserScramCredentials

      Description copied from interface: Admin
      Alter SASL/SCRAM credentials.

      The following exceptions can be anticipated when calling get() any of the futures from the returned AlterUserScramCredentialsResult:

      This operation is supported by brokers with version 2.7.0 or higher.

      Specified by:
      alterUserScramCredentials in interface Admin
      alterations - the alterations to be applied
      options - The options to use when altering the credentials
      The AlterUserScramCredentialsResult.
    • describeFeatures

      public DescribeFeaturesResult describeFeatures(DescribeFeaturesOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: Admin
      Describes finalized as well as supported features. The request is issued to any random broker.

      The following exceptions can be anticipated when calling get() on the future from the returned DescribeFeaturesResult:

      • TimeoutException If the request timed out before the describe operation could finish.

      Specified by:
      describeFeatures in interface Admin
      options - the options to use
      the DescribeFeaturesResult containing the result
    • updateFeatures

      public UpdateFeaturesResult updateFeatures(Map<String,FeatureUpdate> featureUpdates, UpdateFeaturesOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: Admin
      Applies specified updates to finalized features. This operation is not transactional so some updates may succeed while the rest may fail.

      The API takes in a map of finalized feature names to FeatureUpdate that needs to be applied. Each entry in the map specifies the finalized feature to be added or updated or deleted, along with the new max feature version level value. This request is issued only to the controller since the API is only served by the controller. The return value contains an error code for each supplied FeatureUpdate, and the code indicates if the update succeeded or failed in the controller.

      • Downgrade of feature version level is not a regular operation/intent. It is only allowed in the controller if the FeatureUpdate has the allowDowngrade flag set. Setting this flag conveys user intent to attempt downgrade of a feature max version level. Note that despite the allowDowngrade flag being set, certain downgrades may be rejected by the controller if it is deemed impossible.
      • Deletion of a finalized feature version is not a regular operation/intent. It could be done by setting the allowDowngrade flag to true in the FeatureUpdate, and, setting the max version level to a value less than 1.

      The following exceptions can be anticipated when calling get() on the futures obtained from the returned UpdateFeaturesResult:

      This operation is supported by brokers with version 2.7.0 or higher.

      Specified by:
      updateFeatures in interface Admin
      featureUpdates - the map of finalized feature name to FeatureUpdate
      options - the options to use
      the UpdateFeaturesResult containing the result
    • describeMetadataQuorum

      public DescribeMetadataQuorumResult describeMetadataQuorum(DescribeMetadataQuorumOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: Admin
      Describes the state of the metadata quorum.

      The following exceptions can be anticipated when calling get() on the futures obtained from the returned DescribeMetadataQuorumResult:

      Specified by:
      describeMetadataQuorum in interface Admin
      options - The DescribeMetadataQuorumOptions to use when describing the quorum.
      the DescribeMetadataQuorumResult containing the result
    • unregisterBroker

      public UnregisterBrokerResult unregisterBroker(int brokerId, UnregisterBrokerOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: Admin
      Unregister a broker.

      This operation does not have any effect on partition assignments. It is supported only on Kafka clusters which use Raft to store metadata, rather than ZooKeeper. The following exceptions can be anticipated when calling get() on the future from the returned UnregisterBrokerResult:

      • TimeoutException If the request timed out before the describe operation could finish.
      • UnsupportedVersionException If the software is too old to support the unregistration API, or if the cluster is not using Raft to store metadata.

      Specified by:
      unregisterBroker in interface Admin
      brokerId - the broker id to unregister.
      options - the options to use.
      the UnregisterBrokerResult containing the result
    • describeProducers

      public DescribeProducersResult describeProducers(Collection<TopicPartition> partitions, DescribeProducersOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: Admin
      Describe active producer state on a set of topic partitions. Unless a specific broker is requested through DescribeProducersOptions.brokerId(int), this will query the partition leader to find the producer state.
      Specified by:
      describeProducers in interface Admin
      partitions - The set of partitions to query
      options - Options to control the method behavior
      The result
    • describeTransactions

      public DescribeTransactionsResult describeTransactions(Collection<String> transactionalIds, DescribeTransactionsOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: Admin
      Describe the state of a set of transactional IDs from the respective transaction coordinators, which are dynamically discovered.
      Specified by:
      describeTransactions in interface Admin
      transactionalIds - The set of transactional IDs to query
      options - Options to control the method behavior
      The result
    • abortTransaction

      public AbortTransactionResult abortTransaction(AbortTransactionSpec spec, AbortTransactionOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: Admin
      Forcefully abort a transaction which is open on a topic partition. This will send a `WriteTxnMarkers` request to the partition leader in order to abort the transaction. This requires administrative privileges.
      Specified by:
      abortTransaction in interface Admin
      spec - The transaction specification including topic partition and producer details
      options - Options to control the method behavior (including filters)
      The result
    • listTransactions

      public ListTransactionsResult listTransactions(ListTransactionsOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: Admin
      List active transactions in the cluster. This will query all potential transaction coordinators in the cluster and collect the state of all transactions. Users should typically attempt to reduce the size of the result set using ListTransactionsOptions.filterProducerIds(Collection) or ListTransactionsOptions.filterStates(Collection)
      Specified by:
      listTransactions in interface Admin
      options - Options to control the method behavior (including filters)
      The result
    • fenceProducers

      public FenceProducersResult fenceProducers(Collection<String> transactionalIds, FenceProducersOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: Admin
      Fence out all active producers that use any of the provided transactional IDs.
      Specified by:
      fenceProducers in interface Admin
      transactionalIds - The IDs of the producers to fence.
      options - The options to use when fencing the producers.
      The FenceProducersResult.
    • metrics

      public Map<MetricName,? extends Metric> metrics()
      Description copied from interface: Admin
      Get the metrics kept by the adminClient
      Specified by:
      metrics in interface Admin