Package org.apache.kafka.common.serialization
package org.apache.kafka.common.serialization
Provides interface and some implementations of serialization/deserialization routines for various objects.
ClassDescriptionDo not need to flip before call serialize(String, ByteBuffer).Deserializer<T>An interface for converting bytes to objects.ListDeserializer<Inner>ListSerializer<Inner>Serde<T>The interface for wrapping a serializer and deserializer for the given data type.Factory for creating serializers / deserializers.Serdes.ListSerde<Inner>Serializer<T>An interface for converting objects to bytes.String encoding defaults to UTF8 and can be customized by setting the property key.deserializer.encoding, value.deserializer.encoding or deserializer.encoding.String encoding defaults to UTF8 and can be customized by setting the property key.serializer.encoding, value.serializer.encoding or serializer.encoding.We are converting the byte array to String before deserializing to UUID.We are converting UUID to String before serializing.