Class PartitionInfo


public class PartitionInfo extends Object
This is used to describe per-partition state in the MetadataResponse.
  • Constructor Details

    • PartitionInfo

      public PartitionInfo(String topic, int partition, Node leader, Node[] replicas, Node[] inSyncReplicas)
    • PartitionInfo

      public PartitionInfo(String topic, int partition, Node leader, Node[] replicas, Node[] inSyncReplicas, Node[] offlineReplicas)
  • Method Details

    • topic

      public String topic()
      The topic name
    • partition

      public int partition()
      The partition id
    • leader

      public Node leader()
      The node id of the node currently acting as a leader for this partition or null if there is no leader
    • replicas

      public Node[] replicas()
      The complete set of replicas for this partition regardless of whether they are alive or up-to-date
    • inSyncReplicas

      public Node[] inSyncReplicas()
      The subset of the replicas that are in sync, that is caught-up to the leader and ready to take over as leader if the leader should fail
    • offlineReplicas

      public Node[] offlineReplicas()
      The subset of the replicas that are offline
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object