Interface ClientTelemetryPayload

@Evolving public interface ClientTelemetryPayload
A client telemetry payload as sent by the client to the telemetry receiver. The payload is received by the broker's ClientTelemetryReceiver implementation.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Method returns the client's instance id.
    Method returns the content-type format of the metrics data which is being sent by the client.
    Method returns the serialized metrics data as received by the client.
    Indicates whether the client is terminating and thus making its last metrics push.
  • Method Details

    • clientInstanceId

      Uuid clientInstanceId()
      Method returns the client's instance id.
      Client's instance id.
    • isTerminating

      boolean isTerminating()
      Indicates whether the client is terminating and thus making its last metrics push.
      true if client is terminating, else false
    • contentType

      String contentType()
      Method returns the content-type format of the metrics data which is being sent by the client.
      Metrics data content-type/serialization format.
    • data

      ByteBuffer data()
      Method returns the serialized metrics data as received by the client.
      Serialized metrics data.