Interface StreamsMetadata

public interface StreamsMetadata
Metadata of a Kafka Streams client.
  • Method Details

    • hostInfo

      HostInfo hostInfo()
      The value of StreamsConfig.APPLICATION_SERVER_CONFIG configured for the Streams client.
      HostInfo corresponding to the Streams client
    • stateStoreNames

      Set<String> stateStoreNames()
      Names of the state stores assigned to active tasks of the Streams client.
      names of the state stores assigned to active tasks
    • topicPartitions

      Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions()
      Source topic partitions of the active tasks of the Streams client.
      source topic partitions of the active tasks
    • standbyTopicPartitions

      Set<TopicPartition> standbyTopicPartitions()
      Changelog topic partitions for the state stores the standby tasks of the Streams client replicates.
      set of changelog topic partitions of the standby tasks
    • standbyStateStoreNames

      Set<String> standbyStateStoreNames()
      Names of the state stores assigned to standby tasks of the Streams client.
      names of the state stores assigned to standby tasks
    • host

      String host()
      Host where the Streams client runs.

      This method is equivalent to StreamsMetadata.hostInfo().host();

      the host where the Streams client runs
    • port

      int port()
      Port on which the Streams client listens.

      This method is equivalent to StreamsMetadata.hostInfo().port();

      the port on which Streams client listens
    • equals

      boolean equals(Object o)
      Compares the specified object with this StreamsMetadata. Returns true if and only if the specified object is also a StreamsMetadata and for both hostInfo() are equal, and stateStoreNames(), topicPartitions(), standbyStateStoreNames(), and standbyTopicPartitions() contain the same elements.
      equals in class Object
      true if this object is the same as the obj argument; false otherwise.
    • hashCode

      int hashCode()
      Returns the hash code value for this TaskMetadata. The hash code of a list is defined to be the result of the following calculation:
       Objects.hash(hostInfo(), stateStoreNames(), topicPartitions(), standbyStateStoreNames(), standbyTopicPartitions());
      hashCode in class Object
      a hash code value for this object.