Interface ApplicationState

public interface ApplicationState
A read-only metadata class representing the state of the application and the current rebalance. This class wraps all the input parameters to the task assignment, including the current state of each KafkaStreams client with at least one StreamThread participating in this rebalance, the assignment-related configs, and the tasks to be assigned.
  • Method Details

    • kafkaStreamsStates

      Map<ProcessId,KafkaStreamsState> kafkaStreamsStates(boolean computeTaskLags)
      computeTaskLags - whether to include task lag information in the returned metadata. Note that passing in "true" will result in a remote call to fetch changelog topic end offsets, and you should pass in "false" unless you specifically need the task lag information.
      a map from the processId to KafkaStreamsState for all KafkaStreams clients in this app
      TaskAssignmentException - if a retriable error occurs while computing KafkaStreamsState metadata. Re-throw this exception to have Kafka Streams retry the rebalance by returning the same assignment and scheduling an immediate followup rebalance
    • assignmentConfigs

      AssignmentConfigs assignmentConfigs()
      a simple container class with the Streams configs relevant to assignment
    • allTasks

      Map<TaskId,TaskInfo> allTasks()
      a map of task ids to all tasks in this topology to be assigned