Class DescribeReplicaLogDirsResult.ReplicaLogDirInfo

Enclosing class:

public static class DescribeReplicaLogDirsResult.ReplicaLogDirInfo extends Object
  • Method Details

    • getCurrentReplicaLogDir

      public String getCurrentReplicaLogDir()
      The current log directory of the replica of this partition on the given broker. Null if no replica is not found for this partition on the given broker.
    • getCurrentReplicaOffsetLag

      public long getCurrentReplicaOffsetLag()
      Defined as max(HW of partition - LEO of the replica, 0).
    • getFutureReplicaLogDir

      public String getFutureReplicaLogDir()
      The future log directory of the replica of this partition on the given broker. Null if the replica of this partition is not being moved to another log directory on the given broker.
    • getFutureReplicaOffsetLag

      public long getFutureReplicaOffsetLag()
      The LEO of the replica - LEO of the future log of this replica in the destination log directory. -1 if either there is not replica for this partition or the replica of this partition is not being moved to another log directory on the given broker.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object