Interface TaskInfo

public interface TaskInfo
A simple container class corresponding to a given TaskId. Includes metadata such as whether it's stateful and the names of all state stores belonging to this task, the set of input topic partitions and changelog topic partitions for all logged state stores, and the rack ids of all replicas of each topic partition in the task.
  • Method Details

    • id

      TaskId id()
      The TaskId of the underlying task.
    • isStateful

      boolean isStateful()
      true if the underlying task is stateful, and false otherwise.
    • stateStoreNames

      Set<String> stateStoreNames()
      the set of state store names that this task makes use of. In the case of stateless tasks, this set will be empty as no state stores are used.
    • topicPartitions

      Set<TaskTopicPartition> topicPartitions()
      the set of topic partitions in use for this task.