Class DescribeTopicsResult


public class DescribeTopicsResult extends Object
The result of the Admin.describeTopics(Collection) call.
  • Method Details

    • topicIdValues

      public Map<Uuid,KafkaFuture<TopicDescription>> topicIdValues()
      a map from topic IDs to futures which can be used to check the status of individual topics if the request used topic IDs, otherwise return null.
    • topicNameValues

      public Map<String,KafkaFuture<TopicDescription>> topicNameValues()
      a map from topic names to futures which can be used to check the status of individual topics if the request used topic names, otherwise return null.
    • allTopicNames

      public KafkaFuture<Map<String,TopicDescription>> allTopicNames()
      A future map from topic names to descriptions which can be used to check the status of individual description if the describe topic request used topic names, otherwise return null, this request succeeds only if all the topic descriptions succeed
    • allTopicIds

      public KafkaFuture<Map<Uuid,TopicDescription>> allTopicIds()
      A future map from topic ids to descriptions which can be used to check the status of individual description if the describe topic request used topic ids, otherwise return null, this request succeeds only if all the topic descriptions succeed