Interface ProcessorWrapper

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ProcessorWrapper extends Configurable
Wrapper class that can be used to inject custom wrappers around the processors of their application topology. The returned instance should wrap the supplied ProcessorSupplier and the Processor it supplies to avoid disrupting the regular processing of the application, although this is not required and any processor implementation can be substituted in to replace the original processor entirely (which may be useful for example while testing or debugging an application topology).

NOTE: in order to use this feature, you must set the StreamsConfig.PROCESSOR_WRAPPER_CLASS_CONFIG config and pass it in as a TopologyConfig when creating the StreamsBuilder or Topology by using the appropriate constructor (ie StreamsBuilder(TopologyConfig) or Topology(TopologyConfig))

Can be configured, if desired, by implementing the configure(Map) method. This will be invoked when the ProcessorWrapper is instantiated, and will provide it with the TopologyConfigs that were passed in to the StreamsBuilder or Topology constructor.