

package common

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class InvalidConfigException extends RuntimeException

    Indicates that the given config parameter has invalid value

  2. class InvalidMessageSizeException extends RuntimeException

    Indicates the client has requested a range no longer available on the server

  3. class InvalidPartitionException extends RuntimeException

    Indicates that the partition id is not between 0 and numPartitions-1

  4. class InvalidTopicException extends RuntimeException

  5. class MessageSizeTooLargeException extends RuntimeException

  6. class OffsetOutOfRangeException extends RuntimeException

    Indicates the client has requested a range no longer available on the server

  7. class UnavailableProducerException extends RuntimeException

    Indicates a producer pool initialization problem

  8. class UnknownException extends RuntimeException

    If we don't know what else it is, call it this

Value Members

  1. object ErrorMapping extends AnyRef

    A bi-directional mapping between error codes and exceptions x