Exception | Description |
ApiException |
Any API exception that is part of the public protocol and should be a subclass of this class and be part of this
AuthenticationException | |
AuthorizationException | |
BrokerNotAvailableException | |
ClusterAuthorizationException | |
ControllerMovedException | |
CorruptRecordException |
This exception indicates a record has failed its internal CRC check, this generally indicates network or disk
DisconnectException |
Server disconnected before a request could be completed.
GroupAuthorizationException | |
GroupCoordinatorNotAvailableException |
The broker returns this error code for consumer metadata requests or offset commit requests if the offsets topic has
not yet been created.
GroupLoadInProgressException |
The broker returns this error code for any coordinator request if it is still loading the metadata (after a leader change
for that offsets topic partition) for this group.
IllegalGenerationException | |
IllegalSaslStateException | |
InconsistentGroupProtocolException | |
InterruptException |
An unchecked wrapper for InterruptedException
InvalidCommitOffsetSizeException | |
InvalidFetchSizeException | |
InvalidGroupIdException | |
InvalidMetadataException |
An exception that may indicate the client's metadata is out of date
InvalidOffsetException |
Thrown when the offset for a set of partitions is invalid (either undefined or out of range),
and no reset policy has been configured.
InvalidRequiredAcksException | |
InvalidSessionTimeoutException | |
InvalidTimestampException |
Indicate the timestamp of a record is invalid.
InvalidTopicException |
The client has attempted to perform an operation on an invalid topic.
LeaderNotAvailableException |
There is no currently available leader for the given partition (either because a leadership election is in progress
or because all replicas are down).
NetworkException |
A misc.
NotCoordinatorForGroupException |
The broker returns this error code if it receives an offset fetch or commit request for a consumer group that it is
not a coordinator for.
NotEnoughReplicasAfterAppendException |
Number of insync replicas for the partition is lower than min.insync.replicas This exception is raised when the low
ISR size is discovered *after* the message was already appended to the log.
NotEnoughReplicasException |
Number of insync replicas for the partition is lower than min.insync.replicas
NotLeaderForPartitionException |
This server is not the leader for the given partition
OffsetMetadataTooLarge |
The client has tried to save its offset with associated metadata larger than the maximum size allowed by the server.
OffsetOutOfRangeException |
No reset policy has been defined, and the offsets for these partitions are either larger or smaller
than the range of offsets the server has for the given partition.
RebalanceInProgressException | |
RecordBatchTooLargeException |
This record batch is larger than the maximum allowable size
RecordTooLargeException |
This record is larger than the maximum allowable size
ReplicaNotAvailableException | |
RetriableException |
A retryable exception is a transient exception that if retried may succeed.
SerializationException |
Any exception during serialization in the producer
TimeoutException |
Indicates that a request timed out.
TopicAuthorizationException | |
UnknownMemberIdException | |
UnknownServerException |
An error occurred on the server for which the client doesn't have a corresponding error code.
UnknownTopicOrPartitionException |
This topic/partition doesn't exist
UnsupportedSaslMechanismException | |
UnsupportedVersionException | |
WakeupException |
Exception used to indicate preemption of a blocking operation by an external thread.