Class NewPartitions

    • Method Detail

      • increaseTo

        public static NewPartitions increaseTo​(int totalCount)
        Increase the partition count for a topic to the given totalCount. The assignment of new replicas to brokers will be decided by the broker.
        totalCount - The total number of partitions after the operation succeeds.
      • increaseTo

        public static NewPartitions increaseTo​(int totalCount,
                                               List<List<Integer>> newAssignments)

        Increase the partition count for a topic to the given totalCount assigning the new partitions according to the given newAssignments. The length of the given newAssignments should equal totalCount - oldCount, since the assignment of existing partitions are not changed. Each inner list of newAssignments should have a length equal to the topic's replication factor. The first broker id in each inner list is the "preferred replica".

        For example, suppose a topic currently has a replication factor of 2, and has 3 partitions. The number of partitions can be increased to 6 using a NewPartition constructed like this:

         NewPartitions.increaseTo(6, asList(asList(1, 2),
                                            asList(2, 3),
                                            asList(3, 1)))

        In this example partition 3's preferred leader will be broker 1, partition 4's preferred leader will be broker 2 and partition 5's preferred leader will be broker 3.

        totalCount - The total number of partitions after the operation succeeds.
        newAssignments - The replica assignments for the new partitions.
      • totalCount

        public int totalCount()
        The total number of partitions after the operation succeeds.
      • assignments

        public List<List<Integer>> assignments()
        The replica assignments for the new partitions, or null if the assignment will be done by the controller.