Class Struct

  • public class Struct
    extends Object

    A structured record containing a set of named fields with values, each field using an independent Schema. Struct objects must specify a complete Schema up front, and only fields specified in the Schema may be set.

    The Struct's put(String, Object) method returns the Struct itself to provide a fluent API for constructing complete objects:

             Schema schema = SchemaBuilder.struct().name("com.example.Person")
                 .field("name", Schema.STRING_SCHEMA).field("age", Schema.INT32_SCHEMA).build()
             Struct struct = new Struct(schema).put("name", "Bobby McGee").put("age", 21)

    • Constructor Detail

      • Struct

        public Struct​(Schema schema)
        Create a new Struct for this Schema
        schema - the Schema for the Struct
    • Method Detail

      • schema

        public Schema schema()
        Get the schema for this Struct.
        the Struct's schema
      • get

        public Object get​(String fieldName)
        Get the value of a field, returning the default value if no value has been set yet and a default value is specified in the field's schema. Because this handles fields of all types, the value is returned as an Object and must be cast to a more specific type.
        fieldName - the field name to lookup
        the value for the field
      • get

        public Object get​(Field field)
        Get the value of a field, returning the default value if no value has been set yet and a default value is specified in the field's schema. Because this handles fields of all types, the value is returned as an Object and must be cast to a more specific type.
        field - the field to lookup
        the value for the field
      • getWithoutDefault

        public Object getWithoutDefault​(String fieldName)
        Get the underlying raw value for the field without accounting for default values.
        fieldName - the field to get the value of
        the raw value
      • getInt8

        public Byte getInt8​(String fieldName)
        Equivalent to calling get(String) and casting the result to a Byte.
      • getInt16

        public Short getInt16​(String fieldName)
        Equivalent to calling get(String) and casting the result to a Short.
      • getInt32

        public Integer getInt32​(String fieldName)
        Equivalent to calling get(String) and casting the result to a Integer.
      • getInt64

        public Long getInt64​(String fieldName)
        Equivalent to calling get(String) and casting the result to a Long.
      • getFloat32

        public Float getFloat32​(String fieldName)
        Equivalent to calling get(String) and casting the result to a Float.
      • getFloat64

        public Double getFloat64​(String fieldName)
        Equivalent to calling get(String) and casting the result to a Double.
      • getBoolean

        public Boolean getBoolean​(String fieldName)
        Equivalent to calling get(String) and casting the result to a Boolean.
      • getString

        public String getString​(String fieldName)
        Equivalent to calling get(String) and casting the result to a String.
      • getBytes

        public byte[] getBytes​(String fieldName)
        Equivalent to calling get(String) and casting the result to a byte[].
      • getArray

        public <T> List<T> getArray​(String fieldName)
        Equivalent to calling get(String) and casting the result to a List.
      • getMap

        public <K,​V> Map<K,​V> getMap​(String fieldName)
        Equivalent to calling get(String) and casting the result to a Map.
      • getStruct

        public Struct getStruct​(String fieldName)
        Equivalent to calling get(String) and casting the result to a Struct.
      • put

        public Struct put​(String fieldName,
                          Object value)
        Set the value of a field. Validates the value, throwing a DataException if it does not match the field's Schema.
        fieldName - the name of the field to set
        value - the value of the field
        the Struct, to allow chaining of put(String, Object) calls
      • put

        public Struct put​(Field field,
                          Object value)
        Set the value of a field. Validates the value, throwing a DataException if it does not match the field's Schema.
        field - the field to set
        value - the value of the field
        the Struct, to allow chaining of put(String, Object) calls
      • validate

        public void validate()
        Validates that this struct has filled in all the necessary data with valid values. For required fields without defaults, this validates that a value has been set and has matching types/schemas. If any validation fails, throws a DataException.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object