Interface Headers

All Superinterfaces:

public interface Headers
extends Iterable<Header>
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    Headers add​(String key, byte[] value)
    Creates and adds a header, to the end, returning if the operation succeeded.
    Headers add​(Header header)
    Adds a header (key inside), to the end, returning if the operation succeeded.
    Iterable<Header> headers​(String key)
    Returns all headers for the given key, in the order they were added in, if present.
    Header lastHeader​(String key)
    Returns just one (the very last) header for the given key, if present.
    Headers remove​(String key)
    Removes all headers for the given key returning if the operation succeeded.
    Header[] toArray()
    Returns all headers as an array, in the order they were added in.

    Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Iterable

    forEach, iterator, spliterator
  • Method Details

    • add

      Headers add​(Header header) throws IllegalStateException
      Adds a header (key inside), to the end, returning if the operation succeeded.
      header - the Header to be added
      this instance of the Headers, once the header is added.
      IllegalStateException - is thrown if headers are in a read-only state.
    • add

      Headers add​(String key, byte[] value) throws IllegalStateException
      Creates and adds a header, to the end, returning if the operation succeeded.
      key - of the header to be added.
      value - of the header to be added.
      this instance of the Headers, once the header is added.
      IllegalStateException - is thrown if headers are in a read-only state.
    • remove

      Headers remove​(String key) throws IllegalStateException
      Removes all headers for the given key returning if the operation succeeded.
      key - to remove all headers for.
      this instance of the Headers, once the header is removed.
      IllegalStateException - is thrown if headers are in a read-only state.
    • lastHeader

      Header lastHeader​(String key)
      Returns just one (the very last) header for the given key, if present.
      key - to get the last header for.
      this last header matching the given key, returns none if not present.
    • headers

      Iterable<Header> headers​(String key)
      Returns all headers for the given key, in the order they were added in, if present.
      key - to return the headers for.
      all headers for the given key, in the order they were added in, if NO headers are present an empty iterable is returned.
    • toArray

      Header[] toArray()
      Returns all headers as an array, in the order they were added in.
      the headers as a Header[], mutating this array will not affect the Headers, if NO headers are present an empty array is returned.