Interface Headers

All Superinterfaces:

public interface Headers extends Iterable<Header>
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    add(String key, byte[] value)
    Creates and adds a header, to the end, returning if the operation succeeded.
    add(Header header)
    Adds a header (key inside), to the end, returning if the operation succeeded.
    Returns all headers for the given key, in the order they were added in, if present.
    Returns just one (the very last) header for the given key, if present.
    Removes all headers for the given key returning if the operation succeeded.
    Returns all headers as an array, in the order they were added in.

    Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Iterable

    forEach, iterator, spliterator
  • Method Details

    • add

      Headers add(Header header) throws IllegalStateException
      Adds a header (key inside), to the end, returning if the operation succeeded.
      header - the Header to be added
      this instance of the Headers, once the header is added.
      IllegalStateException - is thrown if headers are in a read-only state.
    • add

      Headers add(String key, byte[] value) throws IllegalStateException
      Creates and adds a header, to the end, returning if the operation succeeded.
      key - of the header to be added.
      value - of the header to be added.
      this instance of the Headers, once the header is added.
      IllegalStateException - is thrown if headers are in a read-only state.
    • remove

      Headers remove(String key) throws IllegalStateException
      Removes all headers for the given key returning if the operation succeeded.
      key - to remove all headers for.
      this instance of the Headers, once the header is removed.
      IllegalStateException - is thrown if headers are in a read-only state.
    • lastHeader

      Header lastHeader(String key)
      Returns just one (the very last) header for the given key, if present.
      key - to get the last header for.
      this last header matching the given key, returns null if not present.
    • headers

      Iterable<Header> headers(String key)
      Returns all headers for the given key, in the order they were added in, if present.
      key - to return the headers for.
      all headers for the given key, in the order they were added in, if NO headers are present an empty iterable is returned.
    • toArray

      Header[] toArray()
      Returns all headers as an array, in the order they were added in.
      the headers as a Header[], mutating this array will not affect the Headers, if NO headers are present an empty array is returned.