Class ConnectSchema

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ConnectSchema extends Object implements Schema
  • Constructor Details

    • ConnectSchema

      public ConnectSchema(Schema.Type type, boolean optional, Object defaultValue, String name, Integer version, String doc, Map<String,String> parameters, List<Field> fields, Schema keySchema, Schema valueSchema)
      Construct a Schema. Most users should not construct schemas manually, preferring SchemaBuilder instead.
    • ConnectSchema

      public ConnectSchema(Schema.Type type, boolean optional, Object defaultValue, String name, Integer version, String doc)
      Construct a Schema for a primitive type, setting schema parameters, struct fields, and key and value schemas to null.
    • ConnectSchema

      public ConnectSchema(Schema.Type type)
      Construct a default schema for a primitive type. The schema is required, has no default value, name, version, or documentation.
  • Method Details

    • type

      public Schema.Type type()
      Specified by:
      type in interface Schema
      the type of this schema
    • isOptional

      public boolean isOptional()
      Specified by:
      isOptional in interface Schema
      true if this field is optional, false otherwise
    • defaultValue

      public Object defaultValue()
      Specified by:
      defaultValue in interface Schema
      the default value for this schema
    • name

      public String name()
      Specified by:
      name in interface Schema
      the name of this schema
    • version

      public Integer version()
      Description copied from interface: Schema
      Get the optional version of the schema. If a version is included, newer versions must be larger than older ones.
      Specified by:
      version in interface Schema
      the version of this schema
    • doc

      public String doc()
      Specified by:
      doc in interface Schema
      the documentation for this schema
    • parameters

      public Map<String,String> parameters()
      Description copied from interface: Schema
      Get a map of schema parameters.
      Specified by:
      parameters in interface Schema
      Map containing parameters for this schema, or null if there are no parameters
    • fields

      public List<Field> fields()
      Description copied from interface: Schema
      Get the list of Fields for this Schema. Throws a DataException if this schema is not a Schema.Type.STRUCT.
      Specified by:
      fields in interface Schema
      the list of fields for this Schema
    • field

      public Field field(String fieldName)
      Description copied from interface: Schema
      Get a Field for this Schema by name. Throws a DataException if this schema is not a Schema.Type.STRUCT.
      Specified by:
      field in interface Schema
      fieldName - the name of the field to look up
      the Field object for the specified field, or null if there is no field with the given name
    • keySchema

      public Schema keySchema()
      Description copied from interface: Schema
      Get the key schema for this map schema. Throws a DataException if this schema is not a map.
      Specified by:
      keySchema in interface Schema
      the key schema
    • valueSchema

      public Schema valueSchema()
      Description copied from interface: Schema
      Get the value schema for this map or array schema. Throws a DataException if this schema is not a map or array.
      Specified by:
      valueSchema in interface Schema
      the value schema
    • validateValue

      public static void validateValue(Schema schema, Object value)
      Validate that the value can be used with the schema, i.e. that its type matches the schema type and nullability requirements. Throws a DataException if the value is invalid.
      schema - Schema to test
      value - value to test
    • validateValue

      public static void validateValue(String field, Schema schema, Object value)
    • validateValue

      public void validateValue(Object value)
      Validate that the value can be used for this schema, i.e. that its type matches the schema type and optional requirements. Throws a DataException if the value is invalid.
      value - the value to validate
    • schema

      public ConnectSchema schema()
      Description copied from interface: Schema
      Return a concrete instance of the Schema
      Specified by:
      schema in interface Schema
      the Schema
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • schemaType

      public static Schema.Type schemaType(Class<?> klass)
      Get the Schema.Type associated with the given class.
      klass - the Class whose associated schema type is to be returned
      the corresponding type, or null if there is no matching type