Class OffsetSpec

Direct Known Subclasses:
OffsetSpec.EarliestLocalSpec, OffsetSpec.EarliestSpec, OffsetSpec.LatestSpec, OffsetSpec.LatestTieredSpec, OffsetSpec.MaxTimestampSpec, OffsetSpec.TimestampSpec

public class OffsetSpec extends Object
This class allows to specify the desired offsets when using KafkaAdminClient.listOffsets(Map, ListOffsetsOptions)
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • OffsetSpec Link icon

      public OffsetSpec()
  • Method Details Link icon

    • latest Link icon

      public static OffsetSpec latest()
      Used to retrieve the latest offset of a partition
    • earliest Link icon

      public static OffsetSpec earliest()
      Used to retrieve the earliest offset of a partition
    • forTimestamp Link icon

      public static OffsetSpec forTimestamp(long timestamp)
      Used to retrieve the earliest offset whose timestamp is greater than or equal to the given timestamp in the corresponding partition
      timestamp - in milliseconds
    • maxTimestamp Link icon

      public static OffsetSpec maxTimestamp()
      Used to retrieve the offset with the largest timestamp of a partition as message timestamps can be specified client side this may not match the log end offset returned by LatestSpec
    • earliestLocal Link icon

      public static OffsetSpec earliestLocal()
      Used to retrieve the local log start offset. Local log start offset is the offset of a log above which reads are guaranteed to be served from the disk of the leader broker.
      Note: When tiered Storage is not enabled, it behaves the same as retrieving the earliest timestamp offset.
    • latestTiered Link icon

      public static OffsetSpec latestTiered()
      Used to retrieve the highest offset of data stored in remote storage.
      Note: When tiered storage is not enabled, we will return unknown offset.