Enum Class RemoteLogSegmentState

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<RemoteLogSegmentState>, Constable

public enum RemoteLogSegmentState extends Enum<RemoteLogSegmentState>
This enum indicates the state of the remote log segment. This will be based on the action executed on this segment by the remote log service implementation.

It goes through the below state transitions. Self transition is treated as valid. This allows updating with the same state in case of retries and failover.

 +---------------------+            +----------------------+
 +-------------------+-+            +--+-------------------+
                     |                 |
                     |                 |
                     v                 v
  • Enum Constant Details


      public static final RemoteLogSegmentState COPY_SEGMENT_STARTED
      This state indicates that the segment copying to remote storage is started but not yet finished.

      public static final RemoteLogSegmentState COPY_SEGMENT_FINISHED
      This state indicates that the segment copying to remote storage is finished.

      public static final RemoteLogSegmentState DELETE_SEGMENT_STARTED
      This state indicates that the segment deletion is started but not yet finished.

      public static final RemoteLogSegmentState DELETE_SEGMENT_FINISHED
      This state indicates that the segment is deleted successfully.
  • Method Details

    • values

      public static RemoteLogSegmentState[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static RemoteLogSegmentState valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • id

      public byte id()
    • forId

      public static RemoteLogSegmentState forId(byte id)
    • isValidTransition

      public static boolean isValidTransition(RemoteLogSegmentState srcState, RemoteLogSegmentState targetState)