Interface TransformerSupplier<K,V,R>

Type Parameters:
K - key type
V - value type
R - KeyValue return type (both key and value type can be set arbitrarily)
All Superinterfaces:
ConnectedStoreProvider, Supplier<Transformer<K,V,R>>

@Deprecated public interface TransformerSupplier<K,V,R> extends ConnectedStoreProvider, Supplier<Transformer<K,V,R>>
Since 4.0. Use api.ProcessorSupplier instead.
A TransformerSupplier interface which can create one or more Transformer instances.

The supplier should always generate a new instance each time get() gets called. Creating a single Transformer object and returning the same object reference in get() would be a violation of the supplier pattern and leads to runtime exceptions.

See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Return a newly constructed Transformer instance.

    Methods inherited from interface org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.ConnectedStoreProvider

  • Method Details

    • get

      Transformer<K,V,R> get()
      Return a newly constructed Transformer instance. The supplier should always generate a new instance each time gets called.

      Creating a single Transformer object and returning the same object reference in get() is a violation of the supplier pattern and leads to runtime exceptions.

      Specified by:
      get in interface Supplier<K>
      a newly constructed Transformer instance