Interface StateStore

All Known Subinterfaces:
KeyValueStore<K,V>, SessionStore<K,AGG>, TimestampedKeyValueStore<K,V>, TimestampedWindowStore<K,V>, VersionedBytesStore, VersionedKeyValueStore<K,V>, WindowStore<K,V>

public interface StateStore
A storage engine for managing state maintained by a stream processor.

If the store is implemented as a persistent store, it must use the store name as directory name and write all data into this store directory. The store directory must be created with the state directory. The state directory can be obtained via #stateDir() using the ProcessorContext provided via init(...).

Using nested store directories within the state directory isolates different state stores. If a state store would write into the state directory directly, it might conflict with others state stores and thus, data might get corrupted and/or Streams might fail with an error. Furthermore, Kafka Streams relies on using the store name as store directory name to perform internal cleanup tasks.

This interface does not specify any query capabilities, which, of course, would be query engine specific. Instead, it just specifies the minimum functionality required to reload a storage engine from its changelog as well as basic lifecycle management.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Close the storage engine.
    Flush any cached data
    default Position
    Returns the position the state store is at with respect to the input topic/partitions
    init(StateStoreContext stateStoreContext, StateStore root)
    Initializes this state store.
    Is this store open for reading and writing
    The name of this store.
    Return if the storage is persistent or not.
    default <R> QueryResult<R>
    query(Query<R> query, PositionBound positionBound, QueryConfig config)
    Execute a query.
  • Method Details

    • name

      String name()
      The name of this store.
      the storage name
    • init

      void init(StateStoreContext stateStoreContext, StateStore root)
      Initializes this state store.

      The implementation of this function must register the root store in the stateStoreContext via the StateStoreContext.register(StateStore, StateRestoreCallback, CommitCallback) function, where the first StateStore parameter should always be the passed-in root object, and the second parameter should be an object of user's implementation of the StateRestoreCallback interface used for restoring the state store from the changelog.

      Note that if the state store engine itself supports bulk writes, users can implement another interface BatchingStateRestoreCallback which extends StateRestoreCallback to let users implement bulk-load restoration logic instead of restoring one record at a time.

      IllegalStateException - If store gets registered after initialized is already finished
      StreamsException - if the store's change log does not contain the partition
    • flush

      void flush()
      Flush any cached data
    • close

      void close()
      Close the storage engine. Note that this function needs to be idempotent since it may be called several times on the same state store.

      Users only need to implement this function but should NEVER need to call this api explicitly as it will be called by the library automatically when necessary

    • persistent

      boolean persistent()
      Return if the storage is persistent or not.
      true if the storage is persistent—false otherwise
    • isOpen

      boolean isOpen()
      Is this store open for reading and writing
      true if the store is open
    • query

      @Evolving default <R> QueryResult<R> query(Query<R> query, PositionBound positionBound, QueryConfig config)
      Execute a query. Returns a QueryResult containing either result data or a failure.

      If the store doesn't know how to handle the given query, the result shall be a FailureReason.UNKNOWN_QUERY_TYPE. If the store couldn't satisfy the given position bound, the result shall be a FailureReason.NOT_UP_TO_BOUND.

      Note to store implementers: if your store does not support position tracking, you can correctly respond FailureReason.NOT_UP_TO_BOUND if the argument is anything but PositionBound.unbounded(). Be sure to explain in the failure message that bounded positions are not supported.

      Type Parameters:
      R - The result type
      query - The query to execute
      positionBound - The position the store must be at or past
      config - Per query configuration parameters, such as whether the store should collect detailed execution info for the query
    • getPosition

      @Evolving default Position getPosition()
      Returns the position the state store is at with respect to the input topic/partitions