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Configuring a Streams Application

Kafka and Kafka Streams configuration options must be configured before using Streams. You can configure Kafka Streams by specifying parameters in a java.util.Properties instance.

  1. Create a java.util.Properties instance.

  2. Set the parameters. For example:

    import java.util.Properties;
    import org.apache.kafka.streams.StreamsConfig;
    Properties settings = new Properties();
    // Set a few key parameters
    settings.put(StreamsConfig.APPLICATION_ID_CONFIG, "my-first-streams-application");
    settings.put(StreamsConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, "kafka-broker1:9092");
    // Any further settings
    settings.put(... , ...);

Configuration parameter reference

This section contains the most common Streams configuration parameters. For a full reference, see the Streams Javadocs.

Required configuration parameters

Here are the required Streams configuration parameters.

Parameter Name Importance Description Default Value Required An identifier for the stream processing application. Must be unique within the Kafka cluster. None
bootstrap.servers Required A list of host/port pairs to use for establishing the initial connection to the Kafka cluster. None

(Required) The application ID. Each stream processing application must have a unique ID. The same ID must be given to all instances of the application. It is recommended to use only alphanumeric characters, . (dot), - (hyphen), and _ (underscore). Examples: "hello_world", "hello_world-v1.0.0"

This ID is used in the following places to isolate resources used by the application from others:

  • As the default Kafka consumer and producer prefix
  • As the Kafka consumer for coordination
  • As the name of the subdirectory in the state directory (cf. state.dir)
  • As the prefix of internal Kafka topic names
When an application is updated, the should be changed unless you want to reuse the existing data in internal topics and state stores. For example, you could embed the version information within, as my-app-v1.0.0 and my-app-v1.0.2.


(Required) The Kafka bootstrap servers. This is the same setting that is used by the underlying producer and consumer clients to connect to the Kafka cluster. Example: "kafka-broker1:9092,kafka-broker2:9092".

Optional configuration parameters

Here are the optional Streams javadocs, sorted by level of importance:

  • High: These parameters can have a significant impact on performance. Take care when deciding the values of these parameters.
  • Medium: These parameters can have some impact on performance. Your specific environment will determine how much tuning effort should be focused on these parameters.
  • Low: These parameters have a less general or less significant impact on performance.
Parameter Name Importance Description Default Value
acceptable.recovery.lag Medium The maximum acceptable lag (number of offsets to catch up) for an instance to be considered caught-up and ready for the active task. 10000
application.server Low A host:port pair pointing to an embedded user defined endpoint that can be used for discovering the locations of state stores within a single Kafka Streams application. The value of this must be different for each instance of the application. the empty string
buffered.records.per.partition Low The maximum number of records to buffer per partition. 1000
cache.max.bytes.buffering Medium Maximum number of memory bytes to be used for record caches across all threads. 10485760 bytes Medium An ID string to pass to the server when making requests. (This setting is passed to the consumer/producer clients used internally by Kafka Streams.) the empty string Low The frequency in milliseconds with which to save the position (offsets in source topics) of tasks. 30000 milliseconds
default.deserialization.exception.handler Medium Exception handling class that implements the DeserializationExceptionHandler interface. LogAndContinueExceptionHandler
default.key.serde Medium Default serializer/deserializer class for record keys, implements the Serde interface. Must be set by the user or all serdes must be passed in explicitly (see also default.value.serde). null
default.production.exception.handler Medium Exception handling class that implements the ProductionExceptionHandler interface. DefaultProductionExceptionHandler
default.timestamp.extractor Medium Timestamp extractor class that implements the TimestampExtractor interface. See Timestamp Extractor
default.value.serde Medium Default serializer/deserializer class for record values, implements the Serde interface. Must be set by the user or all serdes must be passed in explicitly (see also default.key.serde). null
default.windowed.key.serde.inner Medium Default serializer/deserializer for the inner class of windowed keys, implementing the Serde interface. null
default.windowed.value.serde.inner Medium Default serializer/deserializer for the inner class of windowed values, implementing the Serde interface. null Medium

This config controls whether joins and merges may produce out-of-order results. The config value is the maximum amount of time in milliseconds a stream task will stay idle when it is fully caught up on some (but not all) input partitions to wait for producers to send additional records and avoid potential out-of-order record processing across multiple input streams. The default (zero) does not wait for producers to send more records, but it does wait to fetch data that is already present on the brokers. This default means that for records that are already present on the brokers, Streams will process them in timestamp order. Set to -1 to disable idling entirely and process any locally available data, even though doing so may produce out-of-order processing.

0 milliseconds
max.warmup.replicas Medium The maximum number of warmup replicas (extra standbys beyond the configured num.standbys) that can be assigned at once. 2
metric.reporters Low A list of classes to use as metrics reporters. the empty list
metrics.num.samples Low The number of samples maintained to compute metrics. 2
metrics.recording.level Low The highest recording level for metrics. INFO Low The window of time in milliseconds a metrics sample is computed over. 30000 milliseconds (30 seconds)
num.standby.replicas High The number of standby replicas for each task. 0 Medium The number of threads to execute stream processing. 1
partition.grouper Low Partition grouper class that implements the PartitionGrouper interface. See Partition Grouper Low The maximum time in milliseconds to wait before triggering a rebalance to probe for warmup replicas that have sufficiently caught up. 600000 milliseconds (10 minutes)
processing.guarantee Medium The processing mode. Can be either "at_least_once" (default) or "exactly_once_v2" (for EOS version 2, requires broker version 2.5+). Deprecated config options are "exactly_once" (for EOS version 1) and "exactly_once_beta" (for EOS version 2, requires broker version 2.5+)See Processing Guarantee Low The amount of time in milliseconds to block waiting for input. 100 milliseconds
rack.aware.assignment.tags Medium List of tag keys used to distribute standby replicas across Kafka Streams clients. When configured, Kafka Streams will make a best-effort to distribute the standby tasks over clients with different tag values. the empty list
replication.factor Medium The replication factor for changelog topics and repartition topics created by the application. The default of -1 (meaning: use broker default replication factor) requires broker version 2.4 or newer. -1 Medium The amount of time in milliseconds, before a request is retried. This applies if the retries parameter is configured to be greater than 0. 100 milliseconds
rocksdb.config.setter Medium The RocksDB configuration. Low The amount of time in milliseconds to wait before deleting state when a partition has migrated. 600000 milliseconds (10 minutes)
state.dir High Directory location for state stores. /${}/kafka-streams Medium The maximum amount of time in milliseconds a task might stall due to internal errors and retries until an error is raised. For a timeout of 0 ms, a task would raise an error for the first internal error. For any timeout larger than 0 ms, a task will retry at least once before an error is raised. 300000 milliseconds (5 minutes)
topology.optimization Medium A configuration telling Kafka Streams if it should optimize the topology none
upgrade.from Medium The version you are upgrading from during a rolling upgrade. See Upgrade From Low Added to a windows maintainMs to ensure data is not deleted from the log prematurely. Allows for clock drift. 86400000 milliseconds (1 day) Low Sets window size for the deserializer in order to calculate window end times. null


The maximum acceptable lag (total number of offsets to catch up from the changelog) for an instance to be considered caught-up and able to receive an active task. Streams will only assign stateful active tasks to instances whose state stores are within the acceptable recovery lag, if any exist, and assign warmup replicas to restore state in the background for instances that are not yet caught up. Should correspond to a recovery time of well under a minute for a given workload. Must be at least 0.

Note: if you set this to Long.MAX_VALUE it effectively disables the warmup replicas and task high availability, allowing Streams to immediately produce a balanced assignment and migrate tasks to a new instance without first warming them up.


The default deserialization exception handler allows you to manage record exceptions that fail to deserialize. This can be caused by corrupt data, incorrect serialization logic, or unhandled record types. The implemented exception handler needs to return a FAIL or CONTINUE depending on the record and the exception thrown. Returning FAIL will signal that Streams should shut down and CONTINUE will signal that Streams should ignore the issue and continue processing. The following library built-in exception handlers are available:

  • LogAndContinueExceptionHandler: This handler logs the deserialization exception and then signals the processing pipeline to continue processing more records. This log-and-skip strategy allows Kafka Streams to make progress instead of failing if there are records that fail to deserialize.
  • LogAndFailExceptionHandler. This handler logs the deserialization exception and then signals the processing pipeline to stop processing more records.

You can also provide your own customized exception handler besides the library provided ones to meet your needs. For example, you can choose to forward corrupt records into a quarantine topic (think: a "dead letter queue") for further processing. To do this, use the Producer API to write a corrupted record directly to the quarantine topic. To be more concrete, you can create a separate KafkaProducer object outside the Streams client, and pass in this object as well as the dead letter queue topic name into the Properties map, which then can be retrieved from the configure function call. The drawback of this approach is that "manual" writes are side effects that are invisible to the Kafka Streams runtime library, so they do not benefit from the end-to-end processing guarantees of the Streams API:

public class SendToDeadLetterQueueExceptionHandler implements DeserializationExceptionHandler {
    KafkaProducer<byte[], byte[]> dlqProducer;
    String dlqTopic;

    public DeserializationHandlerResponse handle(final ProcessorContext context,
                                                 final ConsumerRecord<byte[], byte[]> record,
                                                 final Exception exception) {

        log.warn("Exception caught during Deserialization, sending to the dead queue topic; " +
            "taskId: {}, topic: {}, partition: {}, offset: {}",
            context.taskId(), record.topic(), record.partition(), record.offset(),

        dlqProducer.send(new ProducerRecord<>(dlqTopic, record.timestamp(), record.key(), record.value(), record.headers())).get();

        return DeserializationHandlerResponse.CONTINUE;

    public void configure(final Map<String, ?> configs) {
        dlqProducer = .. // get a producer from the configs map
        dlqTopic = .. // get the topic name from the configs map


The default production exception handler allows you to manage exceptions triggered when trying to interact with a broker such as attempting to produce a record that is too large. By default, Kafka provides and uses the DefaultProductionExceptionHandler that always fails when these exceptions occur.

Each exception handler can return a FAIL or CONTINUE depending on the record and the exception thrown. Returning FAIL will signal that Streams should shut down and CONTINUE will signal that Streams should ignore the issue and continue processing. If you want to provide an exception handler that always ignores records that are too large, you could implement something like the following:

import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.kafka.streams.StreamsConfig;
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.RecordTooLargeException;
import org.apache.kafka.streams.errors.ProductionExceptionHandler;
import org.apache.kafka.streams.errors.ProductionExceptionHandler.ProductionExceptionHandlerResponse;

public class IgnoreRecordTooLargeHandler implements ProductionExceptionHandler {
    public void configure(Map<String, Object> config) {}

    public ProductionExceptionHandlerResponse handle(final ProducerRecord<byte[], byte[]> record,
                                                     final Exception exception) {
        if (exception instanceof RecordTooLargeException) {
            return ProductionExceptionHandlerResponse.CONTINUE;
        } else {
            return ProductionExceptionHandlerResponse.FAIL;

Properties settings = new Properties();

// other various kafka streams settings, e.g. bootstrap servers, application id, etc



A timestamp extractor pulls a timestamp from an instance of ConsumerRecord. Timestamps are used to control the progress of streams.

The default extractor is FailOnInvalidTimestamp. This extractor retrieves built-in timestamps that are automatically embedded into Kafka messages by the Kafka producer client since Kafka version 0.10. Depending on the setting of Kafka’s server-side log.message.timestamp.type broker and message.timestamp.type topic parameters, this extractor provides you with:

  • event-time processing semantics if log.message.timestamp.type is set to CreateTime aka “producer time” (which is the default). This represents the time when a Kafka producer sent the original message. If you use Kafka’s official producer client, the timestamp represents milliseconds since the epoch.
  • ingestion-time processing semantics if log.message.timestamp.type is set to LogAppendTime aka “broker time”. This represents the time when the Kafka broker received the original message, in milliseconds since the epoch.

The FailOnInvalidTimestamp extractor throws an exception if a record contains an invalid (i.e. negative) built-in timestamp, because Kafka Streams would not process this record but silently drop it. Invalid built-in timestamps can occur for various reasons: if for example, you consume a topic that is written to by pre-0.10 Kafka producer clients or by third-party producer clients that don’t support the new Kafka 0.10 message format yet; another situation where this may happen is after upgrading your Kafka cluster from 0.9 to 0.10, where all the data that was generated with 0.9 does not include the 0.10 message timestamps.

If you have data with invalid timestamps and want to process it, then there are two alternative extractors available. Both work on built-in timestamps, but handle invalid timestamps differently.

  • LogAndSkipOnInvalidTimestamp: This extractor logs a warn message and returns the invalid timestamp to Kafka Streams, which will not process but silently drop the record. This log-and-skip strategy allows Kafka Streams to make progress instead of failing if there are records with an invalid built-in timestamp in your input data.
  • UsePartitionTimeOnInvalidTimestamp. This extractor returns the record’s built-in timestamp if it is valid (i.e. not negative). If the record does not have a valid built-in timestamps, the extractor returns the previously extracted valid timestamp from a record of the same topic partition as the current record as a timestamp estimation. In case that no timestamp can be estimated, it throws an exception.

Another built-in extractor is WallclockTimestampExtractor. This extractor does not actually “extract” a timestamp from the consumed record but rather returns the current time in milliseconds from the system clock (think: System.currentTimeMillis()), which effectively means Streams will operate on the basis of the so-called processing-time of events.

You can also provide your own timestamp extractors, for instance to retrieve timestamps embedded in the payload of messages. If you cannot extract a valid timestamp, you can either throw an exception, return a negative timestamp, or estimate a timestamp. Returning a negative timestamp will result in data loss – the corresponding record will not be processed but silently dropped. If you want to estimate a new timestamp, you can use the value provided via previousTimestamp (i.e., a Kafka Streams timestamp estimation). Here is an example of a custom TimestampExtractor implementation:

import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecord;
import org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.TimestampExtractor;

// Extracts the embedded timestamp of a record (giving you "event-time" semantics).
public class MyEventTimeExtractor implements TimestampExtractor {

  public long extract(final ConsumerRecord<Object, Object> record, final long previousTimestamp) {
    // `Foo` is your own custom class, which we assume has a method that returns
    // the embedded timestamp (milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC).
    long timestamp = -1;
    final Foo myPojo = (Foo) record.value();
    if (myPojo != null) {
      timestamp = myPojo.getTimestampInMillis();
    if (timestamp < 0) {
      // Invalid timestamp!  Attempt to estimate a new timestamp,
      // otherwise fall back to wall-clock time (processing-time).
      if (previousTimestamp >= 0) {
        return previousTimestamp;
      } else {
        return System.currentTimeMillis();


You would then define the custom timestamp extractor in your Streams configuration as follows:

import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.kafka.streams.StreamsConfig;

Properties streamsConfiguration = new Properties();
streamsConfiguration.put(StreamsConfig.DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_EXTRACTOR_CLASS_CONFIG, MyEventTimeExtractor.class);


The default Serializer/Deserializer class for record keys, null unless set by user. Serialization and deserialization in Kafka Streams happens whenever data needs to be materialized, for example:

  • Whenever data is read from or written to a Kafka topic (e.g., via the StreamsBuilder#stream() and KStream#to() methods).
  • Whenever data is read from or written to a state store.

This is discussed in more detail in Data types and serialization.


The default Serializer/Deserializer class for record values, null unless set by user. Serialization and deserialization in Kafka Streams happens whenever data needs to be materialized, for example:

  • Whenever data is read from or written to a Kafka topic (e.g., via the StreamsBuilder#stream() and KStream#to() methods).
  • Whenever data is read from or written to a state store.

This is discussed in more detail in Data types and serialization.


The default Serializer/Deserializer class for the inner class of windowed keys. Serialization and deserialization in Kafka Streams happens whenever data needs to be materialized, for example:

  • Whenever data is read from or written to a Kafka topic (e.g., via the StreamsBuilder#stream() and KStream#to() methods).
  • Whenever data is read from or written to a state store.

This is discussed in more detail in Data types and serialization.


The default Serializer/Deserializer class for the inner class of windowed values. Serialization and deserialization in Kafka Streams happens happens whenever data needs to be materialized, for example:

  • Whenever data is read from or written to a Kafka topic (e.g., via the StreamsBuilder#stream() and KStream#to() methods).
  • Whenever data is read from or written to a state store.

This is discussed in more detail in Data types and serialization.


This configuration sets a list of tag keys used to distribute standby replicas across Kafka Streams clients. When configured, Kafka Streams will make a best-effort to distribute the standby tasks over clients with different tag values.

Tags for the Kafka Streams clients can be set via client.tag. prefix. Example:

Client-1                                   | Client-2
_______________________________________________________________________ eu-central-1a             | eu-central-1b
client.tag.cluster: k8s-cluster1           | client.tag.cluster: k8s-cluster1
rack.aware.assignment.tags: zone,cluster   | rack.aware.assignment.tags: zone,cluster

Client-3                                   | Client-4
_______________________________________________________________________ eu-central-1a             | eu-central-1b
client.tag.cluster: k8s-cluster2           | client.tag.cluster: k8s-cluster2
rack.aware.assignment.tags: zone,cluster   | rack.aware.assignment.tags: zone,cluster

In the above example, we have four Kafka Streams clients across two zones (eu-central-1a, eu-central-1b) and across two clusters (k8s-cluster1, k8s-cluster2). For an active task located on Client-1, Kafka Streams will allocate a standby task on Client-4, since Client-4 has a different zone and a different cluster than Client-1.

This configuration controls how long Streams will wait to fetch data in order to provide in-order processing semantics.

When processing a task that has multiple input partitions (as in a join or merge), Streams needs to choose which partition to process the next record from. When all input partitions have locally buffered data, Streams picks the partition whose next record has the lowest timestamp. This has the desirable effect of collating the input partitions in timestamp order, which is generally what you want in a streaming join or merge. However, when Streams does not have any data buffered locally for one of the partitions, it does not know whether the next record for that partition will have a lower or higher timestamp than the remaining partitions' records.

There are two cases to consider: either there is data in that partition on the broker that Streams has not fetched yet, or Streams is fully caught up with that partition on the broker, and the producers simply haven't produced any new records since Streams polled the last batch.

The default value of 0 causes Streams to delay processing a task when it detects that it has no locally buffered data for a partition, but there is data available on the brokers. Specifically, when there is an empty partition in the local buffer, but Streams has a non-zero lag for that partition. However, as soon as Streams catches up to the broker, it will continue processing, even if there is no data in one of the partitions. That is, it will not wait for new data to be produced. This default is designed to sacrifice some throughput in exchange for intuitively correct join semantics.

Any config value greater than zero indicates the number of extra milliseconds that Streams will wait if it has a caught-up but empty partition. In other words, this is the amount of time to wait for new data to be produced to the input partitions to ensure in-order processing of data in the event of a slow producer.

The config value of -1 indicates that Streams will never wait to buffer empty partitions before choosing the next record by timestamp, which achieves maximum throughput at the expense of introducing out-of-order processing.


The maximum number of warmup replicas (extra standbys beyond the configured num.standbys) that can be assigned at once for the purpose of keeping the task available on one instance while it is warming up on another instance it has been reassigned to. Used to throttle how much extra broker traffic and cluster state can be used for high availability. Increasing this will allow Streams to warm up more tasks at once, speeding up the time for the reassigned warmups to restore sufficient state for them to be transitioned to active tasks. Must be at least 1.


The number of standby replicas. Standby replicas are shadow copies of local state stores. Kafka Streams attempts to create the specified number of replicas per store and keep them up to date as long as there are enough instances running. Standby replicas are used to minimize the latency of task failover. A task that was previously running on a failed instance is preferred to restart on an instance that has standby replicas so that the local state store restoration process from its changelog can be minimized. Details about how Kafka Streams makes use of the standby replicas to minimize the cost of resuming tasks on failover can be found in the State section.
Increase the number of standbys to 1 to get instant fail-over, i.e., high-availability. Increasing the number of standbys requires more client-side storage space. For example, with 1 standby, 2x space is required.
If you enable n standby tasks, you need to provision n+1 KafkaStreams instances.

This specifies the number of stream threads in an instance of the Kafka Streams application. The stream processing code runs in these thread. For more information about Kafka Streams threading model, see Threading Model.


[DEPRECATED] A partition grouper creates a list of stream tasks from the partitions of source topics, where each created task is assigned with a group of source topic partitions. The default implementation provided by Kafka Streams is DefaultPartitionGrouper. It assigns each task with one partition for each of the source topic partitions. The generated number of tasks equals the largest number of partitions among the input topics. Usually an application does not need to customize the partition grouper.

The maximum time to wait before triggering a rebalance to probe for warmup replicas that have restored enough to be considered caught up. Streams will only assign stateful active tasks to instances that are caught up and within the acceptable.recovery.lag, if any exist. Probing rebalances are used to query the latest total lag of warmup replicas and transition them to active tasks if ready. They will continue to be triggered as long as there are warmup tasks, and until the assignment is balanced. Must be at least 1 minute.


The processing guarantee that should be used. Possible values are "at_least_once" (default) and "exactly_once_v2" (for EOS version 2). Deprecated config options are "exactly_once" (for EOS alpha), and "exactly_once_beta" (for EOS version 2). Using "exactly_once_v2" (or the deprecated "exactly_once_beta") requires broker version 2.5 or newer, while using the deprecated "exactly_once" requires broker version 0.11.0 or newer. Note that if exactly-once processing is enabled, the default for parameter changes to 100ms. Additionally, consumers are configured with isolation.level="read_committed" and producers are configured with enable.idempotence=true per default. Note that by default exactly-once processing requires a cluster of at least three brokers what is the recommended setting for production. For development, you can change this configuration by adjusting broker setting transaction.state.log.replication.factor and transaction.state.log.min.isr to the number of brokers you want to use. For more details see Processing Guarantees.
While it is technically possible to use EOS with any replication factor, using a replication factor lower than 3 effectively voids EOS. Thus it is strongly recommended to use a replication factor of 3 (together with This recommendation applies to all topics (i.e. __transaction_state, __consumer_offsets, Kafka Streams internal topics, and user topics).


This specifies the replication factor of internal topics that Kafka Streams creates when local states are used or a stream is repartitioned for aggregation. Replication is important for fault tolerance. Without replication even a single broker failure may prevent progress of the stream processing application. It is recommended to use a similar replication factor as source topics.

Increase the replication factor to 3 to ensure that the internal Kafka Streams topic can tolerate up to 2 broker failures. Note that you will require more storage space as well (3x with the replication factor of 3).


The RocksDB configuration. Kafka Streams uses RocksDB as the default storage engine for persistent stores. To change the default configuration for RocksDB, you can implement RocksDBConfigSetter and provide your custom class via rocksdb.config.setter.

Here is an example that adjusts the memory size consumed by RocksDB.

public static class CustomRocksDBConfig implements RocksDBConfigSetter {
    // This object should be a member variable so it can be closed in RocksDBConfigSetter#close.
    private org.rocksdb.Cache cache = new org.rocksdb.LRUCache(16 * 1024L * 1024L);

    public void setConfig(final String storeName, final Options options, final Map<String, Object> configs) {
        // See #1 below.
        BlockBasedTableConfig tableConfig = (BlockBasedTableConfig) options.tableFormatConfig();
        // See #2 below.
        tableConfig.setBlockSize(16 * 1024L);
        // See #3 below.
        // See #4 below.

    public void close(final String storeName, final Options options) {
        // See #5 below.

Properties streamsSettings = new Properties();
streamsConfig.put(StreamsConfig.ROCKSDB_CONFIG_SETTER_CLASS_CONFIG, CustomRocksDBConfig.class);
Notes for example:
  1. BlockBasedTableConfig tableConfig = (BlockBasedTableConfig) options.tableFormatConfig(); Get a reference to the existing table config rather than create a new one, so you don't accidentally overwrite defaults such as the BloomFilter, which is an important optimization.
  2. tableConfig.setBlockSize(16 * 1024L); Modify the default block size per these instructions from the RocksDB GitHub.
  3. tableConfig.setCacheIndexAndFilterBlocks(true); Do not let the index and filter blocks grow unbounded. For more information, see the RocksDB GitHub.
  4. options.setMaxWriteBufferNumber(2); See the advanced options in the RocksDB GitHub.
  5. cache.close(); To avoid memory leaks, you must close any objects you constructed that extend org.rocksdb.RocksObject. See RocksJava docs for more details.


The state directory. Kafka Streams persists local states under the state directory. Each application has a subdirectory on its hosting machine that is located under the state directory. The name of the subdirectory is the application ID. The state stores associated with the application are created under this subdirectory. When running multiple instances of the same application on a single machine, this path must be unique for each such instance.


You can tell Streams to apply topology optimizations by setting this config. The optimizations are currently all or none and disabled by default. These optimizations include moving/reducing repartition topics and reusing the source topic as the changelog for source KTables. It is recommended to enable this.

Note that as of 2.3, you need to do two things to enable optimizations. In addition to setting this config to StreamsConfig.OPTIMIZE, you'll need to pass in your configuration properties when building your topology by using the overloaded method. For example KafkaStreams myStream = new KafkaStreams(, properties).


The version you are upgrading from. It is important to set this config when performing a rolling upgrade to certain versions, as described in the upgrade guide. You should set this config to the appropriate version before bouncing your instances and upgrading them to the newer version. Once everyone is on the newer version, you should remove this config and do a second rolling bounce. It is only necessary to set this config and follow the two-bounce upgrade path when upgrading from below version 2.0, or when upgrading to 2.4+ from any version lower than 2.4.

Kafka consumers, producer and admin client configuration parameters

You can specify parameters for the Kafka consumers, producers, and admin client that are used internally. The consumer, producer and admin client settings are defined by specifying parameters in a StreamsConfig instance.

In this example, the Kafka consumer session timeout is configured to be 60000 milliseconds in the Streams settings:

Properties streamsSettings = new Properties();
// Example of a "normal" setting for Kafka Streams
streamsSettings.put(StreamsConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, "kafka-broker-01:9092");
// Customize the Kafka consumer settings of your Streams application
streamsSettings.put(ConsumerConfig.SESSION_TIMEOUT_MS_CONFIG, 60000);


Some consumer, producer and admin client configuration parameters use the same parameter name, and Kafka Streams library itself also uses some parameters that share the same name with its embedded client. For example, send.buffer.bytes and receive.buffer.bytes are used to configure TCP buffers; and control retries for client request; retries are used to configure how many retries are allowed when handling retriable errors from broker request responses. You can avoid duplicate names by prefix parameter names with consumer., producer., or admin. (e.g., consumer.send.buffer.bytes and producer.send.buffer.bytes).

Properties streamsSettings = new Properties();
// same value for consumer, producer, and admin client
streamsSettings.put("PARAMETER_NAME", "value");
// different values for consumer and producer
streamsSettings.put("consumer.PARAMETER_NAME", "consumer-value");
streamsSettings.put("producer.PARAMETER_NAME", "producer-value");
streamsSettings.put("admin.PARAMETER_NAME", "admin-value");
// alternatively, you can use
streamsSettings.put(StreamsConfig.consumerPrefix("PARAMETER_NAME"), "consumer-value");
streamsSettings.put(StreamsConfig.producerPrefix("PARAMETER_NAME"), "producer-value");
streamsSettings.put(StreamsConfig.adminClientPrefix("PARAMETER_NAME"), "admin-value");

You could further separate consumer configuration by adding different prefixes:

  • main.consumer. for main consumer which is the default consumer of stream source.
  • restore.consumer. for restore consumer which is in charge of state store recovery.
  • global.consumer. for global consumer which is used in global KTable construction.

For example, if you only want to set restore consumer config without touching other consumers' settings, you could simply use restore.consumer. to set the config.

Properties streamsSettings = new Properties();
// same config value for all consumer types
streamsSettings.put("consumer.PARAMETER_NAME", "general-consumer-value");
// set a different restore consumer config. This would make restore consumer take restore-consumer-value,
// while main consumer and global consumer stay with general-consumer-value
streamsSettings.put("restore.consumer.PARAMETER_NAME", "restore-consumer-value");
// alternatively, you can use
streamsSettings.put(StreamsConfig.restoreConsumerPrefix("PARAMETER_NAME"), "restore-consumer-value");

Same applied to main.consumer. and main.consumer., if you only want to specify one consumer type config.

Additionally, to configure the internal repartition/changelog topics, you could use the topic. prefix, followed by any of the standard topic configs.

Properties streamsSettings = new Properties();
// Override default for both changelog and repartition topics
streamsSettings.put("topic.PARAMETER_NAME", "topic-value");
// alternatively, you can use
streamsSettings.put(StreamsConfig.topicPrefix("PARAMETER_NAME"), "topic-value");

Default Values

Kafka Streams uses different default values for some of the underlying client configs, which are summarized below. For detailed descriptions of these configs, see Producer Configs and Consumer Configs.

Parameter Name Corresponding Client Streams Default
auto.offset.reset Consumer earliest Producer 100
max.poll.records Consumer 1000

Parameters controlled by Kafka Streams

Kafka Streams assigns the following configuration parameters. If you try to change, your value is ignored and setting it has no effect in a Kafka Streams application. You can set the other parameters. Kafka Streams sets them to different default values than a plain KafkaConsumer.

Kafka Streams uses the parameter to compute derived client IDs for internal clients. If you don't set, Kafka Streams sets it to <>-<random-UUID>.
Parameter Name Corresponding Client Streams Default Consumer false
auto.offset.reset Consumer earliest Producer 100
max.poll.records Consumer 1000

The consumer auto commit. To guarantee at-least-once processing semantics and turn off auto commits, Kafka Streams overrides this consumer config value to false. Consumers will only commit explicitly via commitSync calls when the Kafka Streams library or a user decides to commit the current processing state.