Interface Deserializer<T>

Type Parameters:
T - Type to be deserialized into.
All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, Closeable
All Known Implementing Classes:
BooleanDeserializer, ByteArrayDeserializer, ByteBufferDeserializer, BytesDeserializer, DoubleDeserializer, FloatDeserializer, IntegerDeserializer, ListDeserializer, LongDeserializer, SessionWindowedDeserializer, ShortDeserializer, StringDeserializer, TimeWindowedDeserializer, UUIDDeserializer, VoidDeserializer

public interface Deserializer<T> extends Closeable
An interface for converting bytes to objects. A class that implements this interface is expected to have a constructor with no parameters.

Implement ClusterResourceListener to receive cluster metadata once it's available. Please see the class documentation for ClusterResourceListener for more information.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default void
    Close this deserializer.
    default void
    configure(Map<String,?> configs, boolean isKey)
    Configure this class.
    deserialize(String topic, byte[] data)
    Deserialize a record value from a byte array into a value or object.
    default T
    deserialize(String topic, Headers headers, byte[] data)
    Deserialize a record value from a byte array into a value or object.
    default T
    deserialize(String topic, Headers headers, ByteBuffer data)
    Deserialize a record value from a ByteBuffer into a value or object.
  • Method Details

    • configure

      default void configure(Map<String,?> configs, boolean isKey)
      Configure this class.
      configs - configs in key/value pairs
      isKey - whether is for key or value
    • deserialize

      T deserialize(String topic, byte[] data)
      Deserialize a record value from a byte array into a value or object.
      topic - topic associated with the data
      data - serialized bytes; may be null; implementations are recommended to handle null by returning a value or null rather than throwing an exception.
      deserialized typed data; may be null
    • deserialize

      default T deserialize(String topic, Headers headers, byte[] data)
      Deserialize a record value from a byte array into a value or object.
      topic - topic associated with the data
      headers - headers associated with the record; may be empty.
      data - serialized bytes; may be null; implementations are recommended to handle null by returning a value or null rather than throwing an exception.
      deserialized typed data; may be null
    • deserialize

      default T deserialize(String topic, Headers headers, ByteBuffer data)
      Deserialize a record value from a ByteBuffer into a value or object.

      If ByteBufferDeserializer is used by an application, the application code cannot make any assumptions about the returned ByteBuffer like the position, limit, capacity, etc., or if it is backed by an array or not.

      Similarly, if this method is overridden, the implementation cannot make any assumptions about the passed in ByteBuffer either.

      topic - topic associated with the data
      headers - headers associated with the record; may be empty.
      data - serialized ByteBuffer; may be null; implementations are recommended to handle null by returning a value or null rather than throwing an exception.
      deserialized typed data; may be null
    • close

      default void close()
      Close this deserializer.

      This method must be idempotent as it may be called multiple times.

      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
      Specified by:
      close in interface Closeable