Kafka protocol guide
This document covers the wire protocol implemented in Kafka. It is meant to give a readable guide to the protocol that covers the available requests, their binary format, and the proper way to make use of them to implement a client. This document assumes you understand the basic design and terminology described here
Kafka uses a binary protocol over TCP. The protocol defines all APIs as request response message pairs. All messages are size delimited and are made up of the following primitive types.
The client initiates a socket connection and then writes a sequence of request messages and reads back the corresponding response message. No handshake is required on connection or disconnection. TCP is happier if you maintain persistent connections used for many requests to amortize the cost of the TCP handshake, but beyond this penalty connecting is pretty cheap.
The client will likely need to maintain a connection to multiple brokers, as data is partitioned and the clients will need to talk to the server that has their data. However it should not generally be necessary to maintain multiple connections to a single broker from a single client instance (i.e. connection pooling).
The server guarantees that on a single TCP connection, requests will be processed in the order they are sent and responses will return in that order as well. The broker's request processing allows only a single in-flight request per connection in order to guarantee this ordering. Note that clients can (and ideally should) use non-blocking IO to implement request pipelining and achieve higher throughput. i.e., clients can send requests even while awaiting responses for preceding requests since the outstanding requests will be buffered in the underlying OS socket buffer. All requests are initiated by the client, and result in a corresponding response message from the server except where noted.
The server has a configurable maximum limit on request size and any request that exceeds this limit will result in the socket being disconnected.
Partitioning and bootstrapping
Kafka is a partitioned system so not all servers have the complete data set. Instead recall that topics are split into a pre-defined number of partitions, P, and each partition is replicated with some replication factor, N. Topic partitions themselves are just ordered "commit logs" numbered 0, 1, ..., P-1.
All systems of this nature have the question of how a particular piece of data is assigned to a particular partition. Kafka clients directly control this assignment, the brokers themselves enforce no particular semantics of which messages should be published to a particular partition. Rather, to publish messages the client directly addresses messages to a particular partition, and when fetching messages, fetches from a particular partition. If two clients want to use the same partitioning scheme they must use the same method to compute the mapping of key to partition.
These requests to publish or fetch data must be sent to the broker that is currently acting as the leader for a given partition. This condition is enforced by the broker, so a request for a particular partition to the wrong broker will result in an the NotLeaderForPartition error code (described below).
How can the client find out which topics exist, what partitions they have, and which brokers currently host those partitions so that it can direct its requests to the right hosts? This information is dynamic, so you can't just configure each client with some static mapping file. Instead all Kafka brokers can answer a metadata request that describes the current state of the cluster: what topics there are, which partitions those topics have, which broker is the leader for those partitions, and the host and port information for these brokers.
In other words, the client needs to somehow find one broker and that broker will tell the client about all the other brokers that exist and what partitions they host. This first broker may itself go down so the best practice for a client implementation is to take a list of two or three URLs to bootstrap from. The user can then choose to use a load balancer or just statically configure two or three of their Kafka hosts in the clients.
The client does not need to keep polling to see if the cluster has changed; it can fetch metadata once when it is instantiated cache that metadata until it receives an error indicating that the metadata is out of date. This error can come in two forms: (1) a socket error indicating the client cannot communicate with a particular broker, (2) an error code in the response to a request indicating that this broker no longer hosts the partition for which data was requested.
- Cycle through a list of "bootstrap" Kafka URLs until we find one we can connect to. Fetch cluster metadata.
- Process fetch or produce requests, directing them to the appropriate broker based on the topic/partitions they send to or fetch from.
- If we get an appropriate error, refresh the metadata and try again.
Partitioning Strategies
As mentioned above the assignment of messages to partitions is something the producing client controls. That said, how should this functionality be exposed to the end-user?
Partitioning really serves two purposes in Kafka:
- It balances data and request load over brokers
- It serves as a way to divvy up processing among consumer processes while allowing local state and preserving order within the partition. We call this semantic partitioning.
For a given use case you may care about only one of these or both.
To accomplish simple load balancing a simple approach would be for the client to just round robin requests over all brokers. Another alternative, in an environment where there are many more producers than brokers, would be to have each client chose a single partition at random and publish to that. This later strategy will result in far fewer TCP connections.
Semantic partitioning means using some key in the message to assign messages to partitions. For example if you were processing a click message stream you might want to partition the stream by the user id so that all data for a particular user would go to a single consumer. To accomplish this the client can take a key associated with the message and use some hash of this key to choose the partition to which to deliver the message.
Our APIs encourage batching small things together for efficiency. We have found this is a very significant performance win. Both our API to send messages and our API to fetch messages always work with a sequence of messages not a single message to encourage this. A clever client can make use of this and support an "asynchronous" mode in which it batches together messages sent individually and sends them in larger clumps. We go even further with this and allow the batching across multiple topics and partitions, so a produce request may contain data to append to many partitions and a fetch request may pull data from many partitions all at once.
The client implementer can choose to ignore this and send everything one at a time if they like.
Kafka has a "bidirectional" client compatibility policy. In other words, new clients can talk to old servers, and old clients can talk to new servers. This allows users to upgrade either clients or servers without experiencing any downtime.
Since the Kafka protocol has changed over time, clients and servers need to agree on the schema of the message that they are sending over the wire. This is done through API versioning.
Before each request is sent, the client sends the API key and the API version. These two 16-bit numbers, when taken together, uniquely identify the schema of the message to follow.
The intention is that clients will support a range of API versions. When communicating with a particular broker, a given client should use the highest API version supported by both and indicate this version in their requests.
The server will reject requests with a version it does not support, and will always respond to the client with exactly the protocol format it expects based on the version it included in its request. The intended upgrade path is that new features would first be rolled out on the server (with the older clients not making use of them) and then as newer clients are deployed these new features would gradually be taken advantage of. Note there is an exceptional case while retrieving supported API versions where the server can respond with a different version.
Note that KIP-482 tagged fields can be added to a request without incrementing the version number. This offers an additional way of evolving the message schema without breaking compatibility. Tagged fields do not take up any space when the field is not set. Therefore, if a field is rarely used, it is more efficient to make it a tagged field than to put it in the mandatory schema. However, tagged fields are ignored by recipients that don't know about them, which could pose a challenge if this is not the behavior that the sender wants. In such cases, a version bump may be more appropriate.
Retrieving Supported API versions
In order to work against multiple broker versions, clients need to know what versions of various APIs a broker supports. The broker exposes this information since as described in KIP-35. Clients should use the supported API versions information to choose the highest API version supported by both client and broker. If no such version exists, an error should be reported to the user.
The following sequence may be used by a client to obtain supported API versions from a broker.
- Client sends
to a broker after connection has been established with the broker. If SSL is enabled, this happens after SSL connection has been established. - On receiving
, a broker returns its full list of supported ApiKeys and versions regardless of current authentication state (e.g., before SASL authentication on an SASL listener, do note that no Kafka protocol requests may take place on an SSL listener before the SSL handshake is finished). If this is considered to leak information about the broker version a workaround is to use SSL with client authentication which is performed at an earlier stage of the connection where theApiVersionRequest
is not available. Also, note that broker versions older than do not support this API and will either ignore the request or close connection in response to the request. Also note that if the clientApiVersionsRequest
version is unsupported by the broker (client is ahead), and the broker version is 2.4.0 or greater, then the broker will respond with a version 0 ApiVersionsResponse with the error code set toUNSUPPORTED_VERSION
and theapi_versions
field populated with the supported version of theApiVersionsRequest
. It is then up to the client to retry, making anotherApiVersionsRequest
using the highest version supported by the client and broker. See KIP-511: Collect and Expose Client's Name and Version in the Brokers - If multiple versions of an API are supported by broker and client, clients are recommended to use the latest version supported by the broker and itself.
- Deprecation of a protocol version is done by marking an API version as deprecated in the protocol documentation.
- Supported API versions obtained from a broker are only valid for the connection on which that information is obtained. In the event of disconnection, the client should obtain the information from the broker again, as the broker might have been upgraded/downgraded in the mean time.
SASL Authentication Sequence
The following sequence is used for SASL authentication:
- Kafka
may be sent by the client to obtain the version ranges of requests supported by the broker. This is optional. - Kafka
containing the SASL mechanism for authentication is sent by the client. If the requested mechanism is not enabled in the server, the server responds with the list of supported mechanisms and closes the client connection. If the mechanism is enabled in the server, the server sends a successful response and continues with SASL authentication. - The actual SASL authentication is now performed. If
version is v0, a series of SASL client and server tokens corresponding to the mechanism are sent as opaque packets without wrapping the messages with Kafka protocol headers. IfSaslHandshakeRequest
version is v1, theSaslAuthenticate
request/response are used, where the actual SASL tokens are wrapped in the Kafka protocol. The error code in the final message from the broker will indicate if authentication succeeded or failed. - If authentication succeeds, subsequent packets are handled as Kafka API requests. Otherwise, the client connection is closed.
For interoperability with 0.9.0.x clients, the first packet received by the server is handled as a SASL/GSSAPI client token if it is not a valid Kafka request. SASL/GSSAPI authentication is performed starting with this packet, skipping the first two steps above.
The Protocol
Protocol Primitive Types
The protocol is built out of the following primitive types.
Type | Description |
BOOLEAN | Represents a boolean value in a byte. Values 0 and 1 are used to represent false and true respectively. When reading a boolean value, any non-zero value is considered true. |
INT8 | Represents an integer between -27 and 27-1 inclusive. |
INT16 | Represents an integer between -215 and 215-1 inclusive. The values are encoded using two bytes in network byte order (big-endian). |
INT32 | Represents an integer between -231 and 231-1 inclusive. The values are encoded using four bytes in network byte order (big-endian). |
INT64 | Represents an integer between -263 and 263-1 inclusive. The values are encoded using eight bytes in network byte order (big-endian). |
UINT16 | Represents an integer between 0 and 65535 inclusive. The values are encoded using two bytes in network byte order (big-endian). |
UINT32 | Represents an integer between 0 and 232-1 inclusive. The values are encoded using four bytes in network byte order (big-endian). |
VARINT | Represents an integer between -231 and 231-1 inclusive. Encoding follows the variable-length zig-zag encoding from Google Protocol Buffers. |
VARLONG | Represents an integer between -263 and 263-1 inclusive. Encoding follows the variable-length zig-zag encoding from Google Protocol Buffers. |
UUID | Represents a type 4 immutable universally unique identifier (Uuid). The values are encoded using sixteen bytes in network byte order (big-endian). |
FLOAT64 | Represents a double-precision 64-bit format IEEE 754 value. The values are encoded using eight bytes in network byte order (big-endian). |
STRING | Represents a sequence of characters. First the length N is given as an INT16. Then N bytes follow which are the UTF-8 encoding of the character sequence. Length must not be negative. |
COMPACT_STRING | Represents a sequence of characters. First the length N + 1 is given as an UNSIGNED_VARINT . Then N bytes follow which are the UTF-8 encoding of the character sequence. |
NULLABLE_STRING | Represents a sequence of characters or null. For non-null strings, first the length N is given as an INT16. Then N bytes follow which are the UTF-8 encoding of the character sequence. A null value is encoded with length of -1 and there are no following bytes. |
COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING | Represents a sequence of characters. First the length N + 1 is given as an UNSIGNED_VARINT . Then N bytes follow which are the UTF-8 encoding of the character sequence. A null string is represented with a length of 0. |
BYTES | Represents a raw sequence of bytes. First the length N is given as an INT32. Then N bytes follow. |
COMPACT_BYTES | Represents a raw sequence of bytes. First the length N+1 is given as an UNSIGNED_VARINT.Then N bytes follow. |
NULLABLE_BYTES | Represents a raw sequence of bytes or null. For non-null values, first the length N is given as an INT32. Then N bytes follow. A null value is encoded with length of -1 and there are no following bytes. |
COMPACT_NULLABLE_BYTES | Represents a raw sequence of bytes. First the length N+1 is given as an UNSIGNED_VARINT.Then N bytes follow. A null object is represented with a length of 0. |
RECORDS | Represents a sequence of Kafka records as NULLABLE_BYTES. For a detailed description of records see Message Sets. |
COMPACT_RECORDS | Represents a sequence of Kafka records as COMPACT_NULLABLE_BYTES. For a detailed description of records see Message Sets. |
ARRAY | Represents a sequence of objects of a given type T. Type T can be either a primitive type (e.g. STRING) or a structure. First, the length N is given as an INT32. Then N instances of type T follow. A null array is represented with a length of -1. In protocol documentation an array of T instances is referred to as [T]. |
COMPACT_ARRAY | Represents a sequence of objects of a given type T. Type T can be either a primitive type (e.g. STRING) or a structure. First, the length N + 1 is given as an UNSIGNED_VARINT. Then N instances of type T follow. A null array is represented with a length of 0. In protocol documentation an array of T instances is referred to as [T]. |
Notes on reading the request format grammars
The BNFs below give an exact context free grammar for the request and response binary format. The BNF is intentionally not compact in order to give human-readable name. As always in a BNF a sequence of productions indicates concatenation. When there are multiple possible productions these are separated with '|' and may be enclosed in parenthesis for grouping. The top-level definition is always given first and subsequent sub-parts are indented.
Common Request and Response Structure
All requests and responses originate from the following grammar which will be incrementally describe through the rest of this document:
RequestOrResponse => Size (RequestMessage | ResponseMessage)
Size => int32
Field | Description |
message_size | The message_size field gives the size of the subsequent request or response message in bytes. The client can read requests by first reading this 4 byte size as an integer N, and then reading and parsing the subsequent N bytes of the request. |
Request and Response Headers
Different request and response versions require different versions of the corresponding headers. These header versions are specified below together with API message descriptions.
Record Batch
A description of the record batch format can be found here.
Error Codes
We use numeric codes to indicate what problem occurred on the server. These can be translated by the client into exceptions or whatever the appropriate error handling mechanism in the client language. Here is a table of the error codes currently in use:
Error | Code | Retriable | Description |
UNKNOWN_SERVER_ERROR | -1 | False | The server experienced an unexpected error when processing the request. |
NONE | 0 | False | |
OFFSET_OUT_OF_RANGE | 1 | False | The requested offset is not within the range of offsets maintained by the server. |
CORRUPT_MESSAGE | 2 | True | This message has failed its CRC checksum, exceeds the valid size, has a null key for a compacted topic, or is otherwise corrupt. |
UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PARTITION | 3 | True | This server does not host this topic-partition. |
INVALID_FETCH_SIZE | 4 | False | The requested fetch size is invalid. |
LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE | 5 | True | There is no leader for this topic-partition as we are in the middle of a leadership election. |
NOT_LEADER_OR_FOLLOWER | 6 | True | For requests intended only for the leader, this error indicates that the broker is not the current leader. For requests intended for any replica, this error indicates that the broker is not a replica of the topic partition. |
REQUEST_TIMED_OUT | 7 | True | The request timed out. |
BROKER_NOT_AVAILABLE | 8 | False | The broker is not available. |
REPLICA_NOT_AVAILABLE | 9 | True | The replica is not available for the requested topic-partition. Produce/Fetch requests and other requests intended only for the leader or follower return NOT_LEADER_OR_FOLLOWER if the broker is not a replica of the topic-partition. |
MESSAGE_TOO_LARGE | 10 | False | The request included a message larger than the max message size the server will accept. |
STALE_CONTROLLER_EPOCH | 11 | False | The controller moved to another broker. |
OFFSET_METADATA_TOO_LARGE | 12 | False | The metadata field of the offset request was too large. |
NETWORK_EXCEPTION | 13 | True | The server disconnected before a response was received. |
COORDINATOR_LOAD_IN_PROGRESS | 14 | True | The coordinator is loading and hence can't process requests. |
COORDINATOR_NOT_AVAILABLE | 15 | True | The coordinator is not available. |
NOT_COORDINATOR | 16 | True | This is not the correct coordinator. |
INVALID_TOPIC_EXCEPTION | 17 | False | The request attempted to perform an operation on an invalid topic. |
RECORD_LIST_TOO_LARGE | 18 | False | The request included message batch larger than the configured segment size on the server. |
NOT_ENOUGH_REPLICAS | 19 | True | Messages are rejected since there are fewer in-sync replicas than required. |
NOT_ENOUGH_REPLICAS_AFTER_APPEND | 20 | True | Messages are written to the log, but to fewer in-sync replicas than required. |
INVALID_REQUIRED_ACKS | 21 | False | Produce request specified an invalid value for required acks. |
ILLEGAL_GENERATION | 22 | False | Specified group generation id is not valid. |
INCONSISTENT_GROUP_PROTOCOL | 23 | False | The group member's supported protocols are incompatible with those of existing members or first group member tried to join with empty protocol type or empty protocol list. |
INVALID_GROUP_ID | 24 | False | The configured groupId is invalid. |
UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID | 25 | False | The coordinator is not aware of this member. |
INVALID_SESSION_TIMEOUT | 26 | False | The session timeout is not within the range allowed by the broker (as configured by group.min.session.timeout.ms and group.max.session.timeout.ms). |
REBALANCE_IN_PROGRESS | 27 | False | The group is rebalancing, so a rejoin is needed. |
INVALID_COMMIT_OFFSET_SIZE | 28 | False | The committing offset data size is not valid. |
TOPIC_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED | 29 | False | Topic authorization failed. |
GROUP_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED | 30 | False | Group authorization failed. |
CLUSTER_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED | 31 | False | Cluster authorization failed. |
INVALID_TIMESTAMP | 32 | False | The timestamp of the message is out of acceptable range. |
UNSUPPORTED_SASL_MECHANISM | 33 | False | The broker does not support the requested SASL mechanism. |
ILLEGAL_SASL_STATE | 34 | False | Request is not valid given the current SASL state. |
UNSUPPORTED_VERSION | 35 | False | The version of API is not supported. |
TOPIC_ALREADY_EXISTS | 36 | False | Topic with this name already exists. |
INVALID_PARTITIONS | 37 | False | Number of partitions is below 1. |
INVALID_REPLICATION_FACTOR | 38 | False | Replication factor is below 1 or larger than the number of available brokers. |
INVALID_REPLICA_ASSIGNMENT | 39 | False | Replica assignment is invalid. |
INVALID_CONFIG | 40 | False | Configuration is invalid. |
NOT_CONTROLLER | 41 | True | This is not the correct controller for this cluster. |
INVALID_REQUEST | 42 | False | This most likely occurs because of a request being malformed by the client library or the message was sent to an incompatible broker. See the broker logs for more details. |
UNSUPPORTED_FOR_MESSAGE_FORMAT | 43 | False | The message format version on the broker does not support the request. |
POLICY_VIOLATION | 44 | False | Request parameters do not satisfy the configured policy. |
OUT_OF_ORDER_SEQUENCE_NUMBER | 45 | False | The broker received an out of order sequence number. |
DUPLICATE_SEQUENCE_NUMBER | 46 | False | The broker received a duplicate sequence number. |
INVALID_PRODUCER_EPOCH | 47 | False | Producer attempted to produce with an old epoch. |
INVALID_TXN_STATE | 48 | False | The producer attempted a transactional operation in an invalid state. |
INVALID_PRODUCER_ID_MAPPING | 49 | False | The producer attempted to use a producer id which is not currently assigned to its transactional id. |
INVALID_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT | 50 | False | The transaction timeout is larger than the maximum value allowed by the broker (as configured by transaction.max.timeout.ms). |
CONCURRENT_TRANSACTIONS | 51 | True | The producer attempted to update a transaction while another concurrent operation on the same transaction was ongoing. |
TRANSACTION_COORDINATOR_FENCED | 52 | False | Indicates that the transaction coordinator sending a WriteTxnMarker is no longer the current coordinator for a given producer. |
TRANSACTIONAL_ID_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED | 53 | False | Transactional Id authorization failed. |
SECURITY_DISABLED | 54 | False | Security features are disabled. |
OPERATION_NOT_ATTEMPTED | 55 | False | The broker did not attempt to execute this operation. This may happen for batched RPCs where some operations in the batch failed, causing the broker to respond without trying the rest. |
KAFKA_STORAGE_ERROR | 56 | True | Disk error when trying to access log file on the disk. |
LOG_DIR_NOT_FOUND | 57 | False | The user-specified log directory is not found in the broker config. |
SASL_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED | 58 | False | SASL Authentication failed. |
UNKNOWN_PRODUCER_ID | 59 | False | This exception is raised by the broker if it could not locate the producer metadata associated with the producerId in question. This could happen if, for instance, the producer's records were deleted because their retention time had elapsed. Once the last records of the producerId are removed, the producer's metadata is removed from the broker, and future appends by the producer will return this exception. |
REASSIGNMENT_IN_PROGRESS | 60 | False | A partition reassignment is in progress. |
DELEGATION_TOKEN_AUTH_DISABLED | 61 | False | Delegation Token feature is not enabled. |
DELEGATION_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND | 62 | False | Delegation Token is not found on server. |
DELEGATION_TOKEN_OWNER_MISMATCH | 63 | False | Specified Principal is not valid Owner/Renewer. |
DELEGATION_TOKEN_REQUEST_NOT_ALLOWED | 64 | False | Delegation Token requests are not allowed on PLAINTEXT/1-way SSL channels and on delegation token authenticated channels. |
DELEGATION_TOKEN_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED | 65 | False | Delegation Token authorization failed. |
DELEGATION_TOKEN_EXPIRED | 66 | False | Delegation Token is expired. |
INVALID_PRINCIPAL_TYPE | 67 | False | Supplied principalType is not supported. |
NON_EMPTY_GROUP | 68 | False | The group is not empty. |
GROUP_ID_NOT_FOUND | 69 | False | The group id does not exist. |
FETCH_SESSION_ID_NOT_FOUND | 70 | True | The fetch session ID was not found. |
INVALID_FETCH_SESSION_EPOCH | 71 | True | The fetch session epoch is invalid. |
LISTENER_NOT_FOUND | 72 | True | There is no listener on the leader broker that matches the listener on which metadata request was processed. |
TOPIC_DELETION_DISABLED | 73 | False | Topic deletion is disabled. |
FENCED_LEADER_EPOCH | 74 | True | The leader epoch in the request is older than the epoch on the broker. |
UNKNOWN_LEADER_EPOCH | 75 | True | The leader epoch in the request is newer than the epoch on the broker. |
UNSUPPORTED_COMPRESSION_TYPE | 76 | False | The requesting client does not support the compression type of given partition. |
STALE_BROKER_EPOCH | 77 | False | Broker epoch has changed. |
OFFSET_NOT_AVAILABLE | 78 | True | The leader high watermark has not caught up from a recent leader election so the offsets cannot be guaranteed to be monotonically increasing. |
MEMBER_ID_REQUIRED | 79 | False | The group member needs to have a valid member id before actually entering a consumer group. |
PREFERRED_LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE | 80 | True | The preferred leader was not available. |
GROUP_MAX_SIZE_REACHED | 81 | False | The consumer group has reached its max size. |
FENCED_INSTANCE_ID | 82 | False | The broker rejected this static consumer since another consumer with the same group.instance.id has registered with a different member.id. |
ELIGIBLE_LEADERS_NOT_AVAILABLE | 83 | True | Eligible topic partition leaders are not available. |
ELECTION_NOT_NEEDED | 84 | True | Leader election not needed for topic partition. |
NO_REASSIGNMENT_IN_PROGRESS | 85 | False | No partition reassignment is in progress. |
GROUP_SUBSCRIBED_TO_TOPIC | 86 | False | Deleting offsets of a topic is forbidden while the consumer group is actively subscribed to it. |
INVALID_RECORD | 87 | False | This record has failed the validation on broker and hence will be rejected. |
UNSTABLE_OFFSET_COMMIT | 88 | True | There are unstable offsets that need to be cleared. |
THROTTLING_QUOTA_EXCEEDED | 89 | True | The throttling quota has been exceeded. |
PRODUCER_FENCED | 90 | False | There is a newer producer with the same transactionalId which fences the current one. |
RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND | 91 | False | A request illegally referred to a resource that does not exist. |
DUPLICATE_RESOURCE | 92 | False | A request illegally referred to the same resource twice. |
UNACCEPTABLE_CREDENTIAL | 93 | False | Requested credential would not meet criteria for acceptability. |
INCONSISTENT_VOTER_SET | 94 | False | Indicates that the either the sender or recipient of a voter-only request is not one of the expected voters. |
INVALID_UPDATE_VERSION | 95 | False | The given update version was invalid. |
FEATURE_UPDATE_FAILED | 96 | False | Unable to update finalized features due to an unexpected server error. |
PRINCIPAL_DESERIALIZATION_FAILURE | 97 | False | Request principal deserialization failed during forwarding. This indicates an internal error on the broker cluster security setup. |
SNAPSHOT_NOT_FOUND | 98 | False | Requested snapshot was not found. |
POSITION_OUT_OF_RANGE | 99 | False | Requested position is not greater than or equal to zero, and less than the size of the snapshot. |
UNKNOWN_TOPIC_ID | 100 | True | This server does not host this topic ID. |
DUPLICATE_BROKER_REGISTRATION | 101 | False | This broker ID is already in use. |
BROKER_ID_NOT_REGISTERED | 102 | False | The given broker ID was not registered. |
INCONSISTENT_TOPIC_ID | 103 | True | The log's topic ID did not match the topic ID in the request. |
INCONSISTENT_CLUSTER_ID | 104 | False | The clusterId in the request does not match that found on the server. |
TRANSACTIONAL_ID_NOT_FOUND | 105 | False | The transactionalId could not be found. |
FETCH_SESSION_TOPIC_ID_ERROR | 106 | True | The fetch session encountered inconsistent topic ID usage. |
INELIGIBLE_REPLICA | 107 | False | The new ISR contains at least one ineligible replica. |
NEW_LEADER_ELECTED | 108 | False | The AlterPartition request successfully updated the partition state but the leader has changed. |
OFFSET_MOVED_TO_TIERED_STORAGE | 109 | False | The requested offset is moved to tiered storage. |
FENCED_MEMBER_EPOCH | 110 | False | The member epoch is fenced by the group coordinator. The member must abandon all its partitions and rejoin. |
UNRELEASED_INSTANCE_ID | 111 | False | The instance ID is still used by another member in the consumer group. That member must leave first. |
UNSUPPORTED_ASSIGNOR | 112 | False | The assignor or its version range is not supported by the consumer group. |
STALE_MEMBER_EPOCH | 113 | False | The member epoch is stale. The member must retry after receiving its updated member epoch via the ConsumerGroupHeartbeat API. |
MISMATCHED_ENDPOINT_TYPE | 114 | False | The request was sent to an endpoint of the wrong type. |
UNSUPPORTED_ENDPOINT_TYPE | 115 | False | This endpoint type is not supported yet. |
UNKNOWN_CONTROLLER_ID | 116 | False | This controller ID is not known. |
UNKNOWN_SUBSCRIPTION_ID | 117 | False | Client sent a push telemetry request with an invalid or outdated subscription ID. |
TELEMETRY_TOO_LARGE | 118 | False | Client sent a push telemetry request larger than the maximum size the broker will accept. |
INVALID_REGISTRATION | 119 | False | The controller has considered the broker registration to be invalid. |
TRANSACTION_ABORTABLE | 120 | False | The server encountered an error with the transaction. The client can abort the transaction to continue using this transactional ID. |
INVALID_RECORD_STATE | 121 | False | The record state is invalid. The acknowledgement of delivery could not be completed. |
SHARE_SESSION_NOT_FOUND | 122 | True | The share session was not found. |
INVALID_SHARE_SESSION_EPOCH | 123 | True | The share session epoch is invalid. |
FENCED_STATE_EPOCH | 124 | False | The share coordinator rejected the request because the share-group state epoch did not match. |
INVALID_VOTER_KEY | 125 | False | The voter key doesn't match the receiving replica's key. |
DUPLICATE_VOTER | 126 | False | The voter is already part of the set of voters. |
VOTER_NOT_FOUND | 127 | False | The voter is not part of the set of voters. |
INVALID_REGULAR_EXPRESSION | 128 | False | The regular expression is not valid. |
REBOOTSTRAP_REQUIRED | 129 | False | Client metadata is stale, client should rebootstrap to obtain new metadata. |
Api Keys
The following are the numeric codes that the stable ApiKey in the request can take for each of the below request types.
The Messages
This section gives details on each of the individual API Messages, their usage, their binary format, and the meaning of their fields.
The message consists of the header and body:
Message => RequestOrResponseHeader Body
is the versioned request or response header. Body
is the message-specific body.
Request Header v1 => request_api_key request_api_version correlation_id client_id request_api_key => INT16 request_api_version => INT16 correlation_id => INT32 client_id => NULLABLE_STRING
Field | Description |
request_api_key | The API key of this request. |
request_api_version | The API version of this request. |
correlation_id | The correlation ID of this request. |
client_id | The client ID string. |
Request Header v2 => request_api_key request_api_version correlation_id client_id _tagged_fields request_api_key => INT16 request_api_version => INT16 correlation_id => INT32 client_id => NULLABLE_STRING
Field | Description |
request_api_key | The API key of this request. |
request_api_version | The API version of this request. |
correlation_id | The correlation ID of this request. |
client_id | The client ID string. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
Response Header v0 => correlation_id correlation_id => INT32
Field | Description |
correlation_id | The correlation ID of this response. |
Response Header v1 => correlation_id _tagged_fields correlation_id => INT32
Field | Description |
correlation_id | The correlation ID of this response. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
Produce API (Key: 0):
Requests:Produce Request (Version: 3) => transactional_id acks timeout_ms [topic_data] transactional_id => NULLABLE_STRING acks => INT16 timeout_ms => INT32 topic_data => name [partition_data] name => STRING partition_data => index records index => INT32 records => RECORDS
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
transactional_id | The transactional ID, or null if the producer is not transactional. |
acks | The number of acknowledgments the producer requires the leader to have received before considering a request complete. Allowed values: 0 for no acknowledgments, 1 for only the leader and -1 for the full ISR. |
timeout_ms | The timeout to await a response in milliseconds. |
topic_data | Each topic to produce to. |
name | The topic name. |
partition_data | Each partition to produce to. |
index | The partition index. |
records | The record data to be produced. |
Produce Request (Version: 4) => transactional_id acks timeout_ms [topic_data] transactional_id => NULLABLE_STRING acks => INT16 timeout_ms => INT32 topic_data => name [partition_data] name => STRING partition_data => index records index => INT32 records => RECORDS
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
transactional_id | The transactional ID, or null if the producer is not transactional. |
acks | The number of acknowledgments the producer requires the leader to have received before considering a request complete. Allowed values: 0 for no acknowledgments, 1 for only the leader and -1 for the full ISR. |
timeout_ms | The timeout to await a response in milliseconds. |
topic_data | Each topic to produce to. |
name | The topic name. |
partition_data | Each partition to produce to. |
index | The partition index. |
records | The record data to be produced. |
Produce Request (Version: 5) => transactional_id acks timeout_ms [topic_data] transactional_id => NULLABLE_STRING acks => INT16 timeout_ms => INT32 topic_data => name [partition_data] name => STRING partition_data => index records index => INT32 records => RECORDS
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
transactional_id | The transactional ID, or null if the producer is not transactional. |
acks | The number of acknowledgments the producer requires the leader to have received before considering a request complete. Allowed values: 0 for no acknowledgments, 1 for only the leader and -1 for the full ISR. |
timeout_ms | The timeout to await a response in milliseconds. |
topic_data | Each topic to produce to. |
name | The topic name. |
partition_data | Each partition to produce to. |
index | The partition index. |
records | The record data to be produced. |
Produce Request (Version: 6) => transactional_id acks timeout_ms [topic_data] transactional_id => NULLABLE_STRING acks => INT16 timeout_ms => INT32 topic_data => name [partition_data] name => STRING partition_data => index records index => INT32 records => RECORDS
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
transactional_id | The transactional ID, or null if the producer is not transactional. |
acks | The number of acknowledgments the producer requires the leader to have received before considering a request complete. Allowed values: 0 for no acknowledgments, 1 for only the leader and -1 for the full ISR. |
timeout_ms | The timeout to await a response in milliseconds. |
topic_data | Each topic to produce to. |
name | The topic name. |
partition_data | Each partition to produce to. |
index | The partition index. |
records | The record data to be produced. |
Produce Request (Version: 7) => transactional_id acks timeout_ms [topic_data] transactional_id => NULLABLE_STRING acks => INT16 timeout_ms => INT32 topic_data => name [partition_data] name => STRING partition_data => index records index => INT32 records => RECORDS
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
transactional_id | The transactional ID, or null if the producer is not transactional. |
acks | The number of acknowledgments the producer requires the leader to have received before considering a request complete. Allowed values: 0 for no acknowledgments, 1 for only the leader and -1 for the full ISR. |
timeout_ms | The timeout to await a response in milliseconds. |
topic_data | Each topic to produce to. |
name | The topic name. |
partition_data | Each partition to produce to. |
index | The partition index. |
records | The record data to be produced. |
Produce Request (Version: 8) => transactional_id acks timeout_ms [topic_data] transactional_id => NULLABLE_STRING acks => INT16 timeout_ms => INT32 topic_data => name [partition_data] name => STRING partition_data => index records index => INT32 records => RECORDS
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
transactional_id | The transactional ID, or null if the producer is not transactional. |
acks | The number of acknowledgments the producer requires the leader to have received before considering a request complete. Allowed values: 0 for no acknowledgments, 1 for only the leader and -1 for the full ISR. |
timeout_ms | The timeout to await a response in milliseconds. |
topic_data | Each topic to produce to. |
name | The topic name. |
partition_data | Each partition to produce to. |
index | The partition index. |
records | The record data to be produced. |
Produce Request (Version: 9) => transactional_id acks timeout_ms [topic_data] _tagged_fields transactional_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING acks => INT16 timeout_ms => INT32 topic_data => name [partition_data] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING partition_data => index records _tagged_fields index => INT32 records => COMPACT_RECORDS
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
transactional_id | The transactional ID, or null if the producer is not transactional. |
acks | The number of acknowledgments the producer requires the leader to have received before considering a request complete. Allowed values: 0 for no acknowledgments, 1 for only the leader and -1 for the full ISR. |
timeout_ms | The timeout to await a response in milliseconds. |
topic_data | Each topic to produce to. |
name | The topic name. |
partition_data | Each partition to produce to. |
index | The partition index. |
records | The record data to be produced. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
Produce Request (Version: 10) => transactional_id acks timeout_ms [topic_data] _tagged_fields transactional_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING acks => INT16 timeout_ms => INT32 topic_data => name [partition_data] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING partition_data => index records _tagged_fields index => INT32 records => COMPACT_RECORDS
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
transactional_id | The transactional ID, or null if the producer is not transactional. |
acks | The number of acknowledgments the producer requires the leader to have received before considering a request complete. Allowed values: 0 for no acknowledgments, 1 for only the leader and -1 for the full ISR. |
timeout_ms | The timeout to await a response in milliseconds. |
topic_data | Each topic to produce to. |
name | The topic name. |
partition_data | Each partition to produce to. |
index | The partition index. |
records | The record data to be produced. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
Produce Request (Version: 11) => transactional_id acks timeout_ms [topic_data] _tagged_fields transactional_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING acks => INT16 timeout_ms => INT32 topic_data => name [partition_data] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING partition_data => index records _tagged_fields index => INT32 records => COMPACT_RECORDS
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
transactional_id | The transactional ID, or null if the producer is not transactional. |
acks | The number of acknowledgments the producer requires the leader to have received before considering a request complete. Allowed values: 0 for no acknowledgments, 1 for only the leader and -1 for the full ISR. |
timeout_ms | The timeout to await a response in milliseconds. |
topic_data | Each topic to produce to. |
name | The topic name. |
partition_data | Each partition to produce to. |
index | The partition index. |
records | The record data to be produced. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
Produce Request (Version: 12) => transactional_id acks timeout_ms [topic_data] _tagged_fields transactional_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING acks => INT16 timeout_ms => INT32 topic_data => name [partition_data] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING partition_data => index records _tagged_fields index => INT32 records => COMPACT_RECORDS
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
transactional_id | The transactional ID, or null if the producer is not transactional. |
acks | The number of acknowledgments the producer requires the leader to have received before considering a request complete. Allowed values: 0 for no acknowledgments, 1 for only the leader and -1 for the full ISR. |
timeout_ms | The timeout to await a response in milliseconds. |
topic_data | Each topic to produce to. |
name | The topic name. |
partition_data | Each partition to produce to. |
index | The partition index. |
records | The record data to be produced. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
Produce Response (Version: 3) => [responses] throttle_time_ms responses => name [partition_responses] name => STRING partition_responses => index error_code base_offset log_append_time_ms index => INT32 error_code => INT16 base_offset => INT64 log_append_time_ms => INT64 throttle_time_ms => INT32
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
responses | Each produce response. |
name | The topic name. |
partition_responses | Each partition that we produced to within the topic. |
index | The partition index. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
base_offset | The base offset. |
log_append_time_ms | The timestamp returned by broker after appending the messages. If CreateTime is used for the topic, the timestamp will be -1. If LogAppendTime is used for the topic, the timestamp will be the broker local time when the messages are appended. |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
Produce Response (Version: 4) => [responses] throttle_time_ms responses => name [partition_responses] name => STRING partition_responses => index error_code base_offset log_append_time_ms index => INT32 error_code => INT16 base_offset => INT64 log_append_time_ms => INT64 throttle_time_ms => INT32
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
responses | Each produce response. |
name | The topic name. |
partition_responses | Each partition that we produced to within the topic. |
index | The partition index. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
base_offset | The base offset. |
log_append_time_ms | The timestamp returned by broker after appending the messages. If CreateTime is used for the topic, the timestamp will be -1. If LogAppendTime is used for the topic, the timestamp will be the broker local time when the messages are appended. |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
Produce Response (Version: 5) => [responses] throttle_time_ms responses => name [partition_responses] name => STRING partition_responses => index error_code base_offset log_append_time_ms log_start_offset index => INT32 error_code => INT16 base_offset => INT64 log_append_time_ms => INT64 log_start_offset => INT64 throttle_time_ms => INT32
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
responses | Each produce response. |
name | The topic name. |
partition_responses | Each partition that we produced to within the topic. |
index | The partition index. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
base_offset | The base offset. |
log_append_time_ms | The timestamp returned by broker after appending the messages. If CreateTime is used for the topic, the timestamp will be -1. If LogAppendTime is used for the topic, the timestamp will be the broker local time when the messages are appended. |
log_start_offset | The log start offset. |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
Produce Response (Version: 6) => [responses] throttle_time_ms responses => name [partition_responses] name => STRING partition_responses => index error_code base_offset log_append_time_ms log_start_offset index => INT32 error_code => INT16 base_offset => INT64 log_append_time_ms => INT64 log_start_offset => INT64 throttle_time_ms => INT32
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
responses | Each produce response. |
name | The topic name. |
partition_responses | Each partition that we produced to within the topic. |
index | The partition index. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
base_offset | The base offset. |
log_append_time_ms | The timestamp returned by broker after appending the messages. If CreateTime is used for the topic, the timestamp will be -1. If LogAppendTime is used for the topic, the timestamp will be the broker local time when the messages are appended. |
log_start_offset | The log start offset. |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
Produce Response (Version: 7) => [responses] throttle_time_ms responses => name [partition_responses] name => STRING partition_responses => index error_code base_offset log_append_time_ms log_start_offset index => INT32 error_code => INT16 base_offset => INT64 log_append_time_ms => INT64 log_start_offset => INT64 throttle_time_ms => INT32
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
responses | Each produce response. |
name | The topic name. |
partition_responses | Each partition that we produced to within the topic. |
index | The partition index. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
base_offset | The base offset. |
log_append_time_ms | The timestamp returned by broker after appending the messages. If CreateTime is used for the topic, the timestamp will be -1. If LogAppendTime is used for the topic, the timestamp will be the broker local time when the messages are appended. |
log_start_offset | The log start offset. |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
Produce Response (Version: 8) => [responses] throttle_time_ms responses => name [partition_responses] name => STRING partition_responses => index error_code base_offset log_append_time_ms log_start_offset [record_errors] error_message index => INT32 error_code => INT16 base_offset => INT64 log_append_time_ms => INT64 log_start_offset => INT64 record_errors => batch_index batch_index_error_message batch_index => INT32 batch_index_error_message => NULLABLE_STRING error_message => NULLABLE_STRING throttle_time_ms => INT32
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
responses | Each produce response. |
name | The topic name. |
partition_responses | Each partition that we produced to within the topic. |
index | The partition index. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
base_offset | The base offset. |
log_append_time_ms | The timestamp returned by broker after appending the messages. If CreateTime is used for the topic, the timestamp will be -1. If LogAppendTime is used for the topic, the timestamp will be the broker local time when the messages are appended. |
log_start_offset | The log start offset. |
record_errors | The batch indices of records that caused the batch to be dropped. |
batch_index | The batch index of the record that caused the batch to be dropped. |
batch_index_error_message | The error message of the record that caused the batch to be dropped. |
error_message | The global error message summarizing the common root cause of the records that caused the batch to be dropped. |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
Produce Response (Version: 9) => [responses] throttle_time_ms _tagged_fields responses => name [partition_responses] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING partition_responses => index error_code base_offset log_append_time_ms log_start_offset [record_errors] error_message _tagged_fields index => INT32 error_code => INT16 base_offset => INT64 log_append_time_ms => INT64 log_start_offset => INT64 record_errors => batch_index batch_index_error_message _tagged_fields batch_index => INT32 batch_index_error_message => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING error_message => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING throttle_time_ms => INT32
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
responses | Each produce response. |
name | The topic name. |
partition_responses | Each partition that we produced to within the topic. |
index | The partition index. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
base_offset | The base offset. |
log_append_time_ms | The timestamp returned by broker after appending the messages. If CreateTime is used for the topic, the timestamp will be -1. If LogAppendTime is used for the topic, the timestamp will be the broker local time when the messages are appended. |
log_start_offset | The log start offset. |
record_errors | The batch indices of records that caused the batch to be dropped. |
batch_index | The batch index of the record that caused the batch to be dropped. |
batch_index_error_message | The error message of the record that caused the batch to be dropped. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
error_message | The global error message summarizing the common root cause of the records that caused the batch to be dropped. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
Produce Response (Version: 10) => [responses] throttle_time_ms _tagged_fields responses => name [partition_responses] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING partition_responses => index error_code base_offset log_append_time_ms log_start_offset [record_errors] error_message _tagged_fields index => INT32 error_code => INT16 base_offset => INT64 log_append_time_ms => INT64 log_start_offset => INT64 record_errors => batch_index batch_index_error_message _tagged_fields batch_index => INT32 batch_index_error_message => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING error_message => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING throttle_time_ms => INT32
Response header version: 1
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||||
responses | Each produce response. | ||||||||||||||||||
name | The topic name. | ||||||||||||||||||
partition_responses | Each partition that we produced to within the topic. | ||||||||||||||||||
index | The partition index. | ||||||||||||||||||
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. | ||||||||||||||||||
base_offset | The base offset. | ||||||||||||||||||
log_append_time_ms | The timestamp returned by broker after appending the messages. If CreateTime is used for the topic, the timestamp will be -1. If LogAppendTime is used for the topic, the timestamp will be the broker local time when the messages are appended. | ||||||||||||||||||
log_start_offset | The log start offset. | ||||||||||||||||||
record_errors | The batch indices of records that caused the batch to be dropped. | ||||||||||||||||||
batch_index | The batch index of the record that caused the batch to be dropped. | ||||||||||||||||||
batch_index_error_message | The error message of the record that caused the batch to be dropped. | ||||||||||||||||||
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields | ||||||||||||||||||
error_message | The global error message summarizing the common root cause of the records that caused the batch to be dropped. | ||||||||||||||||||
_tagged_fields |
| ||||||||||||||||||
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields | ||||||||||||||||||
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. | ||||||||||||||||||
_tagged_fields |
Produce Response (Version: 11) => [responses] throttle_time_ms _tagged_fields responses => name [partition_responses] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING partition_responses => index error_code base_offset log_append_time_ms log_start_offset [record_errors] error_message _tagged_fields index => INT32 error_code => INT16 base_offset => INT64 log_append_time_ms => INT64 log_start_offset => INT64 record_errors => batch_index batch_index_error_message _tagged_fields batch_index => INT32 batch_index_error_message => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING error_message => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING throttle_time_ms => INT32
Response header version: 1
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||||
responses | Each produce response. | ||||||||||||||||||
name | The topic name. | ||||||||||||||||||
partition_responses | Each partition that we produced to within the topic. | ||||||||||||||||||
index | The partition index. | ||||||||||||||||||
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. | ||||||||||||||||||
base_offset | The base offset. | ||||||||||||||||||
log_append_time_ms | The timestamp returned by broker after appending the messages. If CreateTime is used for the topic, the timestamp will be -1. If LogAppendTime is used for the topic, the timestamp will be the broker local time when the messages are appended. | ||||||||||||||||||
log_start_offset | The log start offset. | ||||||||||||||||||
record_errors | The batch indices of records that caused the batch to be dropped. | ||||||||||||||||||
batch_index | The batch index of the record that caused the batch to be dropped. | ||||||||||||||||||
batch_index_error_message | The error message of the record that caused the batch to be dropped. | ||||||||||||||||||
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields | ||||||||||||||||||
error_message | The global error message summarizing the common root cause of the records that caused the batch to be dropped. | ||||||||||||||||||
_tagged_fields |
| ||||||||||||||||||
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields | ||||||||||||||||||
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. | ||||||||||||||||||
_tagged_fields |
Fetch API (Key: 1):
Requests:Fetch Request (Version: 4) => replica_id max_wait_ms min_bytes max_bytes isolation_level [topics] replica_id => INT32 max_wait_ms => INT32 min_bytes => INT32 max_bytes => INT32 isolation_level => INT8 topics => topic [partitions] topic => STRING partitions => partition fetch_offset partition_max_bytes partition => INT32 fetch_offset => INT64 partition_max_bytes => INT32
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
replica_id | The broker ID of the follower, of -1 if this request is from a consumer. |
max_wait_ms | The maximum time in milliseconds to wait for the response. |
min_bytes | The minimum bytes to accumulate in the response. |
max_bytes | The maximum bytes to fetch. See KIP-74 for cases where this limit may not be honored. |
isolation_level | This setting controls the visibility of transactional records. Using READ_UNCOMMITTED (isolation_level = 0) makes all records visible. With READ_COMMITTED (isolation_level = 1), non-transactional and COMMITTED transactional records are visible. To be more concrete, READ_COMMITTED returns all data from offsets smaller than the current LSO (last stable offset), and enables the inclusion of the list of aborted transactions in the result, which allows consumers to discard ABORTED transactional records. |
topics | The topics to fetch. |
topic | The name of the topic to fetch. |
partitions | The partitions to fetch. |
partition | The partition index. |
fetch_offset | The message offset. |
partition_max_bytes | The maximum bytes to fetch from this partition. See KIP-74 for cases where this limit may not be honored. |
Fetch Request (Version: 5) => replica_id max_wait_ms min_bytes max_bytes isolation_level [topics] replica_id => INT32 max_wait_ms => INT32 min_bytes => INT32 max_bytes => INT32 isolation_level => INT8 topics => topic [partitions] topic => STRING partitions => partition fetch_offset log_start_offset partition_max_bytes partition => INT32 fetch_offset => INT64 log_start_offset => INT64 partition_max_bytes => INT32
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
replica_id | The broker ID of the follower, of -1 if this request is from a consumer. |
max_wait_ms | The maximum time in milliseconds to wait for the response. |
min_bytes | The minimum bytes to accumulate in the response. |
max_bytes | The maximum bytes to fetch. See KIP-74 for cases where this limit may not be honored. |
isolation_level | This setting controls the visibility of transactional records. Using READ_UNCOMMITTED (isolation_level = 0) makes all records visible. With READ_COMMITTED (isolation_level = 1), non-transactional and COMMITTED transactional records are visible. To be more concrete, READ_COMMITTED returns all data from offsets smaller than the current LSO (last stable offset), and enables the inclusion of the list of aborted transactions in the result, which allows consumers to discard ABORTED transactional records. |
topics | The topics to fetch. |
topic | The name of the topic to fetch. |
partitions | The partitions to fetch. |
partition | The partition index. |
fetch_offset | The message offset. |
log_start_offset | The earliest available offset of the follower replica. The field is only used when the request is sent by the follower. |
partition_max_bytes | The maximum bytes to fetch from this partition. See KIP-74 for cases where this limit may not be honored. |
Fetch Request (Version: 6) => replica_id max_wait_ms min_bytes max_bytes isolation_level [topics] replica_id => INT32 max_wait_ms => INT32 min_bytes => INT32 max_bytes => INT32 isolation_level => INT8 topics => topic [partitions] topic => STRING partitions => partition fetch_offset log_start_offset partition_max_bytes partition => INT32 fetch_offset => INT64 log_start_offset => INT64 partition_max_bytes => INT32
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
replica_id | The broker ID of the follower, of -1 if this request is from a consumer. |
max_wait_ms | The maximum time in milliseconds to wait for the response. |
min_bytes | The minimum bytes to accumulate in the response. |
max_bytes | The maximum bytes to fetch. See KIP-74 for cases where this limit may not be honored. |
isolation_level | This setting controls the visibility of transactional records. Using READ_UNCOMMITTED (isolation_level = 0) makes all records visible. With READ_COMMITTED (isolation_level = 1), non-transactional and COMMITTED transactional records are visible. To be more concrete, READ_COMMITTED returns all data from offsets smaller than the current LSO (last stable offset), and enables the inclusion of the list of aborted transactions in the result, which allows consumers to discard ABORTED transactional records. |
topics | The topics to fetch. |
topic | The name of the topic to fetch. |
partitions | The partitions to fetch. |
partition | The partition index. |
fetch_offset | The message offset. |
log_start_offset | The earliest available offset of the follower replica. The field is only used when the request is sent by the follower. |
partition_max_bytes | The maximum bytes to fetch from this partition. See KIP-74 for cases where this limit may not be honored. |
Fetch Request (Version: 7) => replica_id max_wait_ms min_bytes max_bytes isolation_level session_id session_epoch [topics] [forgotten_topics_data] replica_id => INT32 max_wait_ms => INT32 min_bytes => INT32 max_bytes => INT32 isolation_level => INT8 session_id => INT32 session_epoch => INT32 topics => topic [partitions] topic => STRING partitions => partition fetch_offset log_start_offset partition_max_bytes partition => INT32 fetch_offset => INT64 log_start_offset => INT64 partition_max_bytes => INT32 forgotten_topics_data => topic [partitions] topic => STRING partitions => INT32
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
replica_id | The broker ID of the follower, of -1 if this request is from a consumer. |
max_wait_ms | The maximum time in milliseconds to wait for the response. |
min_bytes | The minimum bytes to accumulate in the response. |
max_bytes | The maximum bytes to fetch. See KIP-74 for cases where this limit may not be honored. |
isolation_level | This setting controls the visibility of transactional records. Using READ_UNCOMMITTED (isolation_level = 0) makes all records visible. With READ_COMMITTED (isolation_level = 1), non-transactional and COMMITTED transactional records are visible. To be more concrete, READ_COMMITTED returns all data from offsets smaller than the current LSO (last stable offset), and enables the inclusion of the list of aborted transactions in the result, which allows consumers to discard ABORTED transactional records. |
session_id | The fetch session ID. |
session_epoch | The fetch session epoch, which is used for ordering requests in a session. |
topics | The topics to fetch. |
topic | The name of the topic to fetch. |
partitions | The partitions to fetch. |
partition | The partition index. |
fetch_offset | The message offset. |
log_start_offset | The earliest available offset of the follower replica. The field is only used when the request is sent by the follower. |
partition_max_bytes | The maximum bytes to fetch from this partition. See KIP-74 for cases where this limit may not be honored. |
forgotten_topics_data | In an incremental fetch request, the partitions to remove. |
topic | The topic name. |
partitions | The partitions indexes to forget. |
Fetch Request (Version: 8) => replica_id max_wait_ms min_bytes max_bytes isolation_level session_id session_epoch [topics] [forgotten_topics_data] replica_id => INT32 max_wait_ms => INT32 min_bytes => INT32 max_bytes => INT32 isolation_level => INT8 session_id => INT32 session_epoch => INT32 topics => topic [partitions] topic => STRING partitions => partition fetch_offset log_start_offset partition_max_bytes partition => INT32 fetch_offset => INT64 log_start_offset => INT64 partition_max_bytes => INT32 forgotten_topics_data => topic [partitions] topic => STRING partitions => INT32
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
replica_id | The broker ID of the follower, of -1 if this request is from a consumer. |
max_wait_ms | The maximum time in milliseconds to wait for the response. |
min_bytes | The minimum bytes to accumulate in the response. |
max_bytes | The maximum bytes to fetch. See KIP-74 for cases where this limit may not be honored. |
isolation_level | This setting controls the visibility of transactional records. Using READ_UNCOMMITTED (isolation_level = 0) makes all records visible. With READ_COMMITTED (isolation_level = 1), non-transactional and COMMITTED transactional records are visible. To be more concrete, READ_COMMITTED returns all data from offsets smaller than the current LSO (last stable offset), and enables the inclusion of the list of aborted transactions in the result, which allows consumers to discard ABORTED transactional records. |
session_id | The fetch session ID. |
session_epoch | The fetch session epoch, which is used for ordering requests in a session. |
topics | The topics to fetch. |
topic | The name of the topic to fetch. |
partitions | The partitions to fetch. |
partition | The partition index. |
fetch_offset | The message offset. |
log_start_offset | The earliest available offset of the follower replica. The field is only used when the request is sent by the follower. |
partition_max_bytes | The maximum bytes to fetch from this partition. See KIP-74 for cases where this limit may not be honored. |
forgotten_topics_data | In an incremental fetch request, the partitions to remove. |
topic | The topic name. |
partitions | The partitions indexes to forget. |
Fetch Request (Version: 9) => replica_id max_wait_ms min_bytes max_bytes isolation_level session_id session_epoch [topics] [forgotten_topics_data] replica_id => INT32 max_wait_ms => INT32 min_bytes => INT32 max_bytes => INT32 isolation_level => INT8 session_id => INT32 session_epoch => INT32 topics => topic [partitions] topic => STRING partitions => partition current_leader_epoch fetch_offset log_start_offset partition_max_bytes partition => INT32 current_leader_epoch => INT32 fetch_offset => INT64 log_start_offset => INT64 partition_max_bytes => INT32 forgotten_topics_data => topic [partitions] topic => STRING partitions => INT32
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
replica_id | The broker ID of the follower, of -1 if this request is from a consumer. |
max_wait_ms | The maximum time in milliseconds to wait for the response. |
min_bytes | The minimum bytes to accumulate in the response. |
max_bytes | The maximum bytes to fetch. See KIP-74 for cases where this limit may not be honored. |
isolation_level | This setting controls the visibility of transactional records. Using READ_UNCOMMITTED (isolation_level = 0) makes all records visible. With READ_COMMITTED (isolation_level = 1), non-transactional and COMMITTED transactional records are visible. To be more concrete, READ_COMMITTED returns all data from offsets smaller than the current LSO (last stable offset), and enables the inclusion of the list of aborted transactions in the result, which allows consumers to discard ABORTED transactional records. |
session_id | The fetch session ID. |
session_epoch | The fetch session epoch, which is used for ordering requests in a session. |
topics | The topics to fetch. |
topic | The name of the topic to fetch. |
partitions | The partitions to fetch. |
partition | The partition index. |
current_leader_epoch | The current leader epoch of the partition. |
fetch_offset | The message offset. |
log_start_offset | The earliest available offset of the follower replica. The field is only used when the request is sent by the follower. |
partition_max_bytes | The maximum bytes to fetch from this partition. See KIP-74 for cases where this limit may not be honored. |
forgotten_topics_data | In an incremental fetch request, the partitions to remove. |
topic | The topic name. |
partitions | The partitions indexes to forget. |
Fetch Request (Version: 10) => replica_id max_wait_ms min_bytes max_bytes isolation_level session_id session_epoch [topics] [forgotten_topics_data] replica_id => INT32 max_wait_ms => INT32 min_bytes => INT32 max_bytes => INT32 isolation_level => INT8 session_id => INT32 session_epoch => INT32 topics => topic [partitions] topic => STRING partitions => partition current_leader_epoch fetch_offset log_start_offset partition_max_bytes partition => INT32 current_leader_epoch => INT32 fetch_offset => INT64 log_start_offset => INT64 partition_max_bytes => INT32 forgotten_topics_data => topic [partitions] topic => STRING partitions => INT32
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
replica_id | The broker ID of the follower, of -1 if this request is from a consumer. |
max_wait_ms | The maximum time in milliseconds to wait for the response. |
min_bytes | The minimum bytes to accumulate in the response. |
max_bytes | The maximum bytes to fetch. See KIP-74 for cases where this limit may not be honored. |
isolation_level | This setting controls the visibility of transactional records. Using READ_UNCOMMITTED (isolation_level = 0) makes all records visible. With READ_COMMITTED (isolation_level = 1), non-transactional and COMMITTED transactional records are visible. To be more concrete, READ_COMMITTED returns all data from offsets smaller than the current LSO (last stable offset), and enables the inclusion of the list of aborted transactions in the result, which allows consumers to discard ABORTED transactional records. |
session_id | The fetch session ID. |
session_epoch | The fetch session epoch, which is used for ordering requests in a session. |
topics | The topics to fetch. |
topic | The name of the topic to fetch. |
partitions | The partitions to fetch. |
partition | The partition index. |
current_leader_epoch | The current leader epoch of the partition. |
fetch_offset | The message offset. |
log_start_offset | The earliest available offset of the follower replica. The field is only used when the request is sent by the follower. |
partition_max_bytes | The maximum bytes to fetch from this partition. See KIP-74 for cases where this limit may not be honored. |
forgotten_topics_data | In an incremental fetch request, the partitions to remove. |
topic | The topic name. |
partitions | The partitions indexes to forget. |
Fetch Request (Version: 11) => replica_id max_wait_ms min_bytes max_bytes isolation_level session_id session_epoch [topics] [forgotten_topics_data] rack_id replica_id => INT32 max_wait_ms => INT32 min_bytes => INT32 max_bytes => INT32 isolation_level => INT8 session_id => INT32 session_epoch => INT32 topics => topic [partitions] topic => STRING partitions => partition current_leader_epoch fetch_offset log_start_offset partition_max_bytes partition => INT32 current_leader_epoch => INT32 fetch_offset => INT64 log_start_offset => INT64 partition_max_bytes => INT32 forgotten_topics_data => topic [partitions] topic => STRING partitions => INT32 rack_id => STRING
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
replica_id | The broker ID of the follower, of -1 if this request is from a consumer. |
max_wait_ms | The maximum time in milliseconds to wait for the response. |
min_bytes | The minimum bytes to accumulate in the response. |
max_bytes | The maximum bytes to fetch. See KIP-74 for cases where this limit may not be honored. |
isolation_level | This setting controls the visibility of transactional records. Using READ_UNCOMMITTED (isolation_level = 0) makes all records visible. With READ_COMMITTED (isolation_level = 1), non-transactional and COMMITTED transactional records are visible. To be more concrete, READ_COMMITTED returns all data from offsets smaller than the current LSO (last stable offset), and enables the inclusion of the list of aborted transactions in the result, which allows consumers to discard ABORTED transactional records. |
session_id | The fetch session ID. |
session_epoch | The fetch session epoch, which is used for ordering requests in a session. |
topics | The topics to fetch. |
topic | The name of the topic to fetch. |
partitions | The partitions to fetch. |
partition | The partition index. |
current_leader_epoch | The current leader epoch of the partition. |
fetch_offset | The message offset. |
log_start_offset | The earliest available offset of the follower replica. The field is only used when the request is sent by the follower. |
partition_max_bytes | The maximum bytes to fetch from this partition. See KIP-74 for cases where this limit may not be honored. |
forgotten_topics_data | In an incremental fetch request, the partitions to remove. |
topic | The topic name. |
partitions | The partitions indexes to forget. |
rack_id | Rack ID of the consumer making this request. |
Fetch Request (Version: 12) => replica_id max_wait_ms min_bytes max_bytes isolation_level session_id session_epoch [topics] [forgotten_topics_data] rack_id _tagged_fields replica_id => INT32 max_wait_ms => INT32 min_bytes => INT32 max_bytes => INT32 isolation_level => INT8 session_id => INT32 session_epoch => INT32 topics => topic [partitions] _tagged_fields topic => COMPACT_STRING partitions => partition current_leader_epoch fetch_offset last_fetched_epoch log_start_offset partition_max_bytes _tagged_fields partition => INT32 current_leader_epoch => INT32 fetch_offset => INT64 last_fetched_epoch => INT32 log_start_offset => INT64 partition_max_bytes => INT32 forgotten_topics_data => topic [partitions] _tagged_fields topic => COMPACT_STRING partitions => INT32 rack_id => COMPACT_STRING
Request header version: 2
Field | Description | ||||||
replica_id | The broker ID of the follower, of -1 if this request is from a consumer. | ||||||
max_wait_ms | The maximum time in milliseconds to wait for the response. | ||||||
min_bytes | The minimum bytes to accumulate in the response. | ||||||
max_bytes | The maximum bytes to fetch. See KIP-74 for cases where this limit may not be honored. | ||||||
isolation_level | This setting controls the visibility of transactional records. Using READ_UNCOMMITTED (isolation_level = 0) makes all records visible. With READ_COMMITTED (isolation_level = 1), non-transactional and COMMITTED transactional records are visible. To be more concrete, READ_COMMITTED returns all data from offsets smaller than the current LSO (last stable offset), and enables the inclusion of the list of aborted transactions in the result, which allows consumers to discard ABORTED transactional records. | ||||||
session_id | The fetch session ID. | ||||||
session_epoch | The fetch session epoch, which is used for ordering requests in a session. | ||||||
topics | The topics to fetch. | ||||||
topic | The name of the topic to fetch. | ||||||
partitions | The partitions to fetch. | ||||||
partition | The partition index. | ||||||
current_leader_epoch | The current leader epoch of the partition. | ||||||
fetch_offset | The message offset. | ||||||
last_fetched_epoch | The epoch of the last fetched record or -1 if there is none. | ||||||
log_start_offset | The earliest available offset of the follower replica. The field is only used when the request is sent by the follower. | ||||||
partition_max_bytes | The maximum bytes to fetch from this partition. See KIP-74 for cases where this limit may not be honored. | ||||||
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields | ||||||
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields | ||||||
forgotten_topics_data | In an incremental fetch request, the partitions to remove. | ||||||
topic | The topic name. | ||||||
partitions | The partitions indexes to forget. | ||||||
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields | ||||||
rack_id | Rack ID of the consumer making this request. | ||||||
_tagged_fields |
Fetch Request (Version: 13) => replica_id max_wait_ms min_bytes max_bytes isolation_level session_id session_epoch [topics] [forgotten_topics_data] rack_id _tagged_fields replica_id => INT32 max_wait_ms => INT32 min_bytes => INT32 max_bytes => INT32 isolation_level => INT8 session_id => INT32 session_epoch => INT32 topics => topic_id [partitions] _tagged_fields topic_id => UUID partitions => partition current_leader_epoch fetch_offset last_fetched_epoch log_start_offset partition_max_bytes _tagged_fields partition => INT32 current_leader_epoch => INT32 fetch_offset => INT64 last_fetched_epoch => INT32 log_start_offset => INT64 partition_max_bytes => INT32 forgotten_topics_data => topic_id [partitions] _tagged_fields topic_id => UUID partitions => INT32 rack_id => COMPACT_STRING
Request header version: 2
Field | Description | ||||||
replica_id | The broker ID of the follower, of -1 if this request is from a consumer. | ||||||
max_wait_ms | The maximum time in milliseconds to wait for the response. | ||||||
min_bytes | The minimum bytes to accumulate in the response. | ||||||
max_bytes | The maximum bytes to fetch. See KIP-74 for cases where this limit may not be honored. | ||||||
isolation_level | This setting controls the visibility of transactional records. Using READ_UNCOMMITTED (isolation_level = 0) makes all records visible. With READ_COMMITTED (isolation_level = 1), non-transactional and COMMITTED transactional records are visible. To be more concrete, READ_COMMITTED returns all data from offsets smaller than the current LSO (last stable offset), and enables the inclusion of the list of aborted transactions in the result, which allows consumers to discard ABORTED transactional records. | ||||||
session_id | The fetch session ID. | ||||||
session_epoch | The fetch session epoch, which is used for ordering requests in a session. | ||||||
topics | The topics to fetch. | ||||||
topic_id | The unique topic ID. | ||||||
partitions | The partitions to fetch. | ||||||
partition | The partition index. | ||||||
current_leader_epoch | The current leader epoch of the partition. | ||||||
fetch_offset | The message offset. | ||||||
last_fetched_epoch | The epoch of the last fetched record or -1 if there is none. | ||||||
log_start_offset | The earliest available offset of the follower replica. The field is only used when the request is sent by the follower. | ||||||
partition_max_bytes | The maximum bytes to fetch from this partition. See KIP-74 for cases where this limit may not be honored. | ||||||
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields | ||||||
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields | ||||||
forgotten_topics_data | In an incremental fetch request, the partitions to remove. | ||||||
topic_id | The unique topic ID. | ||||||
partitions | The partitions indexes to forget. | ||||||
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields | ||||||
rack_id | Rack ID of the consumer making this request. | ||||||
_tagged_fields |
Fetch Request (Version: 14) => replica_id max_wait_ms min_bytes max_bytes isolation_level session_id session_epoch [topics] [forgotten_topics_data] rack_id _tagged_fields replica_id => INT32 max_wait_ms => INT32 min_bytes => INT32 max_bytes => INT32 isolation_level => INT8 session_id => INT32 session_epoch => INT32 topics => topic_id [partitions] _tagged_fields topic_id => UUID partitions => partition current_leader_epoch fetch_offset last_fetched_epoch log_start_offset partition_max_bytes _tagged_fields partition => INT32 current_leader_epoch => INT32 fetch_offset => INT64 last_fetched_epoch => INT32 log_start_offset => INT64 partition_max_bytes => INT32 forgotten_topics_data => topic_id [partitions] _tagged_fields topic_id => UUID partitions => INT32 rack_id => COMPACT_STRING
Request header version: 2
Field | Description | ||||||
replica_id | The broker ID of the follower, of -1 if this request is from a consumer. | ||||||
max_wait_ms | The maximum time in milliseconds to wait for the response. | ||||||
min_bytes | The minimum bytes to accumulate in the response. | ||||||
max_bytes | The maximum bytes to fetch. See KIP-74 for cases where this limit may not be honored. | ||||||
isolation_level | This setting controls the visibility of transactional records. Using READ_UNCOMMITTED (isolation_level = 0) makes all records visible. With READ_COMMITTED (isolation_level = 1), non-transactional and COMMITTED transactional records are visible. To be more concrete, READ_COMMITTED returns all data from offsets smaller than the current LSO (last stable offset), and enables the inclusion of the list of aborted transactions in the result, which allows consumers to discard ABORTED transactional records. | ||||||
session_id | The fetch session ID. | ||||||
session_epoch | The fetch session epoch, which is used for ordering requests in a session. | ||||||
topics | The topics to fetch. | ||||||
topic_id | The unique topic ID. | ||||||
partitions | The partitions to fetch. | ||||||
partition | The partition index. | ||||||
current_leader_epoch | The current leader epoch of the partition. | ||||||
fetch_offset | The message offset. | ||||||
last_fetched_epoch | The epoch of the last fetched record or -1 if there is none. | ||||||
log_start_offset | The earliest available offset of the follower replica. The field is only used when the request is sent by the follower. | ||||||
partition_max_bytes | The maximum bytes to fetch from this partition. See KIP-74 for cases where this limit may not be honored. | ||||||
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields | ||||||
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields | ||||||
forgotten_topics_data | In an incremental fetch request, the partitions to remove. | ||||||
topic_id | The unique topic ID. | ||||||
partitions | The partitions indexes to forget. | ||||||
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields | ||||||
rack_id | Rack ID of the consumer making this request. | ||||||
_tagged_fields |
Fetch Request (Version: 15) => max_wait_ms min_bytes max_bytes isolation_level session_id session_epoch [topics] [forgotten_topics_data] rack_id _tagged_fields max_wait_ms => INT32 min_bytes => INT32 max_bytes => INT32 isolation_level => INT8 session_id => INT32 session_epoch => INT32 topics => topic_id [partitions] _tagged_fields topic_id => UUID partitions => partition current_leader_epoch fetch_offset last_fetched_epoch log_start_offset partition_max_bytes _tagged_fields partition => INT32 current_leader_epoch => INT32 fetch_offset => INT64 last_fetched_epoch => INT32 log_start_offset => INT64 partition_max_bytes => INT32 forgotten_topics_data => topic_id [partitions] _tagged_fields topic_id => UUID partitions => INT32 rack_id => COMPACT_STRING
Request header version: 2
Field | Description | |||||||||||||||||
max_wait_ms | The maximum time in milliseconds to wait for the response. | |||||||||||||||||
min_bytes | The minimum bytes to accumulate in the response. | |||||||||||||||||
max_bytes | The maximum bytes to fetch. See KIP-74 for cases where this limit may not be honored. | |||||||||||||||||
isolation_level | This setting controls the visibility of transactional records. Using READ_UNCOMMITTED (isolation_level = 0) makes all records visible. With READ_COMMITTED (isolation_level = 1), non-transactional and COMMITTED transactional records are visible. To be more concrete, READ_COMMITTED returns all data from offsets smaller than the current LSO (last stable offset), and enables the inclusion of the list of aborted transactions in the result, which allows consumers to discard ABORTED transactional records. | |||||||||||||||||
session_id | The fetch session ID. | |||||||||||||||||
session_epoch | The fetch session epoch, which is used for ordering requests in a session. | |||||||||||||||||
topics | The topics to fetch. | |||||||||||||||||
topic_id | The unique topic ID. | |||||||||||||||||
partitions | The partitions to fetch. | |||||||||||||||||
partition | The partition index. | |||||||||||||||||
current_leader_epoch | The current leader epoch of the partition. | |||||||||||||||||
fetch_offset | The message offset. | |||||||||||||||||
last_fetched_epoch | The epoch of the last fetched record or -1 if there is none. | |||||||||||||||||
log_start_offset | The earliest available offset of the follower replica. The field is only used when the request is sent by the follower. | |||||||||||||||||
partition_max_bytes | The maximum bytes to fetch from this partition. See KIP-74 for cases where this limit may not be honored. | |||||||||||||||||
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields | |||||||||||||||||
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields | |||||||||||||||||
forgotten_topics_data | In an incremental fetch request, the partitions to remove. | |||||||||||||||||
topic_id | The unique topic ID. | |||||||||||||||||
partitions | The partitions indexes to forget. | |||||||||||||||||
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields | |||||||||||||||||
rack_id | Rack ID of the consumer making this request. | |||||||||||||||||
_tagged_fields |
Fetch Request (Version: 16) => max_wait_ms min_bytes max_bytes isolation_level session_id session_epoch [topics] [forgotten_topics_data] rack_id _tagged_fields max_wait_ms => INT32 min_bytes => INT32 max_bytes => INT32 isolation_level => INT8 session_id => INT32 session_epoch => INT32 topics => topic_id [partitions] _tagged_fields topic_id => UUID partitions => partition current_leader_epoch fetch_offset last_fetched_epoch log_start_offset partition_max_bytes _tagged_fields partition => INT32 current_leader_epoch => INT32 fetch_offset => INT64 last_fetched_epoch => INT32 log_start_offset => INT64 partition_max_bytes => INT32 forgotten_topics_data => topic_id [partitions] _tagged_fields topic_id => UUID partitions => INT32 rack_id => COMPACT_STRING
Request header version: 2
Field | Description | |||||||||||||||||
max_wait_ms | The maximum time in milliseconds to wait for the response. | |||||||||||||||||
min_bytes | The minimum bytes to accumulate in the response. | |||||||||||||||||
max_bytes | The maximum bytes to fetch. See KIP-74 for cases where this limit may not be honored. | |||||||||||||||||
isolation_level | This setting controls the visibility of transactional records. Using READ_UNCOMMITTED (isolation_level = 0) makes all records visible. With READ_COMMITTED (isolation_level = 1), non-transactional and COMMITTED transactional records are visible. To be more concrete, READ_COMMITTED returns all data from offsets smaller than the current LSO (last stable offset), and enables the inclusion of the list of aborted transactions in the result, which allows consumers to discard ABORTED transactional records. | |||||||||||||||||
session_id | The fetch session ID. | |||||||||||||||||
session_epoch | The fetch session epoch, which is used for ordering requests in a session. | |||||||||||||||||
topics | The topics to fetch. | |||||||||||||||||
topic_id | The unique topic ID. | |||||||||||||||||
partitions | The partitions to fetch. | |||||||||||||||||
partition | The partition index. | |||||||||||||||||
current_leader_epoch | The current leader epoch of the partition. | |||||||||||||||||
fetch_offset | The message offset. | |||||||||||||||||
last_fetched_epoch | The epoch of the last fetched record or -1 if there is none. | |||||||||||||||||
log_start_offset | The earliest available offset of the follower replica. The field is only used when the request is sent by the follower. | |||||||||||||||||
partition_max_bytes | The maximum bytes to fetch from this partition. See KIP-74 for cases where this limit may not be honored. | |||||||||||||||||
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields | |||||||||||||||||
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields | |||||||||||||||||
forgotten_topics_data | In an incremental fetch request, the partitions to remove. | |||||||||||||||||
topic_id | The unique topic ID. | |||||||||||||||||
partitions | The partitions indexes to forget. | |||||||||||||||||
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields | |||||||||||||||||
rack_id | Rack ID of the consumer making this request. | |||||||||||||||||
_tagged_fields |
Fetch Request (Version: 17) => max_wait_ms min_bytes max_bytes isolation_level session_id session_epoch [topics] [forgotten_topics_data] rack_id _tagged_fields max_wait_ms => INT32 min_bytes => INT32 max_bytes => INT32 isolation_level => INT8 session_id => INT32 session_epoch => INT32 topics => topic_id [partitions] _tagged_fields topic_id => UUID partitions => partition current_leader_epoch fetch_offset last_fetched_epoch log_start_offset partition_max_bytes _tagged_fields partition => INT32 current_leader_epoch => INT32 fetch_offset => INT64 last_fetched_epoch => INT32 log_start_offset => INT64 partition_max_bytes => INT32 forgotten_topics_data => topic_id [partitions] _tagged_fields topic_id => UUID partitions => INT32 rack_id => COMPACT_STRING
Request header version: 2
Field | Description | |||||||||||||||||
max_wait_ms | The maximum time in milliseconds to wait for the response. | |||||||||||||||||
min_bytes | The minimum bytes to accumulate in the response. | |||||||||||||||||
max_bytes | The maximum bytes to fetch. See KIP-74 for cases where this limit may not be honored. | |||||||||||||||||
isolation_level | This setting controls the visibility of transactional records. Using READ_UNCOMMITTED (isolation_level = 0) makes all records visible. With READ_COMMITTED (isolation_level = 1), non-transactional and COMMITTED transactional records are visible. To be more concrete, READ_COMMITTED returns all data from offsets smaller than the current LSO (last stable offset), and enables the inclusion of the list of aborted transactions in the result, which allows consumers to discard ABORTED transactional records. | |||||||||||||||||
session_id | The fetch session ID. | |||||||||||||||||
session_epoch | The fetch session epoch, which is used for ordering requests in a session. | |||||||||||||||||
topics | The topics to fetch. | |||||||||||||||||
topic_id | The unique topic ID. | |||||||||||||||||
partitions | The partitions to fetch. | |||||||||||||||||
partition | The partition index. | |||||||||||||||||
current_leader_epoch | The current leader epoch of the partition. | |||||||||||||||||
fetch_offset | The message offset. | |||||||||||||||||
last_fetched_epoch | The epoch of the last fetched record or -1 if there is none. | |||||||||||||||||
log_start_offset | The earliest available offset of the follower replica. The field is only used when the request is sent by the follower. | |||||||||||||||||
partition_max_bytes | The maximum bytes to fetch from this partition. See KIP-74 for cases where this limit may not be honored. | |||||||||||||||||
_tagged_fields |
| |||||||||||||||||
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields | |||||||||||||||||
forgotten_topics_data | In an incremental fetch request, the partitions to remove. | |||||||||||||||||
topic_id | The unique topic ID. | |||||||||||||||||
partitions | The partitions indexes to forget. | |||||||||||||||||
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields | |||||||||||||||||
rack_id | Rack ID of the consumer making this request. | |||||||||||||||||
_tagged_fields |
Fetch Response (Version: 4) => throttle_time_ms [responses] throttle_time_ms => INT32 responses => topic [partitions] topic => STRING partitions => partition_index error_code high_watermark last_stable_offset [aborted_transactions] records partition_index => INT32 error_code => INT16 high_watermark => INT64 last_stable_offset => INT64 aborted_transactions => producer_id first_offset producer_id => INT64 first_offset => INT64 records => RECORDS
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
responses | The response topics. |
topic | The topic name. |
partitions | The topic partitions. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no fetch error. |
high_watermark | The current high water mark. |
last_stable_offset | The last stable offset (or LSO) of the partition. This is the last offset such that the state of all transactional records prior to this offset have been decided (ABORTED or COMMITTED). |
aborted_transactions | The aborted transactions. |
producer_id | The producer id associated with the aborted transaction. |
first_offset | The first offset in the aborted transaction. |
records | The record data. |
Fetch Response (Version: 5) => throttle_time_ms [responses] throttle_time_ms => INT32 responses => topic [partitions] topic => STRING partitions => partition_index error_code high_watermark last_stable_offset log_start_offset [aborted_transactions] records partition_index => INT32 error_code => INT16 high_watermark => INT64 last_stable_offset => INT64 log_start_offset => INT64 aborted_transactions => producer_id first_offset producer_id => INT64 first_offset => INT64 records => RECORDS
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
responses | The response topics. |
topic | The topic name. |
partitions | The topic partitions. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no fetch error. |
high_watermark | The current high water mark. |
last_stable_offset | The last stable offset (or LSO) of the partition. This is the last offset such that the state of all transactional records prior to this offset have been decided (ABORTED or COMMITTED). |
log_start_offset | The current log start offset. |
aborted_transactions | The aborted transactions. |
producer_id | The producer id associated with the aborted transaction. |
first_offset | The first offset in the aborted transaction. |
records | The record data. |
Fetch Response (Version: 6) => throttle_time_ms [responses] throttle_time_ms => INT32 responses => topic [partitions] topic => STRING partitions => partition_index error_code high_watermark last_stable_offset log_start_offset [aborted_transactions] records partition_index => INT32 error_code => INT16 high_watermark => INT64 last_stable_offset => INT64 log_start_offset => INT64 aborted_transactions => producer_id first_offset producer_id => INT64 first_offset => INT64 records => RECORDS
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
responses | The response topics. |
topic | The topic name. |
partitions | The topic partitions. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no fetch error. |
high_watermark | The current high water mark. |
last_stable_offset | The last stable offset (or LSO) of the partition. This is the last offset such that the state of all transactional records prior to this offset have been decided (ABORTED or COMMITTED). |
log_start_offset | The current log start offset. |
aborted_transactions | The aborted transactions. |
producer_id | The producer id associated with the aborted transaction. |
first_offset | The first offset in the aborted transaction. |
records | The record data. |
Fetch Response (Version: 7) => throttle_time_ms error_code session_id [responses] throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 session_id => INT32 responses => topic [partitions] topic => STRING partitions => partition_index error_code high_watermark last_stable_offset log_start_offset [aborted_transactions] records partition_index => INT32 error_code => INT16 high_watermark => INT64 last_stable_offset => INT64 log_start_offset => INT64 aborted_transactions => producer_id first_offset producer_id => INT64 first_offset => INT64 records => RECORDS
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The top level response error code. |
session_id | The fetch session ID, or 0 if this is not part of a fetch session. |
responses | The response topics. |
topic | The topic name. |
partitions | The topic partitions. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no fetch error. |
high_watermark | The current high water mark. |
last_stable_offset | The last stable offset (or LSO) of the partition. This is the last offset such that the state of all transactional records prior to this offset have been decided (ABORTED or COMMITTED). |
log_start_offset | The current log start offset. |
aborted_transactions | The aborted transactions. |
producer_id | The producer id associated with the aborted transaction. |
first_offset | The first offset in the aborted transaction. |
records | The record data. |
Fetch Response (Version: 8) => throttle_time_ms error_code session_id [responses] throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 session_id => INT32 responses => topic [partitions] topic => STRING partitions => partition_index error_code high_watermark last_stable_offset log_start_offset [aborted_transactions] records partition_index => INT32 error_code => INT16 high_watermark => INT64 last_stable_offset => INT64 log_start_offset => INT64 aborted_transactions => producer_id first_offset producer_id => INT64 first_offset => INT64 records => RECORDS
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The top level response error code. |
session_id | The fetch session ID, or 0 if this is not part of a fetch session. |
responses | The response topics. |
topic | The topic name. |
partitions | The topic partitions. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no fetch error. |
high_watermark | The current high water mark. |
last_stable_offset | The last stable offset (or LSO) of the partition. This is the last offset such that the state of all transactional records prior to this offset have been decided (ABORTED or COMMITTED). |
log_start_offset | The current log start offset. |
aborted_transactions | The aborted transactions. |
producer_id | The producer id associated with the aborted transaction. |
first_offset | The first offset in the aborted transaction. |
records | The record data. |
Fetch Response (Version: 9) => throttle_time_ms error_code session_id [responses] throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 session_id => INT32 responses => topic [partitions] topic => STRING partitions => partition_index error_code high_watermark last_stable_offset log_start_offset [aborted_transactions] records partition_index => INT32 error_code => INT16 high_watermark => INT64 last_stable_offset => INT64 log_start_offset => INT64 aborted_transactions => producer_id first_offset producer_id => INT64 first_offset => INT64 records => RECORDS
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The top level response error code. |
session_id | The fetch session ID, or 0 if this is not part of a fetch session. |
responses | The response topics. |
topic | The topic name. |
partitions | The topic partitions. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no fetch error. |
high_watermark | The current high water mark. |
last_stable_offset | The last stable offset (or LSO) of the partition. This is the last offset such that the state of all transactional records prior to this offset have been decided (ABORTED or COMMITTED). |
log_start_offset | The current log start offset. |
aborted_transactions | The aborted transactions. |
producer_id | The producer id associated with the aborted transaction. |
first_offset | The first offset in the aborted transaction. |
records | The record data. |
Fetch Response (Version: 10) => throttle_time_ms error_code session_id [responses] throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 session_id => INT32 responses => topic [partitions] topic => STRING partitions => partition_index error_code high_watermark last_stable_offset log_start_offset [aborted_transactions] records partition_index => INT32 error_code => INT16 high_watermark => INT64 last_stable_offset => INT64 log_start_offset => INT64 aborted_transactions => producer_id first_offset producer_id => INT64 first_offset => INT64 records => RECORDS
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The top level response error code. |
session_id | The fetch session ID, or 0 if this is not part of a fetch session. |
responses | The response topics. |
topic | The topic name. |
partitions | The topic partitions. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no fetch error. |
high_watermark | The current high water mark. |
last_stable_offset | The last stable offset (or LSO) of the partition. This is the last offset such that the state of all transactional records prior to this offset have been decided (ABORTED or COMMITTED). |
log_start_offset | The current log start offset. |
aborted_transactions | The aborted transactions. |
producer_id | The producer id associated with the aborted transaction. |
first_offset | The first offset in the aborted transaction. |
records | The record data. |
Fetch Response (Version: 11) => throttle_time_ms error_code session_id [responses] throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 session_id => INT32 responses => topic [partitions] topic => STRING partitions => partition_index error_code high_watermark last_stable_offset log_start_offset [aborted_transactions] preferred_read_replica records partition_index => INT32 error_code => INT16 high_watermark => INT64 last_stable_offset => INT64 log_start_offset => INT64 aborted_transactions => producer_id first_offset producer_id => INT64 first_offset => INT64 preferred_read_replica => INT32 records => RECORDS
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The top level response error code. |
session_id | The fetch session ID, or 0 if this is not part of a fetch session. |
responses | The response topics. |
topic | The topic name. |
partitions | The topic partitions. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no fetch error. |
high_watermark | The current high water mark. |
last_stable_offset | The last stable offset (or LSO) of the partition. This is the last offset such that the state of all transactional records prior to this offset have been decided (ABORTED or COMMITTED). |
log_start_offset | The current log start offset. |
aborted_transactions | The aborted transactions. |
producer_id | The producer id associated with the aborted transaction. |
first_offset | The first offset in the aborted transaction. |
preferred_read_replica | The preferred read replica for the consumer to use on its next fetch request. |
records | The record data. |
Fetch Response (Version: 12) => throttle_time_ms error_code session_id [responses] _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 session_id => INT32 responses => topic [partitions] _tagged_fields topic => COMPACT_STRING partitions => partition_index error_code high_watermark last_stable_offset log_start_offset [aborted_transactions] preferred_read_replica records _tagged_fields partition_index => INT32 error_code => INT16 high_watermark => INT64 last_stable_offset => INT64 log_start_offset => INT64 aborted_transactions => producer_id first_offset _tagged_fields producer_id => INT64 first_offset => INT64 preferred_read_replica => INT32 records => COMPACT_RECORDS
Response header version: 1
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
error_code | The top level response error code. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
session_id | The fetch session ID, or 0 if this is not part of a fetch session. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
responses | The response topics. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
topic | The topic name. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
partitions | The topic partitions. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
partition_index | The partition index. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no fetch error. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
high_watermark | The current high water mark. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
last_stable_offset | The last stable offset (or LSO) of the partition. This is the last offset such that the state of all transactional records prior to this offset have been decided (ABORTED or COMMITTED). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
log_start_offset | The current log start offset. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
aborted_transactions | The aborted transactions. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
producer_id | The producer id associated with the aborted transaction. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
first_offset | The first offset in the aborted transaction. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
preferred_read_replica | The preferred read replica for the consumer to use on its next fetch request. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
records | The record data. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
_tagged_fields |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
Fetch Response (Version: 13) => throttle_time_ms error_code session_id [responses] _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 session_id => INT32 responses => topic_id [partitions] _tagged_fields topic_id => UUID partitions => partition_index error_code high_watermark last_stable_offset log_start_offset [aborted_transactions] preferred_read_replica records _tagged_fields partition_index => INT32 error_code => INT16 high_watermark => INT64 last_stable_offset => INT64 log_start_offset => INT64 aborted_transactions => producer_id first_offset _tagged_fields producer_id => INT64 first_offset => INT64 preferred_read_replica => INT32 records => COMPACT_RECORDS
Response header version: 1
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
error_code | The top level response error code. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
session_id | The fetch session ID, or 0 if this is not part of a fetch session. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
responses | The response topics. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
topic_id | The unique topic ID. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
partitions | The topic partitions. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
partition_index | The partition index. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no fetch error. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
high_watermark | The current high water mark. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
last_stable_offset | The last stable offset (or LSO) of the partition. This is the last offset such that the state of all transactional records prior to this offset have been decided (ABORTED or COMMITTED). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
log_start_offset | The current log start offset. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
aborted_transactions | The aborted transactions. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
producer_id | The producer id associated with the aborted transaction. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
first_offset | The first offset in the aborted transaction. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
preferred_read_replica | The preferred read replica for the consumer to use on its next fetch request. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
records | The record data. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
_tagged_fields |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
Fetch Response (Version: 14) => throttle_time_ms error_code session_id [responses] _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 session_id => INT32 responses => topic_id [partitions] _tagged_fields topic_id => UUID partitions => partition_index error_code high_watermark last_stable_offset log_start_offset [aborted_transactions] preferred_read_replica records _tagged_fields partition_index => INT32 error_code => INT16 high_watermark => INT64 last_stable_offset => INT64 log_start_offset => INT64 aborted_transactions => producer_id first_offset _tagged_fields producer_id => INT64 first_offset => INT64 preferred_read_replica => INT32 records => COMPACT_RECORDS
Response header version: 1
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
error_code | The top level response error code. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
session_id | The fetch session ID, or 0 if this is not part of a fetch session. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
responses | The response topics. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
topic_id | The unique topic ID. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
partitions | The topic partitions. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
partition_index | The partition index. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no fetch error. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
high_watermark | The current high water mark. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
last_stable_offset | The last stable offset (or LSO) of the partition. This is the last offset such that the state of all transactional records prior to this offset have been decided (ABORTED or COMMITTED). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
log_start_offset | The current log start offset. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
aborted_transactions | The aborted transactions. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
producer_id | The producer id associated with the aborted transaction. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
first_offset | The first offset in the aborted transaction. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
preferred_read_replica | The preferred read replica for the consumer to use on its next fetch request. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
records | The record data. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
_tagged_fields |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
Fetch Response (Version: 15) => throttle_time_ms error_code session_id [responses] _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 session_id => INT32 responses => topic_id [partitions] _tagged_fields topic_id => UUID partitions => partition_index error_code high_watermark last_stable_offset log_start_offset [aborted_transactions] preferred_read_replica records _tagged_fields partition_index => INT32 error_code => INT16 high_watermark => INT64 last_stable_offset => INT64 log_start_offset => INT64 aborted_transactions => producer_id first_offset _tagged_fields producer_id => INT64 first_offset => INT64 preferred_read_replica => INT32 records => COMPACT_RECORDS
Response header version: 1
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
error_code | The top level response error code. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
session_id | The fetch session ID, or 0 if this is not part of a fetch session. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
responses | The response topics. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
topic_id | The unique topic ID. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
partitions | The topic partitions. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
partition_index | The partition index. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no fetch error. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
high_watermark | The current high water mark. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
last_stable_offset | The last stable offset (or LSO) of the partition. This is the last offset such that the state of all transactional records prior to this offset have been decided (ABORTED or COMMITTED). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
log_start_offset | The current log start offset. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
aborted_transactions | The aborted transactions. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
producer_id | The producer id associated with the aborted transaction. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
first_offset | The first offset in the aborted transaction. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
preferred_read_replica | The preferred read replica for the consumer to use on its next fetch request. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
records | The record data. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
_tagged_fields |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
Fetch Response (Version: 16) => throttle_time_ms error_code session_id [responses] _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 session_id => INT32 responses => topic_id [partitions] _tagged_fields topic_id => UUID partitions => partition_index error_code high_watermark last_stable_offset log_start_offset [aborted_transactions] preferred_read_replica records _tagged_fields partition_index => INT32 error_code => INT16 high_watermark => INT64 last_stable_offset => INT64 log_start_offset => INT64 aborted_transactions => producer_id first_offset _tagged_fields producer_id => INT64 first_offset => INT64 preferred_read_replica => INT32 records => COMPACT_RECORDS
Response header version: 1
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
error_code | The top level response error code. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
session_id | The fetch session ID, or 0 if this is not part of a fetch session. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
responses | The response topics. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
topic_id | The unique topic ID. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
partitions | The topic partitions. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
partition_index | The partition index. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no fetch error. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
high_watermark | The current high water mark. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
last_stable_offset | The last stable offset (or LSO) of the partition. This is the last offset such that the state of all transactional records prior to this offset have been decided (ABORTED or COMMITTED). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
log_start_offset | The current log start offset. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
aborted_transactions | The aborted transactions. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
producer_id | The producer id associated with the aborted transaction. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
first_offset | The first offset in the aborted transaction. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
preferred_read_replica | The preferred read replica for the consumer to use on its next fetch request. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
records | The record data. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
_tagged_fields |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
_tagged_fields |
ListOffsets API (Key: 2):
Requests:ListOffsets Request (Version: 1) => replica_id [topics] replica_id => INT32 topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => partition_index timestamp partition_index => INT32 timestamp => INT64
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
replica_id | The broker ID of the requester, or -1 if this request is being made by a normal consumer. |
topics | Each topic in the request. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | Each partition in the request. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
timestamp | The current timestamp. |
ListOffsets Request (Version: 2) => replica_id isolation_level [topics] replica_id => INT32 isolation_level => INT8 topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => partition_index timestamp partition_index => INT32 timestamp => INT64
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
replica_id | The broker ID of the requester, or -1 if this request is being made by a normal consumer. |
isolation_level | This setting controls the visibility of transactional records. Using READ_UNCOMMITTED (isolation_level = 0) makes all records visible. With READ_COMMITTED (isolation_level = 1), non-transactional and COMMITTED transactional records are visible. To be more concrete, READ_COMMITTED returns all data from offsets smaller than the current LSO (last stable offset), and enables the inclusion of the list of aborted transactions in the result, which allows consumers to discard ABORTED transactional records. |
topics | Each topic in the request. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | Each partition in the request. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
timestamp | The current timestamp. |
ListOffsets Request (Version: 3) => replica_id isolation_level [topics] replica_id => INT32 isolation_level => INT8 topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => partition_index timestamp partition_index => INT32 timestamp => INT64
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
replica_id | The broker ID of the requester, or -1 if this request is being made by a normal consumer. |
isolation_level | This setting controls the visibility of transactional records. Using READ_UNCOMMITTED (isolation_level = 0) makes all records visible. With READ_COMMITTED (isolation_level = 1), non-transactional and COMMITTED transactional records are visible. To be more concrete, READ_COMMITTED returns all data from offsets smaller than the current LSO (last stable offset), and enables the inclusion of the list of aborted transactions in the result, which allows consumers to discard ABORTED transactional records. |
topics | Each topic in the request. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | Each partition in the request. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
timestamp | The current timestamp. |
ListOffsets Request (Version: 4) => replica_id isolation_level [topics] replica_id => INT32 isolation_level => INT8 topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => partition_index current_leader_epoch timestamp partition_index => INT32 current_leader_epoch => INT32 timestamp => INT64
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
replica_id | The broker ID of the requester, or -1 if this request is being made by a normal consumer. |
isolation_level | This setting controls the visibility of transactional records. Using READ_UNCOMMITTED (isolation_level = 0) makes all records visible. With READ_COMMITTED (isolation_level = 1), non-transactional and COMMITTED transactional records are visible. To be more concrete, READ_COMMITTED returns all data from offsets smaller than the current LSO (last stable offset), and enables the inclusion of the list of aborted transactions in the result, which allows consumers to discard ABORTED transactional records. |
topics | Each topic in the request. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | Each partition in the request. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
current_leader_epoch | The current leader epoch. |
timestamp | The current timestamp. |
ListOffsets Request (Version: 5) => replica_id isolation_level [topics] replica_id => INT32 isolation_level => INT8 topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => partition_index current_leader_epoch timestamp partition_index => INT32 current_leader_epoch => INT32 timestamp => INT64
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
replica_id | The broker ID of the requester, or -1 if this request is being made by a normal consumer. |
isolation_level | This setting controls the visibility of transactional records. Using READ_UNCOMMITTED (isolation_level = 0) makes all records visible. With READ_COMMITTED (isolation_level = 1), non-transactional and COMMITTED transactional records are visible. To be more concrete, READ_COMMITTED returns all data from offsets smaller than the current LSO (last stable offset), and enables the inclusion of the list of aborted transactions in the result, which allows consumers to discard ABORTED transactional records. |
topics | Each topic in the request. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | Each partition in the request. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
current_leader_epoch | The current leader epoch. |
timestamp | The current timestamp. |
ListOffsets Request (Version: 6) => replica_id isolation_level [topics] _tagged_fields replica_id => INT32 isolation_level => INT8 topics => name [partitions] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING partitions => partition_index current_leader_epoch timestamp _tagged_fields partition_index => INT32 current_leader_epoch => INT32 timestamp => INT64
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
replica_id | The broker ID of the requester, or -1 if this request is being made by a normal consumer. |
isolation_level | This setting controls the visibility of transactional records. Using READ_UNCOMMITTED (isolation_level = 0) makes all records visible. With READ_COMMITTED (isolation_level = 1), non-transactional and COMMITTED transactional records are visible. To be more concrete, READ_COMMITTED returns all data from offsets smaller than the current LSO (last stable offset), and enables the inclusion of the list of aborted transactions in the result, which allows consumers to discard ABORTED transactional records. |
topics | Each topic in the request. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | Each partition in the request. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
current_leader_epoch | The current leader epoch. |
timestamp | The current timestamp. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
ListOffsets Request (Version: 7) => replica_id isolation_level [topics] _tagged_fields replica_id => INT32 isolation_level => INT8 topics => name [partitions] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING partitions => partition_index current_leader_epoch timestamp _tagged_fields partition_index => INT32 current_leader_epoch => INT32 timestamp => INT64
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
replica_id | The broker ID of the requester, or -1 if this request is being made by a normal consumer. |
isolation_level | This setting controls the visibility of transactional records. Using READ_UNCOMMITTED (isolation_level = 0) makes all records visible. With READ_COMMITTED (isolation_level = 1), non-transactional and COMMITTED transactional records are visible. To be more concrete, READ_COMMITTED returns all data from offsets smaller than the current LSO (last stable offset), and enables the inclusion of the list of aborted transactions in the result, which allows consumers to discard ABORTED transactional records. |
topics | Each topic in the request. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | Each partition in the request. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
current_leader_epoch | The current leader epoch. |
timestamp | The current timestamp. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
ListOffsets Request (Version: 8) => replica_id isolation_level [topics] _tagged_fields replica_id => INT32 isolation_level => INT8 topics => name [partitions] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING partitions => partition_index current_leader_epoch timestamp _tagged_fields partition_index => INT32 current_leader_epoch => INT32 timestamp => INT64
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
replica_id | The broker ID of the requester, or -1 if this request is being made by a normal consumer. |
isolation_level | This setting controls the visibility of transactional records. Using READ_UNCOMMITTED (isolation_level = 0) makes all records visible. With READ_COMMITTED (isolation_level = 1), non-transactional and COMMITTED transactional records are visible. To be more concrete, READ_COMMITTED returns all data from offsets smaller than the current LSO (last stable offset), and enables the inclusion of the list of aborted transactions in the result, which allows consumers to discard ABORTED transactional records. |
topics | Each topic in the request. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | Each partition in the request. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
current_leader_epoch | The current leader epoch. |
timestamp | The current timestamp. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
ListOffsets Request (Version: 9) => replica_id isolation_level [topics] _tagged_fields replica_id => INT32 isolation_level => INT8 topics => name [partitions] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING partitions => partition_index current_leader_epoch timestamp _tagged_fields partition_index => INT32 current_leader_epoch => INT32 timestamp => INT64
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
replica_id | The broker ID of the requester, or -1 if this request is being made by a normal consumer. |
isolation_level | This setting controls the visibility of transactional records. Using READ_UNCOMMITTED (isolation_level = 0) makes all records visible. With READ_COMMITTED (isolation_level = 1), non-transactional and COMMITTED transactional records are visible. To be more concrete, READ_COMMITTED returns all data from offsets smaller than the current LSO (last stable offset), and enables the inclusion of the list of aborted transactions in the result, which allows consumers to discard ABORTED transactional records. |
topics | Each topic in the request. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | Each partition in the request. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
current_leader_epoch | The current leader epoch. |
timestamp | The current timestamp. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
ListOffsets Request (Version: 10) => replica_id isolation_level [topics] timeout_ms _tagged_fields replica_id => INT32 isolation_level => INT8 topics => name [partitions] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING partitions => partition_index current_leader_epoch timestamp _tagged_fields partition_index => INT32 current_leader_epoch => INT32 timestamp => INT64 timeout_ms => INT32
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
replica_id | The broker ID of the requester, or -1 if this request is being made by a normal consumer. |
isolation_level | This setting controls the visibility of transactional records. Using READ_UNCOMMITTED (isolation_level = 0) makes all records visible. With READ_COMMITTED (isolation_level = 1), non-transactional and COMMITTED transactional records are visible. To be more concrete, READ_COMMITTED returns all data from offsets smaller than the current LSO (last stable offset), and enables the inclusion of the list of aborted transactions in the result, which allows consumers to discard ABORTED transactional records. |
topics | Each topic in the request. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | Each partition in the request. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
current_leader_epoch | The current leader epoch. |
timestamp | The current timestamp. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
timeout_ms | The timeout to await a response in milliseconds for requests that require reading from remote storage for topics enabled with tiered storage. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
ListOffsets Response (Version: 1) => [topics] topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => partition_index error_code timestamp offset partition_index => INT32 error_code => INT16 timestamp => INT64 offset => INT64
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
topics | Each topic in the response. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | Each partition in the response. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
error_code | The partition error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
timestamp | The timestamp associated with the returned offset. |
offset | The returned offset. |
ListOffsets Response (Version: 2) => throttle_time_ms [topics] throttle_time_ms => INT32 topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => partition_index error_code timestamp offset partition_index => INT32 error_code => INT16 timestamp => INT64 offset => INT64
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
topics | Each topic in the response. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | Each partition in the response. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
error_code | The partition error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
timestamp | The timestamp associated with the returned offset. |
offset | The returned offset. |
ListOffsets Response (Version: 3) => throttle_time_ms [topics] throttle_time_ms => INT32 topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => partition_index error_code timestamp offset partition_index => INT32 error_code => INT16 timestamp => INT64 offset => INT64
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
topics | Each topic in the response. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | Each partition in the response. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
error_code | The partition error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
timestamp | The timestamp associated with the returned offset. |
offset | The returned offset. |
ListOffsets Response (Version: 4) => throttle_time_ms [topics] throttle_time_ms => INT32 topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => partition_index error_code timestamp offset leader_epoch partition_index => INT32 error_code => INT16 timestamp => INT64 offset => INT64 leader_epoch => INT32
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
topics | Each topic in the response. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | Each partition in the response. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
error_code | The partition error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
timestamp | The timestamp associated with the returned offset. |
offset | The returned offset. |
leader_epoch | The leader epoch associated with the returned offset. |
ListOffsets Response (Version: 5) => throttle_time_ms [topics] throttle_time_ms => INT32 topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => partition_index error_code timestamp offset leader_epoch partition_index => INT32 error_code => INT16 timestamp => INT64 offset => INT64 leader_epoch => INT32
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
topics | Each topic in the response. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | Each partition in the response. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
error_code | The partition error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
timestamp | The timestamp associated with the returned offset. |
offset | The returned offset. |
leader_epoch | The leader epoch associated with the returned offset. |
ListOffsets Response (Version: 6) => throttle_time_ms [topics] _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 topics => name [partitions] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING partitions => partition_index error_code timestamp offset leader_epoch _tagged_fields partition_index => INT32 error_code => INT16 timestamp => INT64 offset => INT64 leader_epoch => INT32
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
topics | Each topic in the response. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | Each partition in the response. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
error_code | The partition error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
timestamp | The timestamp associated with the returned offset. |
offset | The returned offset. |
leader_epoch | The leader epoch associated with the returned offset. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
ListOffsets Response (Version: 7) => throttle_time_ms [topics] _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 topics => name [partitions] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING partitions => partition_index error_code timestamp offset leader_epoch _tagged_fields partition_index => INT32 error_code => INT16 timestamp => INT64 offset => INT64 leader_epoch => INT32
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
topics | Each topic in the response. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | Each partition in the response. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
error_code | The partition error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
timestamp | The timestamp associated with the returned offset. |
offset | The returned offset. |
leader_epoch | The leader epoch associated with the returned offset. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
ListOffsets Response (Version: 8) => throttle_time_ms [topics] _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 topics => name [partitions] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING partitions => partition_index error_code timestamp offset leader_epoch _tagged_fields partition_index => INT32 error_code => INT16 timestamp => INT64 offset => INT64 leader_epoch => INT32
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
topics | Each topic in the response. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | Each partition in the response. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
error_code | The partition error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
timestamp | The timestamp associated with the returned offset. |
offset | The returned offset. |
leader_epoch | The leader epoch associated with the returned offset. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
ListOffsets Response (Version: 9) => throttle_time_ms [topics] _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 topics => name [partitions] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING partitions => partition_index error_code timestamp offset leader_epoch _tagged_fields partition_index => INT32 error_code => INT16 timestamp => INT64 offset => INT64 leader_epoch => INT32
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
topics | Each topic in the response. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | Each partition in the response. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
error_code | The partition error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
timestamp | The timestamp associated with the returned offset. |
offset | The returned offset. |
leader_epoch | The leader epoch associated with the returned offset. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
Metadata API (Key: 3):
Requests:Metadata Request (Version: 0) => [topics] topics => name name => STRING
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
topics | The topics to fetch metadata for. |
name | The topic name. |
Metadata Request (Version: 1) => [topics] topics => name name => STRING
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
topics | The topics to fetch metadata for. |
name | The topic name. |
Metadata Request (Version: 2) => [topics] topics => name name => STRING
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
topics | The topics to fetch metadata for. |
name | The topic name. |
Metadata Request (Version: 3) => [topics] topics => name name => STRING
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
topics | The topics to fetch metadata for. |
name | The topic name. |
Metadata Request (Version: 4) => [topics] allow_auto_topic_creation topics => name name => STRING allow_auto_topic_creation => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
topics | The topics to fetch metadata for. |
name | The topic name. |
allow_auto_topic_creation | If this is true, the broker may auto-create topics that we requested which do not already exist, if it is configured to do so. |
Metadata Request (Version: 5) => [topics] allow_auto_topic_creation topics => name name => STRING allow_auto_topic_creation => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
topics | The topics to fetch metadata for. |
name | The topic name. |
allow_auto_topic_creation | If this is true, the broker may auto-create topics that we requested which do not already exist, if it is configured to do so. |
Metadata Request (Version: 6) => [topics] allow_auto_topic_creation topics => name name => STRING allow_auto_topic_creation => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
topics | The topics to fetch metadata for. |
name | The topic name. |
allow_auto_topic_creation | If this is true, the broker may auto-create topics that we requested which do not already exist, if it is configured to do so. |
Metadata Request (Version: 7) => [topics] allow_auto_topic_creation topics => name name => STRING allow_auto_topic_creation => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
topics | The topics to fetch metadata for. |
name | The topic name. |
allow_auto_topic_creation | If this is true, the broker may auto-create topics that we requested which do not already exist, if it is configured to do so. |
Metadata Request (Version: 8) => [topics] allow_auto_topic_creation include_cluster_authorized_operations include_topic_authorized_operations topics => name name => STRING allow_auto_topic_creation => BOOLEAN include_cluster_authorized_operations => BOOLEAN include_topic_authorized_operations => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
topics | The topics to fetch metadata for. |
name | The topic name. |
allow_auto_topic_creation | If this is true, the broker may auto-create topics that we requested which do not already exist, if it is configured to do so. |
include_cluster_authorized_operations | Whether to include cluster authorized operations. |
include_topic_authorized_operations | Whether to include topic authorized operations. |
Metadata Request (Version: 9) => [topics] allow_auto_topic_creation include_cluster_authorized_operations include_topic_authorized_operations _tagged_fields topics => name _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING allow_auto_topic_creation => BOOLEAN include_cluster_authorized_operations => BOOLEAN include_topic_authorized_operations => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
topics | The topics to fetch metadata for. |
name | The topic name. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
allow_auto_topic_creation | If this is true, the broker may auto-create topics that we requested which do not already exist, if it is configured to do so. |
include_cluster_authorized_operations | Whether to include cluster authorized operations. |
include_topic_authorized_operations | Whether to include topic authorized operations. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
Metadata Request (Version: 10) => [topics] allow_auto_topic_creation include_cluster_authorized_operations include_topic_authorized_operations _tagged_fields topics => topic_id name _tagged_fields topic_id => UUID name => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING allow_auto_topic_creation => BOOLEAN include_cluster_authorized_operations => BOOLEAN include_topic_authorized_operations => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
topics | The topics to fetch metadata for. |
topic_id | The topic id. |
name | The topic name. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
allow_auto_topic_creation | If this is true, the broker may auto-create topics that we requested which do not already exist, if it is configured to do so. |
include_cluster_authorized_operations | Whether to include cluster authorized operations. |
include_topic_authorized_operations | Whether to include topic authorized operations. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
Metadata Request (Version: 11) => [topics] allow_auto_topic_creation include_topic_authorized_operations _tagged_fields topics => topic_id name _tagged_fields topic_id => UUID name => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING allow_auto_topic_creation => BOOLEAN include_topic_authorized_operations => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
topics | The topics to fetch metadata for. |
topic_id | The topic id. |
name | The topic name. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
allow_auto_topic_creation | If this is true, the broker may auto-create topics that we requested which do not already exist, if it is configured to do so. |
include_topic_authorized_operations | Whether to include topic authorized operations. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
Metadata Request (Version: 12) => [topics] allow_auto_topic_creation include_topic_authorized_operations _tagged_fields topics => topic_id name _tagged_fields topic_id => UUID name => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING allow_auto_topic_creation => BOOLEAN include_topic_authorized_operations => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
topics | The topics to fetch metadata for. |
topic_id | The topic id. |
name | The topic name. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
allow_auto_topic_creation | If this is true, the broker may auto-create topics that we requested which do not already exist, if it is configured to do so. |
include_topic_authorized_operations | Whether to include topic authorized operations. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
Metadata Request (Version: 13) => [topics] allow_auto_topic_creation include_topic_authorized_operations _tagged_fields topics => topic_id name _tagged_fields topic_id => UUID name => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING allow_auto_topic_creation => BOOLEAN include_topic_authorized_operations => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
topics | The topics to fetch metadata for. |
topic_id | The topic id. |
name | The topic name. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
allow_auto_topic_creation | If this is true, the broker may auto-create topics that we requested which do not already exist, if it is configured to do so. |
include_topic_authorized_operations | Whether to include topic authorized operations. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
Metadata Response (Version: 0) => [brokers] [topics] brokers => node_id host port node_id => INT32 host => STRING port => INT32 topics => error_code name [partitions] error_code => INT16 name => STRING partitions => error_code partition_index leader_id [replica_nodes] [isr_nodes] error_code => INT16 partition_index => INT32 leader_id => INT32 replica_nodes => INT32 isr_nodes => INT32
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
brokers | A list of brokers present in the cluster. |
node_id | The broker ID. |
host | The broker hostname. |
port | The broker port. |
topics | Each topic in the response. |
error_code | The topic error, or 0 if there was no error. |
name | The topic name. Null for non-existing topics queried by ID. This is never null when ErrorCode is zero. One of Name and TopicId is always populated. |
partitions | Each partition in the topic. |
error_code | The partition error, or 0 if there was no error. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
leader_id | The ID of the leader broker. |
replica_nodes | The set of all nodes that host this partition. |
isr_nodes | The set of nodes that are in sync with the leader for this partition. |
Metadata Response (Version: 1) => [brokers] controller_id [topics] brokers => node_id host port rack node_id => INT32 host => STRING port => INT32 rack => NULLABLE_STRING controller_id => INT32 topics => error_code name is_internal [partitions] error_code => INT16 name => STRING is_internal => BOOLEAN partitions => error_code partition_index leader_id [replica_nodes] [isr_nodes] error_code => INT16 partition_index => INT32 leader_id => INT32 replica_nodes => INT32 isr_nodes => INT32
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
brokers | A list of brokers present in the cluster. |
node_id | The broker ID. |
host | The broker hostname. |
port | The broker port. |
rack | The rack of the broker, or null if it has not been assigned to a rack. |
controller_id | The ID of the controller broker. |
topics | Each topic in the response. |
error_code | The topic error, or 0 if there was no error. |
name | The topic name. Null for non-existing topics queried by ID. This is never null when ErrorCode is zero. One of Name and TopicId is always populated. |
is_internal | True if the topic is internal. |
partitions | Each partition in the topic. |
error_code | The partition error, or 0 if there was no error. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
leader_id | The ID of the leader broker. |
replica_nodes | The set of all nodes that host this partition. |
isr_nodes | The set of nodes that are in sync with the leader for this partition. |
Metadata Response (Version: 2) => [brokers] cluster_id controller_id [topics] brokers => node_id host port rack node_id => INT32 host => STRING port => INT32 rack => NULLABLE_STRING cluster_id => NULLABLE_STRING controller_id => INT32 topics => error_code name is_internal [partitions] error_code => INT16 name => STRING is_internal => BOOLEAN partitions => error_code partition_index leader_id [replica_nodes] [isr_nodes] error_code => INT16 partition_index => INT32 leader_id => INT32 replica_nodes => INT32 isr_nodes => INT32
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
brokers | A list of brokers present in the cluster. |
node_id | The broker ID. |
host | The broker hostname. |
port | The broker port. |
rack | The rack of the broker, or null if it has not been assigned to a rack. |
cluster_id | The cluster ID that responding broker belongs to. |
controller_id | The ID of the controller broker. |
topics | Each topic in the response. |
error_code | The topic error, or 0 if there was no error. |
name | The topic name. Null for non-existing topics queried by ID. This is never null when ErrorCode is zero. One of Name and TopicId is always populated. |
is_internal | True if the topic is internal. |
partitions | Each partition in the topic. |
error_code | The partition error, or 0 if there was no error. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
leader_id | The ID of the leader broker. |
replica_nodes | The set of all nodes that host this partition. |
isr_nodes | The set of nodes that are in sync with the leader for this partition. |
Metadata Response (Version: 3) => throttle_time_ms [brokers] cluster_id controller_id [topics] throttle_time_ms => INT32 brokers => node_id host port rack node_id => INT32 host => STRING port => INT32 rack => NULLABLE_STRING cluster_id => NULLABLE_STRING controller_id => INT32 topics => error_code name is_internal [partitions] error_code => INT16 name => STRING is_internal => BOOLEAN partitions => error_code partition_index leader_id [replica_nodes] [isr_nodes] error_code => INT16 partition_index => INT32 leader_id => INT32 replica_nodes => INT32 isr_nodes => INT32
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
brokers | A list of brokers present in the cluster. |
node_id | The broker ID. |
host | The broker hostname. |
port | The broker port. |
rack | The rack of the broker, or null if it has not been assigned to a rack. |
cluster_id | The cluster ID that responding broker belongs to. |
controller_id | The ID of the controller broker. |
topics | Each topic in the response. |
error_code | The topic error, or 0 if there was no error. |
name | The topic name. Null for non-existing topics queried by ID. This is never null when ErrorCode is zero. One of Name and TopicId is always populated. |
is_internal | True if the topic is internal. |
partitions | Each partition in the topic. |
error_code | The partition error, or 0 if there was no error. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
leader_id | The ID of the leader broker. |
replica_nodes | The set of all nodes that host this partition. |
isr_nodes | The set of nodes that are in sync with the leader for this partition. |
Metadata Response (Version: 4) => throttle_time_ms [brokers] cluster_id controller_id [topics] throttle_time_ms => INT32 brokers => node_id host port rack node_id => INT32 host => STRING port => INT32 rack => NULLABLE_STRING cluster_id => NULLABLE_STRING controller_id => INT32 topics => error_code name is_internal [partitions] error_code => INT16 name => STRING is_internal => BOOLEAN partitions => error_code partition_index leader_id [replica_nodes] [isr_nodes] error_code => INT16 partition_index => INT32 leader_id => INT32 replica_nodes => INT32 isr_nodes => INT32
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
brokers | A list of brokers present in the cluster. |
node_id | The broker ID. |
host | The broker hostname. |
port | The broker port. |
rack | The rack of the broker, or null if it has not been assigned to a rack. |
cluster_id | The cluster ID that responding broker belongs to. |
controller_id | The ID of the controller broker. |
topics | Each topic in the response. |
error_code | The topic error, or 0 if there was no error. |
name | The topic name. Null for non-existing topics queried by ID. This is never null when ErrorCode is zero. One of Name and TopicId is always populated. |
is_internal | True if the topic is internal. |
partitions | Each partition in the topic. |
error_code | The partition error, or 0 if there was no error. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
leader_id | The ID of the leader broker. |
replica_nodes | The set of all nodes that host this partition. |
isr_nodes | The set of nodes that are in sync with the leader for this partition. |
Metadata Response (Version: 5) => throttle_time_ms [brokers] cluster_id controller_id [topics] throttle_time_ms => INT32 brokers => node_id host port rack node_id => INT32 host => STRING port => INT32 rack => NULLABLE_STRING cluster_id => NULLABLE_STRING controller_id => INT32 topics => error_code name is_internal [partitions] error_code => INT16 name => STRING is_internal => BOOLEAN partitions => error_code partition_index leader_id [replica_nodes] [isr_nodes] [offline_replicas] error_code => INT16 partition_index => INT32 leader_id => INT32 replica_nodes => INT32 isr_nodes => INT32 offline_replicas => INT32
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
brokers | A list of brokers present in the cluster. |
node_id | The broker ID. |
host | The broker hostname. |
port | The broker port. |
rack | The rack of the broker, or null if it has not been assigned to a rack. |
cluster_id | The cluster ID that responding broker belongs to. |
controller_id | The ID of the controller broker. |
topics | Each topic in the response. |
error_code | The topic error, or 0 if there was no error. |
name | The topic name. Null for non-existing topics queried by ID. This is never null when ErrorCode is zero. One of Name and TopicId is always populated. |
is_internal | True if the topic is internal. |
partitions | Each partition in the topic. |
error_code | The partition error, or 0 if there was no error. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
leader_id | The ID of the leader broker. |
replica_nodes | The set of all nodes that host this partition. |
isr_nodes | The set of nodes that are in sync with the leader for this partition. |
offline_replicas | The set of offline replicas of this partition. |
Metadata Response (Version: 6) => throttle_time_ms [brokers] cluster_id controller_id [topics] throttle_time_ms => INT32 brokers => node_id host port rack node_id => INT32 host => STRING port => INT32 rack => NULLABLE_STRING cluster_id => NULLABLE_STRING controller_id => INT32 topics => error_code name is_internal [partitions] error_code => INT16 name => STRING is_internal => BOOLEAN partitions => error_code partition_index leader_id [replica_nodes] [isr_nodes] [offline_replicas] error_code => INT16 partition_index => INT32 leader_id => INT32 replica_nodes => INT32 isr_nodes => INT32 offline_replicas => INT32
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
brokers | A list of brokers present in the cluster. |
node_id | The broker ID. |
host | The broker hostname. |
port | The broker port. |
rack | The rack of the broker, or null if it has not been assigned to a rack. |
cluster_id | The cluster ID that responding broker belongs to. |
controller_id | The ID of the controller broker. |
topics | Each topic in the response. |
error_code | The topic error, or 0 if there was no error. |
name | The topic name. Null for non-existing topics queried by ID. This is never null when ErrorCode is zero. One of Name and TopicId is always populated. |
is_internal | True if the topic is internal. |
partitions | Each partition in the topic. |
error_code | The partition error, or 0 if there was no error. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
leader_id | The ID of the leader broker. |
replica_nodes | The set of all nodes that host this partition. |
isr_nodes | The set of nodes that are in sync with the leader for this partition. |
offline_replicas | The set of offline replicas of this partition. |
Metadata Response (Version: 7) => throttle_time_ms [brokers] cluster_id controller_id [topics] throttle_time_ms => INT32 brokers => node_id host port rack node_id => INT32 host => STRING port => INT32 rack => NULLABLE_STRING cluster_id => NULLABLE_STRING controller_id => INT32 topics => error_code name is_internal [partitions] error_code => INT16 name => STRING is_internal => BOOLEAN partitions => error_code partition_index leader_id leader_epoch [replica_nodes] [isr_nodes] [offline_replicas] error_code => INT16 partition_index => INT32 leader_id => INT32 leader_epoch => INT32 replica_nodes => INT32 isr_nodes => INT32 offline_replicas => INT32
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
brokers | A list of brokers present in the cluster. |
node_id | The broker ID. |
host | The broker hostname. |
port | The broker port. |
rack | The rack of the broker, or null if it has not been assigned to a rack. |
cluster_id | The cluster ID that responding broker belongs to. |
controller_id | The ID of the controller broker. |
topics | Each topic in the response. |
error_code | The topic error, or 0 if there was no error. |
name | The topic name. Null for non-existing topics queried by ID. This is never null when ErrorCode is zero. One of Name and TopicId is always populated. |
is_internal | True if the topic is internal. |
partitions | Each partition in the topic. |
error_code | The partition error, or 0 if there was no error. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
leader_id | The ID of the leader broker. |
leader_epoch | The leader epoch of this partition. |
replica_nodes | The set of all nodes that host this partition. |
isr_nodes | The set of nodes that are in sync with the leader for this partition. |
offline_replicas | The set of offline replicas of this partition. |
Metadata Response (Version: 8) => throttle_time_ms [brokers] cluster_id controller_id [topics] cluster_authorized_operations throttle_time_ms => INT32 brokers => node_id host port rack node_id => INT32 host => STRING port => INT32 rack => NULLABLE_STRING cluster_id => NULLABLE_STRING controller_id => INT32 topics => error_code name is_internal [partitions] topic_authorized_operations error_code => INT16 name => STRING is_internal => BOOLEAN partitions => error_code partition_index leader_id leader_epoch [replica_nodes] [isr_nodes] [offline_replicas] error_code => INT16 partition_index => INT32 leader_id => INT32 leader_epoch => INT32 replica_nodes => INT32 isr_nodes => INT32 offline_replicas => INT32 topic_authorized_operations => INT32 cluster_authorized_operations => INT32
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
brokers | A list of brokers present in the cluster. |
node_id | The broker ID. |
host | The broker hostname. |
port | The broker port. |
rack | The rack of the broker, or null if it has not been assigned to a rack. |
cluster_id | The cluster ID that responding broker belongs to. |
controller_id | The ID of the controller broker. |
topics | Each topic in the response. |
error_code | The topic error, or 0 if there was no error. |
name | The topic name. Null for non-existing topics queried by ID. This is never null when ErrorCode is zero. One of Name and TopicId is always populated. |
is_internal | True if the topic is internal. |
partitions | Each partition in the topic. |
error_code | The partition error, or 0 if there was no error. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
leader_id | The ID of the leader broker. |
leader_epoch | The leader epoch of this partition. |
replica_nodes | The set of all nodes that host this partition. |
isr_nodes | The set of nodes that are in sync with the leader for this partition. |
offline_replicas | The set of offline replicas of this partition. |
topic_authorized_operations | 32-bit bitfield to represent authorized operations for this topic. |
cluster_authorized_operations | 32-bit bitfield to represent authorized operations for this cluster. |
Metadata Response (Version: 9) => throttle_time_ms [brokers] cluster_id controller_id [topics] cluster_authorized_operations _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 brokers => node_id host port rack _tagged_fields node_id => INT32 host => COMPACT_STRING port => INT32 rack => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING cluster_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING controller_id => INT32 topics => error_code name is_internal [partitions] topic_authorized_operations _tagged_fields error_code => INT16 name => COMPACT_STRING is_internal => BOOLEAN partitions => error_code partition_index leader_id leader_epoch [replica_nodes] [isr_nodes] [offline_replicas] _tagged_fields error_code => INT16 partition_index => INT32 leader_id => INT32 leader_epoch => INT32 replica_nodes => INT32 isr_nodes => INT32 offline_replicas => INT32 topic_authorized_operations => INT32 cluster_authorized_operations => INT32
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
brokers | A list of brokers present in the cluster. |
node_id | The broker ID. |
host | The broker hostname. |
port | The broker port. |
rack | The rack of the broker, or null if it has not been assigned to a rack. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
cluster_id | The cluster ID that responding broker belongs to. |
controller_id | The ID of the controller broker. |
topics | Each topic in the response. |
error_code | The topic error, or 0 if there was no error. |
name | The topic name. Null for non-existing topics queried by ID. This is never null when ErrorCode is zero. One of Name and TopicId is always populated. |
is_internal | True if the topic is internal. |
partitions | Each partition in the topic. |
error_code | The partition error, or 0 if there was no error. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
leader_id | The ID of the leader broker. |
leader_epoch | The leader epoch of this partition. |
replica_nodes | The set of all nodes that host this partition. |
isr_nodes | The set of nodes that are in sync with the leader for this partition. |
offline_replicas | The set of offline replicas of this partition. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
topic_authorized_operations | 32-bit bitfield to represent authorized operations for this topic. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
cluster_authorized_operations | 32-bit bitfield to represent authorized operations for this cluster. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
Metadata Response (Version: 10) => throttle_time_ms [brokers] cluster_id controller_id [topics] cluster_authorized_operations _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 brokers => node_id host port rack _tagged_fields node_id => INT32 host => COMPACT_STRING port => INT32 rack => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING cluster_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING controller_id => INT32 topics => error_code name topic_id is_internal [partitions] topic_authorized_operations _tagged_fields error_code => INT16 name => COMPACT_STRING topic_id => UUID is_internal => BOOLEAN partitions => error_code partition_index leader_id leader_epoch [replica_nodes] [isr_nodes] [offline_replicas] _tagged_fields error_code => INT16 partition_index => INT32 leader_id => INT32 leader_epoch => INT32 replica_nodes => INT32 isr_nodes => INT32 offline_replicas => INT32 topic_authorized_operations => INT32 cluster_authorized_operations => INT32
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
brokers | A list of brokers present in the cluster. |
node_id | The broker ID. |
host | The broker hostname. |
port | The broker port. |
rack | The rack of the broker, or null if it has not been assigned to a rack. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
cluster_id | The cluster ID that responding broker belongs to. |
controller_id | The ID of the controller broker. |
topics | Each topic in the response. |
error_code | The topic error, or 0 if there was no error. |
name | The topic name. Null for non-existing topics queried by ID. This is never null when ErrorCode is zero. One of Name and TopicId is always populated. |
topic_id | The topic id. Zero for non-existing topics queried by name. This is never zero when ErrorCode is zero. One of Name and TopicId is always populated. |
is_internal | True if the topic is internal. |
partitions | Each partition in the topic. |
error_code | The partition error, or 0 if there was no error. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
leader_id | The ID of the leader broker. |
leader_epoch | The leader epoch of this partition. |
replica_nodes | The set of all nodes that host this partition. |
isr_nodes | The set of nodes that are in sync with the leader for this partition. |
offline_replicas | The set of offline replicas of this partition. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
topic_authorized_operations | 32-bit bitfield to represent authorized operations for this topic. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
cluster_authorized_operations | 32-bit bitfield to represent authorized operations for this cluster. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
Metadata Response (Version: 11) => throttle_time_ms [brokers] cluster_id controller_id [topics] _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 brokers => node_id host port rack _tagged_fields node_id => INT32 host => COMPACT_STRING port => INT32 rack => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING cluster_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING controller_id => INT32 topics => error_code name topic_id is_internal [partitions] topic_authorized_operations _tagged_fields error_code => INT16 name => COMPACT_STRING topic_id => UUID is_internal => BOOLEAN partitions => error_code partition_index leader_id leader_epoch [replica_nodes] [isr_nodes] [offline_replicas] _tagged_fields error_code => INT16 partition_index => INT32 leader_id => INT32 leader_epoch => INT32 replica_nodes => INT32 isr_nodes => INT32 offline_replicas => INT32 topic_authorized_operations => INT32
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
brokers | A list of brokers present in the cluster. |
node_id | The broker ID. |
host | The broker hostname. |
port | The broker port. |
rack | The rack of the broker, or null if it has not been assigned to a rack. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
cluster_id | The cluster ID that responding broker belongs to. |
controller_id | The ID of the controller broker. |
topics | Each topic in the response. |
error_code | The topic error, or 0 if there was no error. |
name | The topic name. Null for non-existing topics queried by ID. This is never null when ErrorCode is zero. One of Name and TopicId is always populated. |
topic_id | The topic id. Zero for non-existing topics queried by name. This is never zero when ErrorCode is zero. One of Name and TopicId is always populated. |
is_internal | True if the topic is internal. |
partitions | Each partition in the topic. |
error_code | The partition error, or 0 if there was no error. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
leader_id | The ID of the leader broker. |
leader_epoch | The leader epoch of this partition. |
replica_nodes | The set of all nodes that host this partition. |
isr_nodes | The set of nodes that are in sync with the leader for this partition. |
offline_replicas | The set of offline replicas of this partition. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
topic_authorized_operations | 32-bit bitfield to represent authorized operations for this topic. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
Metadata Response (Version: 12) => throttle_time_ms [brokers] cluster_id controller_id [topics] _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 brokers => node_id host port rack _tagged_fields node_id => INT32 host => COMPACT_STRING port => INT32 rack => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING cluster_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING controller_id => INT32 topics => error_code name topic_id is_internal [partitions] topic_authorized_operations _tagged_fields error_code => INT16 name => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING topic_id => UUID is_internal => BOOLEAN partitions => error_code partition_index leader_id leader_epoch [replica_nodes] [isr_nodes] [offline_replicas] _tagged_fields error_code => INT16 partition_index => INT32 leader_id => INT32 leader_epoch => INT32 replica_nodes => INT32 isr_nodes => INT32 offline_replicas => INT32 topic_authorized_operations => INT32
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
brokers | A list of brokers present in the cluster. |
node_id | The broker ID. |
host | The broker hostname. |
port | The broker port. |
rack | The rack of the broker, or null if it has not been assigned to a rack. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
cluster_id | The cluster ID that responding broker belongs to. |
controller_id | The ID of the controller broker. |
topics | Each topic in the response. |
error_code | The topic error, or 0 if there was no error. |
name | The topic name. Null for non-existing topics queried by ID. This is never null when ErrorCode is zero. One of Name and TopicId is always populated. |
topic_id | The topic id. Zero for non-existing topics queried by name. This is never zero when ErrorCode is zero. One of Name and TopicId is always populated. |
is_internal | True if the topic is internal. |
partitions | Each partition in the topic. |
error_code | The partition error, or 0 if there was no error. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
leader_id | The ID of the leader broker. |
leader_epoch | The leader epoch of this partition. |
replica_nodes | The set of all nodes that host this partition. |
isr_nodes | The set of nodes that are in sync with the leader for this partition. |
offline_replicas | The set of offline replicas of this partition. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
topic_authorized_operations | 32-bit bitfield to represent authorized operations for this topic. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
OffsetCommit API (Key: 8):
Requests:OffsetCommit Request (Version: 2) => group_id generation_id_or_member_epoch member_id retention_time_ms [topics] group_id => STRING generation_id_or_member_epoch => INT32 member_id => STRING retention_time_ms => INT64 topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => partition_index committed_offset committed_metadata partition_index => INT32 committed_offset => INT64 committed_metadata => NULLABLE_STRING
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
group_id | The unique group identifier. |
generation_id_or_member_epoch | The generation of the group if using the classic group protocol or the member epoch if using the consumer protocol. |
member_id | The member ID assigned by the group coordinator. |
retention_time_ms | The time period in ms to retain the offset. |
topics | The topics to commit offsets for. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | Each partition to commit offsets for. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
committed_offset | The message offset to be committed. |
committed_metadata | Any associated metadata the client wants to keep. |
OffsetCommit Request (Version: 3) => group_id generation_id_or_member_epoch member_id retention_time_ms [topics] group_id => STRING generation_id_or_member_epoch => INT32 member_id => STRING retention_time_ms => INT64 topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => partition_index committed_offset committed_metadata partition_index => INT32 committed_offset => INT64 committed_metadata => NULLABLE_STRING
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
group_id | The unique group identifier. |
generation_id_or_member_epoch | The generation of the group if using the classic group protocol or the member epoch if using the consumer protocol. |
member_id | The member ID assigned by the group coordinator. |
retention_time_ms | The time period in ms to retain the offset. |
topics | The topics to commit offsets for. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | Each partition to commit offsets for. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
committed_offset | The message offset to be committed. |
committed_metadata | Any associated metadata the client wants to keep. |
OffsetCommit Request (Version: 4) => group_id generation_id_or_member_epoch member_id retention_time_ms [topics] group_id => STRING generation_id_or_member_epoch => INT32 member_id => STRING retention_time_ms => INT64 topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => partition_index committed_offset committed_metadata partition_index => INT32 committed_offset => INT64 committed_metadata => NULLABLE_STRING
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
group_id | The unique group identifier. |
generation_id_or_member_epoch | The generation of the group if using the classic group protocol or the member epoch if using the consumer protocol. |
member_id | The member ID assigned by the group coordinator. |
retention_time_ms | The time period in ms to retain the offset. |
topics | The topics to commit offsets for. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | Each partition to commit offsets for. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
committed_offset | The message offset to be committed. |
committed_metadata | Any associated metadata the client wants to keep. |
OffsetCommit Request (Version: 5) => group_id generation_id_or_member_epoch member_id [topics] group_id => STRING generation_id_or_member_epoch => INT32 member_id => STRING topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => partition_index committed_offset committed_metadata partition_index => INT32 committed_offset => INT64 committed_metadata => NULLABLE_STRING
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
group_id | The unique group identifier. |
generation_id_or_member_epoch | The generation of the group if using the classic group protocol or the member epoch if using the consumer protocol. |
member_id | The member ID assigned by the group coordinator. |
topics | The topics to commit offsets for. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | Each partition to commit offsets for. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
committed_offset | The message offset to be committed. |
committed_metadata | Any associated metadata the client wants to keep. |
OffsetCommit Request (Version: 6) => group_id generation_id_or_member_epoch member_id [topics] group_id => STRING generation_id_or_member_epoch => INT32 member_id => STRING topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => partition_index committed_offset committed_leader_epoch committed_metadata partition_index => INT32 committed_offset => INT64 committed_leader_epoch => INT32 committed_metadata => NULLABLE_STRING
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
group_id | The unique group identifier. |
generation_id_or_member_epoch | The generation of the group if using the classic group protocol or the member epoch if using the consumer protocol. |
member_id | The member ID assigned by the group coordinator. |
topics | The topics to commit offsets for. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | Each partition to commit offsets for. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
committed_offset | The message offset to be committed. |
committed_leader_epoch | The leader epoch of this partition. |
committed_metadata | Any associated metadata the client wants to keep. |
OffsetCommit Request (Version: 7) => group_id generation_id_or_member_epoch member_id group_instance_id [topics] group_id => STRING generation_id_or_member_epoch => INT32 member_id => STRING group_instance_id => NULLABLE_STRING topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => partition_index committed_offset committed_leader_epoch committed_metadata partition_index => INT32 committed_offset => INT64 committed_leader_epoch => INT32 committed_metadata => NULLABLE_STRING
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
group_id | The unique group identifier. |
generation_id_or_member_epoch | The generation of the group if using the classic group protocol or the member epoch if using the consumer protocol. |
member_id | The member ID assigned by the group coordinator. |
group_instance_id | The unique identifier of the consumer instance provided by end user. |
topics | The topics to commit offsets for. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | Each partition to commit offsets for. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
committed_offset | The message offset to be committed. |
committed_leader_epoch | The leader epoch of this partition. |
committed_metadata | Any associated metadata the client wants to keep. |
OffsetCommit Request (Version: 8) => group_id generation_id_or_member_epoch member_id group_instance_id [topics] _tagged_fields group_id => COMPACT_STRING generation_id_or_member_epoch => INT32 member_id => COMPACT_STRING group_instance_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING topics => name [partitions] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING partitions => partition_index committed_offset committed_leader_epoch committed_metadata _tagged_fields partition_index => INT32 committed_offset => INT64 committed_leader_epoch => INT32 committed_metadata => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
group_id | The unique group identifier. |
generation_id_or_member_epoch | The generation of the group if using the classic group protocol or the member epoch if using the consumer protocol. |
member_id | The member ID assigned by the group coordinator. |
group_instance_id | The unique identifier of the consumer instance provided by end user. |
topics | The topics to commit offsets for. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | Each partition to commit offsets for. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
committed_offset | The message offset to be committed. |
committed_leader_epoch | The leader epoch of this partition. |
committed_metadata | Any associated metadata the client wants to keep. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
OffsetCommit Request (Version: 9) => group_id generation_id_or_member_epoch member_id group_instance_id [topics] _tagged_fields group_id => COMPACT_STRING generation_id_or_member_epoch => INT32 member_id => COMPACT_STRING group_instance_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING topics => name [partitions] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING partitions => partition_index committed_offset committed_leader_epoch committed_metadata _tagged_fields partition_index => INT32 committed_offset => INT64 committed_leader_epoch => INT32 committed_metadata => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
group_id | The unique group identifier. |
generation_id_or_member_epoch | The generation of the group if using the classic group protocol or the member epoch if using the consumer protocol. |
member_id | The member ID assigned by the group coordinator. |
group_instance_id | The unique identifier of the consumer instance provided by end user. |
topics | The topics to commit offsets for. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | Each partition to commit offsets for. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
committed_offset | The message offset to be committed. |
committed_leader_epoch | The leader epoch of this partition. |
committed_metadata | Any associated metadata the client wants to keep. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
OffsetCommit Response (Version: 2) => [topics] topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => partition_index error_code partition_index => INT32 error_code => INT16
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
topics | The responses for each topic. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | The responses for each partition in the topic. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
OffsetCommit Response (Version: 3) => throttle_time_ms [topics] throttle_time_ms => INT32 topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => partition_index error_code partition_index => INT32 error_code => INT16
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
topics | The responses for each topic. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | The responses for each partition in the topic. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
OffsetCommit Response (Version: 4) => throttle_time_ms [topics] throttle_time_ms => INT32 topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => partition_index error_code partition_index => INT32 error_code => INT16
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
topics | The responses for each topic. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | The responses for each partition in the topic. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
OffsetCommit Response (Version: 5) => throttle_time_ms [topics] throttle_time_ms => INT32 topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => partition_index error_code partition_index => INT32 error_code => INT16
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
topics | The responses for each topic. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | The responses for each partition in the topic. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
OffsetCommit Response (Version: 6) => throttle_time_ms [topics] throttle_time_ms => INT32 topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => partition_index error_code partition_index => INT32 error_code => INT16
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
topics | The responses for each topic. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | The responses for each partition in the topic. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
OffsetCommit Response (Version: 7) => throttle_time_ms [topics] throttle_time_ms => INT32 topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => partition_index error_code partition_index => INT32 error_code => INT16
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
topics | The responses for each topic. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | The responses for each partition in the topic. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
OffsetCommit Response (Version: 8) => throttle_time_ms [topics] _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 topics => name [partitions] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING partitions => partition_index error_code _tagged_fields partition_index => INT32 error_code => INT16
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
topics | The responses for each topic. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | The responses for each partition in the topic. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
OffsetFetch API (Key: 9):
Requests:OffsetFetch Request (Version: 1) => group_id [topics] group_id => STRING topics => name [partition_indexes] name => STRING partition_indexes => INT32
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
group_id | The group to fetch offsets for. |
topics | Each topic we would like to fetch offsets for, or null to fetch offsets for all topics. |
name | The topic name. |
partition_indexes | The partition indexes we would like to fetch offsets for. |
OffsetFetch Request (Version: 2) => group_id [topics] group_id => STRING topics => name [partition_indexes] name => STRING partition_indexes => INT32
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
group_id | The group to fetch offsets for. |
topics | Each topic we would like to fetch offsets for, or null to fetch offsets for all topics. |
name | The topic name. |
partition_indexes | The partition indexes we would like to fetch offsets for. |
OffsetFetch Request (Version: 3) => group_id [topics] group_id => STRING topics => name [partition_indexes] name => STRING partition_indexes => INT32
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
group_id | The group to fetch offsets for. |
topics | Each topic we would like to fetch offsets for, or null to fetch offsets for all topics. |
name | The topic name. |
partition_indexes | The partition indexes we would like to fetch offsets for. |
OffsetFetch Request (Version: 4) => group_id [topics] group_id => STRING topics => name [partition_indexes] name => STRING partition_indexes => INT32
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
group_id | The group to fetch offsets for. |
topics | Each topic we would like to fetch offsets for, or null to fetch offsets for all topics. |
name | The topic name. |
partition_indexes | The partition indexes we would like to fetch offsets for. |
OffsetFetch Request (Version: 5) => group_id [topics] group_id => STRING topics => name [partition_indexes] name => STRING partition_indexes => INT32
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
group_id | The group to fetch offsets for. |
topics | Each topic we would like to fetch offsets for, or null to fetch offsets for all topics. |
name | The topic name. |
partition_indexes | The partition indexes we would like to fetch offsets for. |
OffsetFetch Request (Version: 6) => group_id [topics] _tagged_fields group_id => COMPACT_STRING topics => name [partition_indexes] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING partition_indexes => INT32
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
group_id | The group to fetch offsets for. |
topics | Each topic we would like to fetch offsets for, or null to fetch offsets for all topics. |
name | The topic name. |
partition_indexes | The partition indexes we would like to fetch offsets for. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
OffsetFetch Request (Version: 7) => group_id [topics] require_stable _tagged_fields group_id => COMPACT_STRING topics => name [partition_indexes] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING partition_indexes => INT32 require_stable => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
group_id | The group to fetch offsets for. |
topics | Each topic we would like to fetch offsets for, or null to fetch offsets for all topics. |
name | The topic name. |
partition_indexes | The partition indexes we would like to fetch offsets for. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
require_stable | Whether broker should hold on returning unstable offsets but set a retriable error code for the partitions. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
OffsetFetch Request (Version: 8) => [groups] require_stable _tagged_fields groups => group_id [topics] _tagged_fields group_id => COMPACT_STRING topics => name [partition_indexes] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING partition_indexes => INT32 require_stable => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
groups | Each group we would like to fetch offsets for. |
group_id | The group ID. |
topics | Each topic we would like to fetch offsets for, or null to fetch offsets for all topics. |
name | The topic name. |
partition_indexes | The partition indexes we would like to fetch offsets for. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
require_stable | Whether broker should hold on returning unstable offsets but set a retriable error code for the partitions. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
OffsetFetch Request (Version: 9) => [groups] require_stable _tagged_fields groups => group_id member_id member_epoch [topics] _tagged_fields group_id => COMPACT_STRING member_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING member_epoch => INT32 topics => name [partition_indexes] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING partition_indexes => INT32 require_stable => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
groups | Each group we would like to fetch offsets for. |
group_id | The group ID. |
member_id | The member id. |
member_epoch | The member epoch if using the new consumer protocol (KIP-848). |
topics | Each topic we would like to fetch offsets for, or null to fetch offsets for all topics. |
name | The topic name. |
partition_indexes | The partition indexes we would like to fetch offsets for. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
require_stable | Whether broker should hold on returning unstable offsets but set a retriable error code for the partitions. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
OffsetFetch Response (Version: 1) => [topics] topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => partition_index committed_offset metadata error_code partition_index => INT32 committed_offset => INT64 metadata => NULLABLE_STRING error_code => INT16
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
topics | The responses per topic. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | The responses per partition. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
committed_offset | The committed message offset. |
metadata | The partition metadata. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
OffsetFetch Response (Version: 2) => [topics] error_code topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => partition_index committed_offset metadata error_code partition_index => INT32 committed_offset => INT64 metadata => NULLABLE_STRING error_code => INT16 error_code => INT16
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
topics | The responses per topic. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | The responses per partition. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
committed_offset | The committed message offset. |
metadata | The partition metadata. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
error_code | The top-level error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
OffsetFetch Response (Version: 3) => throttle_time_ms [topics] error_code throttle_time_ms => INT32 topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => partition_index committed_offset metadata error_code partition_index => INT32 committed_offset => INT64 metadata => NULLABLE_STRING error_code => INT16 error_code => INT16
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
topics | The responses per topic. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | The responses per partition. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
committed_offset | The committed message offset. |
metadata | The partition metadata. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
error_code | The top-level error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
OffsetFetch Response (Version: 4) => throttle_time_ms [topics] error_code throttle_time_ms => INT32 topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => partition_index committed_offset metadata error_code partition_index => INT32 committed_offset => INT64 metadata => NULLABLE_STRING error_code => INT16 error_code => INT16
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
topics | The responses per topic. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | The responses per partition. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
committed_offset | The committed message offset. |
metadata | The partition metadata. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
error_code | The top-level error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
OffsetFetch Response (Version: 5) => throttle_time_ms [topics] error_code throttle_time_ms => INT32 topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => partition_index committed_offset committed_leader_epoch metadata error_code partition_index => INT32 committed_offset => INT64 committed_leader_epoch => INT32 metadata => NULLABLE_STRING error_code => INT16 error_code => INT16
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
topics | The responses per topic. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | The responses per partition. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
committed_offset | The committed message offset. |
committed_leader_epoch | The leader epoch. |
metadata | The partition metadata. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
error_code | The top-level error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
OffsetFetch Response (Version: 6) => throttle_time_ms [topics] error_code _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 topics => name [partitions] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING partitions => partition_index committed_offset committed_leader_epoch metadata error_code _tagged_fields partition_index => INT32 committed_offset => INT64 committed_leader_epoch => INT32 metadata => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING error_code => INT16 error_code => INT16
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
topics | The responses per topic. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | The responses per partition. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
committed_offset | The committed message offset. |
committed_leader_epoch | The leader epoch. |
metadata | The partition metadata. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
error_code | The top-level error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
OffsetFetch Response (Version: 7) => throttle_time_ms [topics] error_code _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 topics => name [partitions] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING partitions => partition_index committed_offset committed_leader_epoch metadata error_code _tagged_fields partition_index => INT32 committed_offset => INT64 committed_leader_epoch => INT32 metadata => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING error_code => INT16 error_code => INT16
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
topics | The responses per topic. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | The responses per partition. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
committed_offset | The committed message offset. |
committed_leader_epoch | The leader epoch. |
metadata | The partition metadata. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
error_code | The top-level error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
OffsetFetch Response (Version: 8) => throttle_time_ms [groups] _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 groups => group_id [topics] error_code _tagged_fields group_id => COMPACT_STRING topics => name [partitions] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING partitions => partition_index committed_offset committed_leader_epoch metadata error_code _tagged_fields partition_index => INT32 committed_offset => INT64 committed_leader_epoch => INT32 metadata => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING error_code => INT16 error_code => INT16
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
groups | The responses per group id. |
group_id | The group ID. |
topics | The responses per topic. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | The responses per partition. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
committed_offset | The committed message offset. |
committed_leader_epoch | The leader epoch. |
metadata | The partition metadata. |
error_code | The partition-level error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
error_code | The group-level error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
FindCoordinator API (Key: 10):
Requests:FindCoordinator Request (Version: 0) => key key => STRING
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
key | The coordinator key. |
FindCoordinator Request (Version: 1) => key key_type key => STRING key_type => INT8
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
key | The coordinator key. |
key_type | The coordinator key type. (group, transaction, share). |
FindCoordinator Request (Version: 2) => key key_type key => STRING key_type => INT8
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
key | The coordinator key. |
key_type | The coordinator key type. (group, transaction, share). |
FindCoordinator Request (Version: 3) => key key_type _tagged_fields key => COMPACT_STRING key_type => INT8
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
key | The coordinator key. |
key_type | The coordinator key type. (group, transaction, share). |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
FindCoordinator Request (Version: 4) => key_type [coordinator_keys] _tagged_fields key_type => INT8 coordinator_keys => COMPACT_STRING
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
key_type | The coordinator key type. (group, transaction, share). |
coordinator_keys | The coordinator keys. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
FindCoordinator Request (Version: 5) => key_type [coordinator_keys] _tagged_fields key_type => INT8 coordinator_keys => COMPACT_STRING
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
key_type | The coordinator key type. (group, transaction, share). |
coordinator_keys | The coordinator keys. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
FindCoordinator Request (Version: 6) => key_type [coordinator_keys] _tagged_fields key_type => INT8 coordinator_keys => COMPACT_STRING
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
key_type | The coordinator key type. (group, transaction, share). |
coordinator_keys | The coordinator keys. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
FindCoordinator Response (Version: 0) => error_code node_id host port error_code => INT16 node_id => INT32 host => STRING port => INT32
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
node_id | The node id. |
host | The host name. |
port | The port. |
FindCoordinator Response (Version: 1) => throttle_time_ms error_code error_message node_id host port throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 error_message => NULLABLE_STRING node_id => INT32 host => STRING port => INT32
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
error_message | The error message, or null if there was no error. |
node_id | The node id. |
host | The host name. |
port | The port. |
FindCoordinator Response (Version: 2) => throttle_time_ms error_code error_message node_id host port throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 error_message => NULLABLE_STRING node_id => INT32 host => STRING port => INT32
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
error_message | The error message, or null if there was no error. |
node_id | The node id. |
host | The host name. |
port | The port. |
FindCoordinator Response (Version: 3) => throttle_time_ms error_code error_message node_id host port _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 error_message => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING node_id => INT32 host => COMPACT_STRING port => INT32
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
error_message | The error message, or null if there was no error. |
node_id | The node id. |
host | The host name. |
port | The port. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
FindCoordinator Response (Version: 4) => throttle_time_ms [coordinators] _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 coordinators => key node_id host port error_code error_message _tagged_fields key => COMPACT_STRING node_id => INT32 host => COMPACT_STRING port => INT32 error_code => INT16 error_message => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
coordinators | Each coordinator result in the response. |
key | The coordinator key. |
node_id | The node id. |
host | The host name. |
port | The port. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
error_message | The error message, or null if there was no error. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
FindCoordinator Response (Version: 5) => throttle_time_ms [coordinators] _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 coordinators => key node_id host port error_code error_message _tagged_fields key => COMPACT_STRING node_id => INT32 host => COMPACT_STRING port => INT32 error_code => INT16 error_message => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
coordinators | Each coordinator result in the response. |
key | The coordinator key. |
node_id | The node id. |
host | The host name. |
port | The port. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
error_message | The error message, or null if there was no error. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
JoinGroup API (Key: 11):
Requests:JoinGroup Request (Version: 2) => group_id session_timeout_ms rebalance_timeout_ms member_id protocol_type [protocols] group_id => STRING session_timeout_ms => INT32 rebalance_timeout_ms => INT32 member_id => STRING protocol_type => STRING protocols => name metadata name => STRING metadata => BYTES
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
group_id | The group identifier. |
session_timeout_ms | The coordinator considers the consumer dead if it receives no heartbeat after this timeout in milliseconds. |
rebalance_timeout_ms | The maximum time in milliseconds that the coordinator will wait for each member to rejoin when rebalancing the group. |
member_id | The member id assigned by the group coordinator. |
protocol_type | The unique name the for class of protocols implemented by the group we want to join. |
protocols | The list of protocols that the member supports. |
name | The protocol name. |
metadata | The protocol metadata. |
JoinGroup Request (Version: 3) => group_id session_timeout_ms rebalance_timeout_ms member_id protocol_type [protocols] group_id => STRING session_timeout_ms => INT32 rebalance_timeout_ms => INT32 member_id => STRING protocol_type => STRING protocols => name metadata name => STRING metadata => BYTES
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
group_id | The group identifier. |
session_timeout_ms | The coordinator considers the consumer dead if it receives no heartbeat after this timeout in milliseconds. |
rebalance_timeout_ms | The maximum time in milliseconds that the coordinator will wait for each member to rejoin when rebalancing the group. |
member_id | The member id assigned by the group coordinator. |
protocol_type | The unique name the for class of protocols implemented by the group we want to join. |
protocols | The list of protocols that the member supports. |
name | The protocol name. |
metadata | The protocol metadata. |
JoinGroup Request (Version: 4) => group_id session_timeout_ms rebalance_timeout_ms member_id protocol_type [protocols] group_id => STRING session_timeout_ms => INT32 rebalance_timeout_ms => INT32 member_id => STRING protocol_type => STRING protocols => name metadata name => STRING metadata => BYTES
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
group_id | The group identifier. |
session_timeout_ms | The coordinator considers the consumer dead if it receives no heartbeat after this timeout in milliseconds. |
rebalance_timeout_ms | The maximum time in milliseconds that the coordinator will wait for each member to rejoin when rebalancing the group. |
member_id | The member id assigned by the group coordinator. |
protocol_type | The unique name the for class of protocols implemented by the group we want to join. |
protocols | The list of protocols that the member supports. |
name | The protocol name. |
metadata | The protocol metadata. |
JoinGroup Request (Version: 5) => group_id session_timeout_ms rebalance_timeout_ms member_id group_instance_id protocol_type [protocols] group_id => STRING session_timeout_ms => INT32 rebalance_timeout_ms => INT32 member_id => STRING group_instance_id => NULLABLE_STRING protocol_type => STRING protocols => name metadata name => STRING metadata => BYTES
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
group_id | The group identifier. |
session_timeout_ms | The coordinator considers the consumer dead if it receives no heartbeat after this timeout in milliseconds. |
rebalance_timeout_ms | The maximum time in milliseconds that the coordinator will wait for each member to rejoin when rebalancing the group. |
member_id | The member id assigned by the group coordinator. |
group_instance_id | The unique identifier of the consumer instance provided by end user. |
protocol_type | The unique name the for class of protocols implemented by the group we want to join. |
protocols | The list of protocols that the member supports. |
name | The protocol name. |
metadata | The protocol metadata. |
JoinGroup Request (Version: 6) => group_id session_timeout_ms rebalance_timeout_ms member_id group_instance_id protocol_type [protocols] _tagged_fields group_id => COMPACT_STRING session_timeout_ms => INT32 rebalance_timeout_ms => INT32 member_id => COMPACT_STRING group_instance_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING protocol_type => COMPACT_STRING protocols => name metadata _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING metadata => COMPACT_BYTES
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
group_id | The group identifier. |
session_timeout_ms | The coordinator considers the consumer dead if it receives no heartbeat after this timeout in milliseconds. |
rebalance_timeout_ms | The maximum time in milliseconds that the coordinator will wait for each member to rejoin when rebalancing the group. |
member_id | The member id assigned by the group coordinator. |
group_instance_id | The unique identifier of the consumer instance provided by end user. |
protocol_type | The unique name the for class of protocols implemented by the group we want to join. |
protocols | The list of protocols that the member supports. |
name | The protocol name. |
metadata | The protocol metadata. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
JoinGroup Request (Version: 7) => group_id session_timeout_ms rebalance_timeout_ms member_id group_instance_id protocol_type [protocols] _tagged_fields group_id => COMPACT_STRING session_timeout_ms => INT32 rebalance_timeout_ms => INT32 member_id => COMPACT_STRING group_instance_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING protocol_type => COMPACT_STRING protocols => name metadata _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING metadata => COMPACT_BYTES
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
group_id | The group identifier. |
session_timeout_ms | The coordinator considers the consumer dead if it receives no heartbeat after this timeout in milliseconds. |
rebalance_timeout_ms | The maximum time in milliseconds that the coordinator will wait for each member to rejoin when rebalancing the group. |
member_id | The member id assigned by the group coordinator. |
group_instance_id | The unique identifier of the consumer instance provided by end user. |
protocol_type | The unique name the for class of protocols implemented by the group we want to join. |
protocols | The list of protocols that the member supports. |
name | The protocol name. |
metadata | The protocol metadata. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
JoinGroup Request (Version: 8) => group_id session_timeout_ms rebalance_timeout_ms member_id group_instance_id protocol_type [protocols] reason _tagged_fields group_id => COMPACT_STRING session_timeout_ms => INT32 rebalance_timeout_ms => INT32 member_id => COMPACT_STRING group_instance_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING protocol_type => COMPACT_STRING protocols => name metadata _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING metadata => COMPACT_BYTES reason => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
group_id | The group identifier. |
session_timeout_ms | The coordinator considers the consumer dead if it receives no heartbeat after this timeout in milliseconds. |
rebalance_timeout_ms | The maximum time in milliseconds that the coordinator will wait for each member to rejoin when rebalancing the group. |
member_id | The member id assigned by the group coordinator. |
group_instance_id | The unique identifier of the consumer instance provided by end user. |
protocol_type | The unique name the for class of protocols implemented by the group we want to join. |
protocols | The list of protocols that the member supports. |
name | The protocol name. |
metadata | The protocol metadata. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
reason | The reason why the member (re-)joins the group. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
JoinGroup Request (Version: 9) => group_id session_timeout_ms rebalance_timeout_ms member_id group_instance_id protocol_type [protocols] reason _tagged_fields group_id => COMPACT_STRING session_timeout_ms => INT32 rebalance_timeout_ms => INT32 member_id => COMPACT_STRING group_instance_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING protocol_type => COMPACT_STRING protocols => name metadata _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING metadata => COMPACT_BYTES reason => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
group_id | The group identifier. |
session_timeout_ms | The coordinator considers the consumer dead if it receives no heartbeat after this timeout in milliseconds. |
rebalance_timeout_ms | The maximum time in milliseconds that the coordinator will wait for each member to rejoin when rebalancing the group. |
member_id | The member id assigned by the group coordinator. |
group_instance_id | The unique identifier of the consumer instance provided by end user. |
protocol_type | The unique name the for class of protocols implemented by the group we want to join. |
protocols | The list of protocols that the member supports. |
name | The protocol name. |
metadata | The protocol metadata. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
reason | The reason why the member (re-)joins the group. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
JoinGroup Response (Version: 2) => throttle_time_ms error_code generation_id protocol_name leader member_id [members] throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 generation_id => INT32 protocol_name => STRING leader => STRING member_id => STRING members => member_id metadata member_id => STRING metadata => BYTES
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
generation_id | The generation ID of the group. |
protocol_name | The group protocol selected by the coordinator. |
leader | The leader of the group. |
member_id | The member ID assigned by the group coordinator. |
members | The group members. |
member_id | The group member ID. |
metadata | The group member metadata. |
JoinGroup Response (Version: 3) => throttle_time_ms error_code generation_id protocol_name leader member_id [members] throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 generation_id => INT32 protocol_name => STRING leader => STRING member_id => STRING members => member_id metadata member_id => STRING metadata => BYTES
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
generation_id | The generation ID of the group. |
protocol_name | The group protocol selected by the coordinator. |
leader | The leader of the group. |
member_id | The member ID assigned by the group coordinator. |
members | The group members. |
member_id | The group member ID. |
metadata | The group member metadata. |
JoinGroup Response (Version: 4) => throttle_time_ms error_code generation_id protocol_name leader member_id [members] throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 generation_id => INT32 protocol_name => STRING leader => STRING member_id => STRING members => member_id metadata member_id => STRING metadata => BYTES
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
generation_id | The generation ID of the group. |
protocol_name | The group protocol selected by the coordinator. |
leader | The leader of the group. |
member_id | The member ID assigned by the group coordinator. |
members | The group members. |
member_id | The group member ID. |
metadata | The group member metadata. |
JoinGroup Response (Version: 5) => throttle_time_ms error_code generation_id protocol_name leader member_id [members] throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 generation_id => INT32 protocol_name => STRING leader => STRING member_id => STRING members => member_id group_instance_id metadata member_id => STRING group_instance_id => NULLABLE_STRING metadata => BYTES
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
generation_id | The generation ID of the group. |
protocol_name | The group protocol selected by the coordinator. |
leader | The leader of the group. |
member_id | The member ID assigned by the group coordinator. |
members | The group members. |
member_id | The group member ID. |
group_instance_id | The unique identifier of the consumer instance provided by end user. |
metadata | The group member metadata. |
JoinGroup Response (Version: 6) => throttle_time_ms error_code generation_id protocol_name leader member_id [members] _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 generation_id => INT32 protocol_name => COMPACT_STRING leader => COMPACT_STRING member_id => COMPACT_STRING members => member_id group_instance_id metadata _tagged_fields member_id => COMPACT_STRING group_instance_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING metadata => COMPACT_BYTES
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
generation_id | The generation ID of the group. |
protocol_name | The group protocol selected by the coordinator. |
leader | The leader of the group. |
member_id | The member ID assigned by the group coordinator. |
members | The group members. |
member_id | The group member ID. |
group_instance_id | The unique identifier of the consumer instance provided by end user. |
metadata | The group member metadata. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
JoinGroup Response (Version: 7) => throttle_time_ms error_code generation_id protocol_type protocol_name leader member_id [members] _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 generation_id => INT32 protocol_type => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING protocol_name => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING leader => COMPACT_STRING member_id => COMPACT_STRING members => member_id group_instance_id metadata _tagged_fields member_id => COMPACT_STRING group_instance_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING metadata => COMPACT_BYTES
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
generation_id | The generation ID of the group. |
protocol_type | The group protocol name. |
protocol_name | The group protocol selected by the coordinator. |
leader | The leader of the group. |
member_id | The member ID assigned by the group coordinator. |
members | The group members. |
member_id | The group member ID. |
group_instance_id | The unique identifier of the consumer instance provided by end user. |
metadata | The group member metadata. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
JoinGroup Response (Version: 8) => throttle_time_ms error_code generation_id protocol_type protocol_name leader member_id [members] _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 generation_id => INT32 protocol_type => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING protocol_name => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING leader => COMPACT_STRING member_id => COMPACT_STRING members => member_id group_instance_id metadata _tagged_fields member_id => COMPACT_STRING group_instance_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING metadata => COMPACT_BYTES
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
generation_id | The generation ID of the group. |
protocol_type | The group protocol name. |
protocol_name | The group protocol selected by the coordinator. |
leader | The leader of the group. |
member_id | The member ID assigned by the group coordinator. |
members | The group members. |
member_id | The group member ID. |
group_instance_id | The unique identifier of the consumer instance provided by end user. |
metadata | The group member metadata. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
Heartbeat API (Key: 12):
Requests:Heartbeat Request (Version: 0) => group_id generation_id member_id group_id => STRING generation_id => INT32 member_id => STRING
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
group_id | The group id. |
generation_id | The generation of the group. |
member_id | The member ID. |
Heartbeat Request (Version: 1) => group_id generation_id member_id group_id => STRING generation_id => INT32 member_id => STRING
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
group_id | The group id. |
generation_id | The generation of the group. |
member_id | The member ID. |
Heartbeat Request (Version: 2) => group_id generation_id member_id group_id => STRING generation_id => INT32 member_id => STRING
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
group_id | The group id. |
generation_id | The generation of the group. |
member_id | The member ID. |
Heartbeat Request (Version: 3) => group_id generation_id member_id group_instance_id group_id => STRING generation_id => INT32 member_id => STRING group_instance_id => NULLABLE_STRING
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
group_id | The group id. |
generation_id | The generation of the group. |
member_id | The member ID. |
group_instance_id | The unique identifier of the consumer instance provided by end user. |
Heartbeat Request (Version: 4) => group_id generation_id member_id group_instance_id _tagged_fields group_id => COMPACT_STRING generation_id => INT32 member_id => COMPACT_STRING group_instance_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
group_id | The group id. |
generation_id | The generation of the group. |
member_id | The member ID. |
group_instance_id | The unique identifier of the consumer instance provided by end user. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
Heartbeat Response (Version: 0) => error_code error_code => INT16
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
Heartbeat Response (Version: 1) => throttle_time_ms error_code throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
Heartbeat Response (Version: 2) => throttle_time_ms error_code throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
Heartbeat Response (Version: 3) => throttle_time_ms error_code throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
LeaveGroup API (Key: 13):
Requests:LeaveGroup Request (Version: 0) => group_id member_id group_id => STRING member_id => STRING
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
group_id | The ID of the group to leave. |
member_id | The member ID to remove from the group. |
LeaveGroup Request (Version: 1) => group_id member_id group_id => STRING member_id => STRING
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
group_id | The ID of the group to leave. |
member_id | The member ID to remove from the group. |
LeaveGroup Request (Version: 2) => group_id member_id group_id => STRING member_id => STRING
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
group_id | The ID of the group to leave. |
member_id | The member ID to remove from the group. |
LeaveGroup Request (Version: 3) => group_id [members] group_id => STRING members => member_id group_instance_id member_id => STRING group_instance_id => NULLABLE_STRING
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
group_id | The ID of the group to leave. |
members | List of leaving member identities. |
member_id | The member ID to remove from the group. |
group_instance_id | The group instance ID to remove from the group. |
LeaveGroup Request (Version: 4) => group_id [members] _tagged_fields group_id => COMPACT_STRING members => member_id group_instance_id _tagged_fields member_id => COMPACT_STRING group_instance_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
group_id | The ID of the group to leave. |
members | List of leaving member identities. |
member_id | The member ID to remove from the group. |
group_instance_id | The group instance ID to remove from the group. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
LeaveGroup Request (Version: 5) => group_id [members] _tagged_fields group_id => COMPACT_STRING members => member_id group_instance_id reason _tagged_fields member_id => COMPACT_STRING group_instance_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING reason => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
group_id | The ID of the group to leave. |
members | List of leaving member identities. |
member_id | The member ID to remove from the group. |
group_instance_id | The group instance ID to remove from the group. |
reason | The reason why the member left the group. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
LeaveGroup Response (Version: 0) => error_code error_code => INT16
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
LeaveGroup Response (Version: 1) => throttle_time_ms error_code throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
LeaveGroup Response (Version: 2) => throttle_time_ms error_code throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
LeaveGroup Response (Version: 3) => throttle_time_ms error_code [members] throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 members => member_id group_instance_id error_code member_id => STRING group_instance_id => NULLABLE_STRING error_code => INT16
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
members | List of leaving member responses. |
member_id | The member ID to remove from the group. |
group_instance_id | The group instance ID to remove from the group. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
LeaveGroup Response (Version: 4) => throttle_time_ms error_code [members] _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 members => member_id group_instance_id error_code _tagged_fields member_id => COMPACT_STRING group_instance_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING error_code => INT16
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
members | List of leaving member responses. |
member_id | The member ID to remove from the group. |
group_instance_id | The group instance ID to remove from the group. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
SyncGroup API (Key: 14):
Requests:SyncGroup Request (Version: 0) => group_id generation_id member_id [assignments] group_id => STRING generation_id => INT32 member_id => STRING assignments => member_id assignment member_id => STRING assignment => BYTES
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
group_id | The unique group identifier. |
generation_id | The generation of the group. |
member_id | The member ID assigned by the group. |
assignments | Each assignment. |
member_id | The ID of the member to assign. |
assignment | The member assignment. |
SyncGroup Request (Version: 1) => group_id generation_id member_id [assignments] group_id => STRING generation_id => INT32 member_id => STRING assignments => member_id assignment member_id => STRING assignment => BYTES
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
group_id | The unique group identifier. |
generation_id | The generation of the group. |
member_id | The member ID assigned by the group. |
assignments | Each assignment. |
member_id | The ID of the member to assign. |
assignment | The member assignment. |
SyncGroup Request (Version: 2) => group_id generation_id member_id [assignments] group_id => STRING generation_id => INT32 member_id => STRING assignments => member_id assignment member_id => STRING assignment => BYTES
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
group_id | The unique group identifier. |
generation_id | The generation of the group. |
member_id | The member ID assigned by the group. |
assignments | Each assignment. |
member_id | The ID of the member to assign. |
assignment | The member assignment. |
SyncGroup Request (Version: 3) => group_id generation_id member_id group_instance_id [assignments] group_id => STRING generation_id => INT32 member_id => STRING group_instance_id => NULLABLE_STRING assignments => member_id assignment member_id => STRING assignment => BYTES
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
group_id | The unique group identifier. |
generation_id | The generation of the group. |
member_id | The member ID assigned by the group. |
group_instance_id | The unique identifier of the consumer instance provided by end user. |
assignments | Each assignment. |
member_id | The ID of the member to assign. |
assignment | The member assignment. |
SyncGroup Request (Version: 4) => group_id generation_id member_id group_instance_id [assignments] _tagged_fields group_id => COMPACT_STRING generation_id => INT32 member_id => COMPACT_STRING group_instance_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING assignments => member_id assignment _tagged_fields member_id => COMPACT_STRING assignment => COMPACT_BYTES
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
group_id | The unique group identifier. |
generation_id | The generation of the group. |
member_id | The member ID assigned by the group. |
group_instance_id | The unique identifier of the consumer instance provided by end user. |
assignments | Each assignment. |
member_id | The ID of the member to assign. |
assignment | The member assignment. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
SyncGroup Request (Version: 5) => group_id generation_id member_id group_instance_id protocol_type protocol_name [assignments] _tagged_fields group_id => COMPACT_STRING generation_id => INT32 member_id => COMPACT_STRING group_instance_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING protocol_type => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING protocol_name => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING assignments => member_id assignment _tagged_fields member_id => COMPACT_STRING assignment => COMPACT_BYTES
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
group_id | The unique group identifier. |
generation_id | The generation of the group. |
member_id | The member ID assigned by the group. |
group_instance_id | The unique identifier of the consumer instance provided by end user. |
protocol_type | The group protocol type. |
protocol_name | The group protocol name. |
assignments | Each assignment. |
member_id | The ID of the member to assign. |
assignment | The member assignment. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
SyncGroup Response (Version: 0) => error_code assignment error_code => INT16 assignment => BYTES
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
assignment | The member assignment. |
SyncGroup Response (Version: 1) => throttle_time_ms error_code assignment throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 assignment => BYTES
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
assignment | The member assignment. |
SyncGroup Response (Version: 2) => throttle_time_ms error_code assignment throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 assignment => BYTES
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
assignment | The member assignment. |
SyncGroup Response (Version: 3) => throttle_time_ms error_code assignment throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 assignment => BYTES
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
assignment | The member assignment. |
SyncGroup Response (Version: 4) => throttle_time_ms error_code assignment _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 assignment => COMPACT_BYTES
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
assignment | The member assignment. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
DescribeGroups API (Key: 15):
Requests:DescribeGroups Request (Version: 0) => [groups] groups => STRING
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
groups | The names of the groups to describe. |
DescribeGroups Request (Version: 1) => [groups] groups => STRING
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
groups | The names of the groups to describe. |
DescribeGroups Request (Version: 2) => [groups] groups => STRING
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
groups | The names of the groups to describe. |
DescribeGroups Request (Version: 3) => [groups] include_authorized_operations groups => STRING include_authorized_operations => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
groups | The names of the groups to describe. |
include_authorized_operations | Whether to include authorized operations. |
DescribeGroups Request (Version: 4) => [groups] include_authorized_operations groups => STRING include_authorized_operations => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
groups | The names of the groups to describe. |
include_authorized_operations | Whether to include authorized operations. |
DescribeGroups Request (Version: 5) => [groups] include_authorized_operations _tagged_fields groups => COMPACT_STRING include_authorized_operations => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
groups | The names of the groups to describe. |
include_authorized_operations | Whether to include authorized operations. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
DescribeGroups Request (Version: 6) => [groups] include_authorized_operations _tagged_fields groups => COMPACT_STRING include_authorized_operations => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
groups | The names of the groups to describe. |
include_authorized_operations | Whether to include authorized operations. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
DescribeGroups Response (Version: 0) => [groups] groups => error_code group_id group_state protocol_type protocol_data [members] error_code => INT16 group_id => STRING group_state => STRING protocol_type => STRING protocol_data => STRING members => member_id client_id client_host member_metadata member_assignment member_id => STRING client_id => STRING client_host => STRING member_metadata => BYTES member_assignment => BYTES
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
groups | Each described group. |
error_code | The describe error, or 0 if there was no error. |
group_id | The group ID string. |
group_state | The group state string, or the empty string. |
protocol_type | The group protocol type, or the empty string. |
protocol_data | The group protocol data, or the empty string. |
members | The group members. |
member_id | The member id. |
client_id | The client ID used in the member's latest join group request. |
client_host | The client host. |
member_metadata | The metadata corresponding to the current group protocol in use. |
member_assignment | The current assignment provided by the group leader. |
DescribeGroups Response (Version: 1) => throttle_time_ms [groups] throttle_time_ms => INT32 groups => error_code group_id group_state protocol_type protocol_data [members] error_code => INT16 group_id => STRING group_state => STRING protocol_type => STRING protocol_data => STRING members => member_id client_id client_host member_metadata member_assignment member_id => STRING client_id => STRING client_host => STRING member_metadata => BYTES member_assignment => BYTES
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
groups | Each described group. |
error_code | The describe error, or 0 if there was no error. |
group_id | The group ID string. |
group_state | The group state string, or the empty string. |
protocol_type | The group protocol type, or the empty string. |
protocol_data | The group protocol data, or the empty string. |
members | The group members. |
member_id | The member id. |
client_id | The client ID used in the member's latest join group request. |
client_host | The client host. |
member_metadata | The metadata corresponding to the current group protocol in use. |
member_assignment | The current assignment provided by the group leader. |
DescribeGroups Response (Version: 2) => throttle_time_ms [groups] throttle_time_ms => INT32 groups => error_code group_id group_state protocol_type protocol_data [members] error_code => INT16 group_id => STRING group_state => STRING protocol_type => STRING protocol_data => STRING members => member_id client_id client_host member_metadata member_assignment member_id => STRING client_id => STRING client_host => STRING member_metadata => BYTES member_assignment => BYTES
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
groups | Each described group. |
error_code | The describe error, or 0 if there was no error. |
group_id | The group ID string. |
group_state | The group state string, or the empty string. |
protocol_type | The group protocol type, or the empty string. |
protocol_data | The group protocol data, or the empty string. |
members | The group members. |
member_id | The member id. |
client_id | The client ID used in the member's latest join group request. |
client_host | The client host. |
member_metadata | The metadata corresponding to the current group protocol in use. |
member_assignment | The current assignment provided by the group leader. |
DescribeGroups Response (Version: 3) => throttle_time_ms [groups] throttle_time_ms => INT32 groups => error_code group_id group_state protocol_type protocol_data [members] authorized_operations error_code => INT16 group_id => STRING group_state => STRING protocol_type => STRING protocol_data => STRING members => member_id client_id client_host member_metadata member_assignment member_id => STRING client_id => STRING client_host => STRING member_metadata => BYTES member_assignment => BYTES authorized_operations => INT32
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
groups | Each described group. |
error_code | The describe error, or 0 if there was no error. |
group_id | The group ID string. |
group_state | The group state string, or the empty string. |
protocol_type | The group protocol type, or the empty string. |
protocol_data | The group protocol data, or the empty string. |
members | The group members. |
member_id | The member id. |
client_id | The client ID used in the member's latest join group request. |
client_host | The client host. |
member_metadata | The metadata corresponding to the current group protocol in use. |
member_assignment | The current assignment provided by the group leader. |
authorized_operations | 32-bit bitfield to represent authorized operations for this group. |
DescribeGroups Response (Version: 4) => throttle_time_ms [groups] throttle_time_ms => INT32 groups => error_code group_id group_state protocol_type protocol_data [members] authorized_operations error_code => INT16 group_id => STRING group_state => STRING protocol_type => STRING protocol_data => STRING members => member_id group_instance_id client_id client_host member_metadata member_assignment member_id => STRING group_instance_id => NULLABLE_STRING client_id => STRING client_host => STRING member_metadata => BYTES member_assignment => BYTES authorized_operations => INT32
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
groups | Each described group. |
error_code | The describe error, or 0 if there was no error. |
group_id | The group ID string. |
group_state | The group state string, or the empty string. |
protocol_type | The group protocol type, or the empty string. |
protocol_data | The group protocol data, or the empty string. |
members | The group members. |
member_id | The member id. |
group_instance_id | The unique identifier of the consumer instance provided by end user. |
client_id | The client ID used in the member's latest join group request. |
client_host | The client host. |
member_metadata | The metadata corresponding to the current group protocol in use. |
member_assignment | The current assignment provided by the group leader. |
authorized_operations | 32-bit bitfield to represent authorized operations for this group. |
DescribeGroups Response (Version: 5) => throttle_time_ms [groups] _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 groups => error_code group_id group_state protocol_type protocol_data [members] authorized_operations _tagged_fields error_code => INT16 group_id => COMPACT_STRING group_state => COMPACT_STRING protocol_type => COMPACT_STRING protocol_data => COMPACT_STRING members => member_id group_instance_id client_id client_host member_metadata member_assignment _tagged_fields member_id => COMPACT_STRING group_instance_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING client_id => COMPACT_STRING client_host => COMPACT_STRING member_metadata => COMPACT_BYTES member_assignment => COMPACT_BYTES authorized_operations => INT32
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
groups | Each described group. |
error_code | The describe error, or 0 if there was no error. |
group_id | The group ID string. |
group_state | The group state string, or the empty string. |
protocol_type | The group protocol type, or the empty string. |
protocol_data | The group protocol data, or the empty string. |
members | The group members. |
member_id | The member id. |
group_instance_id | The unique identifier of the consumer instance provided by end user. |
client_id | The client ID used in the member's latest join group request. |
client_host | The client host. |
member_metadata | The metadata corresponding to the current group protocol in use. |
member_assignment | The current assignment provided by the group leader. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
authorized_operations | 32-bit bitfield to represent authorized operations for this group. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
ListGroups API (Key: 16):
Requests:ListGroups Request (Version: 0) =>
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
ListGroups Request (Version: 1) =>
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
ListGroups Request (Version: 2) =>
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
ListGroups Request (Version: 3) => _tagged_fields
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
ListGroups Request (Version: 4) => [states_filter] _tagged_fields states_filter => COMPACT_STRING
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
states_filter | The states of the groups we want to list. If empty, all groups are returned with their state. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
ListGroups Request (Version: 5) => [states_filter] [types_filter] _tagged_fields states_filter => COMPACT_STRING types_filter => COMPACT_STRING
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
states_filter | The states of the groups we want to list. If empty, all groups are returned with their state. |
types_filter | The types of the groups we want to list. If empty, all groups are returned with their type. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
ListGroups Response (Version: 0) => error_code [groups] error_code => INT16 groups => group_id protocol_type group_id => STRING protocol_type => STRING
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
groups | Each group in the response. |
group_id | The group ID. |
protocol_type | The group protocol type. |
ListGroups Response (Version: 1) => throttle_time_ms error_code [groups] throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 groups => group_id protocol_type group_id => STRING protocol_type => STRING
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
groups | Each group in the response. |
group_id | The group ID. |
protocol_type | The group protocol type. |
ListGroups Response (Version: 2) => throttle_time_ms error_code [groups] throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 groups => group_id protocol_type group_id => STRING protocol_type => STRING
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
groups | Each group in the response. |
group_id | The group ID. |
protocol_type | The group protocol type. |
ListGroups Response (Version: 3) => throttle_time_ms error_code [groups] _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 groups => group_id protocol_type _tagged_fields group_id => COMPACT_STRING protocol_type => COMPACT_STRING
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
groups | Each group in the response. |
group_id | The group ID. |
protocol_type | The group protocol type. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
ListGroups Response (Version: 4) => throttle_time_ms error_code [groups] _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 groups => group_id protocol_type group_state _tagged_fields group_id => COMPACT_STRING protocol_type => COMPACT_STRING group_state => COMPACT_STRING
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
groups | Each group in the response. |
group_id | The group ID. |
protocol_type | The group protocol type. |
group_state | The group state name. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
SaslHandshake API (Key: 17):
Requests:SaslHandshake Request (Version: 0) => mechanism mechanism => STRING
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
mechanism | The SASL mechanism chosen by the client. |
SaslHandshake Request (Version: 1) => mechanism mechanism => STRING
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
mechanism | The SASL mechanism chosen by the client. |
SaslHandshake Response (Version: 0) => error_code [mechanisms] error_code => INT16 mechanisms => STRING
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
mechanisms | The mechanisms enabled in the server. |
ApiVersions API (Key: 18):
Requests:ApiVersions Request (Version: 0) =>
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
ApiVersions Request (Version: 1) =>
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
ApiVersions Request (Version: 2) =>
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
ApiVersions Request (Version: 3) => client_software_name client_software_version _tagged_fields client_software_name => COMPACT_STRING client_software_version => COMPACT_STRING
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
client_software_name | The name of the client. |
client_software_version | The version of the client. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
ApiVersions Request (Version: 4) => client_software_name client_software_version _tagged_fields client_software_name => COMPACT_STRING client_software_version => COMPACT_STRING
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
client_software_name | The name of the client. |
client_software_version | The version of the client. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
ApiVersions Response (Version: 0) => error_code [api_keys] error_code => INT16 api_keys => api_key min_version max_version api_key => INT16 min_version => INT16 max_version => INT16
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
error_code | The top-level error code. |
api_keys | The APIs supported by the broker. |
api_key | The API index. |
min_version | The minimum supported version, inclusive. |
max_version | The maximum supported version, inclusive. |
ApiVersions Response (Version: 1) => error_code [api_keys] throttle_time_ms error_code => INT16 api_keys => api_key min_version max_version api_key => INT16 min_version => INT16 max_version => INT16 throttle_time_ms => INT32
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
error_code | The top-level error code. |
api_keys | The APIs supported by the broker. |
api_key | The API index. |
min_version | The minimum supported version, inclusive. |
max_version | The maximum supported version, inclusive. |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
ApiVersions Response (Version: 2) => error_code [api_keys] throttle_time_ms error_code => INT16 api_keys => api_key min_version max_version api_key => INT16 min_version => INT16 max_version => INT16 throttle_time_ms => INT32
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
error_code | The top-level error code. |
api_keys | The APIs supported by the broker. |
api_key | The API index. |
min_version | The minimum supported version, inclusive. |
max_version | The maximum supported version, inclusive. |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
ApiVersions Response (Version: 3) => error_code [api_keys] throttle_time_ms _tagged_fields error_code => INT16 api_keys => api_key min_version max_version _tagged_fields api_key => INT16 min_version => INT16 max_version => INT16 throttle_time_ms => INT32
Response header version: 0
Field | Description | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
error_code | The top-level error code. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
api_keys | The APIs supported by the broker. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
api_key | The API index. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
min_version | The minimum supported version, inclusive. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
max_version | The maximum supported version, inclusive. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
_tagged_fields |
CreateTopics API (Key: 19):
Requests:CreateTopics Request (Version: 2) => [topics] timeout_ms validate_only topics => name num_partitions replication_factor [assignments] [configs] name => STRING num_partitions => INT32 replication_factor => INT16 assignments => partition_index [broker_ids] partition_index => INT32 broker_ids => INT32 configs => name value name => STRING value => NULLABLE_STRING timeout_ms => INT32 validate_only => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
topics | The topics to create. |
name | The topic name. |
num_partitions | The number of partitions to create in the topic, or -1 if we are either specifying a manual partition assignment or using the default partitions. |
replication_factor | The number of replicas to create for each partition in the topic, or -1 if we are either specifying a manual partition assignment or using the default replication factor. |
assignments | The manual partition assignment, or the empty array if we are using automatic assignment. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
broker_ids | The brokers to place the partition on. |
configs | The custom topic configurations to set. |
name | The configuration name. |
value | The configuration value. |
timeout_ms | How long to wait in milliseconds before timing out the request. |
validate_only | If true, check that the topics can be created as specified, but don't create anything. |
CreateTopics Request (Version: 3) => [topics] timeout_ms validate_only topics => name num_partitions replication_factor [assignments] [configs] name => STRING num_partitions => INT32 replication_factor => INT16 assignments => partition_index [broker_ids] partition_index => INT32 broker_ids => INT32 configs => name value name => STRING value => NULLABLE_STRING timeout_ms => INT32 validate_only => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
topics | The topics to create. |
name | The topic name. |
num_partitions | The number of partitions to create in the topic, or -1 if we are either specifying a manual partition assignment or using the default partitions. |
replication_factor | The number of replicas to create for each partition in the topic, or -1 if we are either specifying a manual partition assignment or using the default replication factor. |
assignments | The manual partition assignment, or the empty array if we are using automatic assignment. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
broker_ids | The brokers to place the partition on. |
configs | The custom topic configurations to set. |
name | The configuration name. |
value | The configuration value. |
timeout_ms | How long to wait in milliseconds before timing out the request. |
validate_only | If true, check that the topics can be created as specified, but don't create anything. |
CreateTopics Request (Version: 4) => [topics] timeout_ms validate_only topics => name num_partitions replication_factor [assignments] [configs] name => STRING num_partitions => INT32 replication_factor => INT16 assignments => partition_index [broker_ids] partition_index => INT32 broker_ids => INT32 configs => name value name => STRING value => NULLABLE_STRING timeout_ms => INT32 validate_only => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
topics | The topics to create. |
name | The topic name. |
num_partitions | The number of partitions to create in the topic, or -1 if we are either specifying a manual partition assignment or using the default partitions. |
replication_factor | The number of replicas to create for each partition in the topic, or -1 if we are either specifying a manual partition assignment or using the default replication factor. |
assignments | The manual partition assignment, or the empty array if we are using automatic assignment. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
broker_ids | The brokers to place the partition on. |
configs | The custom topic configurations to set. |
name | The configuration name. |
value | The configuration value. |
timeout_ms | How long to wait in milliseconds before timing out the request. |
validate_only | If true, check that the topics can be created as specified, but don't create anything. |
CreateTopics Request (Version: 5) => [topics] timeout_ms validate_only _tagged_fields topics => name num_partitions replication_factor [assignments] [configs] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING num_partitions => INT32 replication_factor => INT16 assignments => partition_index [broker_ids] _tagged_fields partition_index => INT32 broker_ids => INT32 configs => name value _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING value => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING timeout_ms => INT32 validate_only => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
topics | The topics to create. |
name | The topic name. |
num_partitions | The number of partitions to create in the topic, or -1 if we are either specifying a manual partition assignment or using the default partitions. |
replication_factor | The number of replicas to create for each partition in the topic, or -1 if we are either specifying a manual partition assignment or using the default replication factor. |
assignments | The manual partition assignment, or the empty array if we are using automatic assignment. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
broker_ids | The brokers to place the partition on. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
configs | The custom topic configurations to set. |
name | The configuration name. |
value | The configuration value. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
timeout_ms | How long to wait in milliseconds before timing out the request. |
validate_only | If true, check that the topics can be created as specified, but don't create anything. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
CreateTopics Request (Version: 6) => [topics] timeout_ms validate_only _tagged_fields topics => name num_partitions replication_factor [assignments] [configs] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING num_partitions => INT32 replication_factor => INT16 assignments => partition_index [broker_ids] _tagged_fields partition_index => INT32 broker_ids => INT32 configs => name value _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING value => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING timeout_ms => INT32 validate_only => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
topics | The topics to create. |
name | The topic name. |
num_partitions | The number of partitions to create in the topic, or -1 if we are either specifying a manual partition assignment or using the default partitions. |
replication_factor | The number of replicas to create for each partition in the topic, or -1 if we are either specifying a manual partition assignment or using the default replication factor. |
assignments | The manual partition assignment, or the empty array if we are using automatic assignment. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
broker_ids | The brokers to place the partition on. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
configs | The custom topic configurations to set. |
name | The configuration name. |
value | The configuration value. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
timeout_ms | How long to wait in milliseconds before timing out the request. |
validate_only | If true, check that the topics can be created as specified, but don't create anything. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
CreateTopics Request (Version: 7) => [topics] timeout_ms validate_only _tagged_fields topics => name num_partitions replication_factor [assignments] [configs] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING num_partitions => INT32 replication_factor => INT16 assignments => partition_index [broker_ids] _tagged_fields partition_index => INT32 broker_ids => INT32 configs => name value _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING value => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING timeout_ms => INT32 validate_only => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
topics | The topics to create. |
name | The topic name. |
num_partitions | The number of partitions to create in the topic, or -1 if we are either specifying a manual partition assignment or using the default partitions. |
replication_factor | The number of replicas to create for each partition in the topic, or -1 if we are either specifying a manual partition assignment or using the default replication factor. |
assignments | The manual partition assignment, or the empty array if we are using automatic assignment. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
broker_ids | The brokers to place the partition on. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
configs | The custom topic configurations to set. |
name | The configuration name. |
value | The configuration value. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
timeout_ms | How long to wait in milliseconds before timing out the request. |
validate_only | If true, check that the topics can be created as specified, but don't create anything. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
CreateTopics Response (Version: 2) => throttle_time_ms [topics] throttle_time_ms => INT32 topics => name error_code error_message name => STRING error_code => INT16 error_message => NULLABLE_STRING
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
topics | Results for each topic we tried to create. |
name | The topic name. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
error_message | The error message, or null if there was no error. |
CreateTopics Response (Version: 3) => throttle_time_ms [topics] throttle_time_ms => INT32 topics => name error_code error_message name => STRING error_code => INT16 error_message => NULLABLE_STRING
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
topics | Results for each topic we tried to create. |
name | The topic name. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
error_message | The error message, or null if there was no error. |
CreateTopics Response (Version: 4) => throttle_time_ms [topics] throttle_time_ms => INT32 topics => name error_code error_message name => STRING error_code => INT16 error_message => NULLABLE_STRING
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
topics | Results for each topic we tried to create. |
name | The topic name. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
error_message | The error message, or null if there was no error. |
CreateTopics Response (Version: 5) => throttle_time_ms [topics] _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 topics => name error_code error_message num_partitions replication_factor [configs] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING error_code => INT16 error_message => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING num_partitions => INT32 replication_factor => INT16 configs => name value read_only config_source is_sensitive _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING value => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING read_only => BOOLEAN config_source => INT8 is_sensitive => BOOLEAN
Response header version: 1
Field | Description | ||||||
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. | ||||||
topics | Results for each topic we tried to create. | ||||||
name | The topic name. | ||||||
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. | ||||||
error_message | The error message, or null if there was no error. | ||||||
num_partitions | Number of partitions of the topic. | ||||||
replication_factor | Replication factor of the topic. | ||||||
configs | Configuration of the topic. | ||||||
name | The configuration name. | ||||||
value | The configuration value. | ||||||
read_only | True if the configuration is read-only. | ||||||
config_source | The configuration source. | ||||||
is_sensitive | True if this configuration is sensitive. | ||||||
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields | ||||||
_tagged_fields |
| ||||||
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
CreateTopics Response (Version: 6) => throttle_time_ms [topics] _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 topics => name error_code error_message num_partitions replication_factor [configs] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING error_code => INT16 error_message => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING num_partitions => INT32 replication_factor => INT16 configs => name value read_only config_source is_sensitive _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING value => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING read_only => BOOLEAN config_source => INT8 is_sensitive => BOOLEAN
Response header version: 1
Field | Description | ||||||
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. | ||||||
topics | Results for each topic we tried to create. | ||||||
name | The topic name. | ||||||
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. | ||||||
error_message | The error message, or null if there was no error. | ||||||
num_partitions | Number of partitions of the topic. | ||||||
replication_factor | Replication factor of the topic. | ||||||
configs | Configuration of the topic. | ||||||
name | The configuration name. | ||||||
value | The configuration value. | ||||||
read_only | True if the configuration is read-only. | ||||||
config_source | The configuration source. | ||||||
is_sensitive | True if this configuration is sensitive. | ||||||
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields | ||||||
_tagged_fields |
| ||||||
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
DeleteTopics API (Key: 20):
Requests:DeleteTopics Request (Version: 1) => [topic_names] timeout_ms topic_names => STRING timeout_ms => INT32
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
topic_names | The names of the topics to delete. |
timeout_ms | The length of time in milliseconds to wait for the deletions to complete. |
DeleteTopics Request (Version: 2) => [topic_names] timeout_ms topic_names => STRING timeout_ms => INT32
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
topic_names | The names of the topics to delete. |
timeout_ms | The length of time in milliseconds to wait for the deletions to complete. |
DeleteTopics Request (Version: 3) => [topic_names] timeout_ms topic_names => STRING timeout_ms => INT32
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
topic_names | The names of the topics to delete. |
timeout_ms | The length of time in milliseconds to wait for the deletions to complete. |
DeleteTopics Request (Version: 4) => [topic_names] timeout_ms _tagged_fields topic_names => COMPACT_STRING timeout_ms => INT32
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
topic_names | The names of the topics to delete. |
timeout_ms | The length of time in milliseconds to wait for the deletions to complete. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
DeleteTopics Request (Version: 5) => [topic_names] timeout_ms _tagged_fields topic_names => COMPACT_STRING timeout_ms => INT32
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
topic_names | The names of the topics to delete. |
timeout_ms | The length of time in milliseconds to wait for the deletions to complete. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
DeleteTopics Request (Version: 6) => [topics] timeout_ms _tagged_fields topics => name topic_id _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING topic_id => UUID timeout_ms => INT32
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
topics | The name or topic ID of the topic. |
name | The topic name. |
topic_id | The unique topic ID. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
timeout_ms | The length of time in milliseconds to wait for the deletions to complete. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
DeleteTopics Response (Version: 1) => throttle_time_ms [responses] throttle_time_ms => INT32 responses => name error_code name => STRING error_code => INT16
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
responses | The results for each topic we tried to delete. |
name | The topic name. |
error_code | The deletion error, or 0 if the deletion succeeded. |
DeleteTopics Response (Version: 2) => throttle_time_ms [responses] throttle_time_ms => INT32 responses => name error_code name => STRING error_code => INT16
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
responses | The results for each topic we tried to delete. |
name | The topic name. |
error_code | The deletion error, or 0 if the deletion succeeded. |
DeleteTopics Response (Version: 3) => throttle_time_ms [responses] throttle_time_ms => INT32 responses => name error_code name => STRING error_code => INT16
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
responses | The results for each topic we tried to delete. |
name | The topic name. |
error_code | The deletion error, or 0 if the deletion succeeded. |
DeleteTopics Response (Version: 4) => throttle_time_ms [responses] _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 responses => name error_code _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING error_code => INT16
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
responses | The results for each topic we tried to delete. |
name | The topic name. |
error_code | The deletion error, or 0 if the deletion succeeded. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
DeleteTopics Response (Version: 5) => throttle_time_ms [responses] _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 responses => name error_code error_message _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING error_code => INT16 error_message => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
responses | The results for each topic we tried to delete. |
name | The topic name. |
error_code | The deletion error, or 0 if the deletion succeeded. |
error_message | The error message, or null if there was no error. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
DeleteRecords API (Key: 21):
Requests:DeleteRecords Request (Version: 0) => [topics] timeout_ms topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => partition_index offset partition_index => INT32 offset => INT64 timeout_ms => INT32
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
topics | Each topic that we want to delete records from. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | Each partition that we want to delete records from. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
offset | The deletion offset. |
timeout_ms | How long to wait for the deletion to complete, in milliseconds. |
DeleteRecords Request (Version: 1) => [topics] timeout_ms topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => partition_index offset partition_index => INT32 offset => INT64 timeout_ms => INT32
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
topics | Each topic that we want to delete records from. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | Each partition that we want to delete records from. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
offset | The deletion offset. |
timeout_ms | How long to wait for the deletion to complete, in milliseconds. |
DeleteRecords Request (Version: 2) => [topics] timeout_ms _tagged_fields topics => name [partitions] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING partitions => partition_index offset _tagged_fields partition_index => INT32 offset => INT64 timeout_ms => INT32
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
topics | Each topic that we want to delete records from. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | Each partition that we want to delete records from. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
offset | The deletion offset. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
timeout_ms | How long to wait for the deletion to complete, in milliseconds. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
DeleteRecords Response (Version: 0) => throttle_time_ms [topics] throttle_time_ms => INT32 topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => partition_index low_watermark error_code partition_index => INT32 low_watermark => INT64 error_code => INT16
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
topics | Each topic that we wanted to delete records from. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | Each partition that we wanted to delete records from. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
low_watermark | The partition low water mark. |
error_code | The deletion error code, or 0 if the deletion succeeded. |
DeleteRecords Response (Version: 1) => throttle_time_ms [topics] throttle_time_ms => INT32 topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => partition_index low_watermark error_code partition_index => INT32 low_watermark => INT64 error_code => INT16
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
topics | Each topic that we wanted to delete records from. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | Each partition that we wanted to delete records from. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
low_watermark | The partition low water mark. |
error_code | The deletion error code, or 0 if the deletion succeeded. |
InitProducerId API (Key: 22):
Requests:InitProducerId Request (Version: 0) => transactional_id transaction_timeout_ms transactional_id => NULLABLE_STRING transaction_timeout_ms => INT32
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
transactional_id | The transactional id, or null if the producer is not transactional. |
transaction_timeout_ms | The time in ms to wait before aborting idle transactions sent by this producer. This is only relevant if a TransactionalId has been defined. |
InitProducerId Request (Version: 1) => transactional_id transaction_timeout_ms transactional_id => NULLABLE_STRING transaction_timeout_ms => INT32
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
transactional_id | The transactional id, or null if the producer is not transactional. |
transaction_timeout_ms | The time in ms to wait before aborting idle transactions sent by this producer. This is only relevant if a TransactionalId has been defined. |
InitProducerId Request (Version: 2) => transactional_id transaction_timeout_ms _tagged_fields transactional_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING transaction_timeout_ms => INT32
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
transactional_id | The transactional id, or null if the producer is not transactional. |
transaction_timeout_ms | The time in ms to wait before aborting idle transactions sent by this producer. This is only relevant if a TransactionalId has been defined. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
InitProducerId Request (Version: 3) => transactional_id transaction_timeout_ms producer_id producer_epoch _tagged_fields transactional_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING transaction_timeout_ms => INT32 producer_id => INT64 producer_epoch => INT16
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
transactional_id | The transactional id, or null if the producer is not transactional. |
transaction_timeout_ms | The time in ms to wait before aborting idle transactions sent by this producer. This is only relevant if a TransactionalId has been defined. |
producer_id | The producer id. This is used to disambiguate requests if a transactional id is reused following its expiration. |
producer_epoch | The producer's current epoch. This will be checked against the producer epoch on the broker, and the request will return an error if they do not match. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
InitProducerId Request (Version: 4) => transactional_id transaction_timeout_ms producer_id producer_epoch _tagged_fields transactional_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING transaction_timeout_ms => INT32 producer_id => INT64 producer_epoch => INT16
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
transactional_id | The transactional id, or null if the producer is not transactional. |
transaction_timeout_ms | The time in ms to wait before aborting idle transactions sent by this producer. This is only relevant if a TransactionalId has been defined. |
producer_id | The producer id. This is used to disambiguate requests if a transactional id is reused following its expiration. |
producer_epoch | The producer's current epoch. This will be checked against the producer epoch on the broker, and the request will return an error if they do not match. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
InitProducerId Request (Version: 5) => transactional_id transaction_timeout_ms producer_id producer_epoch _tagged_fields transactional_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING transaction_timeout_ms => INT32 producer_id => INT64 producer_epoch => INT16
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
transactional_id | The transactional id, or null if the producer is not transactional. |
transaction_timeout_ms | The time in ms to wait before aborting idle transactions sent by this producer. This is only relevant if a TransactionalId has been defined. |
producer_id | The producer id. This is used to disambiguate requests if a transactional id is reused following its expiration. |
producer_epoch | The producer's current epoch. This will be checked against the producer epoch on the broker, and the request will return an error if they do not match. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
InitProducerId Response (Version: 0) => throttle_time_ms error_code producer_id producer_epoch throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 producer_id => INT64 producer_epoch => INT16
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
producer_id | The current producer id. |
producer_epoch | The current epoch associated with the producer id. |
InitProducerId Response (Version: 1) => throttle_time_ms error_code producer_id producer_epoch throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 producer_id => INT64 producer_epoch => INT16
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
producer_id | The current producer id. |
producer_epoch | The current epoch associated with the producer id. |
InitProducerId Response (Version: 2) => throttle_time_ms error_code producer_id producer_epoch _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 producer_id => INT64 producer_epoch => INT16
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
producer_id | The current producer id. |
producer_epoch | The current epoch associated with the producer id. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
InitProducerId Response (Version: 3) => throttle_time_ms error_code producer_id producer_epoch _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 producer_id => INT64 producer_epoch => INT16
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
producer_id | The current producer id. |
producer_epoch | The current epoch associated with the producer id. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
InitProducerId Response (Version: 4) => throttle_time_ms error_code producer_id producer_epoch _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 producer_id => INT64 producer_epoch => INT16
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
producer_id | The current producer id. |
producer_epoch | The current epoch associated with the producer id. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
OffsetForLeaderEpoch API (Key: 23):
Requests:OffsetForLeaderEpoch Request (Version: 2) => [topics] topics => topic [partitions] topic => STRING partitions => partition current_leader_epoch leader_epoch partition => INT32 current_leader_epoch => INT32 leader_epoch => INT32
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
topics | Each topic to get offsets for. |
topic | The topic name. |
partitions | Each partition to get offsets for. |
partition | The partition index. |
current_leader_epoch | An epoch used to fence consumers/replicas with old metadata. If the epoch provided by the client is larger than the current epoch known to the broker, then the UNKNOWN_LEADER_EPOCH error code will be returned. If the provided epoch is smaller, then the FENCED_LEADER_EPOCH error code will be returned. |
leader_epoch | The epoch to look up an offset for. |
OffsetForLeaderEpoch Request (Version: 3) => replica_id [topics] replica_id => INT32 topics => topic [partitions] topic => STRING partitions => partition current_leader_epoch leader_epoch partition => INT32 current_leader_epoch => INT32 leader_epoch => INT32
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
replica_id | The broker ID of the follower, of -1 if this request is from a consumer. |
topics | Each topic to get offsets for. |
topic | The topic name. |
partitions | Each partition to get offsets for. |
partition | The partition index. |
current_leader_epoch | An epoch used to fence consumers/replicas with old metadata. If the epoch provided by the client is larger than the current epoch known to the broker, then the UNKNOWN_LEADER_EPOCH error code will be returned. If the provided epoch is smaller, then the FENCED_LEADER_EPOCH error code will be returned. |
leader_epoch | The epoch to look up an offset for. |
OffsetForLeaderEpoch Request (Version: 4) => replica_id [topics] _tagged_fields replica_id => INT32 topics => topic [partitions] _tagged_fields topic => COMPACT_STRING partitions => partition current_leader_epoch leader_epoch _tagged_fields partition => INT32 current_leader_epoch => INT32 leader_epoch => INT32
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
replica_id | The broker ID of the follower, of -1 if this request is from a consumer. |
topics | Each topic to get offsets for. |
topic | The topic name. |
partitions | Each partition to get offsets for. |
partition | The partition index. |
current_leader_epoch | An epoch used to fence consumers/replicas with old metadata. If the epoch provided by the client is larger than the current epoch known to the broker, then the UNKNOWN_LEADER_EPOCH error code will be returned. If the provided epoch is smaller, then the FENCED_LEADER_EPOCH error code will be returned. |
leader_epoch | The epoch to look up an offset for. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
OffsetForLeaderEpoch Response (Version: 2) => throttle_time_ms [topics] throttle_time_ms => INT32 topics => topic [partitions] topic => STRING partitions => error_code partition leader_epoch end_offset error_code => INT16 partition => INT32 leader_epoch => INT32 end_offset => INT64
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
topics | Each topic we fetched offsets for. |
topic | The topic name. |
partitions | Each partition in the topic we fetched offsets for. |
error_code | The error code 0, or if there was no error. |
partition | The partition index. |
leader_epoch | The leader epoch of the partition. |
end_offset | The end offset of the epoch. |
OffsetForLeaderEpoch Response (Version: 3) => throttle_time_ms [topics] throttle_time_ms => INT32 topics => topic [partitions] topic => STRING partitions => error_code partition leader_epoch end_offset error_code => INT16 partition => INT32 leader_epoch => INT32 end_offset => INT64
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
topics | Each topic we fetched offsets for. |
topic | The topic name. |
partitions | Each partition in the topic we fetched offsets for. |
error_code | The error code 0, or if there was no error. |
partition | The partition index. |
leader_epoch | The leader epoch of the partition. |
end_offset | The end offset of the epoch. |
AddPartitionsToTxn API (Key: 24):
Requests:AddPartitionsToTxn Request (Version: 0) => v3_and_below_transactional_id v3_and_below_producer_id v3_and_below_producer_epoch [v3_and_below_topics] v3_and_below_transactional_id => STRING v3_and_below_producer_id => INT64 v3_and_below_producer_epoch => INT16 v3_and_below_topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => INT32
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
v3_and_below_transactional_id | The transactional id corresponding to the transaction. |
v3_and_below_producer_id | Current producer id in use by the transactional id. |
v3_and_below_producer_epoch | Current epoch associated with the producer id. |
v3_and_below_topics | The partitions to add to the transaction. |
name | The name of the topic. |
partitions | The partition indexes to add to the transaction. |
AddPartitionsToTxn Request (Version: 1) => v3_and_below_transactional_id v3_and_below_producer_id v3_and_below_producer_epoch [v3_and_below_topics] v3_and_below_transactional_id => STRING v3_and_below_producer_id => INT64 v3_and_below_producer_epoch => INT16 v3_and_below_topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => INT32
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
v3_and_below_transactional_id | The transactional id corresponding to the transaction. |
v3_and_below_producer_id | Current producer id in use by the transactional id. |
v3_and_below_producer_epoch | Current epoch associated with the producer id. |
v3_and_below_topics | The partitions to add to the transaction. |
name | The name of the topic. |
partitions | The partition indexes to add to the transaction. |
AddPartitionsToTxn Request (Version: 2) => v3_and_below_transactional_id v3_and_below_producer_id v3_and_below_producer_epoch [v3_and_below_topics] v3_and_below_transactional_id => STRING v3_and_below_producer_id => INT64 v3_and_below_producer_epoch => INT16 v3_and_below_topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => INT32
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
v3_and_below_transactional_id | The transactional id corresponding to the transaction. |
v3_and_below_producer_id | Current producer id in use by the transactional id. |
v3_and_below_producer_epoch | Current epoch associated with the producer id. |
v3_and_below_topics | The partitions to add to the transaction. |
name | The name of the topic. |
partitions | The partition indexes to add to the transaction. |
AddPartitionsToTxn Request (Version: 3) => v3_and_below_transactional_id v3_and_below_producer_id v3_and_below_producer_epoch [v3_and_below_topics] _tagged_fields v3_and_below_transactional_id => COMPACT_STRING v3_and_below_producer_id => INT64 v3_and_below_producer_epoch => INT16 v3_and_below_topics => name [partitions] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING partitions => INT32
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
v3_and_below_transactional_id | The transactional id corresponding to the transaction. |
v3_and_below_producer_id | Current producer id in use by the transactional id. |
v3_and_below_producer_epoch | Current epoch associated with the producer id. |
v3_and_below_topics | The partitions to add to the transaction. |
name | The name of the topic. |
partitions | The partition indexes to add to the transaction. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
AddPartitionsToTxn Request (Version: 4) => [transactions] _tagged_fields transactions => transactional_id producer_id producer_epoch verify_only [topics] _tagged_fields transactional_id => COMPACT_STRING producer_id => INT64 producer_epoch => INT16 verify_only => BOOLEAN topics => name [partitions] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING partitions => INT32
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
transactions | List of transactions to add partitions to. |
transactional_id | The transactional id corresponding to the transaction. |
producer_id | Current producer id in use by the transactional id. |
producer_epoch | Current epoch associated with the producer id. |
verify_only | Boolean to signify if we want to check if the partition is in the transaction rather than add it. |
topics | The partitions to add to the transaction. |
name | The name of the topic. |
partitions | The partition indexes to add to the transaction. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
AddPartitionsToTxn Request (Version: 5) => [transactions] _tagged_fields transactions => transactional_id producer_id producer_epoch verify_only [topics] _tagged_fields transactional_id => COMPACT_STRING producer_id => INT64 producer_epoch => INT16 verify_only => BOOLEAN topics => name [partitions] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING partitions => INT32
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
transactions | List of transactions to add partitions to. |
transactional_id | The transactional id corresponding to the transaction. |
producer_id | Current producer id in use by the transactional id. |
producer_epoch | Current epoch associated with the producer id. |
verify_only | Boolean to signify if we want to check if the partition is in the transaction rather than add it. |
topics | The partitions to add to the transaction. |
name | The name of the topic. |
partitions | The partition indexes to add to the transaction. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
AddPartitionsToTxn Response (Version: 0) => throttle_time_ms [results_by_topic_v3_and_below] throttle_time_ms => INT32 results_by_topic_v3_and_below => name [results_by_partition] name => STRING results_by_partition => partition_index partition_error_code partition_index => INT32 partition_error_code => INT16
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | Duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
results_by_topic_v3_and_below | The results for each topic. |
name | The topic name. |
results_by_partition | The results for each partition. |
partition_index | The partition indexes. |
partition_error_code | The response error code. |
AddPartitionsToTxn Response (Version: 1) => throttle_time_ms [results_by_topic_v3_and_below] throttle_time_ms => INT32 results_by_topic_v3_and_below => name [results_by_partition] name => STRING results_by_partition => partition_index partition_error_code partition_index => INT32 partition_error_code => INT16
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | Duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
results_by_topic_v3_and_below | The results for each topic. |
name | The topic name. |
results_by_partition | The results for each partition. |
partition_index | The partition indexes. |
partition_error_code | The response error code. |
AddPartitionsToTxn Response (Version: 2) => throttle_time_ms [results_by_topic_v3_and_below] throttle_time_ms => INT32 results_by_topic_v3_and_below => name [results_by_partition] name => STRING results_by_partition => partition_index partition_error_code partition_index => INT32 partition_error_code => INT16
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | Duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
results_by_topic_v3_and_below | The results for each topic. |
name | The topic name. |
results_by_partition | The results for each partition. |
partition_index | The partition indexes. |
partition_error_code | The response error code. |
AddPartitionsToTxn Response (Version: 3) => throttle_time_ms [results_by_topic_v3_and_below] _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 results_by_topic_v3_and_below => name [results_by_partition] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING results_by_partition => partition_index partition_error_code _tagged_fields partition_index => INT32 partition_error_code => INT16
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | Duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
results_by_topic_v3_and_below | The results for each topic. |
name | The topic name. |
results_by_partition | The results for each partition. |
partition_index | The partition indexes. |
partition_error_code | The response error code. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
AddPartitionsToTxn Response (Version: 4) => throttle_time_ms error_code [results_by_transaction] _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 results_by_transaction => transactional_id [topic_results] _tagged_fields transactional_id => COMPACT_STRING topic_results => name [results_by_partition] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING results_by_partition => partition_index partition_error_code _tagged_fields partition_index => INT32 partition_error_code => INT16
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | Duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The response top level error code. |
results_by_transaction | Results categorized by transactional ID. |
transactional_id | The transactional id corresponding to the transaction. |
topic_results | The results for each topic. |
name | The topic name. |
results_by_partition | The results for each partition. |
partition_index | The partition indexes. |
partition_error_code | The response error code. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
AddOffsetsToTxn API (Key: 25):
Requests:AddOffsetsToTxn Request (Version: 0) => transactional_id producer_id producer_epoch group_id transactional_id => STRING producer_id => INT64 producer_epoch => INT16 group_id => STRING
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
transactional_id | The transactional id corresponding to the transaction. |
producer_id | Current producer id in use by the transactional id. |
producer_epoch | Current epoch associated with the producer id. |
group_id | The unique group identifier. |
AddOffsetsToTxn Request (Version: 1) => transactional_id producer_id producer_epoch group_id transactional_id => STRING producer_id => INT64 producer_epoch => INT16 group_id => STRING
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
transactional_id | The transactional id corresponding to the transaction. |
producer_id | Current producer id in use by the transactional id. |
producer_epoch | Current epoch associated with the producer id. |
group_id | The unique group identifier. |
AddOffsetsToTxn Request (Version: 2) => transactional_id producer_id producer_epoch group_id transactional_id => STRING producer_id => INT64 producer_epoch => INT16 group_id => STRING
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
transactional_id | The transactional id corresponding to the transaction. |
producer_id | Current producer id in use by the transactional id. |
producer_epoch | Current epoch associated with the producer id. |
group_id | The unique group identifier. |
AddOffsetsToTxn Request (Version: 3) => transactional_id producer_id producer_epoch group_id _tagged_fields transactional_id => COMPACT_STRING producer_id => INT64 producer_epoch => INT16 group_id => COMPACT_STRING
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
transactional_id | The transactional id corresponding to the transaction. |
producer_id | Current producer id in use by the transactional id. |
producer_epoch | Current epoch associated with the producer id. |
group_id | The unique group identifier. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
AddOffsetsToTxn Request (Version: 4) => transactional_id producer_id producer_epoch group_id _tagged_fields transactional_id => COMPACT_STRING producer_id => INT64 producer_epoch => INT16 group_id => COMPACT_STRING
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
transactional_id | The transactional id corresponding to the transaction. |
producer_id | Current producer id in use by the transactional id. |
producer_epoch | Current epoch associated with the producer id. |
group_id | The unique group identifier. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
AddOffsetsToTxn Response (Version: 0) => throttle_time_ms error_code throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | Duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The response error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
AddOffsetsToTxn Response (Version: 1) => throttle_time_ms error_code throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | Duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The response error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
AddOffsetsToTxn Response (Version: 2) => throttle_time_ms error_code throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | Duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The response error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
AddOffsetsToTxn Response (Version: 3) => throttle_time_ms error_code _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | Duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The response error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
EndTxn API (Key: 26):
Requests:EndTxn Request (Version: 0) => transactional_id producer_id producer_epoch committed transactional_id => STRING producer_id => INT64 producer_epoch => INT16 committed => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
transactional_id | The ID of the transaction to end. |
producer_id | The producer ID. |
producer_epoch | The current epoch associated with the producer. |
committed | True if the transaction was committed, false if it was aborted. |
EndTxn Request (Version: 1) => transactional_id producer_id producer_epoch committed transactional_id => STRING producer_id => INT64 producer_epoch => INT16 committed => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
transactional_id | The ID of the transaction to end. |
producer_id | The producer ID. |
producer_epoch | The current epoch associated with the producer. |
committed | True if the transaction was committed, false if it was aborted. |
EndTxn Request (Version: 2) => transactional_id producer_id producer_epoch committed transactional_id => STRING producer_id => INT64 producer_epoch => INT16 committed => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
transactional_id | The ID of the transaction to end. |
producer_id | The producer ID. |
producer_epoch | The current epoch associated with the producer. |
committed | True if the transaction was committed, false if it was aborted. |
EndTxn Request (Version: 3) => transactional_id producer_id producer_epoch committed _tagged_fields transactional_id => COMPACT_STRING producer_id => INT64 producer_epoch => INT16 committed => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
transactional_id | The ID of the transaction to end. |
producer_id | The producer ID. |
producer_epoch | The current epoch associated with the producer. |
committed | True if the transaction was committed, false if it was aborted. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
EndTxn Request (Version: 4) => transactional_id producer_id producer_epoch committed _tagged_fields transactional_id => COMPACT_STRING producer_id => INT64 producer_epoch => INT16 committed => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
transactional_id | The ID of the transaction to end. |
producer_id | The producer ID. |
producer_epoch | The current epoch associated with the producer. |
committed | True if the transaction was committed, false if it was aborted. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
EndTxn Request (Version: 5) => transactional_id producer_id producer_epoch committed _tagged_fields transactional_id => COMPACT_STRING producer_id => INT64 producer_epoch => INT16 committed => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
transactional_id | The ID of the transaction to end. |
producer_id | The producer ID. |
producer_epoch | The current epoch associated with the producer. |
committed | True if the transaction was committed, false if it was aborted. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
EndTxn Response (Version: 0) => throttle_time_ms error_code throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
EndTxn Response (Version: 1) => throttle_time_ms error_code throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
EndTxn Response (Version: 2) => throttle_time_ms error_code throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
EndTxn Response (Version: 3) => throttle_time_ms error_code _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
EndTxn Response (Version: 4) => throttle_time_ms error_code _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
WriteTxnMarkers API (Key: 27):
Requests:WriteTxnMarkers Request (Version: 1) => [markers] _tagged_fields markers => producer_id producer_epoch transaction_result [topics] coordinator_epoch _tagged_fields producer_id => INT64 producer_epoch => INT16 transaction_result => BOOLEAN topics => name [partition_indexes] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING partition_indexes => INT32 coordinator_epoch => INT32
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
markers | The transaction markers to be written. |
producer_id | The current producer ID. |
producer_epoch | The current epoch associated with the producer ID. |
transaction_result | The result of the transaction to write to the partitions (false = ABORT, true = COMMIT). |
topics | Each topic that we want to write transaction marker(s) for. |
name | The topic name. |
partition_indexes | The indexes of the partitions to write transaction markers for. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
coordinator_epoch | Epoch associated with the transaction state partition hosted by this transaction coordinator. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
TxnOffsetCommit API (Key: 28):
Requests:TxnOffsetCommit Request (Version: 0) => transactional_id group_id producer_id producer_epoch [topics] transactional_id => STRING group_id => STRING producer_id => INT64 producer_epoch => INT16 topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => partition_index committed_offset committed_metadata partition_index => INT32 committed_offset => INT64 committed_metadata => NULLABLE_STRING
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
transactional_id | The ID of the transaction. |
group_id | The ID of the group. |
producer_id | The current producer ID in use by the transactional ID. |
producer_epoch | The current epoch associated with the producer ID. |
topics | Each topic that we want to commit offsets for. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | The partitions inside the topic that we want to commit offsets for. |
partition_index | The index of the partition within the topic. |
committed_offset | The message offset to be committed. |
committed_metadata | Any associated metadata the client wants to keep. |
TxnOffsetCommit Request (Version: 1) => transactional_id group_id producer_id producer_epoch [topics] transactional_id => STRING group_id => STRING producer_id => INT64 producer_epoch => INT16 topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => partition_index committed_offset committed_metadata partition_index => INT32 committed_offset => INT64 committed_metadata => NULLABLE_STRING
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
transactional_id | The ID of the transaction. |
group_id | The ID of the group. |
producer_id | The current producer ID in use by the transactional ID. |
producer_epoch | The current epoch associated with the producer ID. |
topics | Each topic that we want to commit offsets for. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | The partitions inside the topic that we want to commit offsets for. |
partition_index | The index of the partition within the topic. |
committed_offset | The message offset to be committed. |
committed_metadata | Any associated metadata the client wants to keep. |
TxnOffsetCommit Request (Version: 2) => transactional_id group_id producer_id producer_epoch [topics] transactional_id => STRING group_id => STRING producer_id => INT64 producer_epoch => INT16 topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => partition_index committed_offset committed_leader_epoch committed_metadata partition_index => INT32 committed_offset => INT64 committed_leader_epoch => INT32 committed_metadata => NULLABLE_STRING
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
transactional_id | The ID of the transaction. |
group_id | The ID of the group. |
producer_id | The current producer ID in use by the transactional ID. |
producer_epoch | The current epoch associated with the producer ID. |
topics | Each topic that we want to commit offsets for. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | The partitions inside the topic that we want to commit offsets for. |
partition_index | The index of the partition within the topic. |
committed_offset | The message offset to be committed. |
committed_leader_epoch | The leader epoch of the last consumed record. |
committed_metadata | Any associated metadata the client wants to keep. |
TxnOffsetCommit Request (Version: 3) => transactional_id group_id producer_id producer_epoch generation_id member_id group_instance_id [topics] _tagged_fields transactional_id => COMPACT_STRING group_id => COMPACT_STRING producer_id => INT64 producer_epoch => INT16 generation_id => INT32 member_id => COMPACT_STRING group_instance_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING topics => name [partitions] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING partitions => partition_index committed_offset committed_leader_epoch committed_metadata _tagged_fields partition_index => INT32 committed_offset => INT64 committed_leader_epoch => INT32 committed_metadata => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
transactional_id | The ID of the transaction. |
group_id | The ID of the group. |
producer_id | The current producer ID in use by the transactional ID. |
producer_epoch | The current epoch associated with the producer ID. |
generation_id | The generation of the consumer. |
member_id | The member ID assigned by the group coordinator. |
group_instance_id | The unique identifier of the consumer instance provided by end user. |
topics | Each topic that we want to commit offsets for. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | The partitions inside the topic that we want to commit offsets for. |
partition_index | The index of the partition within the topic. |
committed_offset | The message offset to be committed. |
committed_leader_epoch | The leader epoch of the last consumed record. |
committed_metadata | Any associated metadata the client wants to keep. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
TxnOffsetCommit Request (Version: 4) => transactional_id group_id producer_id producer_epoch generation_id member_id group_instance_id [topics] _tagged_fields transactional_id => COMPACT_STRING group_id => COMPACT_STRING producer_id => INT64 producer_epoch => INT16 generation_id => INT32 member_id => COMPACT_STRING group_instance_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING topics => name [partitions] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING partitions => partition_index committed_offset committed_leader_epoch committed_metadata _tagged_fields partition_index => INT32 committed_offset => INT64 committed_leader_epoch => INT32 committed_metadata => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
transactional_id | The ID of the transaction. |
group_id | The ID of the group. |
producer_id | The current producer ID in use by the transactional ID. |
producer_epoch | The current epoch associated with the producer ID. |
generation_id | The generation of the consumer. |
member_id | The member ID assigned by the group coordinator. |
group_instance_id | The unique identifier of the consumer instance provided by end user. |
topics | Each topic that we want to commit offsets for. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | The partitions inside the topic that we want to commit offsets for. |
partition_index | The index of the partition within the topic. |
committed_offset | The message offset to be committed. |
committed_leader_epoch | The leader epoch of the last consumed record. |
committed_metadata | Any associated metadata the client wants to keep. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
TxnOffsetCommit Request (Version: 5) => transactional_id group_id producer_id producer_epoch generation_id member_id group_instance_id [topics] _tagged_fields transactional_id => COMPACT_STRING group_id => COMPACT_STRING producer_id => INT64 producer_epoch => INT16 generation_id => INT32 member_id => COMPACT_STRING group_instance_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING topics => name [partitions] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING partitions => partition_index committed_offset committed_leader_epoch committed_metadata _tagged_fields partition_index => INT32 committed_offset => INT64 committed_leader_epoch => INT32 committed_metadata => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
transactional_id | The ID of the transaction. |
group_id | The ID of the group. |
producer_id | The current producer ID in use by the transactional ID. |
producer_epoch | The current epoch associated with the producer ID. |
generation_id | The generation of the consumer. |
member_id | The member ID assigned by the group coordinator. |
group_instance_id | The unique identifier of the consumer instance provided by end user. |
topics | Each topic that we want to commit offsets for. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | The partitions inside the topic that we want to commit offsets for. |
partition_index | The index of the partition within the topic. |
committed_offset | The message offset to be committed. |
committed_leader_epoch | The leader epoch of the last consumed record. |
committed_metadata | Any associated metadata the client wants to keep. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
TxnOffsetCommit Response (Version: 0) => throttle_time_ms [topics] throttle_time_ms => INT32 topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => partition_index error_code partition_index => INT32 error_code => INT16
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
topics | The responses for each topic. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | The responses for each partition in the topic. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
TxnOffsetCommit Response (Version: 1) => throttle_time_ms [topics] throttle_time_ms => INT32 topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => partition_index error_code partition_index => INT32 error_code => INT16
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
topics | The responses for each topic. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | The responses for each partition in the topic. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
TxnOffsetCommit Response (Version: 2) => throttle_time_ms [topics] throttle_time_ms => INT32 topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => partition_index error_code partition_index => INT32 error_code => INT16
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
topics | The responses for each topic. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | The responses for each partition in the topic. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
TxnOffsetCommit Response (Version: 3) => throttle_time_ms [topics] _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 topics => name [partitions] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING partitions => partition_index error_code _tagged_fields partition_index => INT32 error_code => INT16
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
topics | The responses for each topic. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | The responses for each partition in the topic. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
TxnOffsetCommit Response (Version: 4) => throttle_time_ms [topics] _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 topics => name [partitions] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING partitions => partition_index error_code _tagged_fields partition_index => INT32 error_code => INT16
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
topics | The responses for each topic. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | The responses for each partition in the topic. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
DescribeAcls API (Key: 29):
Requests:DescribeAcls Request (Version: 1) => resource_type_filter resource_name_filter pattern_type_filter principal_filter host_filter operation permission_type resource_type_filter => INT8 resource_name_filter => NULLABLE_STRING pattern_type_filter => INT8 principal_filter => NULLABLE_STRING host_filter => NULLABLE_STRING operation => INT8 permission_type => INT8
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
resource_type_filter | The resource type. |
resource_name_filter | The resource name, or null to match any resource name. |
pattern_type_filter | The resource pattern to match. |
principal_filter | The principal to match, or null to match any principal. |
host_filter | The host to match, or null to match any host. |
operation | The operation to match. |
permission_type | The permission type to match. |
DescribeAcls Request (Version: 2) => resource_type_filter resource_name_filter pattern_type_filter principal_filter host_filter operation permission_type _tagged_fields resource_type_filter => INT8 resource_name_filter => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING pattern_type_filter => INT8 principal_filter => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING host_filter => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING operation => INT8 permission_type => INT8
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
resource_type_filter | The resource type. |
resource_name_filter | The resource name, or null to match any resource name. |
pattern_type_filter | The resource pattern to match. |
principal_filter | The principal to match, or null to match any principal. |
host_filter | The host to match, or null to match any host. |
operation | The operation to match. |
permission_type | The permission type to match. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
DescribeAcls Request (Version: 3) => resource_type_filter resource_name_filter pattern_type_filter principal_filter host_filter operation permission_type _tagged_fields resource_type_filter => INT8 resource_name_filter => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING pattern_type_filter => INT8 principal_filter => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING host_filter => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING operation => INT8 permission_type => INT8
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
resource_type_filter | The resource type. |
resource_name_filter | The resource name, or null to match any resource name. |
pattern_type_filter | The resource pattern to match. |
principal_filter | The principal to match, or null to match any principal. |
host_filter | The host to match, or null to match any host. |
operation | The operation to match. |
permission_type | The permission type to match. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
DescribeAcls Response (Version: 1) => throttle_time_ms error_code error_message [resources] throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 error_message => NULLABLE_STRING resources => resource_type resource_name pattern_type [acls] resource_type => INT8 resource_name => STRING pattern_type => INT8 acls => principal host operation permission_type principal => STRING host => STRING operation => INT8 permission_type => INT8
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
error_message | The error message, or null if there was no error. |
resources | Each Resource that is referenced in an ACL. |
resource_type | The resource type. |
resource_name | The resource name. |
pattern_type | The resource pattern type. |
acls | The ACLs. |
principal | The ACL principal. |
host | The ACL host. |
operation | The ACL operation. |
permission_type | The ACL permission type. |
DescribeAcls Response (Version: 2) => throttle_time_ms error_code error_message [resources] _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 error_message => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING resources => resource_type resource_name pattern_type [acls] _tagged_fields resource_type => INT8 resource_name => COMPACT_STRING pattern_type => INT8 acls => principal host operation permission_type _tagged_fields principal => COMPACT_STRING host => COMPACT_STRING operation => INT8 permission_type => INT8
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
error_message | The error message, or null if there was no error. |
resources | Each Resource that is referenced in an ACL. |
resource_type | The resource type. |
resource_name | The resource name. |
pattern_type | The resource pattern type. |
acls | The ACLs. |
principal | The ACL principal. |
host | The ACL host. |
operation | The ACL operation. |
permission_type | The ACL permission type. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
CreateAcls API (Key: 30):
Requests:CreateAcls Request (Version: 1) => [creations] creations => resource_type resource_name resource_pattern_type principal host operation permission_type resource_type => INT8 resource_name => STRING resource_pattern_type => INT8 principal => STRING host => STRING operation => INT8 permission_type => INT8
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
creations | The ACLs that we want to create. |
resource_type | The type of the resource. |
resource_name | The resource name for the ACL. |
resource_pattern_type | The pattern type for the ACL. |
principal | The principal for the ACL. |
host | The host for the ACL. |
operation | The operation type for the ACL (read, write, etc.). |
permission_type | The permission type for the ACL (allow, deny, etc.). |
CreateAcls Request (Version: 2) => [creations] _tagged_fields creations => resource_type resource_name resource_pattern_type principal host operation permission_type _tagged_fields resource_type => INT8 resource_name => COMPACT_STRING resource_pattern_type => INT8 principal => COMPACT_STRING host => COMPACT_STRING operation => INT8 permission_type => INT8
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
creations | The ACLs that we want to create. |
resource_type | The type of the resource. |
resource_name | The resource name for the ACL. |
resource_pattern_type | The pattern type for the ACL. |
principal | The principal for the ACL. |
host | The host for the ACL. |
operation | The operation type for the ACL (read, write, etc.). |
permission_type | The permission type for the ACL (allow, deny, etc.). |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
CreateAcls Request (Version: 3) => [creations] _tagged_fields creations => resource_type resource_name resource_pattern_type principal host operation permission_type _tagged_fields resource_type => INT8 resource_name => COMPACT_STRING resource_pattern_type => INT8 principal => COMPACT_STRING host => COMPACT_STRING operation => INT8 permission_type => INT8
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
creations | The ACLs that we want to create. |
resource_type | The type of the resource. |
resource_name | The resource name for the ACL. |
resource_pattern_type | The pattern type for the ACL. |
principal | The principal for the ACL. |
host | The host for the ACL. |
operation | The operation type for the ACL (read, write, etc.). |
permission_type | The permission type for the ACL (allow, deny, etc.). |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
CreateAcls Response (Version: 1) => throttle_time_ms [results] throttle_time_ms => INT32 results => error_code error_message error_code => INT16 error_message => NULLABLE_STRING
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
results | The results for each ACL creation. |
error_code | The result error, or zero if there was no error. |
error_message | The result message, or null if there was no error. |
CreateAcls Response (Version: 2) => throttle_time_ms [results] _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 results => error_code error_message _tagged_fields error_code => INT16 error_message => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
results | The results for each ACL creation. |
error_code | The result error, or zero if there was no error. |
error_message | The result message, or null if there was no error. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
DeleteAcls API (Key: 31):
Requests:DeleteAcls Request (Version: 1) => [filters] filters => resource_type_filter resource_name_filter pattern_type_filter principal_filter host_filter operation permission_type resource_type_filter => INT8 resource_name_filter => NULLABLE_STRING pattern_type_filter => INT8 principal_filter => NULLABLE_STRING host_filter => NULLABLE_STRING operation => INT8 permission_type => INT8
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
filters | The filters to use when deleting ACLs. |
resource_type_filter | The resource type. |
resource_name_filter | The resource name. |
pattern_type_filter | The pattern type. |
principal_filter | The principal filter, or null to accept all principals. |
host_filter | The host filter, or null to accept all hosts. |
operation | The ACL operation. |
permission_type | The permission type. |
DeleteAcls Request (Version: 2) => [filters] _tagged_fields filters => resource_type_filter resource_name_filter pattern_type_filter principal_filter host_filter operation permission_type _tagged_fields resource_type_filter => INT8 resource_name_filter => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING pattern_type_filter => INT8 principal_filter => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING host_filter => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING operation => INT8 permission_type => INT8
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
filters | The filters to use when deleting ACLs. |
resource_type_filter | The resource type. |
resource_name_filter | The resource name. |
pattern_type_filter | The pattern type. |
principal_filter | The principal filter, or null to accept all principals. |
host_filter | The host filter, or null to accept all hosts. |
operation | The ACL operation. |
permission_type | The permission type. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
DeleteAcls Request (Version: 3) => [filters] _tagged_fields filters => resource_type_filter resource_name_filter pattern_type_filter principal_filter host_filter operation permission_type _tagged_fields resource_type_filter => INT8 resource_name_filter => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING pattern_type_filter => INT8 principal_filter => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING host_filter => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING operation => INT8 permission_type => INT8
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
filters | The filters to use when deleting ACLs. |
resource_type_filter | The resource type. |
resource_name_filter | The resource name. |
pattern_type_filter | The pattern type. |
principal_filter | The principal filter, or null to accept all principals. |
host_filter | The host filter, or null to accept all hosts. |
operation | The ACL operation. |
permission_type | The permission type. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
DeleteAcls Response (Version: 1) => throttle_time_ms [filter_results] throttle_time_ms => INT32 filter_results => error_code error_message [matching_acls] error_code => INT16 error_message => NULLABLE_STRING matching_acls => error_code error_message resource_type resource_name pattern_type principal host operation permission_type error_code => INT16 error_message => NULLABLE_STRING resource_type => INT8 resource_name => STRING pattern_type => INT8 principal => STRING host => STRING operation => INT8 permission_type => INT8
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
filter_results | The results for each filter. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if the filter succeeded. |
error_message | The error message, or null if the filter succeeded. |
matching_acls | The ACLs which matched this filter. |
error_code | The deletion error code, or 0 if the deletion succeeded. |
error_message | The deletion error message, or null if the deletion succeeded. |
resource_type | The ACL resource type. |
resource_name | The ACL resource name. |
pattern_type | The ACL resource pattern type. |
principal | The ACL principal. |
host | The ACL host. |
operation | The ACL operation. |
permission_type | The ACL permission type. |
DeleteAcls Response (Version: 2) => throttle_time_ms [filter_results] _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 filter_results => error_code error_message [matching_acls] _tagged_fields error_code => INT16 error_message => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING matching_acls => error_code error_message resource_type resource_name pattern_type principal host operation permission_type _tagged_fields error_code => INT16 error_message => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING resource_type => INT8 resource_name => COMPACT_STRING pattern_type => INT8 principal => COMPACT_STRING host => COMPACT_STRING operation => INT8 permission_type => INT8
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
filter_results | The results for each filter. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if the filter succeeded. |
error_message | The error message, or null if the filter succeeded. |
matching_acls | The ACLs which matched this filter. |
error_code | The deletion error code, or 0 if the deletion succeeded. |
error_message | The deletion error message, or null if the deletion succeeded. |
resource_type | The ACL resource type. |
resource_name | The ACL resource name. |
pattern_type | The ACL resource pattern type. |
principal | The ACL principal. |
host | The ACL host. |
operation | The ACL operation. |
permission_type | The ACL permission type. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
DescribeConfigs API (Key: 32):
Requests:DescribeConfigs Request (Version: 1) => [resources] include_synonyms resources => resource_type resource_name [configuration_keys] resource_type => INT8 resource_name => STRING configuration_keys => STRING include_synonyms => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
resources | The resources whose configurations we want to describe. |
resource_type | The resource type. |
resource_name | The resource name. |
configuration_keys | The configuration keys to list, or null to list all configuration keys. |
include_synonyms | True if we should include all synonyms. |
DescribeConfigs Request (Version: 2) => [resources] include_synonyms resources => resource_type resource_name [configuration_keys] resource_type => INT8 resource_name => STRING configuration_keys => STRING include_synonyms => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
resources | The resources whose configurations we want to describe. |
resource_type | The resource type. |
resource_name | The resource name. |
configuration_keys | The configuration keys to list, or null to list all configuration keys. |
include_synonyms | True if we should include all synonyms. |
DescribeConfigs Request (Version: 3) => [resources] include_synonyms include_documentation resources => resource_type resource_name [configuration_keys] resource_type => INT8 resource_name => STRING configuration_keys => STRING include_synonyms => BOOLEAN include_documentation => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
resources | The resources whose configurations we want to describe. |
resource_type | The resource type. |
resource_name | The resource name. |
configuration_keys | The configuration keys to list, or null to list all configuration keys. |
include_synonyms | True if we should include all synonyms. |
include_documentation | True if we should include configuration documentation. |
DescribeConfigs Request (Version: 4) => [resources] include_synonyms include_documentation _tagged_fields resources => resource_type resource_name [configuration_keys] _tagged_fields resource_type => INT8 resource_name => COMPACT_STRING configuration_keys => COMPACT_STRING include_synonyms => BOOLEAN include_documentation => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
resources | The resources whose configurations we want to describe. |
resource_type | The resource type. |
resource_name | The resource name. |
configuration_keys | The configuration keys to list, or null to list all configuration keys. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
include_synonyms | True if we should include all synonyms. |
include_documentation | True if we should include configuration documentation. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
DescribeConfigs Response (Version: 1) => throttle_time_ms [results] throttle_time_ms => INT32 results => error_code error_message resource_type resource_name [configs] error_code => INT16 error_message => NULLABLE_STRING resource_type => INT8 resource_name => STRING configs => name value read_only config_source is_sensitive [synonyms] name => STRING value => NULLABLE_STRING read_only => BOOLEAN config_source => INT8 is_sensitive => BOOLEAN synonyms => name value source name => STRING value => NULLABLE_STRING source => INT8
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
results | The results for each resource. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if we were able to successfully describe the configurations. |
error_message | The error message, or null if we were able to successfully describe the configurations. |
resource_type | The resource type. |
resource_name | The resource name. |
configs | Each listed configuration. |
name | The configuration name. |
value | The configuration value. |
read_only | True if the configuration is read-only. |
config_source | The configuration source. |
is_sensitive | True if this configuration is sensitive. |
synonyms | The synonyms for this configuration key. |
name | The synonym name. |
value | The synonym value. |
source | The synonym source. |
DescribeConfigs Response (Version: 2) => throttle_time_ms [results] throttle_time_ms => INT32 results => error_code error_message resource_type resource_name [configs] error_code => INT16 error_message => NULLABLE_STRING resource_type => INT8 resource_name => STRING configs => name value read_only config_source is_sensitive [synonyms] name => STRING value => NULLABLE_STRING read_only => BOOLEAN config_source => INT8 is_sensitive => BOOLEAN synonyms => name value source name => STRING value => NULLABLE_STRING source => INT8
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
results | The results for each resource. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if we were able to successfully describe the configurations. |
error_message | The error message, or null if we were able to successfully describe the configurations. |
resource_type | The resource type. |
resource_name | The resource name. |
configs | Each listed configuration. |
name | The configuration name. |
value | The configuration value. |
read_only | True if the configuration is read-only. |
config_source | The configuration source. |
is_sensitive | True if this configuration is sensitive. |
synonyms | The synonyms for this configuration key. |
name | The synonym name. |
value | The synonym value. |
source | The synonym source. |
DescribeConfigs Response (Version: 3) => throttle_time_ms [results] throttle_time_ms => INT32 results => error_code error_message resource_type resource_name [configs] error_code => INT16 error_message => NULLABLE_STRING resource_type => INT8 resource_name => STRING configs => name value read_only config_source is_sensitive [synonyms] config_type documentation name => STRING value => NULLABLE_STRING read_only => BOOLEAN config_source => INT8 is_sensitive => BOOLEAN synonyms => name value source name => STRING value => NULLABLE_STRING source => INT8 config_type => INT8 documentation => NULLABLE_STRING
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
results | The results for each resource. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if we were able to successfully describe the configurations. |
error_message | The error message, or null if we were able to successfully describe the configurations. |
resource_type | The resource type. |
resource_name | The resource name. |
configs | Each listed configuration. |
name | The configuration name. |
value | The configuration value. |
read_only | True if the configuration is read-only. |
config_source | The configuration source. |
is_sensitive | True if this configuration is sensitive. |
synonyms | The synonyms for this configuration key. |
name | The synonym name. |
value | The synonym value. |
source | The synonym source. |
config_type | The configuration data type. Type can be one of the following values - BOOLEAN, STRING, INT, SHORT, LONG, DOUBLE, LIST, CLASS, PASSWORD. |
documentation | The configuration documentation. |
AlterConfigs API (Key: 33):
Requests:AlterConfigs Request (Version: 0) => [resources] validate_only resources => resource_type resource_name [configs] resource_type => INT8 resource_name => STRING configs => name value name => STRING value => NULLABLE_STRING validate_only => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
resources | The updates for each resource. |
resource_type | The resource type. |
resource_name | The resource name. |
configs | The configurations. |
name | The configuration key name. |
value | The value to set for the configuration key. |
validate_only | True if we should validate the request, but not change the configurations. |
AlterConfigs Request (Version: 1) => [resources] validate_only resources => resource_type resource_name [configs] resource_type => INT8 resource_name => STRING configs => name value name => STRING value => NULLABLE_STRING validate_only => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
resources | The updates for each resource. |
resource_type | The resource type. |
resource_name | The resource name. |
configs | The configurations. |
name | The configuration key name. |
value | The value to set for the configuration key. |
validate_only | True if we should validate the request, but not change the configurations. |
AlterConfigs Request (Version: 2) => [resources] validate_only _tagged_fields resources => resource_type resource_name [configs] _tagged_fields resource_type => INT8 resource_name => COMPACT_STRING configs => name value _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING value => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING validate_only => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
resources | The updates for each resource. |
resource_type | The resource type. |
resource_name | The resource name. |
configs | The configurations. |
name | The configuration key name. |
value | The value to set for the configuration key. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
validate_only | True if we should validate the request, but not change the configurations. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
AlterConfigs Response (Version: 0) => throttle_time_ms [responses] throttle_time_ms => INT32 responses => error_code error_message resource_type resource_name error_code => INT16 error_message => NULLABLE_STRING resource_type => INT8 resource_name => STRING
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | Duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
responses | The responses for each resource. |
error_code | The resource error code. |
error_message | The resource error message, or null if there was no error. |
resource_type | The resource type. |
resource_name | The resource name. |
AlterConfigs Response (Version: 1) => throttle_time_ms [responses] throttle_time_ms => INT32 responses => error_code error_message resource_type resource_name error_code => INT16 error_message => NULLABLE_STRING resource_type => INT8 resource_name => STRING
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | Duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
responses | The responses for each resource. |
error_code | The resource error code. |
error_message | The resource error message, or null if there was no error. |
resource_type | The resource type. |
resource_name | The resource name. |
AlterReplicaLogDirs API (Key: 34):
Requests:AlterReplicaLogDirs Request (Version: 1) => [dirs] dirs => path [topics] path => STRING topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => INT32
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
dirs | The alterations to make for each directory. |
path | The absolute directory path. |
topics | The topics to add to the directory. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | The partition indexes. |
AlterReplicaLogDirs Request (Version: 2) => [dirs] _tagged_fields dirs => path [topics] _tagged_fields path => COMPACT_STRING topics => name [partitions] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING partitions => INT32
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
dirs | The alterations to make for each directory. |
path | The absolute directory path. |
topics | The topics to add to the directory. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | The partition indexes. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
AlterReplicaLogDirs Response (Version: 1) => throttle_time_ms [results] throttle_time_ms => INT32 results => topic_name [partitions] topic_name => STRING partitions => partition_index error_code partition_index => INT32 error_code => INT16
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | Duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
results | The results for each topic. |
topic_name | The name of the topic. |
partitions | The results for each partition. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
DescribeLogDirs API (Key: 35):
Requests:DescribeLogDirs Request (Version: 1) => [topics] topics => topic [partitions] topic => STRING partitions => INT32
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
topics | Each topic that we want to describe log directories for, or null for all topics. |
topic | The topic name. |
partitions | The partition indexes. |
DescribeLogDirs Request (Version: 2) => [topics] _tagged_fields topics => topic [partitions] _tagged_fields topic => COMPACT_STRING partitions => INT32
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
topics | Each topic that we want to describe log directories for, or null for all topics. |
topic | The topic name. |
partitions | The partition indexes. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
DescribeLogDirs Request (Version: 3) => [topics] _tagged_fields topics => topic [partitions] _tagged_fields topic => COMPACT_STRING partitions => INT32
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
topics | Each topic that we want to describe log directories for, or null for all topics. |
topic | The topic name. |
partitions | The partition indexes. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
DescribeLogDirs Request (Version: 4) => [topics] _tagged_fields topics => topic [partitions] _tagged_fields topic => COMPACT_STRING partitions => INT32
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
topics | Each topic that we want to describe log directories for, or null for all topics. |
topic | The topic name. |
partitions | The partition indexes. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
DescribeLogDirs Response (Version: 1) => throttle_time_ms [results] throttle_time_ms => INT32 results => error_code log_dir [topics] error_code => INT16 log_dir => STRING topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => partition_index partition_size offset_lag is_future_key partition_index => INT32 partition_size => INT64 offset_lag => INT64 is_future_key => BOOLEAN
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
results | The log directories. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
log_dir | The absolute log directory path. |
topics | The topics. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | The partitions. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
partition_size | The size of the log segments in this partition in bytes. |
offset_lag | The lag of the log's LEO w.r.t. partition's HW (if it is the current log for the partition) or current replica's LEO (if it is the future log for the partition). |
is_future_key | True if this log is created by AlterReplicaLogDirsRequest and will replace the current log of the replica in the future. |
DescribeLogDirs Response (Version: 2) => throttle_time_ms [results] _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 results => error_code log_dir [topics] _tagged_fields error_code => INT16 log_dir => COMPACT_STRING topics => name [partitions] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING partitions => partition_index partition_size offset_lag is_future_key _tagged_fields partition_index => INT32 partition_size => INT64 offset_lag => INT64 is_future_key => BOOLEAN
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
results | The log directories. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
log_dir | The absolute log directory path. |
topics | The topics. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | The partitions. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
partition_size | The size of the log segments in this partition in bytes. |
offset_lag | The lag of the log's LEO w.r.t. partition's HW (if it is the current log for the partition) or current replica's LEO (if it is the future log for the partition). |
is_future_key | True if this log is created by AlterReplicaLogDirsRequest and will replace the current log of the replica in the future. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
DescribeLogDirs Response (Version: 3) => throttle_time_ms error_code [results] _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 results => error_code log_dir [topics] _tagged_fields error_code => INT16 log_dir => COMPACT_STRING topics => name [partitions] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING partitions => partition_index partition_size offset_lag is_future_key _tagged_fields partition_index => INT32 partition_size => INT64 offset_lag => INT64 is_future_key => BOOLEAN
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
results | The log directories. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
log_dir | The absolute log directory path. |
topics | The topics. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | The partitions. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
partition_size | The size of the log segments in this partition in bytes. |
offset_lag | The lag of the log's LEO w.r.t. partition's HW (if it is the current log for the partition) or current replica's LEO (if it is the future log for the partition). |
is_future_key | True if this log is created by AlterReplicaLogDirsRequest and will replace the current log of the replica in the future. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
SaslAuthenticate API (Key: 36):
Requests:SaslAuthenticate Request (Version: 0) => auth_bytes auth_bytes => BYTES
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
auth_bytes | The SASL authentication bytes from the client, as defined by the SASL mechanism. |
SaslAuthenticate Request (Version: 1) => auth_bytes auth_bytes => BYTES
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
auth_bytes | The SASL authentication bytes from the client, as defined by the SASL mechanism. |
SaslAuthenticate Request (Version: 2) => auth_bytes _tagged_fields auth_bytes => COMPACT_BYTES
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
auth_bytes | The SASL authentication bytes from the client, as defined by the SASL mechanism. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
SaslAuthenticate Response (Version: 0) => error_code error_message auth_bytes error_code => INT16 error_message => NULLABLE_STRING auth_bytes => BYTES
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
error_message | The error message, or null if there was no error. |
auth_bytes | The SASL authentication bytes from the server, as defined by the SASL mechanism. |
SaslAuthenticate Response (Version: 1) => error_code error_message auth_bytes session_lifetime_ms error_code => INT16 error_message => NULLABLE_STRING auth_bytes => BYTES session_lifetime_ms => INT64
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
error_message | The error message, or null if there was no error. |
auth_bytes | The SASL authentication bytes from the server, as defined by the SASL mechanism. |
session_lifetime_ms | Number of milliseconds after which only re-authentication over the existing connection to create a new session can occur. |
CreatePartitions API (Key: 37):
Requests:CreatePartitions Request (Version: 0) => [topics] timeout_ms validate_only topics => name count [assignments] name => STRING count => INT32 assignments => [broker_ids] broker_ids => INT32 timeout_ms => INT32 validate_only => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
topics | Each topic that we want to create new partitions inside. |
name | The topic name. |
count | The new partition count. |
assignments | The new partition assignments. |
broker_ids | The assigned broker IDs. |
timeout_ms | The time in ms to wait for the partitions to be created. |
validate_only | If true, then validate the request, but don't actually increase the number of partitions. |
CreatePartitions Request (Version: 1) => [topics] timeout_ms validate_only topics => name count [assignments] name => STRING count => INT32 assignments => [broker_ids] broker_ids => INT32 timeout_ms => INT32 validate_only => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
topics | Each topic that we want to create new partitions inside. |
name | The topic name. |
count | The new partition count. |
assignments | The new partition assignments. |
broker_ids | The assigned broker IDs. |
timeout_ms | The time in ms to wait for the partitions to be created. |
validate_only | If true, then validate the request, but don't actually increase the number of partitions. |
CreatePartitions Request (Version: 2) => [topics] timeout_ms validate_only _tagged_fields topics => name count [assignments] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING count => INT32 assignments => [broker_ids] _tagged_fields broker_ids => INT32 timeout_ms => INT32 validate_only => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
topics | Each topic that we want to create new partitions inside. |
name | The topic name. |
count | The new partition count. |
assignments | The new partition assignments. |
broker_ids | The assigned broker IDs. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
timeout_ms | The time in ms to wait for the partitions to be created. |
validate_only | If true, then validate the request, but don't actually increase the number of partitions. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
CreatePartitions Request (Version: 3) => [topics] timeout_ms validate_only _tagged_fields topics => name count [assignments] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING count => INT32 assignments => [broker_ids] _tagged_fields broker_ids => INT32 timeout_ms => INT32 validate_only => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
topics | Each topic that we want to create new partitions inside. |
name | The topic name. |
count | The new partition count. |
assignments | The new partition assignments. |
broker_ids | The assigned broker IDs. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
timeout_ms | The time in ms to wait for the partitions to be created. |
validate_only | If true, then validate the request, but don't actually increase the number of partitions. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
CreatePartitions Response (Version: 0) => throttle_time_ms [results] throttle_time_ms => INT32 results => name error_code error_message name => STRING error_code => INT16 error_message => NULLABLE_STRING
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
results | The partition creation results for each topic. |
name | The topic name. |
error_code | The result error, or zero if there was no error. |
error_message | The result message, or null if there was no error. |
CreatePartitions Response (Version: 1) => throttle_time_ms [results] throttle_time_ms => INT32 results => name error_code error_message name => STRING error_code => INT16 error_message => NULLABLE_STRING
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
results | The partition creation results for each topic. |
name | The topic name. |
error_code | The result error, or zero if there was no error. |
error_message | The result message, or null if there was no error. |
CreatePartitions Response (Version: 2) => throttle_time_ms [results] _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 results => name error_code error_message _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING error_code => INT16 error_message => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
results | The partition creation results for each topic. |
name | The topic name. |
error_code | The result error, or zero if there was no error. |
error_message | The result message, or null if there was no error. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
CreateDelegationToken API (Key: 38):
Requests:CreateDelegationToken Request (Version: 1) => [renewers] max_lifetime_ms renewers => principal_type principal_name principal_type => STRING principal_name => STRING max_lifetime_ms => INT64
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
renewers | A list of those who are allowed to renew this token before it expires. |
principal_type | The type of the Kafka principal. |
principal_name | The name of the Kafka principal. |
max_lifetime_ms | The maximum lifetime of the token in milliseconds, or -1 to use the server side default. |
CreateDelegationToken Request (Version: 2) => [renewers] max_lifetime_ms _tagged_fields renewers => principal_type principal_name _tagged_fields principal_type => COMPACT_STRING principal_name => COMPACT_STRING max_lifetime_ms => INT64
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
renewers | A list of those who are allowed to renew this token before it expires. |
principal_type | The type of the Kafka principal. |
principal_name | The name of the Kafka principal. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
max_lifetime_ms | The maximum lifetime of the token in milliseconds, or -1 to use the server side default. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
CreateDelegationToken Request (Version: 3) => owner_principal_type owner_principal_name [renewers] max_lifetime_ms _tagged_fields owner_principal_type => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING owner_principal_name => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING renewers => principal_type principal_name _tagged_fields principal_type => COMPACT_STRING principal_name => COMPACT_STRING max_lifetime_ms => INT64
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
owner_principal_type | The principal type of the owner of the token. If it's null it defaults to the token request principal. |
owner_principal_name | The principal name of the owner of the token. If it's null it defaults to the token request principal. |
renewers | A list of those who are allowed to renew this token before it expires. |
principal_type | The type of the Kafka principal. |
principal_name | The name of the Kafka principal. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
max_lifetime_ms | The maximum lifetime of the token in milliseconds, or -1 to use the server side default. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
CreateDelegationToken Response (Version: 1) => error_code principal_type principal_name issue_timestamp_ms expiry_timestamp_ms max_timestamp_ms token_id hmac throttle_time_ms error_code => INT16 principal_type => STRING principal_name => STRING issue_timestamp_ms => INT64 expiry_timestamp_ms => INT64 max_timestamp_ms => INT64 token_id => STRING hmac => BYTES throttle_time_ms => INT32
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
error_code | The top-level error, or zero if there was no error. |
principal_type | The principal type of the token owner. |
principal_name | The name of the token owner. |
issue_timestamp_ms | When this token was generated. |
expiry_timestamp_ms | When this token expires. |
max_timestamp_ms | The maximum lifetime of this token. |
token_id | The token UUID. |
hmac | HMAC of the delegation token. |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
CreateDelegationToken Response (Version: 2) => error_code principal_type principal_name issue_timestamp_ms expiry_timestamp_ms max_timestamp_ms token_id hmac throttle_time_ms _tagged_fields error_code => INT16 principal_type => COMPACT_STRING principal_name => COMPACT_STRING issue_timestamp_ms => INT64 expiry_timestamp_ms => INT64 max_timestamp_ms => INT64 token_id => COMPACT_STRING hmac => COMPACT_BYTES throttle_time_ms => INT32
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
error_code | The top-level error, or zero if there was no error. |
principal_type | The principal type of the token owner. |
principal_name | The name of the token owner. |
issue_timestamp_ms | When this token was generated. |
expiry_timestamp_ms | When this token expires. |
max_timestamp_ms | The maximum lifetime of this token. |
token_id | The token UUID. |
hmac | HMAC of the delegation token. |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
RenewDelegationToken API (Key: 39):
Requests:RenewDelegationToken Request (Version: 1) => hmac renew_period_ms hmac => BYTES renew_period_ms => INT64
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
hmac | The HMAC of the delegation token to be renewed. |
renew_period_ms | The renewal time period in milliseconds. |
RenewDelegationToken Request (Version: 2) => hmac renew_period_ms _tagged_fields hmac => COMPACT_BYTES renew_period_ms => INT64
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
hmac | The HMAC of the delegation token to be renewed. |
renew_period_ms | The renewal time period in milliseconds. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
RenewDelegationToken Response (Version: 1) => error_code expiry_timestamp_ms throttle_time_ms error_code => INT16 expiry_timestamp_ms => INT64 throttle_time_ms => INT32
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
expiry_timestamp_ms | The timestamp in milliseconds at which this token expires. |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
ExpireDelegationToken API (Key: 40):
Requests:ExpireDelegationToken Request (Version: 1) => hmac expiry_time_period_ms hmac => BYTES expiry_time_period_ms => INT64
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
hmac | The HMAC of the delegation token to be expired. |
expiry_time_period_ms | The expiry time period in milliseconds. |
ExpireDelegationToken Request (Version: 2) => hmac expiry_time_period_ms _tagged_fields hmac => COMPACT_BYTES expiry_time_period_ms => INT64
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
hmac | The HMAC of the delegation token to be expired. |
expiry_time_period_ms | The expiry time period in milliseconds. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
ExpireDelegationToken Response (Version: 1) => error_code expiry_timestamp_ms throttle_time_ms error_code => INT16 expiry_timestamp_ms => INT64 throttle_time_ms => INT32
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
expiry_timestamp_ms | The timestamp in milliseconds at which this token expires. |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
DescribeDelegationToken API (Key: 41):
Requests:DescribeDelegationToken Request (Version: 1) => [owners] owners => principal_type principal_name principal_type => STRING principal_name => STRING
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
owners | Each owner that we want to describe delegation tokens for, or null to describe all tokens. |
principal_type | The owner principal type. |
principal_name | The owner principal name. |
DescribeDelegationToken Request (Version: 2) => [owners] _tagged_fields owners => principal_type principal_name _tagged_fields principal_type => COMPACT_STRING principal_name => COMPACT_STRING
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
owners | Each owner that we want to describe delegation tokens for, or null to describe all tokens. |
principal_type | The owner principal type. |
principal_name | The owner principal name. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
DescribeDelegationToken Request (Version: 3) => [owners] _tagged_fields owners => principal_type principal_name _tagged_fields principal_type => COMPACT_STRING principal_name => COMPACT_STRING
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
owners | Each owner that we want to describe delegation tokens for, or null to describe all tokens. |
principal_type | The owner principal type. |
principal_name | The owner principal name. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
DescribeDelegationToken Response (Version: 1) => error_code [tokens] throttle_time_ms error_code => INT16 tokens => principal_type principal_name issue_timestamp expiry_timestamp max_timestamp token_id hmac [renewers] principal_type => STRING principal_name => STRING issue_timestamp => INT64 expiry_timestamp => INT64 max_timestamp => INT64 token_id => STRING hmac => BYTES renewers => principal_type principal_name principal_type => STRING principal_name => STRING throttle_time_ms => INT32
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
tokens | The tokens. |
principal_type | The token principal type. |
principal_name | The token principal name. |
issue_timestamp | The token issue timestamp in milliseconds. |
expiry_timestamp | The token expiry timestamp in milliseconds. |
max_timestamp | The token maximum timestamp length in milliseconds. |
token_id | The token ID. |
hmac | The token HMAC. |
renewers | Those who are able to renew this token before it expires. |
principal_type | The renewer principal type. |
principal_name | The renewer principal name. |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
DescribeDelegationToken Response (Version: 2) => error_code [tokens] throttle_time_ms _tagged_fields error_code => INT16 tokens => principal_type principal_name issue_timestamp expiry_timestamp max_timestamp token_id hmac [renewers] _tagged_fields principal_type => COMPACT_STRING principal_name => COMPACT_STRING issue_timestamp => INT64 expiry_timestamp => INT64 max_timestamp => INT64 token_id => COMPACT_STRING hmac => COMPACT_BYTES renewers => principal_type principal_name _tagged_fields principal_type => COMPACT_STRING principal_name => COMPACT_STRING throttle_time_ms => INT32
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
tokens | The tokens. |
principal_type | The token principal type. |
principal_name | The token principal name. |
issue_timestamp | The token issue timestamp in milliseconds. |
expiry_timestamp | The token expiry timestamp in milliseconds. |
max_timestamp | The token maximum timestamp length in milliseconds. |
token_id | The token ID. |
hmac | The token HMAC. |
renewers | Those who are able to renew this token before it expires. |
principal_type | The renewer principal type. |
principal_name | The renewer principal name. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
DeleteGroups API (Key: 42):
Requests:DeleteGroups Request (Version: 0) => [groups_names] groups_names => STRING
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
groups_names | The group names to delete. |
DeleteGroups Request (Version: 1) => [groups_names] groups_names => STRING
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
groups_names | The group names to delete. |
DeleteGroups Request (Version: 2) => [groups_names] _tagged_fields groups_names => COMPACT_STRING
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
groups_names | The group names to delete. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
DeleteGroups Response (Version: 0) => throttle_time_ms [results] throttle_time_ms => INT32 results => group_id error_code group_id => STRING error_code => INT16
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
results | The deletion results. |
group_id | The group id. |
error_code | The deletion error, or 0 if the deletion succeeded. |
DeleteGroups Response (Version: 1) => throttle_time_ms [results] throttle_time_ms => INT32 results => group_id error_code group_id => STRING error_code => INT16
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
results | The deletion results. |
group_id | The group id. |
error_code | The deletion error, or 0 if the deletion succeeded. |
ElectLeaders API (Key: 43):
Requests:ElectLeaders Request (Version: 0) => [topic_partitions] timeout_ms topic_partitions => topic [partitions] topic => STRING partitions => INT32 timeout_ms => INT32
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
topic_partitions | The topic partitions to elect leaders. |
topic | The name of a topic. |
partitions | The partitions of this topic whose leader should be elected. |
timeout_ms | The time in ms to wait for the election to complete. |
ElectLeaders Request (Version: 1) => election_type [topic_partitions] timeout_ms election_type => INT8 topic_partitions => topic [partitions] topic => STRING partitions => INT32 timeout_ms => INT32
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
election_type | Type of elections to conduct for the partition. A value of '0' elects the preferred replica. A value of '1' elects the first live replica if there are no in-sync replica. |
topic_partitions | The topic partitions to elect leaders. |
topic | The name of a topic. |
partitions | The partitions of this topic whose leader should be elected. |
timeout_ms | The time in ms to wait for the election to complete. |
ElectLeaders Request (Version: 2) => election_type [topic_partitions] timeout_ms _tagged_fields election_type => INT8 topic_partitions => topic [partitions] _tagged_fields topic => COMPACT_STRING partitions => INT32 timeout_ms => INT32
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
election_type | Type of elections to conduct for the partition. A value of '0' elects the preferred replica. A value of '1' elects the first live replica if there are no in-sync replica. |
topic_partitions | The topic partitions to elect leaders. |
topic | The name of a topic. |
partitions | The partitions of this topic whose leader should be elected. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
timeout_ms | The time in ms to wait for the election to complete. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
ElectLeaders Response (Version: 0) => throttle_time_ms [replica_election_results] throttle_time_ms => INT32 replica_election_results => topic [partition_result] topic => STRING partition_result => partition_id error_code error_message partition_id => INT32 error_code => INT16 error_message => NULLABLE_STRING
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
replica_election_results | The election results, or an empty array if the requester did not have permission and the request asks for all partitions. |
topic | The topic name. |
partition_result | The results for each partition. |
partition_id | The partition id. |
error_code | The result error, or zero if there was no error. |
error_message | The result message, or null if there was no error. |
ElectLeaders Response (Version: 1) => throttle_time_ms error_code [replica_election_results] throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 replica_election_results => topic [partition_result] topic => STRING partition_result => partition_id error_code error_message partition_id => INT32 error_code => INT16 error_message => NULLABLE_STRING
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The top level response error code. |
replica_election_results | The election results, or an empty array if the requester did not have permission and the request asks for all partitions. |
topic | The topic name. |
partition_result | The results for each partition. |
partition_id | The partition id. |
error_code | The result error, or zero if there was no error. |
error_message | The result message, or null if there was no error. |
IncrementalAlterConfigs API (Key: 44):
Requests:IncrementalAlterConfigs Request (Version: 0) => [resources] validate_only resources => resource_type resource_name [configs] resource_type => INT8 resource_name => STRING configs => name config_operation value name => STRING config_operation => INT8 value => NULLABLE_STRING validate_only => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
resources | The incremental updates for each resource. |
resource_type | The resource type. |
resource_name | The resource name. |
configs | The configurations. |
name | The configuration key name. |
config_operation | The type (Set, Delete, Append, Subtract) of operation. |
value | The value to set for the configuration key. |
validate_only | True if we should validate the request, but not change the configurations. |
IncrementalAlterConfigs Request (Version: 1) => [resources] validate_only _tagged_fields resources => resource_type resource_name [configs] _tagged_fields resource_type => INT8 resource_name => COMPACT_STRING configs => name config_operation value _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING config_operation => INT8 value => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING validate_only => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
resources | The incremental updates for each resource. |
resource_type | The resource type. |
resource_name | The resource name. |
configs | The configurations. |
name | The configuration key name. |
config_operation | The type (Set, Delete, Append, Subtract) of operation. |
value | The value to set for the configuration key. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
validate_only | True if we should validate the request, but not change the configurations. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
IncrementalAlterConfigs Response (Version: 0) => throttle_time_ms [responses] throttle_time_ms => INT32 responses => error_code error_message resource_type resource_name error_code => INT16 error_message => NULLABLE_STRING resource_type => INT8 resource_name => STRING
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | Duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
responses | The responses for each resource. |
error_code | The resource error code. |
error_message | The resource error message, or null if there was no error. |
resource_type | The resource type. |
resource_name | The resource name. |
AlterPartitionReassignments API (Key: 45):
Requests:AlterPartitionReassignments Request (Version: 0) => timeout_ms [topics] _tagged_fields timeout_ms => INT32 topics => name [partitions] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING partitions => partition_index [replicas] _tagged_fields partition_index => INT32 replicas => INT32
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
timeout_ms | The time in ms to wait for the request to complete. |
topics | The topics to reassign. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | The partitions to reassign. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
replicas | The replicas to place the partitions on, or null to cancel a pending reassignment for this partition. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
ListPartitionReassignments API (Key: 46):
Requests:ListPartitionReassignments Request (Version: 0) => timeout_ms [topics] _tagged_fields timeout_ms => INT32 topics => name [partition_indexes] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING partition_indexes => INT32
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
timeout_ms | The time in ms to wait for the request to complete. |
topics | The topics to list partition reassignments for, or null to list everything. |
name | The topic name. |
partition_indexes | The partitions to list partition reassignments for. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
OffsetDelete API (Key: 47):
Requests:OffsetDelete Request (Version: 0) => group_id [topics] group_id => STRING topics => name [partitions] name => STRING partitions => partition_index partition_index => INT32
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
group_id | The unique group identifier. |
topics | The topics to delete offsets for. |
name | The topic name. |
partitions | Each partition to delete offsets for. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
DescribeClientQuotas API (Key: 48):
Requests:DescribeClientQuotas Request (Version: 0) => [components] strict components => entity_type match_type match entity_type => STRING match_type => INT8 match => NULLABLE_STRING strict => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
components | Filter components to apply to quota entities. |
entity_type | The entity type that the filter component applies to. |
match_type | How to match the entity {0 = exact name, 1 = default name, 2 = any specified name}. |
match | The string to match against, or null if unused for the match type. |
strict | Whether the match is strict, i.e. should exclude entities with unspecified entity types. |
DescribeClientQuotas Request (Version: 1) => [components] strict _tagged_fields components => entity_type match_type match _tagged_fields entity_type => COMPACT_STRING match_type => INT8 match => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING strict => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
components | Filter components to apply to quota entities. |
entity_type | The entity type that the filter component applies to. |
match_type | How to match the entity {0 = exact name, 1 = default name, 2 = any specified name}. |
match | The string to match against, or null if unused for the match type. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
strict | Whether the match is strict, i.e. should exclude entities with unspecified entity types. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
DescribeClientQuotas Response (Version: 0) => throttle_time_ms error_code error_message [entries] throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 error_message => NULLABLE_STRING entries => [entity] [values] entity => entity_type entity_name entity_type => STRING entity_name => NULLABLE_STRING values => key value key => STRING value => FLOAT64
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The error code, or `0` if the quota description succeeded. |
error_message | The error message, or `null` if the quota description succeeded. |
entries | A result entry. |
entity | The quota entity description. |
entity_type | The entity type. |
entity_name | The entity name, or null if the default. |
values | The quota values for the entity. |
key | The quota configuration key. |
value | The quota configuration value. |
AlterClientQuotas API (Key: 49):
Requests:AlterClientQuotas Request (Version: 0) => [entries] validate_only entries => [entity] [ops] entity => entity_type entity_name entity_type => STRING entity_name => NULLABLE_STRING ops => key value remove key => STRING value => FLOAT64 remove => BOOLEAN validate_only => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 1
Field | Description |
entries | The quota configuration entries to alter. |
entity | The quota entity to alter. |
entity_type | The entity type. |
entity_name | The name of the entity, or null if the default. |
ops | An individual quota configuration entry to alter. |
key | The quota configuration key. |
value | The value to set, otherwise ignored if the value is to be removed. |
remove | Whether the quota configuration value should be removed, otherwise set. |
validate_only | Whether the alteration should be validated, but not performed. |
AlterClientQuotas Request (Version: 1) => [entries] validate_only _tagged_fields entries => [entity] [ops] _tagged_fields entity => entity_type entity_name _tagged_fields entity_type => COMPACT_STRING entity_name => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING ops => key value remove _tagged_fields key => COMPACT_STRING value => FLOAT64 remove => BOOLEAN validate_only => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
entries | The quota configuration entries to alter. |
entity | The quota entity to alter. |
entity_type | The entity type. |
entity_name | The name of the entity, or null if the default. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
ops | An individual quota configuration entry to alter. |
key | The quota configuration key. |
value | The value to set, otherwise ignored if the value is to be removed. |
remove | Whether the quota configuration value should be removed, otherwise set. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
validate_only | Whether the alteration should be validated, but not performed. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
AlterClientQuotas Response (Version: 0) => throttle_time_ms [entries] throttle_time_ms => INT32 entries => error_code error_message [entity] error_code => INT16 error_message => NULLABLE_STRING entity => entity_type entity_name entity_type => STRING entity_name => NULLABLE_STRING
Response header version: 0
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
entries | The quota configuration entries to alter. |
error_code | The error code, or `0` if the quota alteration succeeded. |
error_message | The error message, or `null` if the quota alteration succeeded. |
entity | The quota entity to alter. |
entity_type | The entity type. |
entity_name | The name of the entity, or null if the default. |
DescribeUserScramCredentials API (Key: 50):
Requests:DescribeUserScramCredentials Request (Version: 0) => [users] _tagged_fields users => name _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
users | The users to describe, or null/empty to describe all users. |
name | The user name. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
AlterUserScramCredentials API (Key: 51):
Requests:AlterUserScramCredentials Request (Version: 0) => [deletions] [upsertions] _tagged_fields deletions => name mechanism _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING mechanism => INT8 upsertions => name mechanism iterations salt salted_password _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING mechanism => INT8 iterations => INT32 salt => COMPACT_BYTES salted_password => COMPACT_BYTES
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
deletions | The SCRAM credentials to remove. |
name | The user name. |
mechanism | The SCRAM mechanism. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
upsertions | The SCRAM credentials to update/insert. |
name | The user name. |
mechanism | The SCRAM mechanism. |
iterations | The number of iterations. |
salt | A random salt generated by the client. |
salted_password | The salted password. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
DescribeQuorum API (Key: 55):
Requests:DescribeQuorum Request (Version: 0) => [topics] _tagged_fields topics => topic_name [partitions] _tagged_fields topic_name => COMPACT_STRING partitions => partition_index _tagged_fields partition_index => INT32
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
topics | The topics to describe. |
topic_name | The topic name. |
partitions | The partitions to describe. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
DescribeQuorum Request (Version: 1) => [topics] _tagged_fields topics => topic_name [partitions] _tagged_fields topic_name => COMPACT_STRING partitions => partition_index _tagged_fields partition_index => INT32
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
topics | The topics to describe. |
topic_name | The topic name. |
partitions | The partitions to describe. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
DescribeQuorum Request (Version: 2) => [topics] _tagged_fields topics => topic_name [partitions] _tagged_fields topic_name => COMPACT_STRING partitions => partition_index _tagged_fields partition_index => INT32
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
topics | The topics to describe. |
topic_name | The topic name. |
partitions | The partitions to describe. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
DescribeQuorum Response (Version: 0) => error_code [topics] _tagged_fields error_code => INT16 topics => topic_name [partitions] _tagged_fields topic_name => COMPACT_STRING partitions => partition_index error_code leader_id leader_epoch high_watermark [current_voters] [observers] _tagged_fields partition_index => INT32 error_code => INT16 leader_id => INT32 leader_epoch => INT32 high_watermark => INT64 current_voters => replica_id log_end_offset _tagged_fields replica_id => INT32 log_end_offset => INT64 observers => replica_id log_end_offset _tagged_fields replica_id => INT32 log_end_offset => INT64
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
error_code | The top level error code. |
topics | The response from the describe quorum API. |
topic_name | The topic name. |
partitions | The partition data. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
error_code | The partition error code. |
leader_id | The ID of the current leader or -1 if the leader is unknown. |
leader_epoch | The latest known leader epoch. |
high_watermark | The high water mark. |
current_voters | The current voters of the partition. |
replica_id | The ID of the replica. |
log_end_offset | The last known log end offset of the follower or -1 if it is unknown. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
observers | The observers of the partition. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
DescribeQuorum Response (Version: 1) => error_code [topics] _tagged_fields error_code => INT16 topics => topic_name [partitions] _tagged_fields topic_name => COMPACT_STRING partitions => partition_index error_code leader_id leader_epoch high_watermark [current_voters] [observers] _tagged_fields partition_index => INT32 error_code => INT16 leader_id => INT32 leader_epoch => INT32 high_watermark => INT64 current_voters => replica_id log_end_offset last_fetch_timestamp last_caught_up_timestamp _tagged_fields replica_id => INT32 log_end_offset => INT64 last_fetch_timestamp => INT64 last_caught_up_timestamp => INT64 observers => replica_id log_end_offset last_fetch_timestamp last_caught_up_timestamp _tagged_fields replica_id => INT32 log_end_offset => INT64 last_fetch_timestamp => INT64 last_caught_up_timestamp => INT64
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
error_code | The top level error code. |
topics | The response from the describe quorum API. |
topic_name | The topic name. |
partitions | The partition data. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
error_code | The partition error code. |
leader_id | The ID of the current leader or -1 if the leader is unknown. |
leader_epoch | The latest known leader epoch. |
high_watermark | The high water mark. |
current_voters | The current voters of the partition. |
replica_id | The ID of the replica. |
log_end_offset | The last known log end offset of the follower or -1 if it is unknown. |
last_fetch_timestamp | The last known leader wall clock time time when a follower fetched from the leader. This is reported as -1 both for the current leader or if it is unknown for a voter. |
last_caught_up_timestamp | The leader wall clock append time of the offset for which the follower made the most recent fetch request. This is reported as the current time for the leader and -1 if unknown for a voter. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
observers | The observers of the partition. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
UpdateFeatures API (Key: 57):
Requests:UpdateFeatures Request (Version: 0) => timeout_ms [feature_updates] _tagged_fields timeout_ms => INT32 feature_updates => feature max_version_level allow_downgrade _tagged_fields feature => COMPACT_STRING max_version_level => INT16 allow_downgrade => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
timeout_ms | How long to wait in milliseconds before timing out the request. |
feature_updates | The list of updates to finalized features. |
feature | The name of the finalized feature to be updated. |
max_version_level | The new maximum version level for the finalized feature. A value >= 1 is valid. A value < 1, is special, and can be used to request the deletion of the finalized feature. |
allow_downgrade | DEPRECATED in version 1 (see DowngradeType). When set to true, the finalized feature version level is allowed to be downgraded/deleted. The downgrade request will fail if the new maximum version level is a value that's not lower than the existing maximum finalized version level. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
UpdateFeatures Request (Version: 1) => timeout_ms [feature_updates] validate_only _tagged_fields timeout_ms => INT32 feature_updates => feature max_version_level upgrade_type _tagged_fields feature => COMPACT_STRING max_version_level => INT16 upgrade_type => INT8 validate_only => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
timeout_ms | How long to wait in milliseconds before timing out the request. |
feature_updates | The list of updates to finalized features. |
feature | The name of the finalized feature to be updated. |
max_version_level | The new maximum version level for the finalized feature. A value >= 1 is valid. A value < 1, is special, and can be used to request the deletion of the finalized feature. |
upgrade_type | Determine which type of upgrade will be performed: 1 will perform an upgrade only (default), 2 is safe downgrades only (lossless), 3 is unsafe downgrades (lossy). |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
validate_only | True if we should validate the request, but not perform the upgrade or downgrade. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
UpdateFeatures Request (Version: 2) => timeout_ms [feature_updates] validate_only _tagged_fields timeout_ms => INT32 feature_updates => feature max_version_level upgrade_type _tagged_fields feature => COMPACT_STRING max_version_level => INT16 upgrade_type => INT8 validate_only => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
timeout_ms | How long to wait in milliseconds before timing out the request. |
feature_updates | The list of updates to finalized features. |
feature | The name of the finalized feature to be updated. |
max_version_level | The new maximum version level for the finalized feature. A value >= 1 is valid. A value < 1, is special, and can be used to request the deletion of the finalized feature. |
upgrade_type | Determine which type of upgrade will be performed: 1 will perform an upgrade only (default), 2 is safe downgrades only (lossless), 3 is unsafe downgrades (lossy). |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
validate_only | True if we should validate the request, but not perform the upgrade or downgrade. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
UpdateFeatures Response (Version: 0) => throttle_time_ms error_code error_message [results] _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 error_message => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING results => feature error_code error_message _tagged_fields feature => COMPACT_STRING error_code => INT16 error_message => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The top-level error code, or `0` if there was no top-level error. |
error_message | The top-level error message, or `null` if there was no top-level error. |
results | Results for each feature update. |
feature | The name of the finalized feature. |
error_code | The feature update error code or `0` if the feature update succeeded. |
error_message | The feature update error, or `null` if the feature update succeeded. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
UpdateFeatures Response (Version: 1) => throttle_time_ms error_code error_message [results] _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 error_message => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING results => feature error_code error_message _tagged_fields feature => COMPACT_STRING error_code => INT16 error_message => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The top-level error code, or `0` if there was no top-level error. |
error_message | The top-level error message, or `null` if there was no top-level error. |
results | Results for each feature update. |
feature | The name of the finalized feature. |
error_code | The feature update error code or `0` if the feature update succeeded. |
error_message | The feature update error, or `null` if the feature update succeeded. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
DescribeCluster API (Key: 60):
Requests:DescribeCluster Request (Version: 0) => include_cluster_authorized_operations _tagged_fields include_cluster_authorized_operations => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
include_cluster_authorized_operations | Whether to include cluster authorized operations. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
DescribeCluster Request (Version: 1) => include_cluster_authorized_operations endpoint_type _tagged_fields include_cluster_authorized_operations => BOOLEAN endpoint_type => INT8
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
include_cluster_authorized_operations | Whether to include cluster authorized operations. |
endpoint_type | The endpoint type to describe. 1=brokers, 2=controllers. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
DescribeCluster Request (Version: 2) => include_cluster_authorized_operations endpoint_type include_fenced_brokers _tagged_fields include_cluster_authorized_operations => BOOLEAN endpoint_type => INT8 include_fenced_brokers => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
include_cluster_authorized_operations | Whether to include cluster authorized operations. |
endpoint_type | The endpoint type to describe. 1=brokers, 2=controllers. |
include_fenced_brokers | Whether to include fenced brokers when listing brokers. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
DescribeCluster Response (Version: 0) => throttle_time_ms error_code error_message cluster_id controller_id [brokers] cluster_authorized_operations _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 error_message => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING cluster_id => COMPACT_STRING controller_id => INT32 brokers => broker_id host port rack _tagged_fields broker_id => INT32 host => COMPACT_STRING port => INT32 rack => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING cluster_authorized_operations => INT32
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The top-level error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
error_message | The top-level error message, or null if there was no error. |
cluster_id | The cluster ID that responding broker belongs to. |
controller_id | The ID of the controller broker. |
brokers | Each broker in the response. |
broker_id | The broker ID. |
host | The broker hostname. |
port | The broker port. |
rack | The rack of the broker, or null if it has not been assigned to a rack. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
cluster_authorized_operations | 32-bit bitfield to represent authorized operations for this cluster. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
DescribeCluster Response (Version: 1) => throttle_time_ms error_code error_message endpoint_type cluster_id controller_id [brokers] cluster_authorized_operations _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 error_message => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING endpoint_type => INT8 cluster_id => COMPACT_STRING controller_id => INT32 brokers => broker_id host port rack _tagged_fields broker_id => INT32 host => COMPACT_STRING port => INT32 rack => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING cluster_authorized_operations => INT32
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The top-level error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
error_message | The top-level error message, or null if there was no error. |
endpoint_type | The endpoint type that was described. 1=brokers, 2=controllers. |
cluster_id | The cluster ID that responding broker belongs to. |
controller_id | The ID of the controller broker. |
brokers | Each broker in the response. |
broker_id | The broker ID. |
host | The broker hostname. |
port | The broker port. |
rack | The rack of the broker, or null if it has not been assigned to a rack. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
cluster_authorized_operations | 32-bit bitfield to represent authorized operations for this cluster. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
DescribeProducers API (Key: 61):
Requests:DescribeProducers Request (Version: 0) => [topics] _tagged_fields topics => name [partition_indexes] _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING partition_indexes => INT32
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
topics | The topics to list producers for. |
name | The topic name. |
partition_indexes | The indexes of the partitions to list producers for. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
UnregisterBroker API (Key: 64):
Requests:UnregisterBroker Request (Version: 0) => broker_id _tagged_fields broker_id => INT32
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
broker_id | The broker ID to unregister. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
DescribeTransactions API (Key: 65):
Requests:DescribeTransactions Request (Version: 0) => [transactional_ids] _tagged_fields transactional_ids => COMPACT_STRING
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
transactional_ids | Array of transactionalIds to include in describe results. If empty, then no results will be returned. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
ListTransactions API (Key: 66):
Requests:ListTransactions Request (Version: 0) => [state_filters] [producer_id_filters] _tagged_fields state_filters => COMPACT_STRING producer_id_filters => INT64
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
state_filters | The transaction states to filter by: if empty, all transactions are returned; if non-empty, then only transactions matching one of the filtered states will be returned. |
producer_id_filters | The producerIds to filter by: if empty, all transactions will be returned; if non-empty, only transactions which match one of the filtered producerIds will be returned. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
ListTransactions Request (Version: 1) => [state_filters] [producer_id_filters] duration_filter _tagged_fields state_filters => COMPACT_STRING producer_id_filters => INT64 duration_filter => INT64
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
state_filters | The transaction states to filter by: if empty, all transactions are returned; if non-empty, then only transactions matching one of the filtered states will be returned. |
producer_id_filters | The producerIds to filter by: if empty, all transactions will be returned; if non-empty, only transactions which match one of the filtered producerIds will be returned. |
duration_filter | Duration (in millis) to filter by: if < 0, all transactions will be returned; otherwise, only transactions running longer than this duration will be returned. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
ListTransactions Response (Version: 0) => throttle_time_ms error_code [unknown_state_filters] [transaction_states] _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 unknown_state_filters => COMPACT_STRING transaction_states => transactional_id producer_id transaction_state _tagged_fields transactional_id => COMPACT_STRING producer_id => INT64 transaction_state => COMPACT_STRING
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
unknown_state_filters | Set of state filters provided in the request which were unknown to the transaction coordinator. |
transaction_states | The current state of the transaction for the transactional id. |
transactional_id | The transactional id. |
producer_id | The producer id. |
transaction_state | The current transaction state of the producer. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
ConsumerGroupHeartbeat API (Key: 68):
Requests:ConsumerGroupHeartbeat Request (Version: 0) => group_id member_id member_epoch instance_id rack_id rebalance_timeout_ms [subscribed_topic_names] server_assignor [topic_partitions] _tagged_fields group_id => COMPACT_STRING member_id => COMPACT_STRING member_epoch => INT32 instance_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING rack_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING rebalance_timeout_ms => INT32 subscribed_topic_names => COMPACT_STRING server_assignor => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING topic_partitions => topic_id [partitions] _tagged_fields topic_id => UUID partitions => INT32
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
group_id | The group identifier. |
member_id | The member id generated by the consumer. The member id must be kept during the entire lifetime of the consumer process. |
member_epoch | The current member epoch; 0 to join the group; -1 to leave the group; -2 to indicate that the static member will rejoin. |
instance_id | null if not provided or if it didn't change since the last heartbeat; the instance Id otherwise. |
rack_id | null if not provided or if it didn't change since the last heartbeat; the rack ID of consumer otherwise. |
rebalance_timeout_ms | -1 if it didn't change since the last heartbeat; the maximum time in milliseconds that the coordinator will wait on the member to revoke its partitions otherwise. |
subscribed_topic_names | null if it didn't change since the last heartbeat; the subscribed topic names otherwise. |
server_assignor | null if not used or if it didn't change since the last heartbeat; the server side assignor to use otherwise. |
topic_partitions | null if it didn't change since the last heartbeat; the partitions owned by the member. |
topic_id | The topic ID. |
partitions | The partitions. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
ConsumerGroupHeartbeat Request (Version: 1) => group_id member_id member_epoch instance_id rack_id rebalance_timeout_ms [subscribed_topic_names] subscribed_topic_regex server_assignor [topic_partitions] _tagged_fields group_id => COMPACT_STRING member_id => COMPACT_STRING member_epoch => INT32 instance_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING rack_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING rebalance_timeout_ms => INT32 subscribed_topic_names => COMPACT_STRING subscribed_topic_regex => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING server_assignor => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING topic_partitions => topic_id [partitions] _tagged_fields topic_id => UUID partitions => INT32
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
group_id | The group identifier. |
member_id | The member id generated by the consumer. The member id must be kept during the entire lifetime of the consumer process. |
member_epoch | The current member epoch; 0 to join the group; -1 to leave the group; -2 to indicate that the static member will rejoin. |
instance_id | null if not provided or if it didn't change since the last heartbeat; the instance Id otherwise. |
rack_id | null if not provided or if it didn't change since the last heartbeat; the rack ID of consumer otherwise. |
rebalance_timeout_ms | -1 if it didn't change since the last heartbeat; the maximum time in milliseconds that the coordinator will wait on the member to revoke its partitions otherwise. |
subscribed_topic_names | null if it didn't change since the last heartbeat; the subscribed topic names otherwise. |
subscribed_topic_regex | null if it didn't change since the last heartbeat; the subscribed topic regex otherwise. |
server_assignor | null if not used or if it didn't change since the last heartbeat; the server side assignor to use otherwise. |
topic_partitions | null if it didn't change since the last heartbeat; the partitions owned by the member. |
topic_id | The topic ID. |
partitions | The partitions. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
ConsumerGroupHeartbeat Response (Version: 0) => throttle_time_ms error_code error_message member_id member_epoch heartbeat_interval_ms assignment _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 error_code => INT16 error_message => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING member_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING member_epoch => INT32 heartbeat_interval_ms => INT32 assignment => [topic_partitions] _tagged_fields topic_partitions => topic_id [partitions] _tagged_fields topic_id => UUID partitions => INT32
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
error_code | The top-level error code, or 0 if there was no error. |
error_message | The top-level error message, or null if there was no error. |
member_id | The member id is generated by the consumer starting from version 1, while in version 0, it can be provided by users or generated by the group coordinator. |
member_epoch | The member epoch. |
heartbeat_interval_ms | The heartbeat interval in milliseconds. |
assignment | null if not provided; the assignment otherwise. |
topic_partitions | The partitions assigned to the member that can be used immediately. |
topic_id | The topic ID. |
partitions | The partitions. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
ConsumerGroupDescribe API (Key: 69):
Requests:ConsumerGroupDescribe Request (Version: 0) => [group_ids] include_authorized_operations _tagged_fields group_ids => COMPACT_STRING include_authorized_operations => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
group_ids | The ids of the groups to describe. |
include_authorized_operations | Whether to include authorized operations. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
ConsumerGroupDescribe Request (Version: 1) => [group_ids] include_authorized_operations _tagged_fields group_ids => COMPACT_STRING include_authorized_operations => BOOLEAN
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
group_ids | The ids of the groups to describe. |
include_authorized_operations | Whether to include authorized operations. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
ConsumerGroupDescribe Response (Version: 0) => throttle_time_ms [groups] _tagged_fields throttle_time_ms => INT32 groups => error_code error_message group_id group_state group_epoch assignment_epoch assignor_name [members] authorized_operations _tagged_fields error_code => INT16 error_message => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING group_id => COMPACT_STRING group_state => COMPACT_STRING group_epoch => INT32 assignment_epoch => INT32 assignor_name => COMPACT_STRING members => member_id instance_id rack_id member_epoch client_id client_host [subscribed_topic_names] subscribed_topic_regex assignment target_assignment _tagged_fields member_id => COMPACT_STRING instance_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING rack_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING member_epoch => INT32 client_id => COMPACT_STRING client_host => COMPACT_STRING subscribed_topic_names => COMPACT_STRING subscribed_topic_regex => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING assignment => [topic_partitions] _tagged_fields topic_partitions => topic_id topic_name [partitions] _tagged_fields topic_id => UUID topic_name => COMPACT_STRING partitions => INT32 target_assignment => [topic_partitions] _tagged_fields topic_partitions => topic_id topic_name [partitions] _tagged_fields topic_id => UUID topic_name => COMPACT_STRING partitions => INT32 authorized_operations => INT32
Response header version: 1
Field | Description |
throttle_time_ms | The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota. |
groups | Each described group. |
error_code | The describe error, or 0 if there was no error. |
error_message | The top-level error message, or null if there was no error. |
group_id | The group ID string. |
group_state | The group state string, or the empty string. |
group_epoch | The group epoch. |
assignment_epoch | The assignment epoch. |
assignor_name | The selected assignor. |
members | The members. |
member_id | The member ID. |
instance_id | The member instance ID. |
rack_id | The member rack ID. |
member_epoch | The current member epoch. |
client_id | The client ID. |
client_host | The client host. |
subscribed_topic_names | The subscribed topic names. |
subscribed_topic_regex | the subscribed topic regex otherwise or null of not provided. |
assignment | The current assignment. |
topic_partitions | The assigned topic-partitions to the member. |
topic_id | The topic ID. |
topic_name | The topic name. |
partitions | The partitions. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
target_assignment | The target assignment. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
authorized_operations | 32-bit bitfield to represent authorized operations for this group. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
GetTelemetrySubscriptions API (Key: 71):
Requests:GetTelemetrySubscriptions Request (Version: 0) => client_instance_id _tagged_fields client_instance_id => UUID
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
client_instance_id | Unique id for this client instance, must be set to 0 on the first request. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
PushTelemetry API (Key: 72):
Requests:PushTelemetry Request (Version: 0) => client_instance_id subscription_id terminating compression_type metrics _tagged_fields client_instance_id => UUID subscription_id => INT32 terminating => BOOLEAN compression_type => INT8 metrics => COMPACT_BYTES
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
client_instance_id | Unique id for this client instance. |
subscription_id | Unique identifier for the current subscription. |
terminating | Client is terminating the connection. |
compression_type | Compression codec used to compress the metrics. |
metrics | Metrics encoded in OpenTelemetry MetricsData v1 protobuf format. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
ListClientMetricsResources API (Key: 74):
Requests:ListClientMetricsResources Request (Version: 0) => _tagged_fields
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
DescribeTopicPartitions API (Key: 75):
Requests:DescribeTopicPartitions Request (Version: 0) => [topics] response_partition_limit cursor _tagged_fields topics => name _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING response_partition_limit => INT32 cursor => topic_name partition_index _tagged_fields topic_name => COMPACT_STRING partition_index => INT32
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
topics | The topics to fetch details for. |
name | The topic name. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
response_partition_limit | The maximum number of partitions included in the response. |
cursor | The first topic and partition index to fetch details for. |
topic_name | The name for the first topic to process. |
partition_index | The partition index to start with. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
ShareGroupHeartbeat API (Key: 76):
Requests:ShareGroupHeartbeat Request (Version: 0) => group_id member_id member_epoch rack_id [subscribed_topic_names] _tagged_fields group_id => COMPACT_STRING member_id => COMPACT_STRING member_epoch => INT32 rack_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING subscribed_topic_names => COMPACT_STRING
This version of the request is unstable.
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
group_id | The group identifier. |
member_id | The member id. |
member_epoch | The current member epoch; 0 to join the group; -1 to leave the group. |
rack_id | null if not provided or if it didn't change since the last heartbeat; the rack ID of consumer otherwise. |
subscribed_topic_names | null if it didn't change since the last heartbeat; the subscribed topic names otherwise. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
ShareGroupDescribe API (Key: 77):
Requests:ShareGroupDescribe Request (Version: 0) => [group_ids] include_authorized_operations _tagged_fields group_ids => COMPACT_STRING include_authorized_operations => BOOLEAN
This version of the request is unstable.
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
group_ids | The ids of the groups to describe. |
include_authorized_operations | Whether to include authorized operations. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
ShareFetch API (Key: 78):
Requests:ShareFetch Request (Version: 0) => group_id member_id share_session_epoch max_wait_ms min_bytes max_bytes [topics] [forgotten_topics_data] _tagged_fields group_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING member_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING share_session_epoch => INT32 max_wait_ms => INT32 min_bytes => INT32 max_bytes => INT32 topics => topic_id [partitions] _tagged_fields topic_id => UUID partitions => partition_index partition_max_bytes [acknowledgement_batches] _tagged_fields partition_index => INT32 partition_max_bytes => INT32 acknowledgement_batches => first_offset last_offset [acknowledge_types] _tagged_fields first_offset => INT64 last_offset => INT64 acknowledge_types => INT8 forgotten_topics_data => topic_id [partitions] _tagged_fields topic_id => UUID partitions => INT32
This version of the request is unstable.
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
group_id | The group identifier. |
member_id | The member ID. |
share_session_epoch | The current share session epoch: 0 to open a share session; -1 to close it; otherwise increments for consecutive requests. |
max_wait_ms | The maximum time in milliseconds to wait for the response. |
min_bytes | The minimum bytes to accumulate in the response. |
max_bytes | The maximum bytes to fetch. See KIP-74 for cases where this limit may not be honored. |
topics | The topics to fetch. |
topic_id | The unique topic ID. |
partitions | The partitions to fetch. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
partition_max_bytes | The maximum bytes to fetch from this partition. 0 when only acknowledgement with no fetching is required. See KIP-74 for cases where this limit may not be honored. |
acknowledgement_batches | Record batches to acknowledge. |
first_offset | First offset of batch of records to acknowledge. |
last_offset | Last offset (inclusive) of batch of records to acknowledge. |
acknowledge_types | Array of acknowledge types - 0:Gap,1:Accept,2:Release,3:Reject. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
forgotten_topics_data | The partitions to remove from this share session. |
topic_id | The unique topic ID. |
partitions | The partitions indexes to forget. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
ShareAcknowledge API (Key: 79):
Requests:ShareAcknowledge Request (Version: 0) => group_id member_id share_session_epoch [topics] _tagged_fields group_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING member_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING share_session_epoch => INT32 topics => topic_id [partitions] _tagged_fields topic_id => UUID partitions => partition_index [acknowledgement_batches] _tagged_fields partition_index => INT32 acknowledgement_batches => first_offset last_offset [acknowledge_types] _tagged_fields first_offset => INT64 last_offset => INT64 acknowledge_types => INT8
This version of the request is unstable.
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
group_id | The group identifier. |
member_id | The member ID. |
share_session_epoch | The current share session epoch: 0 to open a share session; -1 to close it; otherwise increments for consecutive requests. |
topics | The topics containing records to acknowledge. |
topic_id | The unique topic ID. |
partitions | The partitions containing records to acknowledge. |
partition_index | The partition index. |
acknowledgement_batches | Record batches to acknowledge. |
first_offset | First offset of batch of records to acknowledge. |
last_offset | Last offset (inclusive) of batch of records to acknowledge. |
acknowledge_types | Array of acknowledge types - 0:Gap,1:Accept,2:Release,3:Reject. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
AddRaftVoter API (Key: 80):
Requests:AddRaftVoter Request (Version: 0) => cluster_id timeout_ms voter_id voter_directory_id [listeners] _tagged_fields cluster_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING timeout_ms => INT32 voter_id => INT32 voter_directory_id => UUID listeners => name host port _tagged_fields name => COMPACT_STRING host => COMPACT_STRING port => UINT16
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
cluster_id | The cluster id. |
timeout_ms | The maximum time to wait for the request to complete before returning. |
voter_id | The replica id of the voter getting added to the topic partition. |
voter_directory_id | The directory id of the voter getting added to the topic partition. |
listeners | The endpoints that can be used to communicate with the voter. |
name | The name of the endpoint. |
host | The hostname. |
port | The port. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
RemoveRaftVoter API (Key: 81):
Requests:RemoveRaftVoter Request (Version: 0) => cluster_id voter_id voter_directory_id _tagged_fields cluster_id => COMPACT_NULLABLE_STRING voter_id => INT32 voter_directory_id => UUID
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
cluster_id | The cluster id of the request. |
voter_id | The replica id of the voter getting removed from the topic partition. |
voter_directory_id | The directory id of the voter getting removed from the topic partition. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
InitializeShareGroupState API (Key: 83):
Requests:InitializeShareGroupState Request (Version: 0) => group_id [topics] _tagged_fields group_id => COMPACT_STRING topics => topic_id [partitions] _tagged_fields topic_id => UUID partitions => partition state_epoch start_offset _tagged_fields partition => INT32 state_epoch => INT32 start_offset => INT64
This version of the request is unstable.
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
group_id | The group identifier. |
topics | The data for the topics. |
topic_id | The topic identifier. |
partitions | The data for the partitions. |
partition | The partition index. |
state_epoch | The state epoch for this share-partition. |
start_offset | The share-partition start offset, or -1 if the start offset is not being initialized. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
ReadShareGroupState API (Key: 84):
Requests:ReadShareGroupState Request (Version: 0) => group_id [topics] _tagged_fields group_id => COMPACT_STRING topics => topic_id [partitions] _tagged_fields topic_id => UUID partitions => partition leader_epoch _tagged_fields partition => INT32 leader_epoch => INT32
This version of the request is unstable.
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
group_id | The group identifier. |
topics | The data for the topics. |
topic_id | The topic identifier. |
partitions | The data for the partitions. |
partition | The partition index. |
leader_epoch | The leader epoch of the share-partition. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
WriteShareGroupState API (Key: 85):
Requests:WriteShareGroupState Request (Version: 0) => group_id [topics] _tagged_fields group_id => COMPACT_STRING topics => topic_id [partitions] _tagged_fields topic_id => UUID partitions => partition state_epoch leader_epoch start_offset [state_batches] _tagged_fields partition => INT32 state_epoch => INT32 leader_epoch => INT32 start_offset => INT64 state_batches => first_offset last_offset delivery_state delivery_count _tagged_fields first_offset => INT64 last_offset => INT64 delivery_state => INT8 delivery_count => INT16
This version of the request is unstable.
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
group_id | The group identifier. |
topics | The data for the topics. |
topic_id | The topic identifier. |
partitions | The data for the partitions. |
partition | The partition index. |
state_epoch | The state epoch for this share-partition. |
leader_epoch | The leader epoch of the share-partition. |
start_offset | The share-partition start offset, or -1 if the start offset is not being written. |
state_batches | The state batches for the share-partition. |
first_offset | The base offset of this state batch. |
last_offset | The last offset of this state batch. |
delivery_state | The state - 0:Available,2:Acked,4:Archived. |
delivery_count | The delivery count. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
DeleteShareGroupState API (Key: 86):
Requests:DeleteShareGroupState Request (Version: 0) => group_id [topics] _tagged_fields group_id => COMPACT_STRING topics => topic_id [partitions] _tagged_fields topic_id => UUID partitions => partition _tagged_fields partition => INT32
This version of the request is unstable.
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
group_id | The group identifier. |
topics | The data for the topics. |
topic_id | The topic identifier. |
partitions | The data for the partitions. |
partition | The partition index. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
ReadShareGroupStateSummary API (Key: 87):
Requests:ReadShareGroupStateSummary Request (Version: 0) => group_id [topics] _tagged_fields group_id => COMPACT_STRING topics => topic_id [partitions] _tagged_fields topic_id => UUID partitions => partition leader_epoch _tagged_fields partition => INT32 leader_epoch => INT32
This version of the request is unstable.
Request header version: 2
Field | Description |
group_id | The group identifier. |
topics | The data for the topics. |
topic_id | The topic identifier. |
partitions | The data for the partitions. |
partition | The partition index. |
leader_epoch | The leader epoch of the share-partition. |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
_tagged_fields | The tagged fields |
Some Common Philosophical Questions
Some people have asked why we don't use HTTP. There are a number of reasons, the best is that client implementors can make use of some of the more advanced TCP features--the ability to multiplex requests, the ability to simultaneously poll many connections, etc. We have also found HTTP libraries in many languages to be surprisingly shabby.
Others have asked if maybe we shouldn't support many different protocols. Prior experience with this was that it makes it very hard to add and test new features if they have to be ported across many protocol implementations. Our feeling is that most users don't really see multiple protocols as a feature, they just want a good reliable client in the language of their choice.
Another question is why we don't adopt XMPP, STOMP, AMQP or an existing protocol. The answer to this varies by protocol, but in general the problem is that the protocol does determine large parts of the implementation and we couldn't do what we are doing if we didn't have control over the protocol. Our belief is that it is possible to do better than existing messaging systems have in providing a truly distributed messaging system, and to do this we need to build something that works differently.
A final question is why we don't use a system like Protocol Buffers or Thrift to define our request messages. These packages excel at helping you to managing lots and lots of serialized messages. However we have only a few messages. Support across languages is somewhat spotty (depending on the package). Finally the mapping between binary log format and wire protocol is something we manage somewhat carefully and this would not be possible with these systems. Finally we prefer the style of versioning APIs explicitly and checking this to inferring new values as nulls as it allows more nuanced control of compatibility.