Package org.apache.kafka.common.errors
package org.apache.kafka.common.errors
Provides common exception classes.
ClassDescriptionAny API exception that is part of the public protocol and should be a subclass of this class and be part of this package.This exception indicates that SASL authentication has failed.An exception that indicates that the authorizer is not ready to receive the request yet.In the context of the group coordinator, the broker returns this error code for any coordinator request if it is still loading the group metadata (e.g.In the context of the group coordinator, the broker returns this error code for metadata or offset commit requests if the group metadata topic has not been created yet.This exception indicates a record has failed its internal CRC check, this generally indicates network or disk corruption.Server disconnected before a request could be completed.Exception thrown due to a request that illegally refers to the same resource twice (for example, trying to both create and delete the same SCRAM credential for a particular user in a single request).The request contained a leader epoch which is smaller than that on the broker that received the request.Thrown when the share coordinator rejected the request because the share-group state epoch did not match.Indicates that a consumer group is already at its configured maximum capacity and cannot accommodate more membersThis exception indicates unexpected requests prior to SASL authentication.An unchecked wrapper for InterruptedExceptionAn exception that may indicate the client's metadata is out of dateThrown when the offset for a set of partitions is invalid (either undefined or out of range), and no reset policy has been configured.This exception indicates that the produce request sent to the partition leader contains a non-matching producer epoch.Thrown when the acknowledgement of delivery of a record could not be completed because the record state is invalid.Thrown when a broker registration request is considered invalid by the controller.Thrown when a regular expression received in a request is not valid.Thrown when a request breaks basic wire protocol rules.Thrown when the share session epoch is invalid.Indicate the timestamp of a record is invalid.The client has attempted to perform an operation on an invalid topic.The transaction coordinator returns this error code if the timeout received via the InitProducerIdRequest is larger than the `` config value.Miscellaneous disk-related IOException occurred when handling a request.There is no currently available leader for the given partition (either because a leadership election is in progress or because all replicas are down).The leader does not have an endpoint corresponding to the listener on which metadata was requested.Thrown when a request is made for a log directory that is not present on the brokerA misc.Thrown if a reassignment cannot be cancelled because none is in progress.In the context of the group coordinator, the broker returns this error code if it receives an offset fetch or commit request for a group it's not the coordinator of.Number of insync replicas for the partition is lower than min.insync.replicas This exception is raised when the low ISR size is discovered *after* the message was already appended to the log.Number of insync replicas for the partition is lower than min.insync.replicasBroker returns this error if a request could not be processed because the broker is not the leader or follower for a topic partition.The client has tried to save its offset with associated metadata larger than the maximum size allowed by the server.Indicates that the leader is not able to guarantee monotonically increasing offsets due to the high watermark lagging behind the epoch start offset after a recent leader electionNo reset policy has been defined, and the offsets for these partitions are either larger or smaller than the range of offsets the server has for the given partition.Indicates that the broker did not attempt to execute this operation.This exception indicates that the broker received an unexpected sequence number from the producer, which means that data may have been lost.Exception thrown if a create topics request does not satisfy the configured policy for a topic.Exception used to indicate a kafka principal deserialization failure during request forwarding.This fatal exception indicates that another producer with the same
has been started.Thrown if a request cannot be completed because a partition reassignment is in progress.This record batch is larger than the maximum allowable sizeThis exception is raised for any error that occurs while deserializing records received by the consumer using the configuredDeserializer
.This record is larger than the maximum allowable sizeThe replica is not available for the requested topic partition.Exception thrown due to a request for a resource that does not exist.A retriable exception is a transient exception that if retried may succeed.This exception indicates that SASL authentication has failed.An error indicating that security is disabled on the broker.Any exception during serialization in the producerThrown when the share session was not found.This exception indicates that SSL handshake has failed.The StaleMemberEpochException is used in the context of the new consumer group protocol (KIP-848).This exception indicates that the size of the telemetry metrics data is too large.Exception thrown if an operation on a resource exceeds the throttling quota.Indicates that a request timed out.This is the Exception thrown when we are aborting any undrained batches during a transaction which is aborted without any underlying cause - which likely means that the user chose to abort.Exception thrown when attempting to define a credential that does not meet the criteria for acceptability (for example, attempting to create a SCRAM credential with an empty username or password or too few/many iterations).The request contained a leader epoch which is larger than that on the broker that received the request.This exception is raised by the broker if it could not locate the producer metadata associated with the producerId in question.An error occurred on the server for which the client doesn't have a corresponding error code.This exception indicates that the client sent an invalid or outdated SubscriptionIdThis topic/partition doesn't exist.Exception thrown when there are unstable offsets for the requested topic partitions.Authentication mechanism does not support the requested function.The requesting client does not support the compression type of given partition.The message format version does not support the requested function.This exception indicates that the SASL mechanism requested by the client is not enabled on the broker.Indicates that a request API or version needed by the client is not supported by the broker.Exception used to indicate preemption of a blocking operation by an external thread.